First Player

Chapter 712: seven hundred and ten

   Chapter 712 Chapter 710 "Medicine and Poison." (Thanks to the leader of "Timomo Love Bag")

In the    room, the three fell into stillness, like an oil painting.

   This eerie silence lasted for twenty seconds.

  Twenty seconds later, Su Rin said, "It's you again, the agent of the gods. Now the gods' camp has failed once ten years ago, and the gods didn't take care of you. Who are you still working for?"

  Lingguang: "Pajamas are good."

Su Rin said: "At the beginning of the reconstruction of a civilized society, gods were a culture formed by social relations, and human beliefs were justifiable. But in the ruined world, the so-called 'gods' are just intruders who glorify their own behavior. What is it? Let you be bewitched by the gods? Is it the layout before Akto's death, or is it just your personal desires, Lin Guang?"

  Lingguang: "The pajamas are good, and there's lint."

  Su Rin: "...I didn't discuss the topic of pajamas with you. If you want to be good for someone, respect the lives of others. Don't use your own selfish desires to decide the freedom of everyone's existence."

  Lingguang: "In my eyes, you are more interesting than your pajamas. Where did you buy it? I'll buy a set for Lewis."

   Five seconds later, the two were about to fight.

  Although Su Mingan really wanted to see Lin Guang be beaten to death, but he knew that this Lin Guang was probably a bionic body. If you kill one, you can get another one, which is a waste of time.

   "Don't do it, I promise to visit [Hewei] with you, Linguang." Su Mingan said, "But I still have something to do, I'll talk about it in the daytime tomorrow."

  Su Mingan thought that if he delayed the time, Lin Guang would go crazy. This is also the reason why Su Mingan couldn't attack Lin Guang. He couldn't even say a word that went too far, and Lin Guang would forcefully interrupt him with bullets.

   He stared at the pistol on Lin Guang's waist and was ready to dodge.

   However, Lin Guang smiled. He put his right hand lightly on his chest, pressed down the neckline that swayed slightly in the wind, bowed forward, lowered his eyebrows, and his tone was extremely soft: "Of course, I can wait for you, and you should be patient with guests. However, please allow me I'll be by your side until we leave together."

  Su Mingan frowned slightly.

  In the past ten years, even Lin Guang has become able to speak... What made Lin Guang learn to communicate with people? Is it Aktor's death?

   "...Su Rin, I'm disturbing your sleep, let's go downstairs." Su Mingan turned around. There was a flash of light on Su Rin's side, and the pajamas on her body were instantly changed, like a magic fairy transformed.


  【Doomsday City·082 Industrial Zone·Rickel Pharmaceutical Factory】

  Su Ming'an came to the largest pharmaceutical factory in Doomsday City, and handed over the industrial chain data recorded in the City of Measurement to the managers here.

   In order to prevent Lin Guang from being yelled and beaten like a rat crossing the street, he threw Lin Guang outside the factory.

   The person in charge of receiving Su Mingan was a young guy named Kaskinen Filo. It is said to be a candidate for the [Eagle Dog] new army, who trained in the factory before enlisting. The young man looked nervous, his hands shaking while holding the notebook.

   "The City Lord...!" Philo blushed.

  This factory is now responsible for the production of medicines for the treatment of missing diseases. This medicine has been a big breakthrough in the past ten years, derived from the scientific and technological materials left by Akto. The output of the factory can treat tens of thousands of people for a long time. Even if it cannot be cured, it can alleviate the disease and prolong life like the treatment of cancer.

  Su Ming'an was walking on the iron sheet corridor, the iron sheet under his feet made a "bang bang" sound, and the young man walking beside him stepped lightly and heavily, and the whole piece of iron sheet trembled when he stepped on it.

   "Are you nervous?" Su Mingan couldn't help asking.

   The young man's face immediately flushed red.

"I... I adore the city lord. If it weren't for you, ten years ago, my family would have died because of the deficiency disease, and my sister would have been tortured to death by the ruler of the **** camp..." Philo was so excited that he spoke upside down: "Back then , you fell on the day of the end of the battle of dawn, everyone was desperate, I didn't expect that I would see you again one day, I was so afraid that it was a dream, so, so I was nervous... I hope you can live a long time , to see with our own eyes we build the city..."

   He has dreamed of the resurrection of the city lord more than once, although the image of the city lord mostly only exists on the TV screen. But if you admire a person to the extreme, you will even dream of this person in your dreams.

   Unexpectedly, now, his dream has come true.

