First Minister of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 247: Build a temple to worship

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Zhang Wengui is dead!

Zhu Jiajun didn't even dig out his body, but was in a quagmire, with his flesh and blood in mud, his eyes full of desolation... These senior officials of the former imperial court looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

The big guy just felt heavy, as if something was missing. They won and they proved themselves, but some people left forever.

"Mr. Gong, your knowledge is so good, can you tell the big guys?"

Timur also asked Gong Bosui first.

Gong Bo then opened his mouth and finally let out a long sigh. He had cultivated the Three Histories and knew countless historical anecdotes, but he didn't know how to evaluate these things.

After all, in the history of the past and present, there is no such strange group of people as them.

Said they were Da Yuan's courtiers?

They were captured and even surrendered to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Are they traitors?

At least Timur didn't recognize it first. It was Yuan Ting who betrayed them. If there was no escape, his death would not change his mind.

Are they Zhu Jiajun?

It doesn't seem to be.

But they shed blood and sacrificed their lives for the Zhu family army. .

Maybe dead again.

Maybe fight a battle, just make yourself comfortable and let people know they're not trash.

But the price is too heavy.

There is no place to die!

Gong Bosui sighed helplessly, "Let me say something, what can I say? Maybe only Wu Guogong and only Mr. Zhang can make a judgment on this matter!"

He also waited for the others to look at each other in dismay, and it seemed that this was indeed the only choice.

"I hope Mr. Zhang can say a fair word for the big guy!"

A victory did not bring much joy to everyone. They just sent the news to Jinling, and then someone sent it to Hongdu.

At this moment in Hongdu City, the battle has also reached the most critical moment.

The former city wall has been blown down, and Hu Tingrui organized people to build another city wall inside, trying to resist the Zhu family army.

However, Hu Dahai continued to organize people to carry out blasting. The newly built city wall, because it was very fragile, had been bombed to the verge of jeopardy.

The Zhu family's army is planning a general attack, to completely take Hongdu, and then attack Jiangzhou, forcing Ni Wenjun to return.

But unexpectedly, Ni Wenjun had already withdrawn from the army ahead of schedule. In Dingjiazhou, they encountered a temporary army composed of prisoners of war. They attacked twice before and after, and they paid nearly 5,000 deaths.

The bravest general, Zhang Dingbian, was beaten back head-on.

After this battle, Ni Wenjun was temporarily discouraged, and he no longer dared to continue fighting. He must go back to repair the team and restore the spirit of the army.

Judging from the results of the battle, it was an incredible battle. Tian Wan faced the real Yuan army, and it was also hearty and invincible.

However, facing the captured Yuan army, they were temporarily armed, and they were defeated in a mess.

No wonder Ni Wenjun broke the defense directly and fled in despair.

It's really challenging perception.

Is there any sorcery that Zhu Jiajun can't do?

"Mr. Zhang, we want to reward Zhang Wengui." After seeing the battle report, Zhu Yuanzhang immediately blurted out. How powerful Zhang Dingbian is, Zhu Yuanzhang has also heard Chang Yuchun talk about it again and again, and knows that this is a rare warrior in the world... But Zhang Wengui actually attacked and took the initiative to lead Zhang Dingbian to the edge of the pond. , hold on tightly, and use his own life to block the biggest enemy.

If one person dies, the whole army wins.

One life, in exchange for the safety of thousands of people.

Such a person is a real warrior.

Must be rewarded!

But after Zhu Yuanzhang finished speaking, he suddenly hesitated again, not knowing how to reward him.

Giving official positions, giving bounties, treating family members preferentially... Zhu Yuanzhang felt that this set of routine operations was inappropriate... After all, Zhang Wengui didn't really return to the Zhu Family Army in the end, he just said that he would help the Zhu Family Army fight.

Moreover, Zhang Wengui's family is not here, and there is no way to give preferential treatment. If he wants to give a bounty, he doesn't know who to give it to.

This is really hard to live with Lao Zhu.

"Mr. Zhang, what do you think is appropriate?"

Zhang Ximeng pondered for a while, and then said: "My lord, I plan to write an article, but Song Xueshi is not here. I'm afraid that the writing is shallow and it will not be elegant."

Old Zhu thought about it for a while, then smiled and said, "The article is as important as what it has to say. With Mr.'s knowledge, he will definitely be able to write this matter well... We are about to read Mr.'s masterpiece."

Zhang Ximeng nodded, and he shut himself in the tent, lost in thought.

After a long time, Zhang Ximeng picked up the pen and finally started writing... Last year, there was a general of the Yuan court named Shi Mao Yisun. He refused to surrender and died in battle. Before he died in battle, his mother died for the country, his wife and children died, and two servants even went with the master.

Their whole family was buried for the Dayuan Dynasty, and it seemed that they were indeed the most loyal ministers of the Dayuan Dynasty.

It seems that such a loyal person should be rewarded, and even if he is on the enemy side, he should show sufficient measure and pattern. Praise loyalty and praise loyalty and goodness, so as to strengthen people's hearts and boost morale. It even made Yuan Ting feel ashamed and embarrassed.

