First Player

Chapter 807: Eight hundred and six

  Chapter 807 Chapter 806·"TE·All things revive (1

  Su Mingan opened his eyes and found himself sitting on a chair.

  In front of you is an ice-white laboratory, with thousands of monitoring screens lining the walls.

  The streets and alleys of the City of Measurement, the auditorium of the University of Constantine, the taverns in the fringe area, and even the sandy land outside...every picture is clearly presented in a frame of surveillance.

   This should be the ruined building of City of Measurement, the headquarters of Dawn System.

  A young man with a transparent figure stood with his back to Su Mingan. The pure white robe is like a snowfall, and the fluffy piping surrounds the young man's shoulders and neck.

  Hearing the movement, the young man turned his head and looked at Su Mingan. His silver eyelashes trembled slightly, like a butterfly flying in the night. The stream of data surged around him like a storm, like a manic Jiang Tao.

   "Dawn system?" Su Mingan stood up.

   "Welcome back, Doctor. Congratulations on completing Kaiusta." Li Ming said.

   "Where's Su Rin?"

   "He didn't teleport back to the same place as you." Dawn System replied.

  Su Mingan clicked on the system bar, ready to issue tasks to the players. However, I found that the line "Task Assignment Rights" was in a gray state and could not be clicked.

  He pressed it again, but there was still no response from the panel. It seemed that his authority was blocked.

  At this moment, Su Mingan realized something was wrong.

  He looked at the Dawn System in front of him, and he noticed that the Dawn System presented a male posture today, rather than the usual female image.

   "Liming, I'm going to assign new missions to the players." Su Mingan said, "What about my authority?"

  He opened the AI ​​Xico on the wrist, but found that Xico had also fallen into a dormant state. The screen of the watch is black, and it is impossible to even communicate with the outside world.

  In the eyes of outsiders, isn't he out of contact?

  Dawn system watched his movements:

   "As you know before, there are two times in the world of ruins. One we call the standard time, and the other we call the origin time. The origin time is the time in the Dawn system, which is based on the standard time."

"The simulation of the world is calculated by the system. I used computing power to calculate the entire twenty days. Then I came up with a solution—that is, the timeline of the player's arrival. The player follows the standard timeline, but there is only the origin in the Dawn system. The player is progressing towards a certain standard time on the paper of the dawn system."

   "Therefore, the entire world is built on countless simulations, and the absoluteness of data represents everything."

  Su Mingan calmly listened to Liming System: "So?"

  Looking back at dawn, looking at the city-state in the night, a pale and round moon is hidden in the black mist, like a silver lake in the wilderness.

  His pale cheeks were slightly sideways, and his eyes were focused on the silent eternal night of the city-state. From here, he could see the roads of pale corpses, and the trucks still driving in the black mist.

  He quietly looked at these struggling human beings, there was no pity, no sadness, and no sympathy in his eyes, just like a **** looking down on the city-state.

   "Doctor, I need to inform you of something."

   "After the 2,300 simulations in Kaiusta were all over, due to the completion of the mission of the trap program Linguang t-0321, I collected enough data and learned about [Tawei]'s situation."

"In the past twelve hours, I have performed thirty-six trillion simulations in my system. Comparing the city-state's resource reserves, personnel action plans, firewall defense time and the situation of [Tewei] comprehensive comparison."

   "Among them, there were a total of eight simulations. The ruined world was successfully defended, and humans won."

   After Liming System said this, it looked at Su Mingan.

  But Su Mingan heard his unfinished words.

   "Thirty-six trillion simulations, only eight times succeeded?" Su Mingan said.

   "This is a cruel fact." Liming System said: "According to the data obtained by Linguang T-0321, I have discovered that our winning rate is not even one in a billion, doctor."

   "Are you serious?" Su Mingan took a step back.

"According to the emergency regulations, this resistance is hopeless, doctor, I will end the 'Dawn Project', and my mission will be to preserve the last hope of human beings. After the world is invaded by [Taiwei], there are still human beings A chance to make a comeback," Liming System said.

   "Wait..." Su Mingan understood: "You mean, you want to give up resistance to [Tawei], give up the 'Dawn Project' that has been launched now, give up those people who are transporting resources, and give up everything that exists?"

  In Su Mingan's sight, the Liming system nodded slowly.


"With more than ten hours left, I need to carry out the final transshipment work as soon as possible, and transfer the most precious information of human beings to my program. Please rest assured that even if everything in reality is finally destroyed by [his] dimension] destroyed, I can still preserve the last human images and biological specimens.”

  Su Mingan heard this passage, looked at Liming System, and finally felt the difference between humans and programs.

Those residents who are still struggling to survive, those soldiers running in the sand... and those white birds on the bell tower, footprints in the snow, music scores in the glaciers, malt sugar in the lanes-everything of human beings...those billions and billions Tens of thousands of lives, and countless children like flowers—the meaning of the dawn system—

  Su Mingan's pupils narrowed slightly.

  —Give it all up?

Because of the information brought by the sacrifice of Linguang T-0321, the Dawn system learned that it is almost impossible for human beings to win after comparison, so they decisively decided to give up all the previous considerations—those excellent cooperation between time, space, and dimensions, Those firewalls erected in 2,300 simulations, those lines of defense built by the peak wisdom of human beings—is it equivalent to nothing?

