First Law

Chapter 296: Don't worry, I'll arrange it

Alice was completely dumbfounded. He had seen so many people before, but he had never seen so many. At first glance, it seemed like a huge mountain of living creatures.

The top of the mountain is connected to the top of the mountain, like ants swallowing up the mountains and rivers.

Everyone raised their arms high and swayed towards the airship in the sky.

"What are they doing?"

Karen smiled, and really didn't know how to explain it. It was obvious that the entire orc clan had completely collapsed after the defeat of the war. These orcs without a backbone were desperately looking for a protective umbrella. Undoubtedly, the factory invested by Jinshijin Town became a savior.

A sense of sadness rose in Karen's heart, for the orcs and for Campas, what happened to make things come to this point, and the huge orcs needed a small factory to rescue them.

"Don't worry about what you're doing, let's get the airship down."

Alice seemed to understand, and hurriedly said: "We can't surrender, so many people will eat us up."

She was right, the orcs would have skinned him alive in their madness.

But Karen felt that she had to do something. Although she was not a savior, she couldn't just watch these orcs go to despair. Although they had a beast's head on their heads, they were still creatures with thoughts after all.

"Don't worry, I'm here. Don't get off the airship for a while. If you encounter an emergency, immediately drive the airship back to the wasteland for help."

After making up his mind, the airship slowly descended. As it got closer to the ground, the orcs crowded towards the landing point. The sound of creaking teeth came from the outside of the airship. Before it landed, the surroundings of the airship had already gathered Full of orcs.

"Don't open the door!" Alice quickly ordered. Once this situation is opened, the orcs will flood in like a flood. If they are said to be at that time, the airship may not be able to hold it.

As a last resort, I had to take off again to find a new landing point, but I came here three times with such ups and downs, and each time it was the same scene.

"Karen, let's go back and make a decision after the orcs stabilize." Alice was already pleading, now it was not the orcs but the beasts.

There is no cure for this.

Obviously, what Alice said is right. He doesn’t have to take any responsibility for leaving at this moment, and he doesn’t have to worry about a little bit of casualties, but the fate of these orcs will definitely not be easy. control of the temple.

At the same time, hundreds of war priests in the Temple of War declared racial independence, and the Temple of War declared its disintegration.

This phenomenon is very mature in the orc clan, and often in times of turmoil, each orc clan will be headed by the chief and implement tribal autonomy, which can improve the cohesion of the race itself as much as possible, so as to better preserve the blood.

Only in a stable period will the tribes re-establish war temples, elect war **** priests, and conduct unified management of the entire orc tribe.

With the defeat of the war, the Orcs have entered a self-preservation mode. Before this situation can be alleviated, the Temple of War will probably not appear.

Now is the time for Karen to make a decision, whether to abandon the factory in front of him and find a safer tribe to invest in, or to keep the factory itself as much as possible, after all, it has workers and machinery with complete skills.

Soon, Karen chose the latter.

Turned on the magic loudspeaker that comes with the airship, and immediately announced to all the orcs:

"I'm Karen Heise, the lord of Gold Glitter Town. Now I ask you to send a representative to talk to me. I can guarantee that everyone here is entitled to the treatment of Gold Glitter Town, and everyone will be treated fairly. I will count down your employment opportunities by dozens, please elect your representatives immediately."

Alice looked at Karen who was screaming fiercely, not sure what was the use of doing this at this time. Could it be that he really planned to hire all these orcs to Gold Shining Town.

Now Gold Flash Town itself is a mess, how can they manage these orcs.

However, there was a quick reaction below the airship, and the densely packed creatures began to retreat regularly. A group of strong tauren consciously acted as guards and vacated the highest mountain. At the top of the mountain, a sheep with a white beard The headman leaned on a cane and waved towards the airship.

"Fly over!" Karen ordered.