But the servant thought that he must not be deceived by the appearance of this matter, and must not be praised.

Shi Moyisun's ancestor was from Liao. After he joined Mongolia, he obtained hereditary official positions and enjoyed a hundred years of glory and wealth. During his lifetime, he was extremely hostile to the Rebel Army, regarded the Red Turban Army as a monstrous beast, and resolutely opposed the idea of ​​equally dividing land and acres.

During his stay in Chuzhou, he tried his best to kill the Red Turban Rebels. Once he found out, he would kill his relatives and even the villagers and neighbors.

His death, the death of his entire family, was defending his own glory and wealth, and he was fighting against the people. How could his death be praised?

In this transition of old and new, when the universe is changing, it is not only Shi Mo Yisun who is faced with a choice, and the choice is not just one...

There is also a person, his name is Zhang Wengui, who also served for Yuan Ting. After being captured, in the prisoner of war camp, he still misses Yuan Ting, passively confronts him, and is unwilling to reform.

But not long ago, he died in battle. He died in the battle at the end of the same day in order to defend Tongling and other places.

At the beginning of the war, he had thought about leaving, but he finally returned to the battlefield, and together with the nearly 900 people who returned, he took on the most important mission of the war.

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Pi Jian and stubbornness, took the lead in the charge, rescued the pier and fortress in danger, galloped and killed, defeating Tian Wan's first offensive.

Afterwards, he took the initiative to act as the forward and fought to the death with Tianwan's elite soldiers and horses.

Before this battle, Zhang Wengui was stubborn and stubborn, and he really should be killed as an example.

After this battle, Zhang Wengui was brave and fearless and deserved an award.

According to the recollection of his colleagues, Zhang Wengui is not a stubborn stone. He also accepted some changes during the transformation process, but after all, there are still some things that he can't figure out.

When the war came to an end, when tens of thousands of soldiers who had died in the sky, approached Tongling, landed on land, and slaughtered wildly, countless people suffered untold suffering, and their lives were on the line.

This person stood up, and finally with his own courage and his own sacrifice, he saved the battle and made an indelible feat.

How should I look at this person?

He has been loyal to Yuan Ting for most of his life, and he also has an unbearable past... But in the final analysis, at the last moment of his life, he repented, stood up, protected the people of Limin, and made the right choice.

Zhu Jiajun advocated the equal distribution of land and acres to help the people. Those who are willing to accept the people's claim and pay for this cause are like-minded friends who will realize their ideals together.

They are all worth remembering and remembering.

Their sacrifices were all worthwhile and extraordinary.

It is the same death. The death of Shi Moyisun's family looks more heroic and poignant, and more in line with the requirements of opera. It can even be put on the stage and become a moving story that will be passed down forever.

However, after careful scrutiny, Shi Mo Yisun's death was lighter than a feather, and it was even said that he committed suicide, and the man's arm was a car, and his death was more than worthy of death! As a group of people who are unwilling to abandon Yuan Ting's glory and wealth, and who are unwilling to repent, waiting for their end is to follow Yuan Ting to ruin their reputation and shatter their bones.

And those who are willing to reform themselves, fight for the people, die for the sake of the people, die heavier than Mount Tai, and are truly heroes worth remembering.

It can be said simply and with certainty that his final choice, shining with the sun and the moon, is enough to make up for everything in the first half of his life.

For such people, we need to praise and commemorate.

They are the protagonists that should have on the stage of opera.

Every commoner should keep his eyes open to understand who is really on the side of the common people...

Zhang Ximeng was full of enthusiasm, wrote it for most of the night, and then revised it repeatedly, stayed up all night, and then handed the article to Zhu Yuanzhang.

After reading it, Lao Zhu finally showed a smile on his face, "Sir wrote it, it's an eye-opener for us! Those who spoke for Shi Mo Yisun at the beginning, I'm afraid they will be even more ashamed."

Facing exhaustion, Zhang Ximeng whispered, "I just want to distinguish right from wrong and clarify some things."

Zhu Yuanzhang agreed, "Distinguish between right and wrong is easier said than done! We have thought about it over and over again, since Zhang Wengui is unwilling to be our subject, we will not be difficult. Ding Jiazhou was buried, and a monument was erected. Another 50,000 yuan was spent to build a temple to honor the heroes who died to protect the people."

"As for all the soldiers participating in the battle, at least one year's labor service is deducted. For those who have made great contributions, they can immediately be exempted from labor service, settle down, and join the army as a farmer. You can choose by yourself."

When Zhu Yuanzhang said this, he looked at Zhang Ximeng again, "How do you feel, sir?"

"Master Shengming!" Zhang Ximeng agreed.

In this way, this article, together with Zhu Yuanzhang's arrangement, was quickly sent to Tongling, and sent to everyone... For a time, everyone in the prisoner of war camp followed first, including Xue Xue, Gong Bosui, Bubuhua, They all came over and looked at the article carefully. Gradually, a relieved smile appeared on their faces.

"Sure enough, it's still Prime Minister Zhang's big pen, and it has the atmosphere of heaven and earth... Zhang Wengui, there is no regret in death!" Everyone sighed in unison, and they were sincerely convinced.