Film and Television Time Travel From the Courtyard

v1 Chapter 40: lose money

Zhang Xiaoshan and his wife are very busy these days.

Yu Li went to the small base to settle accounts in the morning, and took the small group to the Pigeon Market to sell goods. In the afternoon, I took Qin Jingru to play around the imperial capital, corrupting Qin Jingru's little heart.

Zhang Xiaoshan was busy running at both ends, going to Lou's house every other day to accompany Lou Xiao'e, and going home to coax Yu Li after dinner. Either someone invited someone to dinner today, or he would return the invitation the day after tomorrow.

On Saturday afternoon, Qin Jingru and Yu Li went out to play again. The only ones left in Jia's family are the sticks and Jia Zhang who have been on vacation, and the two little girls are playing in the yard.

"Grandson, do you want pocket money?"

"Grandma, think about it. I want to buy snacks and sodas. But neither my mother nor you will give them to me."

"Your aunt has money. You see, she goes out to eat and drink every afternoon, so she brings us some worthless garbage."

"Grandma, my aunt gave me 10 cents."

"She was fooling you. At night, you secretly took out the money in her pocket. There are 50 yuan. I will share 40 yuan with grandma, and the remaining 10 yuan will be given to you, okay?"

"But my mother won't let me steal money, I can only go to Sha Zhu's house to steal."

"How can it be stealing? That's taking. Your aunt came to our house and didn't pay the room and food expenses. We should take some money from her, that's what we should."

"Yes, I'll take them all at night, grandma, let's be half of each other."

late at night.

Jia's family is not that big. Now, Jia Zhang, Qin Huairu, Banggen, Xiaodang and Huaihua, plus Qin Jingru, can't sleep on the kang.

There is no way, Qin Jingru can only play the floor. First, Jia Zhang snored, then Qin Huairu ground her teeth. Xiao Dang also talked in his sleep.

Stick opened his eyes, seeing that everyone was asleep, he got up quietly. Putting Qin Jingru's clothes and trousers aside, Sticky's little hand touched them.

In terms of stealing, the stick is also considered a talent. After only touching it twice, Qin Jingru felt the money in his clothes, why are they still sewing?

Bang Geng tore open the sewn pocket with all his strength, and took out all the money. It was too dark in the room, so I had to feel it for a while, and I hid the five cards first, and looked at them at dawn. After successfully stealing Qin Jingru's money, Bang Gan looked proud.

Nothing to say all night. At dawn, Qin Jingru got up, and Qin Huairu got up too.

Qin Jingru made the breakfast. Since she lives in Jia's house, Qin Jingru also helps with housework. After making breakfast, Qin Jingru touched her pocket and found that the money on her was gone.

"Cousin, I lost my money." Qin Jingru looked anxious. Next, Qin Jingru looked for it, but couldn't find it no matter what.

When Qin Huairu heard that Qin Jingru's money was lost, Qin Huairu's heart skipped a beat, could it be a stick? Jia Zhang was half-blind and couldn't steal money.

"It can't be BangJiao. BangJiao is a good boy and won't steal Jingru's money. After all, Jingru is his aunt." Qin Huairu thought to himself.

However, Qin Huairu didn't think about it either, Banggen had stolen things from neighbors more than once, and last time, the worst thing was that he emptied his house all at once.

"How much money did you lose?" Qin Huairu asked Qin Jingru with concern.

"The 50 yuan my brother-in-law gave is gone," Qin Jingru said. Qin Jingru's one-year work points in the countryside are not even 50 yuan, so she lost it like this, and she felt distressed.

Hearing that Qin Jingru had lost so much money, Qin Huairu also frowned. She has been thinking about how to get some money from Qin Jingru these days, 50 yuan is a little less than her two-month salary.

"Don't worry, if you search hard, you might find it." Qin Huairu comforted Qin Jingru, and at this moment, Qin Huairu decided to ask Stickong.

Although I think it is unlikely that the stick stole it, it would be bad if it was really stolen by the stick.

At this moment, Bangjiu also got up, and together, Bangjiu went to the toilet.

When there is no one around, stick out the money. At a glance, the five pieces of great unity are all there.

"Haha, Auntie's money is mine now." Bang Geng muttered.

It was also the bad luck of the stick, who happened to be heard by Yan Jiekuang.

"Bang, you stole your aunt's money?" Yan Jiekuang yelled loudly.

Bang Geng was startled, seeing Yan Jiekuang yelling, he was also anxious.

"Yan Jiekuang, shut up." Stick was in a hurry and chased after Yan Jiekuang.

Yan Jiekuang yelled as he ran, and soon, everyone in the courtyard heard it.

"The stick stole again?"

"The child can't be saved."

"What did the youngest of the Yan family say? Auntie Stick? Qin Jingru?"

"BangJiao stole 50 yuan from Qin Jingru?"

"It's useless, this child is useless."

"A good child will turn bad when he comes to Jia's house. With Jia Zhang's grandma, it's strange that the child can be good."

Qin Jingru, who was looking for money, also heard it, and she couldn't believe it, stick stem stole her money?

Qin Huairu was helping Qin Jingru find money, and when she saw Yan Jiekuang yelling, she was startled, did she really steal Qin Jingru's money?

Seeing that Yan Jiekuang was still yelling loudly, Qin Huairu was also angry: "Yan Jiekuang, I will tear your mouth apart."

