First Law

Chapter 330: Death Data Report

Business orders in the employment market are constantly rising, shops on both sides of the market are also opening in an orderly manner, and the number of title-level mages is also slowly increasing. Everything in the entire Green Island is moving forward according to Karen's plan.

According to this momentum of development for half a year, Green Shade Island can become the focus of the elf sea, and then he will do his best to open an opening in the iron-like elf continent. As long as there is an opening, he can fully open up this big market.

But just when he was full of confidence, the sound of mourning broke his reverie.

Looking towards the market in the north from the top of the building, I saw three or five women in white mourning clothes crying loudly.

"Why are they crying?" Karen looked at Churchill and asked.

"He's dead." Churchill said very flatly, "Boss, this is a war after all, and it's normal for a person to die."

Karen nodded and didn't speak. He naturally understood that the employment business was like this. If it was on the Aegean Continent, at most it would be to use magic to solve some small troubles, but in the Fairy Sea, it was a real battle, and if you were not careful, you could still When you meet your own people, you will fight with real swords and guns, and it is normal to fall.

But it hurts a little. These people didn't have to lose their lives. To put it bluntly, the prosperity of the entire Green Shady Island is basically based on the flesh and blood of these mages.

"Give them more compensation, and if the family members have any needs, try to meet them."

This was the only thing he could do, but soon he felt that something was wrong. More and more mourners were in the market. On the third day, looking down from the top of the building, the creatures in filial piety were as white as snow. a large piece.

Apparently a large number of mages have fallen,

Such a high death rate is really weird. With the increase in the death rate, a large number of mages no longer take over combat tasks, and many people are more inclined to base construction.

"Give me the latest death statistics report." Karen wanted to take a look.

On February 18, 3003 in the sacred calendar, 218 tasks were completed, 192 cases were completed, and 3 people died.

On February 19, 3002 in the sacred calendar, 203 tasks were completed, 171 cases were completed, and 9 people died.

On February 20, 3002 in the sacred calendar, 101 missions were sold, 62 missions were completed, and 22 people died.

On February 21, 3002 in the sacred calendar, 84 missions were sold, 7 were completed, and 35 people died.

Karen was silent. He didn't know how to explain to the family members who died. Although the deaths of these people seemed to have nothing to do with him, it could be seen that he was being sniped now. The deaths of these people were aimed at He came.

"Can you find out?" Karen whispered, with no expression on her face.

Churchill shook his head, "These missions are very loose and come from different sea tribes. At the same time, we are given enough commissions, so there is no flaw."

"Hmph, no flaws? Churchill, then find me someone who can see the flaws." Karen's voice was deep like a devil's, and his heart ached. How could he make such a low-level mistake? This kind of unusual death should have been noticed when it appeared.

Or he didn't do enough, he just wanted to develop blindly, but ignored the importance of himself, and at the same time reminded him that what he is doing now is not only to develop a market, but to use this market as a pedal , Blast open the gate of the Elf Continent.

If they continue to do things in such a crude manner, and make so many mistakes, there is no possibility of success. Although the Elf Continent has been blocked for decades, their fundamentals are still there.

He now suspects that this matter has something to do with the elves. Although the elves claim to be kind, after all, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

Leaning on the reclining chair, rubbing his frowning brows, his head often made noises. He hadn't had a headache for a long time. He remembered the last time he was developing the Black Sea and Kidd died.

Close your eyes, you can't fall asleep, all you can see in your mind are the undead assassinated by various traps.

Time passed by, Karen just waited like this, and at an unknown time, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in!"

Karen stood up and opened the door. It was Churchill. The other party looked solemn, but it was obvious that there was news if he could find it. Looking at the window, it was dark, and it should be late at night.

"Do you know who it is?"

Churchill nodded, "I spent a sum of money to find the marlin family. They refused to talk about it at first, but with my promise..."

"Tell me the result directly." Karen's voice was almost suppressed, and it was terrifyingly deep.

Churchill was taken aback. He hadn't seen such a gloomy side of Karen before, so he hurriedly said, "The sea monsters! They are controlling the sea clan in the entire Elf Sea."

