First Minister of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 348: Hideshi Miyako

Will Zhu Ying fight?


Yes, just a little bit.


He already knew that the other party was Zhang Dingbian, a fierce man who made Chang Yuchun return home. Zhu Ying did not have the ruthlessness of a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers, and did not want to take his life with him. Because he knew very well that he would never do it.


It's not a shameful thing to admit one's own shortcomings. This is one of the very important skills he and Zhang Ximeng have learned. Just like Zhang Ximeng, he never said that he could fight, but in fact Zhang Ximeng was the commander of the navy, and he didn't make any mistakes.


And let Zhang Ximeng command the army, a famous general in the world, in terms of military strategy, many better than Zhang Ximeng, but really want to defeat him, it is not easy.


Roughly speaking, a person is good in some aspects and not too bad in other aspects. What he understands is not good, and what ordinary people think is not good, there are two things at all.


Adhering to Zhang Ximeng's style of promoting strengths and avoiding weaknesses, Zhu Ying began to calculate.


What is his advantage?


Maybe it's the human heart.


After all, if people are confused, he won't even have a chance to stand on the floating beam. To deal with Zhang Dingbian, he must work hard to strengthen people's hearts.


Really make the whole city, the army and the people, twist into a single rope.


The godfather Zhu Yuanzhang and the eldest brother Zhang Ximeng, they proposed to expel the barbarians, restore China, win over the hearts of scholars, relied on evenly dividing the land and acre, winning the support of the people, and granting land to women, perhaps women's support... It's your turn, how do you get it? What about the support of the people of Fuliang Prefecture?


Are you also doing field divisions?


I have already played it.


Then what else can impress the people of Fuliang?


Fuliang...Fuliang...Zhu Ying couldn't think of anything for a while, but he swept over the table and saw the teapot and cup, and he suddenly had an idea.


Fuliang is not well-known, but Jingdezhen under Fuliang is too famous.


The official kiln porcelain used in the Yuan court, the treasures exported overseas, and the treasures that are almost equivalent to silver are not all produced here.


The most people in Jingdezhen are kiln workers, that is, artisans who make porcelain, produce porcelain, and sell it to the outside world, porters... In Fuliang City, more than half of the people are related to the porcelain industry.


Big Brother has told himself that we must focus on the main contradiction, find the main aspect of the contradiction, and focus on the pain point and make a combination of punches to maximize the value.


Kiln workers, porcelain craftsmen, what do they need most?


It's not like he can make his own decisions and distribute more benefits.


Under the reward, there must be a brave man.


The peasants support Zhu Jiajun, because they can get the land, and the soldiers use their lives, that is, they can get double the land... It seems that the craftsmen here, Zhu Jiajun is only exempted from exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes, and there are no more measures.


That being the case, this is my chance!


This boy Zhu Ying immediately confiscated the Yang family's property, that is, Yang Youfu's property. Others died in Zhu Ying's hands, and even the property in the city belonged to Zhu Ying.


Then Zhu Ying announced that all the kiln workers and craftsmen who were willing to help defend the city would be given preferential treatment.


Obviously, this sounded like a joke at first. It was handed over to the craftsmen. With so many people, who did they listen to?


Also, if something goes wrong, who will be responsible?


In the end, there is no hair on the mouth, and if you don't do things well, you will talk nonsense.


But soon the person who spoke sarcastically shut up.


Zhu Ying and Zhang Ximeng have learned a lot, one of which is Tianma Action, which makes the impossible possible.


Soon, the craftsmen of the Yang family received a document with the seal of Zhizhou... The general meaning is to give you 180% of the workshop. In addition to the wages, you can also get 800 one percent of the dividend.


How to run the workshop in the future, all the craftsmen will discuss together, the specific details can wait for the meaning of the Zhongshu Province. But, from now on, you are one of the 800 owners of this workshop.


An official document went down, and the silent craftsmen moved.


Thanks to the reputation of Zhu Jiajun, everyone is willing to believe that this is about to start with the workshop, and finally to respond to the wishes of our craftsmen.


Long live King Wu!




The craftsmen poured out. Some people may be worried, will they fight?


It seems like they won't, but they can learn!


Soon Zhu Ying realized that he had picked up a treasure!


Compared with the children of farmers, the level of organization of artisans is too high. It is their instinct to assign tasks and cooperate with each other.


In particular, it is worth mentioning that these craftsmen were born in kilns.


Making some defense equipment, catapults, rolling logs, smashing stones, digging defensive trenches, mobilizing personnel, and arranging various tasks are all within hand. It is not much worse than a real soldier! In some places, it is more ingenious and cleverly designed.


Although he has not yet accepted the baptism of war, Zhu Ying is smiling and happy. This is God bless him!


Zhu Ying directly selected ten foremen and directly awarded them the title of Thousand Households.


He also brought in the few soldiers in the city who had participated in battles, and asked them to cooperate with the thousands of households to defend the enemy together.


What Lu Qiuyun saw was such a situation, and he was stunned.


"I said commander, you can do this! You didn't embarrass our youth camp!"


Zhu Ying gave him a white look, "If you don't have any real skills, why should you be the boss? Look at it, I'm going to make Zhang Dingbian run into a bloodbath, and even if Chen Youliang is there personally, I'm going to make him dare not cross the line. Lei Chi one step!"


Lu Qiuyun nodded again and again, "I'm convinced, here's our chance to become famous in the world!"


