First Minister of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 461: Old Zhu's punishment

Standing on the dragon boat, the sound of long live is full on both sides.

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but blushed and waved to the people, his face full of relief.

Before he left, another prince was born in Yingtian Palace. To be precise, it was after Lao Zhu ascended the throne. The first prince born was a fat boy. He cried loudly. Rarely, named the little guy Zhu Di.

The family is more prosperous, the children are more blessed, and the country is stronger every day... The suffering of the first half of my life seems to be compensated for myself at once.

How could Zhu Yuanzhang not be happy?

Only one thing, Zhu Yuanzhang is still not satisfied, that is Zhang Ximeng!

Things are done beautifully, but they are too soft-handed and always fall short. No matter how good your reasoning is, who would be really afraid if you don't have a butcher's knife?

We must work hard!

Zhu Yuanzhang's fleet arrived in Jining, where all the military supplies, civilians, cattle and horses gathered here.

In order to support a war of hundreds of thousands of people, there are really too many things, even if they pile up like a mountain, they can't bear to consume them.

On the pier, people shuttled, including Kong Kejian and Kong Xixue.

The two of them carried a stretcher with a bag of 180 catties of grain on it. They staggered and walked forward. Kong Kejian swayed his legs and almost fell.

Kong Xixue couldn't help complaining in the back, "Dad, you have to hold on, if you break it, spill it out, and you will be scolded again."

Kong Kejian was out of breath and didn't have the strength to speak, but listening to his son said that, he couldn't care less.

"Little brat, you are young and strong, you carry a bag yourself, why bother your father?"

Looking at both sides, these people who carry bags have at least two bags, and some people can carry three bags at a time, and they can walk as fast as they can without struggling at all.

After working for a long time, people's physiques are really different... In addition to those specialized porters in later generations, ordinary people are out of breath when they carry 20 to 30 kilograms of things to climb the stairs.

But at the moment, carrying two or three bags at a time, with three or five hundred pounds on his shoulders, it seemed like nothing was wrong. Even 11- or 12-year-olds can carry a bag... of course. Working like this day after day is a huge drain on the human body. Many people become ill when they reach their thirties, and those who can live past fifty are quite limited.

It can only be said that people's livelihood is difficult.

The Confucius father and son obviously can't do it, they can only carry one bag.

Seeing this scene, the big guys couldn't help but roll their eyes.

But it's just that their strength is small, that's all, the two of them are still quarreling.

"Father, it's not that the child is embarrassing you. You didn't want to sell your son when you were old, but it's a pity that Zhang Xiang was not fooled. You still want to go around the back of the person and stab you in the back... It's a pity that this knife can't stab Zhang Xiang. "

Kong Kejian hummed his head and roared, "Beast, what are you talking about with your mouth full of feces?"

Kong Xixue shrank his neck from being yelled at, "No, it's nothing, just work in peace."

"Bah!" Kong Kejian loosened the stretcher and threw it on the ground.

"I'm quitting, you can carry it yourself!"

Kong Xixue was stunned and stared blankly at his father.

Kong Kejian snorted: "Our family is a family of saints, with moral integrity. If you are a son, you must be filial to me and work for me!"

Kong Xixue grumbled to grab the food buns, but he was not strong enough. He grabbed twice, but he didn't catch them. Kong Xixue was also anxious, "What kind of filial piety do you tell me? You work for the Yuan court, help you make plans, and bow your knees to the enemy. , serve the barbarians...I am unfaithful as a minister, why should I be filial to my son?"

Kong Kejian didn't believe his ears for a while, how dare this **** dare to disobey him?

Is there any more royal law?

What are the rules?

What's the reason?

"Nizi, kneel down for me!" Kong Kejian's beard and hair were stretched out, he raised his slap, and he was about to teach Nizi a lesson when he trembled... Kong Kejian was terrified, but when he saw his father trembling, he wasn't so scared anymore.

"I'm in my prime, so I don't need to be afraid of you! It's really funny to ask others if I'm not upright!"

"Beast! The old man beat you to death!"

Kong Kejian jumped up, grabbed Kong Xixue's jacket and hit him.

Although Kong Xixue did not dare to fight back clearly, he kept struggling, shaking his arms so hard that he pushed Kong Kejian to the ground.

He hurried over to help him, but Kong Kejian grabbed him by the collar and beat him hard.

"Beast, Nizi, I'm going to kill you!"

The duo rolled together and became a piece.

This time it was lively, and it immediately attracted a lot of people watching the fun.

Did you see that, it was the grandfather and the Kong family who were fighting, Duke Yansheng and his son, they fought so fiercely!

Does this talk about filial piety?

Now that the time has come, can the two of you support each other and tide over the difficulties together?

Why make jokes?

They pointed and talked a lot.

Kong Xixue's eyes darkened, and he was about to die of anger.

The face of the Kong family was all disgraced!

Just kill me, I don't want to live anymore.

Just then. Someone from the Gongwei Division came, separated the crowd, and came to find Kong Kejian and Kong Xixue.

"Let's go, His Majesty wants to see you!"

"Your Majesty is down!"

