First Minister of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 342: 1 person wins 1 city

Zhang Ziming knew that to climb back from the prisoner-of-war camp to the Zhu Family Army, he would need to make great contributions, and winning the important town of Anqing was definitely a great contribution, enough to make him an ordinary soldier.

But how to win Anqing, Zhang Ziming still has ideas.

He can only look for his former companion, Paozhe in the army, and he also collects all the forces that can help... For example, a fortune teller who lost his source of life due to the chaos of the army, a monk who has been occupied by a temple and can only live on the streets, and There was a Jianghu artist who had his erhu stolen.

After having these few lying dragon and phoenix chicks, Zhang Ziming felt that he was getting further and further away from the goal of capturing Anqing.

"What is the identity of the lord? What is the will of King Wu?" The fortune-teller rolled his eyelids and asked curiously.

Zhang Ziming also rolled his eyelids, what should he say?

"I am the imperial envoy of King Wu, and I have been ordered by Zhang Xiang to contact the righteous people and participate in the grand event."

Zhang Ziming pondered and said, he was simply pulling the banner to make a tiger's skin. When he said this, his heart was beating wildly. How could he have seen Zhu Yuanzhang?

Zhang Ximeng had seen it before, but at that time he was lying on the ground, and he didn't even have the courage to raise his head. He just listened to Zhang Xiang talking, and he didn't even know what Zhang Xiang looked like.

Even someone with a little brain would not believe what he said.

But the question is, if these guys have brains, can they end up so miserably?

As soon as I heard that King Wu sent people here, these people were all happy. King Wu is good, cherishing the people and dividing the land for the big guys is much better than Tian Wan of the dog days.

The fortune teller sighed. He heard a lot of things, but he was too timid to go past. Thinking about it now, there is no entanglement.

If you can light a fire in Anqing and attract Zhu Jiajun, wouldn't it save you trouble?

The fortune-teller chatted with the great monk, and the monk said: "The poor monk knows some big households in the city. In the past, they all went to our temple to burn incense. Who knows that this group of things means that there is no Maitreya in the poor monk's temple. Taking away the temple is like a beast! The poor monk is willing to contact them and ask them to contribute money and help... But, the poor monk is stupid, I'm afraid it won't work."

At this time, the artist relied on courage and said: "I, let me tell it! If you persuade surrender in the play, I will be familiar with it. That is, I am too shabby, can you get me new clothes?"

He looked at Zhang Ziming aggrieved.

Zhang Ziming said in his heart that I was still an old sow to go to the big fair, and I was covered in leather outside the house... How could there be any extra clothes for you!

"You, you say that you are disguised as a disguise, and people will only say that you are good-looking and serious!"

Singing is stunned, how can it still be like this?

Anyway, there is no other way, try it!

These three acted out of courage... Zhang Ziming turned around and invited a few friends from the army.

He was cruel, bought a big pig's head, found a place, stewed the pig's head, and chatted with a few friends. Zhang Ziming didn't have any money now, and he bought the pig's head with the little money he had.

He is alone again, coercion and enticing are not enough, we can only talk to them!

But Zhang Ziming is not good at words. No matter how you look at it, it is impossible. The project is about to become yellow.

Chen Youliang, this grandson, is really not a son of a human being.

You slaughtered the dog emperor and became the king of Han yourself, we don't care, anyway, give us the reward, you eat meat, and give us some soup, right?

There is no benefit at all, who can stand it these days?

They complained one after another. In fact, they all knew that the main reason why they didn't give out silver was that they once belonged to Zhao Pusheng, not Chen Youliang's direct descendant.

A group of motley crews, do you still expect any good treatment?

What is really worrying is that the reward silver is gone, so forget it. But Zhao Taishi was taken away, who knows if they can survive, if Chen Youliang kills Zhao Pusheng, then they will not end well.

Zhang Ziming listened for a long time, and finally figured out the concerns of several people. He hesitated again and again, mustered up his courage, and told a few people, let's join the Zhu Family Army!

What is surprising is that these people did not refute, but seriously told Zhang Ziming that they also had family members, and I heard that the military discipline of the Zhu family was too strict, and they might not be required.

Seeing that they didn't refute immediately, Zhang Ziming gathered up his courage and spoke out his thoughts... Let's just shoot down Anqing.

A few people are stunned, just our few rotten garlic, can we beat down Anqing? Do not make jokes!

"Brother Zhang, don't need too much. You can get 200 people, and we'll do it with you!"

"Two hundred people? How?" Zhang Ziming asked curiously.

"What else can we do? Can you get money? In a word, if you can get 1,000 taels of silver, we will have a way to bring in 100 or 200 people. If the surname is Chen, we won't be rewarded with money. Who will give us the money? Who do you do it with!"

Zhang Ziming nodded vigorously, which was a note.

Why doesn't he have any money in his hand?

How can this be done?

Regardless of the few lying dragon and phoenix chicks, the pig head was cooked, they immediately turned into cooks, and they were frantically cooking, and it didn't take long for them to eat a pig head.

Others smashed the skulls, held and drank the pig's brain, wiped the oil on their mouths, and walked away.

After a while, the trio came back, and the fortune teller told Zhang Ziming that the big family was willing to help. After all, from Tianwan to Dahan, this group of things intensified and kept exploiting, and the big guys couldn't live any longer.

