Film Emperor’s Secret Marriage

v1 Chapter 37: 048-049

【Chapter 48】

After sending Luo Ning away, Xiwei called Qin Yize alone, and whispered in his ear: "I don't want Luo Ning to follow this location. You should know the reason? The border conditions are very poor, filming. The actor will be very hard in the process. I am afraid that if he follows you, you will not perform well."

Qin Yi nodded to express his understanding.

Xiwei smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and then said: "The newlyweds are reluctant to separate. This is normal, but it should not delay work. After the filming of the location, the show will be officially completed, and you will have a long time to come. I can accompany him at any time. When I enter the publicity stage later, if you don’t want to show up, I can also try to help you withdraw some unnecessary interviews."

Qin Yi's ears were a little red, but he still said seriously, "Thank you, uncle."

Xiwei waved his hand: "Go back and prepare, and set off today."

Qin Yi went back to the hotel room he was staying in temporarily, and when he opened the door, he saw assistant Xiaoqi helping him organize his luggage. There was a man next to him nagging and telling something. He saw the thin and thin back that he was familiar with. Busy is like a spinning top, and it’s really hard to be free for a moment after a few years.

Qin Yi raised the corner of his lips slightly, and said, "Li Xin, have everything been handled?"

Li Xin turned his head, straightened up and looked at him and said, "Well. I'm not allowed to say anything publicly about being cut off. Let's know everything in our minds. I will never interact with this company in the future. I am in the studio. I’ve already said hello, and I’ve picked two more dramas for you, and I will show them to you later."

Qin Yi nodded and said: "Xiaoqi, you go back first, I'll discuss something with the agent."

Xiaoqi gave a cry, packed her luggage quickly and turned around and slid away. Qin Yi then closed the door and said in a low voice: "After this drama is over, can you give me a long vacation? I will not take the new drama."

Li Xin's eyes widened: "Ah? You are in such a good state now, and your popularity is high. There are countless dramas looking for you. Why not strike the iron while it's hot and make two more movies?"

Qin Yi frowned and interrupted him: "I want to spare some time to accompany Luo Ning more."

Li Xin: "..."

Well, this reason is really irrefutable.

Li Xin looked at Qin Yize with a complicated expression, and he didn't seem to know the artist he had brought for many years. In the past, Qin Yi was a workaholic. As soon as a movie was finished, he flew directly to another crew to start work. Because filming was his favorite career, he was obsessed with playing various roles and found different pleasures. .

But now, Luo Ning has a heavier weight in his heart.

Qin Yi was so hot at his ears that he said, "Can't it? I want to accompany him to spend a good honeymoon."

Li Xin wondered: "Honeymoon? Didn't you spend your honeymoon after you got married?"

Qin Yi touched his nose awkwardly: "That doesn't count."

Li Xin said "Oh", thinking thoughtfully about the marks on Qin Yi's neck when he came back from his honeymoon. Why didn't it count? Could it be that they are not thoroughly marked with each other? Li Xin suddenly realized, and immediately said: "All right. If I disagree, it seems that I have become the bad guy who broke you apart. I will help you push the drama in my hand?"

Qin Yi didn't feel sorry at all: "Push it."

Li Xin regretfully scratched his head and said to himself: "It's a pity that the drama that started in April has a top-notch production team, so I missed it, alas... I really don't want to give such a good opportunity to others. Or I would ask. Ask them if the boot time can be postponed?"

Qin Yi listened to him whispering, knowing that Li Xin must be very busy after returning to the studio these days, and being able to find new resources so quickly must have also activated many contacts in the circle. Suddenly refused like this, really wasted the broker's painstaking efforts.

Seeing Li Xin's sad look and wishing to feel regretful, Qin Yize felt a little guilty in his heart, walked over and patted Li Xin's shoulder lightly, and said: "Thanks for your hard work, I know you are thinking about me. Let's do it, that's right. You also give yourself a period of vacation and take a good rest."

Li Xin was stunned, and blurted out: "Give me a holiday? I've been so busy all these years, what can I do when I suddenly have a holiday?"

Qin Yi suggested: "It's good to sleep late, go on a trip, or stay at home for a month."

Li Xin was a little moved when Yi Ze said so.

