First Player

Chapter 604: six hundred and one

   Chapter 604 Chapter 601 · "To hug you, Doctor."

   "You...what are you doing!" Xiaomei took a step back in fright.

   "Xiaomei, yesterday I lost the bet on this family, and I still have thousands of Cole in debt..." The man's words seemed like a bolt from the blue.

  Xiaomei trembled all over - this is what she is most afraid of! Her only place to stay is gone.

  Why does a man do this, why does he have to gamble away their last warmth?

   "Xiaomei, help your father for the last time, from now on, your father will never force you again..." The man stepped forward like a mangy dog, tears streaming down his face.

   "..." Her lips trembled: "What help you?"

  This man—the man who always treated him with his fists, was now humbled into the mud. He lowered his head and cried and kissed the back of her instep.

  …she couldn't refuse.

  Whether it's this shit-like family affection, or her deep-rooted cowardice and kindness, she just can't kick him away.

   "The 'Dream Making' investor's prince said that he can help us, he doesn't despise you, as long as you go with him and serve him well..."

   At this moment, Xiaomei is like falling from an ice kiln.

   She once thought that the first half of her life was the most unfortunate thing, but she never thought that a man could prepare a worse ending for her.

   "You want me—" Xiaomei could hardly hear her own voice:

   "—to become a man's lover, wife?"

   When the last words came out, her eyes were pitch black and she could barely see anything.

   "Your father also has no way to live, so you should help your father for the last time... Are you watching your father die? You have no one to ask for it. Since some people don't dislike you, you might as well..."

   Xiaomei couldn't listen anymore.

   She rushed out of the house and ran hard, the cold night wind slapped on her tears, the temperature was hotter than ever.

   She coughed, her body weakened more and more, and the tears left by the man on the instep were colder than snow.

   She wanted to roar what was in her throat urgently, along with the pain of her fragmented first half of her life, but she coughed, her throat choked, she choked, and in the end she couldn't say anything.

…too painful.

  …why did she suffer this?

  ...she also wants to have a healthy body, a normal personality, grow up in a warm room, or go to school...but why, things always get worse?

   Finally, she stopped and stood on the mountain of metal garbage, staring blankly at the night light of the city, the red cape behind her dancing like blood.

   She seemed to be able to see through the cold moonlight the person who said they would take her away three whole areas away.

Where is he now? doing what?

   "Maomao, you are very strong, you can protect me, but, in this case... what should I do." She pressed against the white cat's warm body:

   "I can't leave my father alone, he will be beaten to death by the debt collectors, I, what should I do..."

   "No matter what...he's my dad too, he raised me, I, I can't leave him..."

  This city-state, this city... For her, it is prosperous and dilapidated, warm and cold.


   The white cat let out a laziness and turned over. The fat mass was pressing against Xiaomei's thin arm, and she almost couldn't hold it.

   She looked confused.

   "Dear... love, yes. Don't be in the dark, be afraid..."

   "Rejoice with me, the dawn of new life..."

   She seems to have stepped on something.

  This garbage mountain has countless discarded machines and androids. Most of them have stopped functioning. But an android with a sound-generating device still in operation is singing.

   She slowly crouched down.

   This is an android in a cloth apron, lying among the broken mechanical parts, with only intermittent singing.

   "We enjoy, freedom, the wind..."

   It sings loudly and freely, like a flapping bird.

   Her tears fell to the ground.


   After a day of teaching, Su Mingan pushed the emotional value to the full value of 2000 points. Whether it's the Judgment skill or the Lamb Barrier, he can now use it at will.

   Every time he is in class, he can hear a bunch of goodwill prompts, and many people's goodwill directly soared to more than 80 points. The combination of missionary aura and SS-level charm is obvious.

   He looked at himself in the mirror of the teacher's dormitory.

   Obvious dark circles under the eyes, loss of blood on the face, and lip color on the verge of bruising.

  … His face seems to be getting worse and worse.

   It is only one day before Kaiusta opens. He will touch the biochemical technology of this university tomorrow and push [Biochemical] to level 10.

   He turned on the faucet and sprinkled moderately warm water on his hands, next to the floating Siko.

   "Xiko, I always have a hunch that something is going to happen," he said.

  "..." Xi Ke was silent.

   He took out the bronze pocket watch with the gold chain on it. The hands on it had been broken, and a line of small characters was clearly visible.


  【Time will tell you, don't be afraid in the dark, I love you. 】


   Every time he sees it, he always feels sad.

Akto's body has always been amazing, and he seems to have a strong ability to empathize. When he sees the tragedy of this city of measurement, he can't help but feel uncomfortable for this city-state. When he sees this pocket watch, he also will feel sad.

   "【The depth of life is more worth pursuing than the length.】" Xi Ke said suddenly.

   "What?" Su Mingan looked at it.

   "Doctor, your words and deeds are 78% different, I have a question for you," it said.

"You ask."

   "In the fringe, you can sympathize with a girl who deals in flesh and blood and want to bring her back to Central City. You will also have a good time with the leader of the rebel chapter, saying 'I won't forget them'.