But the problem is that you said that it was sent by the Zhu family army, which is also not acceptable!

Anyway, get some evidence out, don't you want to cooperate with the inside and the outside?

It's easy to handle. It can attract hundreds of people. Let us see your strength. With enough capital, we can provide food, money, or anything.

After listening to the words of these three people, Zhang Ziming closed himself.

If they want me to pay for the money, they can only hire people. Here, they need to hire me to hire people. If I have money, it would be great for me to call in directly!

Is it still so laborious?

I just want to get more fields, why is it so difficult?

Zhang Ziming turned around in a hurry. At this time, all the three crouching dragon and phoenix chicks, young Lin, were all growling.

After running for such a long time, my lips are worn out, so give me a stutter!

The emperor is not short of hungry soldiers!

Zhang Ziming is speechless again, his project is facing life and death again... He wants people, he wants money... I, I have an idea!

In a hurry, anything can be done.

Zhang Ziming really came up with an idea. He immediately told the three people to go and tell the big households that they would soon be able to see the soldiers of the Zhu Family Army... To tell them the truth, all the people in Anqing City were from the Zhu Family Army.

In order to avoid scaring the snakes, you can't go directly, just go on the road around them, everyone has cloth strips tied to their arms, you can count them and see how many people there are, just don't do it!

The three nodded, they were willing to go, but the problem was that they were too hungry.

"Let's eat first, let's eat, and then go!"

"Bah!" Zhang Ziming spat at them fiercely, "What are you thinking? If you haven't done anything, you just want to eat? Go to work first, and come back with merit. Each person will have a leg of lamb. The Yangtze River feeds the fish!"

Under Zhang Ziming's heavy punch, the three of them scolded and walked away.

Looking back, Zhang Ziming hurried to find his good friends... Come out, don't you want money? Everyone tied a white cloth around their arms, walked around the street, and turned back to collect the money!

Logic, at this moment, finally completes the closed loop.

Several of Zhang Ziming's bad friends really pulled out a group of people, not one hundred, only more than eighty.

Another problem is in front of us. Living people can't let the urine die of thirst. It's time to fix the job!

Zhang Ziming had someone tell the big households that because they were in different military camps, they needed to transfer troops... As a result, a team of 80 people passed, and soon another 80 people came, and another 80 people.

Since it was night and it was quite a distance away, I couldn't see the appearance at the moment, so I could only approximate the number of people... darling, there are hundreds of Zhu family troops in this Anqing city, which is amazing!

It's really time to exert some strength, otherwise Zhu Jiajun will come in, and the big guy will not end well.

So, Zhang Ziming had money and food in his hand... So the 80 people really turned into hundreds of people.

At this time, a more explosive news came that the Grand Master Zhao Pusheng was imprisoned by the King of Han, and he would soon kill all the old masters of the Grand Master!

This time, rumors are really spreading, and people are panicking.

Chen Youliang finally tasted the taste of the master.

After all, people are not tools. People have their own emotions, emotions, and thoughts... Chen Youliang continued to devour the master, but he could not win people's hearts, resolve conflicts, and gain the support of the soldiers below.

Naturally, rumors spread, and some people believed anything outrageous.

At this time, in the city of Anqing, a rumor spread. It is said that the imperial envoy of King Wu came in and was contacting the righteous people to prepare for the event.

This righteous man is amazing!

Some said he was a fortune-teller, some said he was a monk, and some said he was a down-to-earth entertainer and a conjurer.

So many identities, which one is the real one?

Everyone was puzzled. At this time, there was a great wisdom who stood up. These people are all real!

Have you heard of it?

Zhu Jiajun's first hero Wu Ye!

People usually sing operas. When he enters most of them, it is like his own back garden. The small Anqing is not worth mentioning.

When Lord Wu came, Anqing couldn't keep it.

Hurry up and surrender, otherwise Master Wu will kill anyone, and no one will be able to live!

The gossip, the more it spreads, the more divine,

The number of soldiers under Zhang Ziming actually increased, and soon exceeded 1,000... What should we do?

No action is enough.

Zhang Ziming could only put the ducks on the shelves. When he was holding the lantern, he gathered a group of people and delivered a speech in the open space of the Tudi Temple.

"The people are Your family is the same, right? In Paoze, who fought against Wuxi Miao soldiers, their sisters were sold to brothels; the rice grown by the old farmers, they themselves can't eat The people have no crops, they are starving and exhausted. Everyone, listen to me, the King of Wu would never want the people to suffer like this! In fact, we killed the thieves and welcomed the King of Wu into the city. Our wife and son are still there. Food is waiting at home!"

"I order... let's go!"

Zhang Ziming tried his best to roar out the last two words. His words actually had an effect, and the two or three hundred people were inspired by him.

That's right!

We suffer and starve, we have no salary, and we don’t have enough to eat. Chen Youliang is a traitor, why are we still hanging out with him?


The big guy shouted, surrounded Zhang Ziming, and rushed out of the Temple of the Earth... They walked forward, and people kept gathering in, and soon the army broke through 1,500 people!

Zhang Ziming's mind is blank, he has lost the ability to think, he can only instinctively raise the knife and aim at the prefect's yamen...