First Minister of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 366: heavy reward

The battle of Xu Dahukou became famous all over the world, and he was like a fierce tiger in the world. He represented the hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Zhu family. He took a step forward, corpses in a sea of ​​blood, and waving a long knife.

Blood flowed into rivers.

This is the oppression of a top general. Standing in front of him, these literati are as fragile as eggs, and they can shatter into pieces with one foot.

It is the sutra's ability to heaven, or the strong Shifu who wants to believe in it. In front of them, there is no additional blow. Only to catch the shadows from the wind, pouting lips and tongues, making false accusations overwhelmingly,

In the Southern Song Dynasty, it was even more powerful.

There is no need for one, it has turned harm into metaphysics... In the past, I had to pay attention to the accusation of Luo Zhi and set up a frame, but this time, if I want to kill you, there is no need for it!

But having said that, those were all in the past. Now the power of literati has fallen to the lowest point, to be precise, the traditional literati. They cannot control Zhu Yuanzhang, let alone Xu Da and other generals. The situation is extremely embarrassing. To act, they cannot fail to react.

Qian Tangqiang endured his fear, tried to straighten his chest, and said loudly: "There are certain rules for studying and studying. When I was young, I was blind, or at home, or when I was close to studying. Visit Gaoyou, increase your knowledge, and accumulate knowledge. As for entering academy, studying with famous scholars, and achieving your studies,

It is to participate in the imperial examinations, to become an official in the dynasty, to serve the king, and to help the country and the people... I said that Bailudong Academy should not be accepted by everyone. I thought there was nothing wrong! ,

Xu Da was startled, did he misunderstand him?

Don't listen to him shaking his lips, if you believe his nonsense, you will be fooled. "Zhu Ying continued to support the fire, and Xu Da was also pondering, he knew that there was a foreshadowing in the other party's words,

But I don't know what went wrong.

At this time, Zhang Ximeng glared at Zhu Ying, and the boy quickly shut up. .

Then Zhang Ximeng smiled slightly, "When it comes to how to select talents, I seem to have some ideas. You famous scholars, Hongru, must have more ideas. You might as well communicate here. Zhang Ximeng smiled and said: "From my point of view, the world is the place to teach and educate people. There are roughly three is private school, the other is official school, and the third is academy..."

Zhang Ximeng talked eloquently. At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang, Song Lian, Zhu Sheng, Xu Da, and many other civil and military officials also listened attentively. I wonder who in the world has the courage to ignore Master Zhang's words. As an ancient young man after the Song Dynasty, he wanted to leave. What is the general process of reading and literacy, taking the imperial examinations, and becoming a high-ranking official?

The first step is that you need some money, and your family members are willing to support you in your studies. If there are private schools around you, you can go in to study and read. Of course, if your family conditions are good enough to the level of Sister Lin, you can also hire a jinshi. Come home and teach you to read alone.

And these schools, private schools, and clan studies are funded by the private sector, or they may be donated by wealthy businessmen, paid by the clan, or the teachers rely on their reputation to collect and maintain their business.

So, the first step in admissions, literacy, is entirely up to you.

And this step is enough to filter out 90% of the poor.

After you have completed basic literacy and reading, you will then learn more advanced things. After all, whether it is strategy and discussion poetry or eight-part essays, it is not a skill that can be mastered at once, nor can it be learned casually. There are famous teachers.

This created the need for further education.

There are two directions for further education, one is official school and the other is academy.

The system of official school is very obvious. It is the official school at all levels from the imperial court to the prefectures and counties.

For example, in the famous Qingli New Deal, there was a decree to promote learning, requiring students to be enrolled for more than 300 days before they could take the imperial examinations.

As a result, the status of official academies suddenly rose, and students from all over the world rushed to enter official schools. For a time, private academies were stagnant and almost closed.

But soon the academy found a way to bring it back to life, and it went a step further.

The solution is also very simple, that is, let the imperial court admit that the privately run academies are both official and academic, and students from the academies can directly participate in the imperial examinations.

As smart as you are, you probably understand what's going on.

The imperial court can order local governments to establish official schools, but it cannot solve the problem of teaching quality. In many places, official schools don’t care what students study at all, and it doesn’t even matter if they come or not. As long as you pay the money, you will be given a qualification to participate in the imperial examination.

The usual price tag is "at fifteen and be determined to learn, at thirty, stand firm, at forty without doubts, at fifty, know the mandate of heaven, at sixty, and listen to your ears, at seventy and follow your heart's desire. Now, at thirty taels you can stand and listen, forty taels have the right to ask questions, fifty taels can understand the meaning of the above, sixty taels can be comfortable, and at seventy taels, no matter what you do, everything will go smoothly. Graduation word, have to add money!

Official school has become this virtue, and no longer has the ability to teach. It is probably a checkpoint for participating in the imperial examination. And if you want to pass the imperial examination, you have to be really skilled.

The academy stood out at this time.

Because of the large-scale academy, in terms of organization and teaching methods, it is similar to the official school of the imperial court.

And the academy is run by a recognized scholar in the scholastica, and a Hongru recognized by both the court and the opposition.