Even he is gearing up, full of expectations.


As long as Fuliang is not lost, Chen Youliang's plan to attract the main force of the Zhu family's army has failed, and his dream of going south to Raozhou and capturing Hongdu will not come true.


Zhu Yuanzhang waved his army and attacked Jiangzhou.


However, it was only passed to Chen Youliang, not only Zhu Yuanzhang's army, but also a group of soldiers and horses, also attacked from the direction of Dabie Mountain, towards Jiangzhou.


"Yes, yes, Liu Futong's troops?"


Chen Youliang was horrified.


Two of his most trusted generals, Zhang Dingbian was still attacking Fuliang, and Zhang Bixian was not around, so no one could discuss it. Chen Youliang also exclaimed how helpless.


First of all, Zhu Yuanzhang did indeed form an alliance with Liu Futong, but one of them focused on the south and the other on the northern expedition, and they did not really join forces.


But the covenant is there, it can't be regarded as nonexistent.


Put yourself in the shoes and think about it, Liu Futong doesn't want to seek the most sacred place in the south of the Yangtze River? He wants to go on a northern expedition, and there is such a big gap in food and wages, there is no reason to let go of the fat on his lips.


Moreover, Liu Fu has a large number of soldiers and generals, so it is reasonable to draw some from them and attack together with Zhu Yuanzhang.


Chen Youliang couldn't help but believe it.


But Liu Futong is really stupid for doing this... Zhu Yuanzhang's heroic appearance is very ambitious. If he is allowed to grow up, Han Song will be wiped out sooner or later.


How could Liu Futong take chestnuts from the fire for Zhu Yuanzhang?


Although Chen Youliang must retaliate, he is not a fool. When it is time to bow his head, he should bow his head. After thinking about it, Chen Youliang decided to prepare a generous gift and send someone to contact Liu Futong as soon as possible. In any case, he should dissuade Liu Futong from getting involved in the fight between him and Zhu Yuanzhang.


After defeating Zhu Yuanzhang, settle accounts with Liu Futong.


When the people were sent out, Chen Youliang sat there, sweating profusely, upset, and anxious... Among the rebels, the most powerful were the three families of Liu, Chen, and Zhu.


If Liu Futong and Zhu Yuanzhang really go hand in hand, they will deal with him together.


Ask yourself, Chen Youliang's confidence is not big... Do you want to form an alliance with the Yuan court, or befriend Chahan Timur, and ask him to send troops to help contain Liu Futong?


Chen Youliang thought over and over again, but he didn't have any clue.


Before he could figure out Liu Futong's intentions, he never dared to send troops at will... Just like that, after a full day and a half, various news came one after another.


Only then did Chen Youliang figure out the situation.


And this situation also made him messy... It's not that Liu Futong sent troops at all. Old Liu is still fighting with Yuan Ting. Where does he have the heart to care about the affairs of the southern region.


Zhang Ziming did this shit.


That's right, after pretending to be Zhu Yuanzhang, this guy became addicted.


Let him rely on a group of rabble to attack Chen Youliang along with Zhu Yuanzhang, that is to deliver food to the door. But in the spirit of coming here, we can't just do nothing and just be a spectator, right?


Zhang Ziming held back for a long time, and he remembered that Liu Futong's army was backed by Dabie Mountain, overlooking the Central Plains, with the Yellow River as the boundary, and competing with the Yuan court.


Zhang Ziming simply found a few crouching dragons and phoenixes, and then, under the banner of Han Song, headed south from Dabie Mountain, making the illusion that Liu Futong's army crossed Dabie Mountain and participated in the battle.


Not to mention, this idea actually shocked Chen Youliang's subordinates, so scared that Chen Youliang didn't dare to act for a day and a half.


People and ghosts are showing off, only Chen Youliang is being beaten.


After figuring out the situation, Chen Youliang exploded with anger.


"Zhu Chongba, I'm going to kill you!"


Before Chen Youliang could make a decision, Chang Yuchun had already led the Zhu family's army forward to Wangjiang County.


This place is located on the north bank of the Yangtze River, the south is the turbulent Yangtze River, and the north is the Daleishui, also known as the Thunder Pond, so don't dare to cross the Thunder Pond for half a step, that's what I'm talking about.


It is a good place with beautiful scenery, lakes and rivers.


But Chang Yuchun was not someone who knew how to appreciate beautiful scenery. He carried an iron spear and took the lead in launching the offensive. Chen Jun was caught off guard, plus there were too few troops, and it took less than half a day to carry it before Chang Yuchun broke into the county seat.


This one wiped the blood on the gun head with a relieved smile on his face.


The loss to Zhang Dingbian at the beginning made him always brooding, but now he finally has the chance to take revenge.


"Tell your superiors, I have already taken down the chokepoint that leads to Jiangzhou!"


Chang Yuchun turned his head, UU reading said to his subordinates, "Can you still fight?"




Even though he was tired, he was still energetic.


Chang Yuchun was even more satisfied, "Okay, it's our soldier! Follow me to kill!" Chang Yuchun was like a ferocious tiger, with a pack of wolves, rushing along Jiangbei Hurricane, no force could stop him.


Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhang Ximeng also led their troops to follow, and at this moment, a person came to Zhu's army.


"Zou Pusheng, the bereaved family, asks King Wu to take him in!"


This old man of Peng Dang, actually arrived at this time!

