Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 943: Promise of Princess Gui Ji

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You Long Wu Ji was trapped by the big formation, and it was almost impossible for their blood demons to defeat Zhang Mofan.

Now, Gui Jiyue can only beg for mercy. She doesn't want to see her companions, especially the geniuses of the Blood Demon Race, fall down in front of her.

This scene was very cruel to her.

Zhang Mofan glanced at him faintly and said: "I don't want to cause too many killings. You are asking for all this. If you change it to you, are you willing to bypass us?"

Gui Jiyue put up **** and said: "My Gui Jiyue swears to the sky that as long as you stop today, we will immediately exit the lost area and destroy the boundary bridge. Moreover, my blood demon world will be at least in the next 100 years, Will not invade Zhou Yuanjie."

"How can your little samurai influence the overall situation?"

Zhang Mofan asked in surprise.

If the Blood Demon Realm really gave up invading Zhou Yuan Realm, even if he put the geniuses in front of him, it was not impossible.

But is it possible?

"You probably don't know that I still have an identity. I am still Princess Guiji of the Blood Demon Race. My mother is of the blood of the Blood Demon Race royal family. As long as I explain the reason, they will definitely consider it carefully."

Gui Jiyue said.

The blood demon clan has thirty-six veins, but there is one line. Beyond these thirty-six veins, it is the blood demon line, and the blood demon line is considered the royal family.

Although the blood demon line has fallen, the Youlong line has risen strongly.

However, the blood demon family is a royal clan at any time, and has major decision-making power. Even if You Longcang becomes the patriarch of the blood demon clan, many blood demon elders will vote and decide.

"it is good!"

Zhang Mofan nodded, retracted his momentum, and said, "I hope you can keep your promise."

After speaking, he also said loudly: "All the warriors of the Zhou Yuanjie camp, we have won this battle, and we can go home."

Although he could not really kill all the samurai of the blood demon clan, it was not bad to be able to exchange for a hundred years of peace.

Moreover, he has a good vision of seeing people. He can see that Gui Jiyue is sincerely begging for mercy, and really doesn't want to see him continue to kill.

"Thank you, you will save the lives of countless people because of today's kindness."

Gui Jiyue slowly stood up.

Because if the Blood Demon Race really wants to attack Zhou Yuanjie, there must be countless casualties. If the Blood Demon Race does not attack Zhou Yuanjie within a hundred years, it will naturally save the lives of countless people.

"Let's go back!"

Zhang Mofan said, just about to leave, looking at the corpse, he couldn't help saying: "Sorry, those corpses, we must take them back for business."

"You take it away!"

Gui Jiyue said.

Those corpses are dispensable for them, and Zhang Mofan's coming here is probably also an experience.

The young genius of the thirty-six veins of the Blood Demon Clan, as well as those warriors, felt relieved when they saw Zhang Mofan and others leave.

If Zhang Mofan really kills, not many people will be able to leave alive.

Zhang Mofan's methods were too terrifying.

"This Zhang Mofan, if it becomes a climate in the future, it will be terrible."

Said a genius samurai.


However, at this moment, Jiuyou Wuji broke out of the big formation and found that all the warriors in the Zhou Yuanjie camp had left, and couldn't help but asked angrily: "What's the matter? What about Zhang Mofan and the others?"

A warrior stepped forward and said: "It was Gui Jiyue who knelt down to plead with Zhang Mofan, and Zhang Mofan let us go."

"what did you say?"

You Long Wu Ji looked at Gui Ji Yue in surprise, and said, "You actually kneel down to plead with Zhang Mofan? Do you know who you are? And, do we blood demons need to plead with Zhang Mofan?"

Gui Jiyue is the princess of the blood demon clan, she is so noble, she actually pleaded with Zhang Mofan.

"You don't know the situation just now. If I don't stop Zhang Mofan, it will be nothing if I die. All the Wusi who came with us will be killed by Zhang Mofan."

Gui Jiyue said: "Shadow Thorn, Demon Soul Blade, Black Hand Blood Wolf, Demon Hammer Guang and they were all killed by Zhang Mofan."

However, Youlong Wujie trembled with anger and said, "The pride of the blood demon clan does not allow us to ask the weak to intercede. Now, I will directly kill the Zhou Yuanjie camp and completely kill them. ."

Gui Jiyue's pretty face changed slightly, and she directly dragged You Long Wu Ji, and said: "No sacrifice, I have promised Zhang Mofan, he let us go, my blood demon clan will not invade Zhou Yuanjie within a hundred years."

Youlong Wuji raised his brows and asked, "That Zhang Mofan really agreed?"


Gui Jiyue nodded.

You Long Wu Ji then smiled and said, "Gui Jiyue, it seems that I blamed you. Using this kind of slow-down strategy, if they really believe it, I am afraid they will not make any precautions against us. We can then. Hit them by surprise."

Gui Jiyue's pretty face changed slightly and said: "No sacrifice, I really promised Zhang Mofan, so I will ask my mother and ask the elders for instructions."

"Ask for instructions? Do you think the elders will agree?"

You Long Wu Ji sneered.

Some genius warriors on the side also said: "No sacrifice, Gui Jiyue made such a promise to save our lives. If we still attacked them, how would Zhang Mofan think of Gui Jiyue?"

"Yes, the integrity of being a human is still necessary."

"Although Zhang Mofan has killed many of our geniuses, he is indeed a figure from the standpoint of Zhou Yuanjie."

Hearing the words of the people, You Long Wu Ji was furious, and roared: "What is integrity? You bunch of trash, even a stunned kid can do nothing."

He flicked his sleeve, turned and left, and said, "Go back to the camp first."

Back in the camp, You Long Wu Ji shouted to the warriors: "Early tomorrow morning, we will return to the Blood Demon Realm together."

Hearing that, many blood demon warriors in the lost area were all excited, and they could finally go home.

As for Gui Jiyue, she frowned slightly, with Youlong's unsacrificing temperament, it was impossible to just give up like that.


In the even the samurai patrolling stopped and rested, and a figure came out of the barracks.

However, just as he was about to go out, a beautiful shadow blocked him.

These two people are naturally Youlong Wujie and Gui Jiyue.

"Gui Jiyue, what do you mean?"

Youlong Wujie said.

"I promised Zhang Mofan, our blood demon clan will withdraw from the lost area, hope you don't let me be a person who violated the oath."

Gui Jiyue stopped You Long Wu Ji from going, she had already guessed that You Long Wu Ji would act at night.

Because, during the day Youlong Wujie directly shot, not only she would stop it, but those geniuses would also stop it.

Her promise was in exchange for the lives of all the genius warriors. If Youlong Wujie made Gui Jiyue violate the promise, it would be tantamount to despising the lives of those geniuses.

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