First Minister of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 770: Mr. Zhang

After all, Zhang Shuning left the school and went to the Thousand Households in Xiahe Village.

Before he left, his teacher talked with him all night, persuading him not to do this kind of thing that was doomed to fail.

"Son, you are very talented and hardworking, and your future prospects are limitless. Judging from the current Ming Dynasty, there is no other than South Jimin and North Fudan. The two families are divided into three or seven. Child, if you really want to achieve success, you should Let our school surpass Jimin and become the first school in the world worthy of the name."

Zhang Shuning just lowered his head, "What about Peiping University? What is it?"

"It's opportunistic, it's the shame of the school! Now that Sun Xiang is from Shandong, our opportunity has come. Sir, I am in charge of the inventory of the population and fields. If the court can use my ideas in this area, your opportunity will come. In a few years, you will pass the provincial examination, become an official in the dynasty, and honor your ancestors. What a good thing! Why should you go against your own future? You help those poor children, but it's just a whimsical idea."

The teacher said bitterly, "I have seen too many children like this. They are generally dull, stupid, and lazy... Don't say that poor children are in charge of their homes early. In fact, they are not good at all. They have no knowledge, no responsibility, and they don't know how to work hard. All in all, In this world, it is already a great gift for them to read and write. They can be craftsmen, accountants, and do decent things in the countryside. They are not worthy."

Walking on the road, Zhang Shuning's mind kept flashing the teacher's words. Since the survey of the population, Zhang Shuning admired the teacher very much, and even wrote a letter to Zhu Di to praise his teacher.

But this time the conversation made Zhang Shuning seriously doubt, what kind of person is his teacher?

He really regarded himself as a very important disciple, otherwise he wouldn't be so reckless and say everything in his heart.

But these words in his heart made Zhang Shuning very uncomfortable. As a famous teacher of Fudan Academy, he can really look down on the poor, they are different.

Then, the son of the prime minister, can he look down on most people?

Why do teachers despise poor children so much?

Is what he said true? Does it make sense?

Even if it doesn't make sense, what's wrong?

Zhang Shuning still had no idea, but this time, he didn't want to ask his father for advice, he hoped to find the answer by himself.

Xiahezhai Thousand Households, near the sea, was originally set up to guard against pirates.

Most of the members of the Thousand Households were from the Shandong Red Turbans at the time. They were not directly related to the Ming army, and the conditions were not good.

Including the surrounding area, there are five Mongolian schools, one primary school and one middle school.

According to the current school system in Daming, Mongolian school and primary school are both compulsory education categories. After middle school, you need to spend your own money.

This is somewhat similar to the county school, state school, and government school in history.

After middle school is over, for students, there are roughly so many ways to go... Those who can't continue their studies will naturally have to work. With a middle school education and reading and literacy, they can roughly find a job like an accountant, barely enough food and clothing. Hassle-free.

If the situation is good, you can choose to enter the Governor's School, which is a school set up in each province, which can train some talents in a targeted manner.

For example, arrange them, enter the school in the province, serve as teachers, etc. Some of them can also get away with passing the exam and go directly to the yamen to work, but they have to start from the lowest level.

In contrast, only the top ones who pass the exam can enter Jimin Academy and Fudan Academy.

As long as you enter these two schools, you basically have one foot in the officialdom. Even if you don’t want to step in, like Zhang Huan, going to do business and get contacts will have a bright future.

All in all, Daming, who was founded ten years ago, although the investment in education is amazing, the whole system is still very rough, there are too few top schools, and there are even fewer good teachers.

Zhang Shuning recalled his own experience. Before he was about seven years old, he completed the Mongolian school and primary school courses, and then studied for a period of middle school courses.

Then I went to take the exam at Jimin Academy, and passed the exam very smoothly... If it wasn't for Huang Guan, Xia Zhifeng, a few talented guys, Zhang Shuning would be a proper academic tyrant, a child prodigy.

The kind without a doubt.

Now think about it, how powerful are you really?

It doesn't seem to be necessarily... After all, when I wear open crotch pants, I sit on my father's desk.

Many textbooks were compiled by my father. How many people wanted to get my father's advice but couldn't get it, but it was easy for me, and I was a little tired of listening to it.

Not counting his father, his mother was also a minister of the imperial court, who was promoted by the branch bureau, and those who came and went, just take one out, who is not a famous person in the world.

Such good conditions are poured into him, and his nephew Zhang Huan is a far cry from his own!

Zhang Shuning asked his father if it was fair. In fact, he should ask himself, is it fair?

You enjoyed everything so well, what are you going to do?

From a very early time, Zhang Shuning wanted to be a teacher. Later, he gradually felt that fame and wealth were too easy for him, and he was almost at his fingertips.

Only by fulfilling others and creating more people's success is one's own happiness.

But today, Zhang Shuning has a new insight, perhaps not only for his own happiness, but also for his responsibility.

"This is the one hundred and twenty articles I have prepared for you. You must read them thoroughly. I have circled the key sentences and must recite them. Not a single word can be wrong!"