Every speech is a fart of an old fairy, which is extraordinary. The examiner of the imperial examination is likely to be a classmate or friend of this group of people, or an old official of the student... If you study with them, the possibility of passing the imperial examination will undoubtedly greatly increase.

Ximeng briefly talked about the teaching process, so that people like Xu Da could understand, and then he smiled slightly, "Actually, we have

After Bo Jiang, he vigorously promoted learning, and then allowed women to learn. We have done so many things, what kind of training talents Huaxia Wuguo wants to establish to exclude most of the schoolchildren.

After Zhang Ximeng finished speaking, Song Lian immediately said: "Yes, this is what Zhang Xiang has always advocated. In us, everyone is the same, even the poor.

You also have the right to enter the school and receive education, don't you think it's inappropriate?

Qian Tang and the others were at a loss for words, of course they felt it was inappropriate, but the question was how to object, they couldn't say it!

The crowd could only be silent.

Zhang Ximeng also said: "On top of the most basic Mongolian education, we will set up government schools at all levels... For all government schools, there must be a strict assessment system, clear requirements for running schools must be put forward, and qualified talents must be cultivated.上, is the Taixue, which is the highest institution, specializing in training top talents, including senior officials.'

Qian Tang suddenly said, "Zhang Xiang, then, what about the academy?"


Zhang Ximeng replied succinctly, "We will not allow the existence of academies dominated by a few scholars from Hongru! Learn in the academy, learn in the government!"

Qian Tang's face changed suddenly, and he said solemnly:

Is there really no merit in the academy? It is not that the official school has never been run before. Qingli promotes school, and schools are set up in various places. The results are mixed, and it is impossible to cultivate talents who can help the country and run the people. It is not to rely on academies! Caomin secretly thought this was wishful thinking! "

"Is it wishful thinking,

It also depends on whether there are supporting measures...

Five hundred people were admitted. For example, if you are admitted to the Jinling government school, you have the qualification to become a scribe in Jinling.

.The number of admissions in our imperial examinations is far more than in the past.

In Jinling, the official school and officials were linked together at one time. In this way,

How bad is the official school? Also, in this way, the number of talents we need every year will probably be in the tens of thousands. How can the world academies have such a large size and can accommodate so many students who are like Zhang Zhanzi with a smile on his face. The people who listened to his idea, not only Qian Tang and the others, including Zhu Sheng, Song Lian, Ye Chen, and many others, were shocked. They finally understood what Zhang Ximeng was planning. From the very beginning, the military has widely taught reading and literacy, and then vigorously promoted learning. This is to build a foundation, a foundation that everyone can read. Reading and literacy is no longer the patent of a few people.

And if you want to meet the requirement that everyone can read and write, the government must come out to do things.

Otherwise, no matter how talented Zhu Xi was, he would be able to create several academies. How many disciples could one Bailudong Academy teach? How many of these disciples are not enough, they are not good enough!

In the past, although the imperial court mastered the imperial examinations, and the people also said that they learned the arts of literature and martial arts, and sold goods to the emperor's family, but in fact, everyone knew what was going on.

Although the imperial examination was in the imperial court, the study was in the people.

As for the imperial examination, which is a highly subjective examination, once the examiner also comes out of the academy and sits on the side of the people, the imperial examination is not a grand ceremony for the imperial court.

Interestingly, the imperial examinations were held every three years and every four years, and hundreds of people were admitted each time. This amount is also ingeniously in line with the teaching ability of the folk academies.

Once again a perfect closed loop.

Therefore, it is not a simple matter to promote reform in ancient times. Thousands of years of development have already divided up all kinds of interests, and the whole society is interlinked, and it affects the whole body. Who dares to move , will be reviled by thousands of people, UU reading must not die, and bring disaster to future generations!

"Qian Tang, as well as you guys, tell me, is my claim still valid?" Zhang Ximeng asked with a smile.

Everyone looked at each other, not daring to speak.

Casual accusations, nonsense, Xu Dake is holding a knife next to him!

But trying to refute Zhang Ximeng's words in a rational way is difficult.

"Well, it's too labor-intensive, right?" Jie Wen'an muttered with courage.

Zhang Ximeng laughed, "I said earlier, this is taken from the people and used for the people. It depends on whether the people are willing to let their children flourish and change their families!

This time, no need for anyone to say anything, Zhu Ying jumped three feet high and rushed directly in front of the soldiers who made outstanding contributions.

"Did you hear that? Zhang Xiang gave the fields of your branch academies and facilitated the admission of your children and grandchildren. What kind of kindness is this? Did you see that those scholars, who were obviously defenseless, risked their lives and ran to obstruct them. They are not just for themselves!

"Did you know that from now on, your descendants will be able to compete with their descendants on the same stage and compete with each other! This time, the reward did not give you an official title, but it also benefits your descendants endlessly!

Zhu Ying shouted hoarsely, and the people who didn't understand at first finally gradually woke up.

Plop, plop!

Starting from Zhang Ziming, they fell to their knees one by one, bursting into tears with excitement. Although they already knew something, they didn't really understand the value of this reward until this moment!

"Thank you for the grace of God! Long live the superior!"