Qin Jingru looked at Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu's expression was unnatural: "Jingru, Banggen is a good boy, you are his aunt, he can't steal your money, this Yan Jiekuang is not a good guy, don't listen to his nonsense."

"Why do people know that I lost money?" Qin Jingru asked.

"This... I should have seen you looking for money." Qin Huairu's expression became even more unnatural.

With a cold face, Qin Jingru went to ask Bang Geng. Stick was originally chasing Yan Jiekuang, but when Qin Jingru appeared in front of him, he also panicked.

"Bang, Auntie lost 50 yuan, did you steal it?" Qin Jingru asked seriously.

"Not stolen." BangJiao denied.

Qin Jingru directly searched the body of the stick, and the stick was struggling, but Qin Huairu still wanted to stop him.

Qin Jingru took out the stick from his pocket, and the five cards of Great Unity appeared in front of everyone.

Qin Huairu's mind went blank. She believed in Banggen, but Banggen disappointed her. It turned out that Banggen really stole Qin Jingru's money.

"You child, why can't you teach well?" Qin Huairu said angrily. However, Qin Huairu couldn't bear to be cruel, she didn't feel any pain when she hit her.

"Say sorry to Auntie." Qin Huairu.

"Auntie, I'm sorry." Bang Geng said reluctantly, but there was resentment in his eyes. The venomous eyes of the stick made Qin Jingru feel chills in his heart. Is this the eyes of a child?

"Is there a mother like you? And Qin Jingru, you are still Banggen's aunt, and you say that Banggen stole money? Banggen is a good boy, Qin Jingru must have picked up your money when you dropped it on the ground." Jia Zhang Shi was led by Xiao Dang while walking and talking.

As soon as he heard it, Bang Geng's heart moved, and he said: "I picked it up at home and thought it was my mother's. I didn't steal money from my aunt."

Qin Huairu didn't want the reputation of the stick to be worse, so he said, "Jingru, you must have misunderstood the stick. It seems that you were not careful, and you picked up the stick."

"Who is it! If you're not careful, you call my family a stick, but the stick calls you auntie." Jia Zhang said angrily.

"Bang Geng, Mom wronged you, Mom is wrong." Qin Huairu and Bang Geng apologized.

Qin Jingru had a look of grievance on her face, as she talked, it was her fault. Qin Jingru is sure that it was Bang Jiong who stole it.

Bang Geng also admitted it just now, but when Jia Zhang made such an appearance, Bang Geng just said that he picked it up, and Qin Huairu also helped Bang Geng. Although Qin Jingru is Qin Huairu's cousin, in Qin Huairu's heart, ten Qin Jingru's are not as good as one finger.

The reputation of the stick is not very good, Qin Huairu doesn't want the reputation of the stick to be worse, so he can only feel sorry for Qin Jingru.

At this time, Shazhu also came over.

"Sister Qin, Aunt Zhang, and Jingru were also careless, all because of Yan Jiekuang's nonsense." Silly Zhu said.

Although Silly Zhu spoke for Qin Jingru, he was also on Qin Huairu's side. Already hated Shazhu, now, Qin Jingru hated Shazhu even more.

"Sister Yu Li is right." Qin Jingru thought to herself.

"My Jia family is small, I can't tolerate you anymore, you'd better go back to the countryside!" Jia Zhang said to Qin Jingru bitterly.

"Jingru, you should go back first!" Qin Huairu also said.

Tears of grievance rolled in Qin Jingru's eyes. The Jia family couldn't tolerate Qin Jingru after such a commotion.

At this time Yu Li came over.

"What's the matter? Jingru, tell Sister Yu if you have anything to do, and I'll stand up for you." Yu Li comforted.

"Sister Yu, my money was stolen and I found it on the stick. But they all said that I dropped it on the ground. Sister Yu, look, my money is sewn in my pocket, how could it fall out?" Qin Jingru burst into tears.

Yu Li took her hand: "Pack up your things and go to sister Yu's house, sister will not treat you badly."

"Yu Li, what do you mean?" Qin Huairu looked dissatisfied.

"My house, I am happy, can you control it?" Yu Li said.

"Sister Yu, thank you." Qin Jingru quickly thanked Yu Li.

"Go and clean up, sister Jingru, we will go to the street to do it later." Yu Li said.

These days, you need a letter of introduction wherever you go. Qin Huairu asked for a letter of introduction when she went to her mother's house. The second day after Qin Jingru came to the city, Qin Huairu wrote her a letter of introduction.

Now that the Jia family can't accommodate Qin Jingru, Qin Jingru is going back to the countryside. However, Yu Li took Qin Jingru to the street office and opened a letter of introduction, so that Qin Jingru can stay in the city for a few months without any problem.

"What a white-eyed wolf." Jia Zhang glanced at Qin Jingru bitterly, and then looked at Yu Li viciously.

Qin Huairu's face turned dark, she really wanted to hit Yu Li. I won't talk about Yu Li's own life, but now she is helping Qin Jingru. Is this a joke to see her Qin Huairu?

"I won't have your cousin in the future." Qin Jingru turned to Qin Huairu and said.

In the past, in the countryside, Qin Jingru thought that Qin Huairu's life was good, but when she came to the city, she found that Qin Huairu's life was not so good. Turning against Qin Huairu, Qin Jingru can still be in the city, which makes Qin Jingru a little proud.

Qin Huairu's face was extremely gloomy...