This time the order has improved a lot. Although the periphery is still noisy, the temporarily vacated space is at least safe and

"Karen, I'll stay up there. In case of any special circumstances, I'll send you down the ladder, and we'll evacuate quickly." Alice watched Karen's back and said quickly.

Karen turned around and gave the other person a comforting kiss on the forehead, "Don't worry, nothing will happen." After speaking, she went straight out of the airship.

In fact, Karen himself was also nervous. After all, he was just a necromancer. If he was surrounded by these big and three thick orcs, it would be difficult to survive.

The orcs themselves have a robbing nature. If they detain themselves and blackmail the wasteland, these risks will exist.

But Karen still wants to give it a try. He thinks these orcs are simple, and they are willing to get paid through their own labor. The so-called robbery rumors are just a last resort. Just ask which creature is rich and risking his head to rob Woolen cloth.

More importantly, he really wanted to keep the factory. After all, it was not easy to train these workers. If he chose another place, he would have to do it all over again.

It took three months for this factory, and three months for the next factory. It is possible that when the next factory encounters the same danger, he will have to temporarily switch positions.

He needs workers, and the magic of the wasteland also needs more skilled craftsmen, but where do these craftsmen come from? They are all unique treasures, and those lords received one after another.

Few of those who can be a territory are naive. Karen has been sober from the beginning to the end. If he wants to have an excellent magical team, he can only cultivate it himself.

What's more, he already has orders for magic watches on hand. Some orcs have mastered the tricks of the magic machinery itself. I believe it won't take long for the first batch of magic mechanics workers to leave.

One belt two, two belts three, three belts ten, ten belts ten thousand, and only by bringing out batches of them can Gold Town be completely magicalized.

Although this is a factory, it is the origin of cultivating outstanding craftsmen for Shining Gold Town, so he has to take risks.

Although the Orcs are now chaotic and considered a forbidden place for investment by many businessmen, in the eyes of Karen, it is very likely to become a key place for the rise of Gold Shining Town.

Looking at the old sheep family man who was close at hand, Karen paused for a short time, and then quickly walked up to him, holding his hand tightly, "I'm Karen? Heise, I've met senior."

He had already made up his mind that no matter how dirty, inconspicuous, or desolate the person he met was, he would give him the highest respect, because the person was not a single person, but a whole group of orcs on several hills.

The sheep-headed man was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Karen to say that he was elected because of his age, and he guessed that he wanted to raise conditions with Karen, but now the other party's excitement seems to be eager to Visit yourself in general.

"Lord of the Wilderness, I...I am...on behalf of everyone...asking for a job from you." He stammered a bit.

As soon as these words came out Karen was relieved, he guessed right, these orcs just want a way out, "Don't worry, I promised above, as long as everyone present, You can all get the chance to play for the town of Gold, senior, I don't know what you call it?"

"Alpaca! Just call me Old Yang."

"Old Yang, can I trouble you with something?" Karen said very respectfully.

"Lord of the wilderness, just give your orders."

Karen took out a stack of papers from his pocket, took out two quill pens, and pressed them tightly in Alpaca's hands, "Can you divide them up and write down the names of the people present? Although I have a good memory, I can't Can’t remember so many names.”

Alpaca was taken aback, and immediately nodded in surprise. This was undoubtedly agreed. Immediately, he pointed the quill and straw paper at the creatures in the distance, "Have you heard, the Lord of the Wilderness is about to come down, and now the statistics Don’t mess up the names, come one by one, and everyone who came to the scene today will be indispensable.”

In an instant, there was a commotion on all the hills, and when they heard that the names were to be recorded, there was a trace of simple and honest smile on their faces.

Alice in the airship had to admire Karen. This was just a name, and it was still a thousand miles away from the real recruitment. But this simple action resolved the worst worries of these orcs. At least, Give Karen his name, and they won't mess up again.

What to do in the future is entirely up to Karen to decide.

An understatement of a move, to grasp the initiative of the whole scene.