Calculating carefully, since becoming an agent, he has not had a good rest for several years. It is common to stay up late. At the busiest time, he only sleeps for three or four hours a day, and he can only squint on the road for a while. The body has been spinning around, and getting used to it, suddenly let him relax, but he doesn't know what to do.

Since Qin Yi stated that he would take a break to accompany Luo Ning for a while, Li Xin was not reluctant, so he had no choice but to agree: "Okay, it is rare for me to give myself a vacation. However, the rest period shouldn't be too long!"

Qin Yi nodded: "No problem. If there is a suitable drama, I will pick it up again."

The two agreed on this and set off together to the location of the shooting.

"Beacon Stars" tells the history of war hundreds of years ago, so many border wars are also involved in the movie.

Although the border of the empire has not had any armed conflicts with neighboring countries in recent years, the border conditions are difficult and the weather is harsh. It is either an endless snowfield or a large sandy Gobi desert, which is very unsuitable for people to live in.

After Xiwei brought the crew to the filming location, the crew checked into a very simple local hotel with only hard wooden beds in the room, which made it uncomfortable to fall asleep, but Qin Yi did not raise any dissatisfaction. The other actors Not as popular as him, of course he was embarrassed to speak up.

The location shooting is indeed very hard as the director said.

The actors first took pictures of the war in the Great Gobi where the wind was raging. After eating a mouthful of sand, the face was almost shed by the sun, and Qin Yize's face was obviously black. Qin Yi didn't care too much. He was conscientiously filming under the scorching sun and sand. With him taking the lead, other actors could only keep up.

Xiwei is really pleased. Most of the super-popular stars are more ostentatious and protect their faces as treasures. It is really rare for an actor like Qin Yize who is not a big name but also very dedicated. He really didn't read it wrong.

It's just that Qin Yi will not lose the chain, but there will be a lot of extras and supporting actors in big scenes. There will always be problems here and there, and they must be re-shot. The original plan was to shoot a three-day scene, but it took a whole week to complete the filming.

So Qin Yi tanned two shades.

But he was already handsome, and he was more masculine when he was tanned, and he was full of hormones.

After the shooting of the desert location, everyone came to the planet of Ryan.

Unlike the scorching sun in the desert, the planet Ryan is icy and snowy. The temperature is below minus ten degrees all the year round, and the eyelashes almost freeze. The actors wear a thick layer of thermal underwear, but you can't wear a mask on their faces, right? Often after a scene is filmed, the whole face is numb.

After a few days, Qin Yi felt that he was about to become a snowman.

After returning to the hotel at night, the heating in the house finally made Qin Yize regain his physical sensation. He took a hot bath, nestled in the quilt, and then opened Weibo to scan the "digital password official blog" message.

If you remember correctly, Luoning's new drama officially launched today.

Sure enough, opening Weibo is a live broadcast of the opening ceremony.

There is a time difference between the Cephei galaxy and the planet Ryan, and it happens to be afternoon over there. The total investment in the drama "Digital Code", according to Luo Ning's description, is about 5 million, which is really not enough for a movie. Any first-line actor in the circle has to start with a salary of 10 million yuan, and second- and third-line actors can't go to such a small crew to devalue themselves. Obviously, they are all eighteen-line small and transparent.

Qin Yi felt that his own Luoning was really wronged by staying in such a small crew.

Can he eat well and live well? I don’t know what the environment of the room arranged for him by the crew...

Qin Yi watched the opening ceremony with a critical eye. The director first came to the stage to give a speech. His tone was impassioned and full of ambitions, as if he was about to win the gold award for the year-end movie award tomorrow. A group of unfamiliar young actors around were encouraged by the director, and their faces were full of excitement.

Luo Ning stood in it, and Qin Yi saw him at a glance.

He was still smiling and seemed to be in a good mood, tilted his head and listened carefully to the director's speech there.

After the director’s impassioned speech was over, the hostess said: "The original author of "Digital Code" and the screenwriter of the "Digital Code" movie are here to say something to everyone.

Luo Ning took the microphone, walked to the middle of the makeshift stage gracefully, and said with a smile: "I am very glad that the film adaptation copyright of the "Digital Code" can be sold, and I will be the screenwriter. This book is mine. Written in college days, many plots appear immature. In the process of film adaptation, I will try to make the whole story more complete and more logical."