Theretia whose chest was pierced by a sword, Noah who closed his eyes in his arms, Kita Riser who called him "Asa", Sen who hung his head in a wheelchair, and Lin who disappeared in the ruins. Light, billions and billions of human beings sacrificed for one spring...what are they considered?

  Because there is no winning percentage anymore, I chose to give up. This is indeed a rational choice, but for humans, it is too cruel.

"Please rest assured, Dr. Akto has final considerations in this regard." Seeing Su Ming'an's complexion, Dawn System said: "He once implanted the final plan in my program—if everything he does is still impossible To keep human beings alive, I will automatically start a new plan 'Hope', with the primary purpose of preserving the most precious resources and talents of human beings, and preserving the last spark of the human species."

   "Doctor, we haven't lost yet."

   "I lost." Su Mingan said.

  His voice was extremely soft, and all the strength in his body seemed to be removed. He took a step back and sat back on the chair, like an empty shell whose soul had been ripped out.

  —This is the same as if he redeemed Zhai Xing in the end, he redeemed an empty Zhai Xing without any human beings. What's the difference between this and this ending?

  He stared at the flashing green light in the eternal night. It was the light on the backs of the necks of the personnel in protective clothing, forming a sea of ​​bright green stars. There are thousands of them at a glance. Every light represents an unyielding life.

   They don't know yet, they have been abandoned by Dawn.

   Su Mingan thought, Akto was indeed calmer than him—it was so cruel. As early as 102 years ago, Akto even considered this kind of ending that was similar to the destruction of the group.

  But this ending is unacceptable to anyone.

  If only a few people survive in a population, and all art, literature, and music leave only words and images, what is the difference between a population and extinction?

   "For a civilization, this is the best result under limited conditions." At this time, Xiao Ai's voice came from Su Mingan's shoulder, and the fox appeared out of nowhere.

  Su Mingan pushed it back and made a "poof".

   "Liming, what is your specific plan?" Su Mingan said.

  The dawn system turned around, and the snow-white data brilliance surged crazily with his movements, cluster after cluster condensing around his body, like blooming flowers.

  Subsequently, texts visible to the naked eye flickered in the data. Accompanied by the ear-piercing sound, the blood-colored light circulated in the room, illuminating Su Mingan's face as red as blood, and Li Ming's transparent body was stained with the luster of blood.


  A thick, silent breath circulated in the air, and even Su Mingan's hair was blown by the wind.

   Liming raised his head slightly, his white hair rose with the wind and waves, and lines of words flowed around him. His pupils no longer had half of their brilliance. Instead, the numbers 0 and 1 occupied all of his pupils, which were also as red as blood.

  The blood color kept flickering, and countless data surrounded the two of them. Su Mingan could no longer see any furniture in the room clearly, only red and white ripples fluctuated around him.

  The city-state in the distance is as dark as water at night, and the rain sprinkles in along the window, and sprinkles on Su Mingan's face. He blinked involuntarily, his eyes full of soreness.

   At this moment, he suddenly remembered what Akto said when he parted with Akto:

  【I used to think that as long as I exhausted my strength, I could save everyone. 】

  【I used to think that as long as I exhausted my wisdom and rationality, I could build a defense tower that would never fall. 】

  【…But I finally discovered that some people, some things, and even the whole world may be destined to have no ending. 】

  【I never dare to believe in hope. Whenever I decide to hold on to hope, I will reveal the skin that has not been cut out of the cocoon by the blade, and will be numb by more cuts. 】

  【Manpower is exhausted sometimes, some people can only burn at the most brilliant moment, and die at the most dazzling moment. In the end, we may even find out that we have only one way, and we have already led to the worst ending from the beginning. 】

  【Su Mingan, if one day you and I are really faced with such a situation, we have no other choice but to accept it. 】

  【If one day, the right to choose the fate of the world is in your hands, I hope you can still maintain your rationality. 】

  【Because we have done our best. 】

  【Because I have... no regrets. 】


  Actor is right.

   They have done their best.

   "Please allow me."

  The sound of the dawn system echoed in the room:

   "—Start the final 'Hope' plan."

  Su Mingan didn't answer.

  He is unwilling to accept the plan.

It's not because of some emotional factors, and he won't admit how much he has feelings for the ruined world, but he doesn't think that all npcs and players worked hard to the last day, resisting the years and sufferings of the entire civilization thousands of times, and finally But there is only the ending of the death of all - this seems to be inconsistent with the law of "plot".

   But what does TE (trueend) mean?

  —The real ending, the correct ending, the ending that is most in line with the direction of the world, without any false ending.

  Reality is not a fairy tale. It is impossible to achieve a happy ending as long as everyone fights passionately, and it is impossible to watch some people pass the customs all the way to save the world.

  Insufficient resources, insufficient resistance, and the absolute suppression of civilization and technology have led to the current situation.

  If this is really the doomed end of the world of ruins...

  Su Mingan remembered the relieved look in Akto's eyes before he left—perhaps at that moment, Akto had already realized.

  In the glaring blood red laboratory, Su Mingan rested his hands on the swivel chair. He looked up very lightly.

  (end of this chapter)