"Also, these are three hundred math problems, which must be thoroughly understood and engraved in the heart. No matter how they change, they must be mastered!"

"Besides, even these thousand common senses will be memorized for me!"

Facing the fifty or so students of Xiahe Village, Zhang Shuning issued his own orders.

"I have talked to your parents, and I have issued a military order for them. I want to send at least ten people to Fudan Academy! They also promised me that as long as they can be sent to Fudan Academy, they will listen to my arrangement. If anyone is disobedient, drag them out immediately. Even if they are killed, they won't care!"

From this day on, Xiahe Village Middle School entered the state of a military camp.

Some parents even took the initiative to come over and help to stand outside.

Any student who skips class or who is disobedient will be arrested immediately and beaten to death without the teacher's action.

It's really not polite, the most skinny boy, he escaped, went to the river to fish, and his father caught it, hung it directly from the willow tree by the river, tore off his clothes, beat him directly with the wicker, etc. When Zhang Shuning came, there was no good meat left all over his body.

Then the grandpa hugged and cried together!

"Why don't you know what's wrong! Entering the Fudan Academy is almost the same as being admitted to the jinshi. That's a major event to change the family and honor the ancestors! Even if you fight for this life, it will be worth it! One more time, I will kill you. You, if you die, I will die too! Let the two of us become a joke!"

Gradually, none of the children in Xiahezhai Middle School dared to be lazy.

They only slept for two hours a day, with no rest or entertainment. They would get up before dawn, go outside to run exercises, endorse books, then do math problems in the morning and memorize essays in the afternoon.

In the evening, practice the handwriting of the pavilion for the exam.

Zhang Shuning found that some of the things that he thought were very common were unknown to these students. For example, the font for exams, he knew this from a very young age, but these students couldn't even write properly, as if no one had ever told them.

And how to write articles, how to use examples, this is something Zhang Shuning has long been familiar with. After all, Zhang Shuning still knows what his father is talking about!

But unfortunately, these students really don't know that the original teacher even used the Analects as a treasure.

Zhang Shuning's scalp is numb, even if you write the Analects of Confucius correctly, points will be deducted. Zhang Shuning had to order another batch of newspapers.

Every day, arrange for someone to read the newspaper aloud, and then ask students to take notes.

"You remember, the test is never about talent, especially after the proportion of essays and poems is getting lower and lower. Many times, the test is about skills and experience. In the last month and a half, I will take you to do all kinds of test papers, you guys You may not understand these questions, but you must keep them in my heart. Remember one question and answer one more word correctly, and you will have a better chance of entering the Fudan Academy!”

In the last month and a half, the test papers were really delivered.

Of these papers, a few sets were produced by Hu Yan, and there were more than a dozen sets by Huang Guan, of which Xia Zhifeng was the most issued, and she sent a full twenty sets from Yingtian.

These people are all at the level of academic gods. Although they are not in Fudan Academy, they know the style of Fudan Academy very well, especially Xia Zhifeng. She even breaks down each part and tells where to do it and how many points can be obtained.

For students, it's just a matter of life and death.

After a few months, these children of the Thousand Households, from being stubborn and confused at first, are now full of confidence and high fighting spirit, and they are very aware of how much progress they have made.

There are many young people who are several years older than Zhang Shuning, but they have great respect for this little gentleman, even like a god, even more important than their parents.

In a blink of an eye, the day of the exam was approaching, and Zhang Shuning personally led the group of students to Qufu.

Obviously, they should be regarded as the most embarrassed group among the large group of students who came to take the test. Many of them were still wearing straw sandals and leggings.

Where did this group of cowherds come from?

You are in the wrong place!

Where is the cattle market?

Zhang Shuning was very calm, "Go, just be worthy of yourself!"

The students nodded vigorously and entered the examination room with firm steps.

After two days of exams, the rest is to wait.

Zhang Shuning accompanied them and waited together.

After a full seven days, the test results came out.

There is good news and bad news.

The good news is that there are as many as 18 people who have passed the assessment. Although their rankings are generally low, they have passed. It's just that there was a small problem, and the school temporarily decided that an additional exam was needed.

The students who got the news were dumbfounded. They rushed out of the room, and everyone gathered together, full of grief and indignation, gnashing their teeth.

What do you mean by school, don't you understand?

For so many years, there has been no such thing as an additional test, why do you need an additional test this year?

Who can believe it?

"Sir, you let us study hard, and let us study harder. We all listen to the teacher. But now? Can you tell us, sir, is it still useful to study hard?" Ask Zhang Shuning.

He was lucky this time, passing in the second-to-last place. But if you try one more time, it is estimated that you will fall off the list.

Zhang Shuning stretched out his arm, patted the student's shoulder, and said solemnly: "Don't be afraid, this is the Ming Dynasty, and those people will not be allowed to do whatever they want!"

The students gradually calmed down, but they were still full of grief and anger. They only felt that the little gentleman was just comforting everyone. Could it really be a turnaround?

But just in the afternoon, news came again that the newly appointed political envoy, Gao Qi, came to Qufu to check the admissions situation of the academy... The flame of hope ignited again.