First Minister of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 418: cut!

Another old minister, who has followed Lao Zhu for almost ten years, holds a high position and has many prime ministers. Such a person can't even save his family, and he wants to die together, which really makes many people feel cold and trembling.

Zhu Yuanzhang could feel the sadness of the death of a rabbit and a fox from these people... But what can be done? The laws of the state are ruthless, we spared you, why have you ever spared the people of the world?

Zhu Yuanzhang is a very stubborn person. Once he has identified a path, he will not turn back, and he will not bend after all the twists and turns. If he hits the south wall, he will only knock down the wall and continue to stride forward.

With such a character, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't bother to explain anything, but Lao Zhu saw Zhang Ximeng again and thought of how he would deal with the Yu family.

I have to say that Zhang Ximeng has indeed changed Zhu Yuanzhang a lot.

"Mr. Li, you get up first, and Mr. Zhang, you come too."

Zhu Yuanzhang called the two prime ministers, both of them bowed their heads, Li Shanchang's heartbeat seemed to be faster, and his head was lower.

"Sit, you all sit!" Zhu Yuanzhang covered the wooden box and let two people sit on it, with hundreds of gold and silver ingots under his butt.

Li Shanchang only dared to sit on half of his buttocks, that is, slightly resting on it. He had to lean forward with his upper body and listen. He was completely stomping on a horse. This posture took more effort than standing. His body almost couldn't hold it up, as expected of the left minister of Daming, this waist horse kung fu is really amazing.

"Mr. Lee."

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly asked, Li Shanchang wanted to stand up subconsciously, but Lao Zhu reached out and pressed his shoulder, "No need to get up. Let's ask you, how much gold and silver is under your butt?"

"Almost, yes, one or two thousand taels."

Old Zhu nodded, "It turns out that there are so many! How much can ordinary people harvest in a year?"

Li Shanchang has been in charge of the logistics of money and food, how could he not know!

"After the superiors implemented the equalization of fields, according to the calculation of five members of the family, the left and right fields will not exceed 100 mu. After deducting the rations and deductions for the fields, it is considered luck that there are 20 or 30 shi of surplus grain left, and they are kept for famine. According to the current situation The market price, I'm afraid that even five taels of silver can't be exchanged... After all, we still use most of the treasured banknotes."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and said again: "So, there are hundreds of households under your buttocks, and the balance for a year?"

"Yes!" Old Li whispered.

"Then there are 180,000 taels here. I'm afraid there are tens of thousands of ordinary families?"

"Yes!" Li Shanchang replied again, his heart was beating wildly, and it was already mentioned in his throat.

Lao Zhu suddenly sneered: "According to Mr. Li, if this continues, will these tens of thousands of households rebel?"

Li Shanchang was stunned for a moment. Obviously, this is just for floating money, not for rations. As long as the common people have a stutter, who would be willing to rebel?

But then again, if the matter is not dealt with this time, the sun will die, the ghost knows when the common people can't bear it anymore, and they will revolt.

"Mr. Li, we also want to ask you, this time, Zheng Shiyuan's money is not too much, right?"

Li Shanchang grinned and said, "Sir, this case involves the Ministry of Household, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of War, and so many local yamen, all of which can't escape the guilt. In terms of the amount of greed, I'm afraid it will be ten times or one hundred times more."

Lao Zhu nodded slightly and finally smiled: "Mr. Li, please get up!"

Li Shan looked as if he had been granted amnesty, but Ma Buzha's legs were numb and he couldn't move.

At this moment, someone suddenly reached out and helped Li Shanchang to stand up. It was Zhang Ximeng who helped.

"Thank you Zhang Xiang." Li Shanchang thanked him in a low voice, Zhang Ximeng just nodded, but didn't say much.

Lao Zhu turned his head again and looked at the other people, "Let's let Li Xiang sit here and try it. If you want, you can come and try it, and see what it's like to be sitting on a mountain of gold and silver?"

Among the ministers present, who has such courage, Li Shanchang's **** can't hold it, let alone them.

"I dare not wait!"

Lao Zhu snorted lightly, "You dare not, I hope this is from your heart. This is ill-gotten wealth! Unrighteous wealth, if you take it, will kill you! Fill your own pockets. This money is in your hands, and you may not be able to spend it. There are still people who want to leave it to future generations, so that they can enjoy glory and wealth. This is what many people think."

"You think so. We just can't make your wish come true! Corrupt officials will kill you! Associated relatives... This is to tell you that if you corrupt and bend the law, your relatives will not enjoy anything, but will be unlucky with you. Corrupt officials will bring disaster to your family!"

Zhu Yuanzhang swept over everyone majestically, and said coldly: "If we do this, are you still unconvinced?"

How can the ministers dare to say more, only Nuonuo agrees.

As the head of the hundred officials, Li Shanchang can only summon up his courage and say: "The superiors are strict in law enforcement, have reasons and evidence, and the ministers and other officials are committed to the ground. These corrupt officials are humiliating themselves, and they will die!"

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled, "Mr. Li, we still like to hear what you say, but have you ever thought about it, will someone say that we murdered cruelly? Will someone listen to the nonsense and think that the blank official document is just a The old habits of the previous dynasty, it is not appropriate for us to slaughter wildly?" Whoever owns you will own the whole world.