Karen stood quietly, like this for five minutes, then gently closed the door, went to the coffee table and made himself a cup, "Send someone to bring Campus here immediately."

Churchill asked subconsciously: "But now Campas is presiding over the Bauhinia and Blue Kingdom War!"

"Now, didn't you hear what I said!" Karen yelled directly, but said quickly and calmly: "Churchill, hurry up, I want to see Campus as quickly as possible."

No one can understand Karen's mood at this moment, he is now a soft persimmon in the eyes of those sea people, anyone can pinch it.


"Karen, you are crazy!"

The first one to rush in was Charles, with a look of asking questions, "Do you know what Alexander is doing now? He is magic-bombing the defense line I just consolidated. Breaking through this defense line will completely expose my capital." Under his gunfire, what do you mean by calling Campus over now?"

"Shut up!"

Karen's low voice instantly quieted the noisy Charles, and then he looked at Campas who was slowly walking up the door, and a trace of normal tenderness finally appeared on his gloomy face.

He was wearing armor, holding a command flag in his hand, and his breath was constantly floating, obviously he had just come down from the command field.

"Master, I need your help with something."

Charles glanced at Karen first. This was the first time he saw Karen so cold, like a hungry wolf deep in the ice field, who would bite anyone who caught him, and made him feel uncontrollable. The shudder came.

The first question in his heart was what happened, and then he remembered that this was the Karen he knew, or that this was Karen's real face.

Campus gently closed the door, put the armor and command flag aside, picked up the brewed coffee, drank it cleanly, and then smiled at Karen, "Okay, now I have another Energized, tell me, where to fight?"

"Kraken." Karen calmly began to introduce this force: "They are the old forces of the Elven Sea. They have the blood of the ancient sea gods flowing in their bodies, and they can use some divine arts. At the same time, they also have certain forces in the deep sea area. It has been encircled and suppressed many times, but all ended in failure, and after years of development, it has gained some upper hand in the confrontation with the elf continent.

"How far do you want to play?" Campas asked.

"What level is it?"

"If it is light, teach them some lessons. The medium-sized ones are relatively simple. Some of his strongholds will be pulled out. As for the serious ones, they will be uprooted." When Campas said the last sentence, he deliberately emphasized his tone, as if he knew Kai Len would choose this one.

Karen smiled, with a bit of coldness in his smile, "Let's be the last one. Anyway, if we want to gain a firm foothold in the Fairy Sea, we have to show some strength. Otherwise, I'm afraid there won't be a place for me tomorrow."

Campus nodded approvingly, "This is relatively simple. Now Alchemy Continent has launched an ultimate weapon called 'Pluto's Sigh', which has concentrated power, wide radiation range, and can cover certain curse characteristics. Twenty million pence, if you can afford it."

Charles stared blankly at He couldn't believe that Karen would nod, this is the ultimate weapon, and the Aegean Continent has experienced the dangers of the ultimate weapon.

Today, the southern part of the Ice Kingdom is still uninhabitable, and even normal walking is infected with diseases. Those who survived the "Dark Annihilation" are now basically dying of various diseases, and they are extremely painful when they leave.

The ultimate weapon became the ultimate not only because of its destructive power at the moment of bombing, but also because of its subsequent disasters, which completely changed an area into a place of death, which was simply the destruction of the world.

If Karen also adopts this kind of thing, what is the difference from Alexander.

That's not just to destroy the whole family, but to kill all the creatures in the nearby sea area, and because of the flow of the ocean, it may even pollute the entire sea area. The harm is definitely worse than the "Dark Destruction" of bombing the Ice Kingdom. Much bigger.

Karen took a quiet breath and asked in a low voice, "How long will it take to build?"

"One month."

"Who is the supplier?"

"Sis Berlin Mansion." Campus said with a little excitement.

Karen smiled, "Place the order, don't say my name."

Charles' heart jumped wildly, "Karen, you really want it!"

He didn't dare to say it, as if he had already imagined that kind of terrifying scene, "That's something only demons can do, think about your Golden Town, if you take this step, who else would dare to follow you!"