This man is like a pardon, they are already unlucky enough, life is better than death. Zhang Ximeng is really bad, and he needs His Majesty to come over, buy people's hearts, pardon them, and let them return to the Confucius Mansion.

Rest assured, as long as His Majesty can do this, the Confucius family will be grateful to Dade and praise the Ming Dynasty.

The people from the Gongwei Division took them, briefly cleaned them, dusted off the dust on their bodies, and went to the imperial tent to meet Lao Zhu.

The father and son were crawling in front of Zhu Yuanzhang, trembling and trembling.

"Sinners meet tomorrow, long live my emperor!"

Lao Zhu just watched, but he didn't pay any attention to them, but turned to Zhang Ximeng and said, "Why didn't you kill Mr.

Zhang Ximeng was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly: "Heaven's heart is kind, although the Kong family has done a lot of evil, but making them ordinary people may be more able to educate the people."

Zhu Yuanzhang said with a sullen face: "Kill them, peel the lasts, and hang them on the temple, the effect is not the same!"


The thunder exploded, and the sky shattered.

The Confucius father and son were completely shocked.

Not a red face, a white face?

Why is Zhu Yuanzhang more ruthless than Zhang Ximeng?

Did we misunderstand?

In fact, it was Zhang Ximeng who sang the red face?

Realizing this, the Kong family and their sons felt that something was about to burst out of the middle of their bodies... They could only squeeze hard, don't be ashamed, or they would be turned into human-skin pillows.

"The lord, the ministers, and the ministers dared to say that although the Confucius family was guilty, the crime was in the Yuan court. The emperor of Dadu gave them preferential treatment and allowed them to do whatever they wanted. It seems that they should not just convict their family."

Zhu Yuanzhang pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "Sir's words seem reasonable, but they don't make sense! The Kong family raised so many evil slaves, and how many people were killed and injured? What happened? These villains can’t ignore them, how come they don’t have the support of the Confucius family and their sons? In this way, even if the Confucius family is killed, it is reasonable, sir, you are too kind.”

Zhang Ximeng simply lowered his head and said nothing.

Anyway, he has this problem. His Majesty doesn't want to, so kill them. Anyway, he doesn't care.

Seeing that Zhang Ximeng didn't speak, Zhu Yuanzhang was murderous again, the Kong family was really panicked, it was better to die than live, they didn't want to lose their lives!

"Your Majesty, spare your life! Your Majesty, our sins are heavy, and we do not seek forgiveness, but Your Majesty raises your hand and can set an example for the world. Especially in the Yuan court officials, let them have a chance of life, so that they will not follow the Yuan court. , This can also reduce the casualties of the soldiers, and I hope Your Majesty will learn from you!"

Kong Kejian pouted his buttocks, kowtowed hard, and kept begging. At this time, Kong Xixue had to admire his father, and his head turned so fast.

He also kowtowed and kept praying.

Zhu Yuanzhang snorted coldly: "It's hard for you, and you have self-knowledge. I know that you are no different from those traitors who took refuge in the Yuan court! Like you, these beasts should really be killed, and none of them should be left behind! The Central Plains is thousands of years old. Come on, it is the accumulation of too much dregs that makes the world sullen and loses again and again. When we inherit the throne, we naturally have to clean up the accumulated faults and obsolete. Like your Confucius family, it is the most important one!"


This is really going to die, UU reading These guys are desperate, they have no doubts, they will be pushed out the next second and cut directly.

However, Zhu Yuanzhang paused at this moment and looked to the side, "Kong Kejian, Zhang Xiang is our confidant and a great sage. Have you read the proposal of Juntian he drafted?"

"I've seen it... I've seen it!" Kong Kejian said quickly, if he hadn't seen it, why would he be so afraid of Daming!

"Then what do you think Zhang Xiang said?"

"How is it?" Before Kong Kejian could react, Kong Xixue knelt down and climbed a half-step, "Zhang Xiangxiong is unparalleled in the world, and there is no one else in the world. Even Confucius and Mencius are far less than Zhang Xiang!"

Good guy, sold the ancestors directly!

Zhu Yuanzhang said with a sullen face: "It's absurd, don't talk nonsense! What Zhang Xiang said, the way of Confucius and Mencius was used in the last thousand years. Now that the new millennium is starting again, the way of Confucius and Mencius is outdated, and we need to introduce new ones. We take it seriously, what do you think?"

"Yes! Yes!" Kong Kejian finally grabbed the words and said hurriedly: "Zhang Xiang is the sage of the world, the Ming Dynasty founded the country, everything was renewed, the world was refreshed, the weather was new... Right, it is time to abolish Confucius and Mencius, and establish Zhang Xiang's learning as a prominent scholar in the world. !"

In a word, Kong Xue should die and Zhang Xue should stand.

This man really is a competition of who is more filial!

Lao Zhu looked at them and said in deep thought: "You can say that, but it's still a little remorseful. But what did you do, how many sins... I still need to judge the people of Qufu, we can't talk about it now. What...come here, send them to the Canal Wharf to work. Continue to investigate the case of the Kong family, make it clear, write it down in a file, and tell the world."

No one is as ruthless as Zhu Yuanzhang.

Both murder and heartbreak, but also make you stinky for thousands of years.

No wonder he can be a big boy!