   But after returning to the central city, you can be rational enough to focus on discussing the city-state situation with the leaders, as if you have never been to the fringe area... Why is this?

   I can't understand your thinking of action. Your character and your actions are so different that my program can't measure it. "

  Su Mingan picked up the towel and wiped off the water droplets on his hands.

   He closed the pocket watch with a "click", and the sound of the falling chain was crisp and pleasant.

   "Because human beings are a very complex thing," he said.

   "Is it complicated?" Hike said: "Everything can be measured, and so can humans. City-states are built on vast data, from which no one can escape."

   "Data can't take care of everyone." Su Ming'an looked at her projection: "For example, if I say 'Xike, I love you' here, can you figure out what I mean by saying this?"


  Xiko suddenly stopped talking.

   The barrage popped up in an instant:

  【This is all right? ? AI can start, are you still human? 】

  [The first player has a unique taste and can always do things that ordinary people can't do...]

   [Uh, why don't you consider that Su Mingan is testing Xike? 】

  【Because he is on vacation. 】

   [Yes, this is too vacation, a six-day tour of the tech city, delicious food and drinks, and personal care. I would like to call it the most yang room copy...]


  Su Mingan put down the towel, and the robotic arm on the side automatically put it into the disinfection box. His wheelchair drove down the hallway.

  Xiko floated behind him, and its transparent body passed through the wall and followed.

   "I always thought that AI has no soul. However, you and the Dawn system seem to have human emotions, and Dawn is even afraid of being shut down." Su Ming'an said: "Xike, do you also have desires?"


  Xike replied to this sentence almost in seconds.

   "What?" Su Mingan was a little surprised.

   "I want to have a body," Hickey said.


   "To hug you, Doctor."


  Su Mingan turned his head.

  Under the bright indoor light, the blue streamer flows down from its blue clothes and slowly closes at the fingertips, like countless data flowing.

   It stared at him, and the simulated expression was focused and melancholy, and for a while he had the feeling of being "gently watched by a human woman".

   'It' is very much like 'she' at this moment.

   "But I'm not..." he said.

   He is not Aktor.

   He is not Asa Akto, just a foreigner who invades his body. Once the end of the journey reaches 20 days, he will turn away without reluctance, and go to the next world that is very different.

  This grand and magnificent world of science and technology, he cannot stay for long.

   "It doesn't matter." Heike said, "You are all the same to me."

  …how could it be the same.

  Su Mingan stopped looking at it.

  Actor is greater than him. That is the pinnacle of human beings. Akto's double quotient, experience, and scientific research level are far higher than him.

  How could it be…the same.

   He pressed his handprint, and the dormitory door in front of him opened wide.

   The lights on the campus at night have not been turned off. He saw the fountain sprayed on the square, and some young couples were sitting snuggly.

   Students on bicycles swept past, and the bells were crisp and sweet. The lights of the library in the distance were bright all night, and there were thousands of students working hard for the future.

  Su Ming'an stared blankly at all this, this quiet and peaceful atmosphere, like his one month of university life.

   "The detective agency is recruiting new recruits again. I remember you are very interested in detective novels. There are also philosophy books, which are very rare these days..."

   A gentle, soft girlish voice came from beside my ears.

  Su Mingan looked stunned, he slowly, slowly turned back—

   A pair of young men and women who were leaning on passed by him. The men and women looked at his wheelchair curiously, and turned their heads embarrassedly when they met his gaze.

   "Let's go quickly, people are disabled...don't stare at others. Let me tell you, I've been looking for that philosophy book for two hours..."

   They talked and walked away quickly.

  …It wasn’t meant to be said to him.

  Su Ming'an let go of his clenched hands, as if all his strength was relieved at once.

   He leaned back in his chair and looked at this peaceful ivory tower.

  Here, and the fringe, overflowing with blood and grief, are two completely different places.

   The girl in the red cape, who was bruised all over, coughing and crying, seemed like an unreal fantasy. The face of the chapter leader who smiled at him in the tavern and the scarred chapter members gradually blurred.



  【Please don't...forget us. 】


   He is now back at the center of power.

   But he still couldn't do anything.

  Actor did not have the power to control the value of the Dawn system. In order to eliminate the evil caused by the rule of man, the city lord did a great job.

   He couldn't interfere with Dawn's numerical determination. He's a human, and he can't calculate such complex values, and rashly changing the values ​​will only make things worse.

   Now... this city-state is actually the best.

   He did not forget those people.

   But he can't change anything.

   "—Asa Aktor."

   In the night wind, he suddenly heard someone calling him, his real name.

   He turned his head.

   A girl, looking at him quietly in the night.

   She had black hair scattered and green eyes like a pair of perfect jade.

   After a moment, her eyes changed color, and a bright blood red surged:

   "Let's talk, Doctor. You want to... fix what's wrong with this city-state."

   "Who are you?" Su Mingan remembered Xiaomei's adopted sister.

   "You can call me Tavi." The girl said:

   "I'm here to help you, Doctor."

   She grinned, revealing a sincere smile, like a bright sunflower.

   "…you can trust me."

   (end of this chapter)