Li Shanchang hurriedly said: "In the upper ranks, no one will think so, unless they are corrupt officials and maddened!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was noncommittal, but said to Zhang Ximeng again: "Sir, tell me, is this blank official document a bad habit or a greed of ink?"

Zhang Ximeng smiled coldly, "My lord, if these money are placed here, if it's just a bad habit, how come there are so many benefits? I have an example here, so let them confront each other, the so-called empty seal is clear at a glance!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, "Bring it here!"

After a while, the Gongwei Division brought Fang Keqin up. Gu monk

The prefect with a great future is already unkempt and haggard at this moment.

Since being taken down, Fang Keqin has had a lot of dissatisfaction.

He is conscientious and conscientious, promotes equal fields in the local area, and has a wide range of political achievements. This is a well-known thing, but now he is taken down because of an inconspicuous little thing, which is really unconvincing.

"I see your Majesty!"

Zhu Yuanzhang just glanced at it and was too lazy to say anything.

Zhang Ximeng suddenly stretched out his hand, took out two official documents, and handed them to Fang Keqin.

Fang Keqin took it in his hand, and only glanced at it twice, and the color suddenly changed... These two official documents were purchased from his rule, and one of them was 30,000 shi, which was approved normally.

But in addition to the 30,000 stones, there are 13,000 stones, which Fang Keqin did not know.

"This is also what the purchasing officials of the Ministry of Household made use of blank official documents to make additional purchases on the grounds of making up for the cost on the road."

Fang Keqin was stunned, and subconsciously said, "They, what do they buy two copies for?"

It's like asking a question.

Zhang Ximeng said coldly: "As a local official, don't you know that buying for the imperial court is at least 30% lower than the market price! Not to mention the thirteen thousand stones don't need to be returned to the Ministry of Households! How much profit is this? "

In an instant, Fang Keqin's face turned pale.

He finally realized how problematic this so-called bad habit of the previous dynasty was!

In fact, when purchasing materials normally, it is reasonable to expect more materials. For some important projects, almost 30% more materials are needed... That is, taking into account the consumption on the road and the loss of construction.

Let's just put it this way, if only 70% of the river management funds are used, you can almost get a first-class evaluation. If you spend 90%, it is basically Bao Qingtian.

In this case, it is just for the convenience of writing off the bills by issuing a blank official document in the name of the consumption on the road and failing to match the accounts.

Take Fang Keqin's situation as an example, the household department went to buy a batch of grain to pay for the construction of the Yingtian City Wall.

There was an official document from the Ministry of Household, and the prefect yamen also issued a document and handed it to the people of the Ministry of Household.

And the person doing the errands, holding the official document with the seal of the prefect, ran downstairs, and went to buy an additional batch, only to meet the consumption on the road. The officials below will still do things honestly, and are even willing to hide it from the prefect. After all, they are from the household department. If they can sell well, they will benefit greatly in the future.

In this way, the people from the household department easily got two portions of food, and when they returned to the household department to do business, they just sent an official document. Zheng Shiyuan, who was willing to help them write off, would naturally be able to get away with it.

The extra food will become their benefit!

This is just the most basic operation.

The Ministry of Household also brought over the donated money and food, and temporarily put it on top, and the things that should be purchased were changed into money, which filled their own pockets.

You think they are crazy, they dare to make any money, and they work hard... But these people don't think so, anyway, there are ministers of the Ministry of Households on the top, and the local yamen below don't dare to do anything to them.

And the enthronement ceremony is done, and the superior is happy, who dares to hold on to this matter?

Maybe they can get a rake, saying that they are unwilling to contribute to the superiors, and they have bad intentions.

Zhu Yuanzhang put all the actions of the Ministry of Household in front of the officials.

"As of now, we have to kill! Ruan Hongdao, and his three sons, all executed!"

"Zheng Shiyuan, together with his family, a total of seven, be executed!"

As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang finished speaking, Zhang Ximeng whispered: "My lord, Zheng Shiyuan's youngest son is only three years old."

Old Zhu paused, "Zheng Shiyuan beheaded, and the youngest son is pardoned!"

Zheng Shiyuan crawled on the ground, UU reading www. kowtowed, "Thank you for your superior, thank you Zhang Xiang! Long live your superior, Zhang Xiang has a long life!"

"Take it!" Lao Zhu said rudely.

In this way, Zhu Yuanzhang was dispatched one by one, the Minister of the Household, two servants, seven chiefs, as well as the servants of the Ministry of Industry, the servants of the Ministry of War, the young ministers of Honglu Temple... There were dozens of officials, not only themselves, but also their family members were killed. They did not escape, but some young children were pardoned and sent to youth camps to be raised in the future.

All the way down, the officials trembled, and no one dared to refute.

After arriving at Fang Keqin's place, Lao Zhu was furious, "It stands to reason that you just stamped a big seal, you shouldn't die, but you take Yuan Ting's bad habits for granted, just based on this, we should cut you in half!"

Fang Keqin's face was pale, only shaking.

Zhu Yuanzhang took another breath, "If you think that you have meritorious deeds, you will be punished for eighty times, and the whole family will be distributed to Lingnan!"

Fang Keqin was sluggish for a moment, then suddenly kowtowed forcefully, with tears in his eyes, "I kowtow to the superior for your kindness and grace!"