   "Don't be afraid." As Su Mingan stepped into the factory, thick smoke and dust rushed toward his face. He looked directly at the large machinery and workers buzzing in the field, and said softly:

   "Asa Aktor will not die."

  Actor is always there.

   There will always be "Asa Aktor" to accompany the destiny of mankind, whether it is the cataclysm of the century that everyone has forgotten, or the battle of dawn, or the city of measurement in one dimension.

   Philo was encouraged by Su Ming'an's words, he said "um" heavily, and followed.

  Su Mingan walked in all the way and found that although the factory was huge, the environment was extremely poor. The workers have to work here for twelve hours a day. The black smoke from the large machinery has smoked their throats. Many people cough while working and suffer from lung diseases.

   The steel-making furnace with the golden-red liquid boiling in the center seems to be carrying a whole pot of magma. The scalding heat makes people's cheeks redden, and even some people have scarlet skin with pimples on half of their bodies.

  Su Mingan frowned when he saw this scene.

  —Workers are working in such a harsh environment?

  —Why aren’t factories protecting workers? He saw horribly low wages posted on the wall. How can this ensure the livelihood of the workers?

  Associating someone selling the position of the head of the group, Su Mingan was suspicious of the leadership of the factory.

   "Where's the factory manager?" Su Mingan shouted.

   "Hey, hey, the city owner..."

  The middle-aged factory manager rushed over immediately, wiping his sweat, and stepped on the iron sheet with a "bang bang bang" sound.

   "Why don't workers wear protective clothing?" Su Mingan asked. He is going to start from here and clean up the corrupt rule.

   "That's right, City Master. If you put on protective clothing for the workers, the work efficiency will slow down, and the production in the factory will be reduced by at least 30%, and the consequences will be disastrous." The factory manager explained.

   "Then why can't we hire more people?" Su Mingan said.

"City lord. Now there is a shortage of labor, many people have to go out to obtain heating resources, and we can't hire more people. Workers have to shoulder excessive labor hours to alleviate the widespread infection of missing diseases. A little mistake will destroy more than just Several families." The factory manager said.

   "Then why can't we raise workers' wages and attract those idlers?" Su Mingan said. Along the way he saw a lot of people lying in the bridge hole doing nothing.

   "We can't raise the wages, City Lord, the current wages are already the best value we've calculated. If there is more, the factory will collapse." The factory manager wiped his sweat.

  Su Ming was quiet for a moment.

   But soon, he discovered the problem.

   "Then why can't the factory take a little less, and you leaders can't get a little less?" Su Mingan asked.

   "...The city owner." Philo, who was next to him, spoke: "The factory manager and they didn't get a point."

  Su Mingan stopped.

   Philo and Sumingan explained that this kind of factory is directly managed by Doomsday City, and the salary of the factory manager is not even as high as that of the workers. The middle-aged factory manager is a kind-hearted person. He feels that the workers are suffering, and even divides his wages to subsidize them.

   If you add protective clothing to workers, you will increase production costs, factories will not be able to operate, and workers will lose their jobs.

   If the working hours are shortened, or the wages of the workers are raised, the same result is obtained. Even if more people are recruited, the machinery in the factory will not be able to load, and there will be waste of overlapping personnel.

   If the factory fee is reduced, there is no financing, and the machinery cannot be guaranteed, the factory will also close down. That would affect more than just a few workers' families...

  Su Ming'an calculated in his heart for a moment, and found that it was true...people couldn't seek a better environment. Sickness and low wages are like maggots in the tarsus, and there is nothing they can do better.

   He had never experienced such times. Productivity is limited, and the importance of human life is even below production.

   He originally thought that the factory manager and others were greedy people who squeezed the workers, but now it seems that the factory manager is actually a good person. Only in this way can the manufacturing efficiency of drugs be guaranteed.

   This made him feel helpless.

   He is too young, he has not even stepped into society, he suddenly wants to be the city lord of all mankind.

   After a long time, he said, "Then... what about the drugs?"

   He can only see what kind of magic people pay so much for the medicine.

"City Lord, this is the medicine we are producing. It can raise the mental threshold and delay the invasion of the missing disease. It is known as a 'miracle across the ages'. If it weren't for the information you left behind, we would not be able to fight the missing disease at all..." A body The factory manager in blue presented Su Ming'an with a wooden box.

  Su Ming'an looked at the past - raising the mental threshold, wouldn't that be comparable to a mental stabilizing potion? If he could use it himself...

   His eyes were filled with anticipation.