He paused slightly, glanced gently across the audience, and then said: "Thank you for your appreciation of this work. This work has the opportunity to be on screen. I am very lucky to meet the ideas and I am very fortunate. Director Yu, who fits well, is also very happy to be able to choose a few actors who meet his ideals. I hope that I can have a good time with you and try my best to shoot a wonderful movie. Let's work hard together!"

There was warm applause from the audience.

At a glance, the entire production team, including the director, screenwriter, lighting and sound engineer, and the actors, are all young people under the age of 30. This is a fairly young crew. Although the funding is not much and the reputation is not big, it is full of vitality and vigor.

A bunch of bullet screens suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room: "Ah, ah, this is the screenwriter Lin Xiaoluo?!" "It's so polite! The speech at the opening ceremony is very polite, not nervous at all, not at all like it. An intern!" ""The appearance of the screenwriter world is about to appear! "Xiaoluo's new drama starts, come on, come on, look forward to it!" "Luo Luo Luo Luo look at me, look at me! I am your little girl, I love your smile so much, how can you look so good when you smile? ""The smile came to Q_Q again..."

As soon as Luo Ning appeared, a large number of barrages suddenly appeared in the deserted live broadcast room.

Obviously, everyone else in this small transparent crew does not know everyone, but the screenwriter Luo Ning became the traffic leader on the day of the launch.

When Xiao Zhuo's team visited Qin Yize, they accidentally posted Luo Ning's photos on the Internet. After Qin Yize's reposting, many fans paid attention to the young intern screenwriter. Luo Ning’s Weibo now has 150,000 followers. Excluding some zombie fans, navy soldiers and passersby watching the excitement, there are at least 30,000 who really like him. Of course, he has no works yet, and 99% like his face. Value and smile.

Today is the weekend, and the online rate is already high during this afternoon. Most of Luoning's fans are watching the live broadcast. Although it is incomparable to the launch ceremony of the big-produced drama, the fans' encouragement is also very lively.

"I especially like talented and good-looking people, Lin Xiaoluo, you successfully aroused my idea!" "The first play written by Xiaoluo alone, I am super looking forward to it!" "I also bought the original work specially. , The plot is good, please change it!" "Lolo has been laughing, I am in a good mood, I feel better when I look at it!" "Lolo, I want to marry you, you can marry me!" "Smile Xiao Luo is so cute, hug her sister!"

The face value fans rushed forward, almost kissing Luo Ning's face across the screen.

Qin Yi raised his eyebrows unhappily when he saw the news.

He originally had a trumpet on the live broadcast platform, so he logged on to the trumpet and issued a serious statement in the live broadcast room: "Lin Xiaoluo is mine."

The news immediately drew numerous fans' shelling: "Who are you? Go away!" "Little Luo Ming is mine!" "Don't grab me, he's mine!" "Xiao Luo is mine," I want to mark him!" "I want to have a baby for Xiao Luo, a nest of small screenwriters."

Qin Yize: "..."

Seeing this group of irrational fans, Qin Yi faintly sent a line of words: "No matter how much you brush, it will be useless. Lin Xiaoluo is mine and will not accept rebuttal."

The crowd immediately rallied and attacked, and soon overwhelmed the news.

Luo Ning, who was at the start-up ceremony, had no idea that far away on the cold planet of Ryan, a childish Alpha was nestled in the quilt, typing fast with his hands, and swiping the screen with fans on the Internet to grab him.

Fans of Qin Yize couldn't even dream of it. How could his "cold male god" do such a stupid and ridiculous thing?

But Qin Yi was in a good mood, and fans who singled out Wan Luoning alone were not afraid.

—Anyway, he is mine.

—No matter how much you brush, it’s useless.

—It was so decided.

Three sentences made the fans half to death.

At the end of the booting ceremony, Qin Yi was actually a little melancholy as Luo Ning disappeared from the screen.

Luo Ning only showed his face in the Xiao Zhuo studio's exploration team before, and it attracted so many people's attention. It is conceivable that if Luo Ning really becomes popular in the future, with Luo Ning's personality charm and the number of fans Haven't it been over ten times?

A gentle, personable young screenwriter, with a particularly good smile and a great talent for writing good scripts...

This persona is more attractive to passersby than those stars with outstanding acting skills in the entertainment industry.

Qin Yi suddenly felt a little uneasy.

He began to think, if Luo Ning's popularity is too high in the future and there are too many fans, what should he do?