  The box was opened, and inside the wooden box lay a bright red blood-like solid, like a delicate rose. People look at it with longing, as if it is some kind of fetish.

  Su Mingan glanced.

   At this moment, he was completely stunned, as if something was choked in his throat.

   It wasn't until ten seconds later that he rolled his Adam's apple and retrieved his voice:

   "...Rose, rose blood?"

  The sense of the connection of history came to his mind strangely at this moment, as if the front and rear chains were connected with a "click".

"Did you give it the name Rose Blood? It's a very suitable name, we will change it to [Rose Blood]." The factory manager said happily: "Because this is a **** created by the information you left behind. Medicine, we have named the manufacturer as your name. I believe you will enjoy the gratitude of countless people in the future."

  Su Mingan stared at the medicine and turned around.

   After handing over the materials, he left the factory.

   He knew what the mass production of Rose Blood would bring in the future. This addictive drug will destroy countless people's bodies, countless "little eyebrows" will suffer for it, and some people will scratch themselves and die from drug addiction. But in this day and age, only it can keep the deletion disease from spreading widely.

   In the old days, it was a magic medicine.

   In the age to come, it is a spurned poison.


  【Because this is a drug manufactured by the information you left, we have named the manufacturer as your name. I believe that in the future, you will definitely enjoy the gratitude of countless people...] The words of the factory director sent chills down the spine.

   In the future, rose blood became a banned drug. Manufacturing gangs are even reduced to criminals, to be caught and executed, and recorded in criminal files.


  Su Ming'an recalled the tragic appearance of a white-collar worker who committed suicide in the bathroom due to an overdose of drugs and discovered that he was the captain of the Eagle Dog when he was the captain of the Eagle Dog.

  【Kill Asa Aktor! 】

  【Kill Asa Aktor! 】

  【Damn him! Damn him! Damn him! Damn him-]

Bloody words like    covered the bathroom where the deceased was, like a **** hell, making the scalp tingle.


"City Lord, walk slowly and take care of your body—" The voice of a young recruit sounded behind him, Philo's face flushed red, with admiration and admiration for the city owner in his heart: "I will definitely work hard in Eagle Dog to become the strongest soldier. , guard by your side in the future!"

  Su Mingan closed his eyes.

He remembered that in the future, he wanted to die with Akto in the helicopter, claiming to "eliminate the biggest obstacle to the development of Akto, the city-state, and make concessions for the new era" - the leader of the eagle dog - his name is [Kaskinen Filo] ].

   The young man really did his best, he really became the strongest eagle dog soldier.


   What kind of era did he guard?

  Su Mingan walked out of the factory, walking slower and slower, the thick black smoke and scorching hot air were left behind by him, just after ten minutes in this working environment, he felt almost out of breath.

  Asa Akto…

The name    has never weighed so heavily on him.

   Even at the beginning of the dungeon, when he saw Xiaomei's tragic appearance, he thought that Akto was a scumbag.

   But now, he and Akto have gone down the same path, only to discover that it is not at all. The pressure on the world is so great that it destroys one's choice.


  The hero becomes a hindrance to the times, and the rescued drowns to survive.


   It is the people who try to make heaven that makes this world hell.

   He gasped for each step, a burning pain in his throat. The strange empathy of Akto's body is like a quagmire, and his emotions are constantly falling, and the pulse of the times seems to be connected with him. The halo-yellow light sprinkled on him, like a rolling yellow ocean.

  Su Rin followed him all the time without saying a word.


   Suddenly, Su Mingan seemed to sense something and looked around.

   Across the crowd, he saw the white-haired youth squatting in the corner teasing butterflies from a distance. The white-haired youth had a child-like joy on his face, a crimson butterfly was at his fingertips, and beside him was a blue mantis.

  The young man was alone, and no one dared to talk to him. He seemed to be lonely in the midst of the lively, only talking to the small animals in his hands.

  ...that's Xiaohong and Xiaobi.

  Su Ming'an opened his eyes slightly.

   He heard his breathing quicken.

   But soon, the white-haired youth raised his head and saw Su Mingan who had just walked out of the factory gate. The white-haired young man's face changed drastically, he immediately drove Xiaohong and Xiaobi away, and stood up.

   "You..." Su Mingan said.

   "I'm Lin Guang, please don't forget my name, you finally came out." Lin Guang bowed slightly, his attitude still like a gentleman: "Just now, it was just a mantis and a butterfly passing by by chance."

   "I recommend you to go to the Central Academy of Drama." Su Rin sneered.

   (end of this chapter)