First Secret Agent in History

Chapter 120: Massacre of 100,000 in an instant? per

As Zheng is saying, if you don't forget, there will be an echo.

During this time, Yun Zhonghe has been thinking about one thing, that is, how to save the city of fissure, how to save the Jing family, and how to defeat the 100,000 army of Huantai Mingming.

But he never got the answer because he was not God.

正常 Under normal circumstances, and within a short period of time, it is almost impossible to let the fissure city less than 10,000 troops defeat more than ten times the enemy.

Moreover, he has made the simulation of Quantum Nine Patients countless times in actual combat, and the results are the same.

Huantai Mingming won a complete victory, the fiasco city defeated.

In some simulation results, Yunzhong Crane and Jing Zhongyue all died.

However, half of the results came from Jing Zhongyue's final siege, which led to several hundred people to break through, but the Windbreak City was still lost.

所谓 In the face of real confrontation between the two armed forces, the so-called strategy has little effect.

But the effort lies outside the poem.

In the subconscious mind of Jin Yunhe, he has been thinking about another problem. Perhaps he didn't even know that he was thinking about that problem.

Is the treasure map of the Jing family.

Yes, it is a treasure map that has been burned by the crane in the cloud and turned to ashes without any information.

Of course, in fact, I have not received valid information.

But in the subconscious mind of the crane in the cloud, the shape of this treasure map is particularly clear. It is a very strange thing. After the treasure map is burned, it becomes clearer in the brain.

The so-called clarity does not refer to the pattern on the treasure map. It is completely a ghost symbol, which really does not make any sense.

What makes Yun Zhonghe remember clearly is the shape of the treasure map, which is a nine-sided shape and an irregular nine-deformation, so people can't feel its shape, as if it was torn off at will. Get any attention.

But if you connect each corner of the treasure map to the center, you will get nine triangles. The nine corners in the middle add up to exactly 360 degrees. Of course, it should be 360 ​​degrees.

Then if you turn this treasure map nine times, and rotate it according to the degrees of the nine corners in the middle.

Each time you turn, the pattern of the treasure map is drawn.

Or to put it another way, that is to draw nine treasure maps, and then overlap them according to different angles. What will the result be?

This is the idea that just came out of Yunzhong He's brain.

I have no reason, no reason, this idea just popped out.

Then Yunzhong He said to do it.

Find out nine pieces of paper, cut them into exactly the same shape as the treasure map, and draw the same pattern.

Overlap nine treasure maps at a special angle and wet them with water.

Then ...

The crane in Jinyun couldn't help but be stunned.

Because he saw a complete map.

Come on!

The person who draws the treasure map is just a genius. What clever person is needed to crack this treasure map?

No wonder this treasure map looks like a ghost symbol, because it is just one corner of the map.

It takes nine identical graphics, rotated at a certain angle, and overlapped together to get a complete map.

Next, Yun Zhonghe immediately took a closer look at this treasure map.

This is a complete map. He Yunzhong needs to know where the tomb of the Emperor is.

The crane in Jinyun wasn't sure exactly what the tomb of the angry emperor had to do with the subsequent battle of the fissure city, but he had a faint answer in his mind, because he had heard too many legends about the tomb of Qin Shihuang.

The tomb of this angry emperor has legends that there are cities, rivers, lakes and seas, and thousands of troops.

However, just looking at this map, Yun Zhonghe stayed again.

Because ... this map is clearly the topographic map of the city of fissures.

Certainly, there will not be a concrete rift city on this map, but the topographic curve of this valley is exactly the same as the location of rift city.

Also, the entrance to the tomb of Nu Di is clearly marked on it.

But this is not the weirdest, the most weird is!

The Rift Wind City was actually built above the tomb of Nu Di!

Accurately speaking, the area of ​​Rifeng City only accounts for less than half of the tomb of Nudi.

The entire tomb of Nudi stretches for dozens of miles, and the city of Rifeng is directly above the middle of the tomb, that is, the city below is empty.

Large tracts of land before and after the rifting wind city, all of which are dozens of meters below are tombs.

This is incredible.

Is this angry emperor crazy, to build such a large underground tomb for himself?

巨大 What a huge project this is? No wonder then that the Great Salty Empire would decline. How much manpower and material resources would be required for such a huge underground tomb, which would completely empty the treasury.

The most important thing is that after the underground mausoleum is constructed, it is still strictly confidential. No one knows where the underground mausoleum is located.

what does this mean?

Plutonium means that almost all those involved in the construction of the underground mausoleum have been killed.

怒 This angry emperor is simply not a normal human, it is really crazy.

How did you use the tomb of the Emperor to defeat the 100,000 army of Huantai Mingming? Yun Zhonghe's mind seemed to have a clearer answer, but he still needed to verify it.


Jinyun Zhonghe found Jing Zhongyue with a map.

"That is to say, our family has been on the tomb of Nudi for generations?" Jing Zhongyue was startled.

"Yes." Yunzhong Crane said, "Can you be brave?"

Jing Zhongyue said: "Our ancestors actually found the tomb of Nudi long ago, and it was because of this rise. But for some reason, he did not tell the descendants of the tomb of Nudi to future generations, but using the treasure map Ways passed down. "

He Zhongyun said: "Or bolder to imagine, your ancestor Jing Jing is the man of the Daxian Empire, and is also responsible for building the tomb of the Emperor. He may have died or survived. This treasure map was drawn by him. He is simply a mathematical genius. "

Sakai Nakazuki said, "Are you more genius than you?"

Jinyun Zhonghe said, "I'm a lunatic, so I'm not born than my genius."

Next, two people lie on the map to study.

"This is the entrance?" Inakatsuki.


Sakai Nakazuki said: "I can't see where it is."

This treasure map has been considered very detailed, but it is still too small, so the entrance to the tomb of Nu Di cannot be seen.

The crane in Jinyun zoomed in the treasure map many times in his mind, and then took out the topographic map of the city of fissure, which is clear.

Then, Yunzhong He was surprised to find out.

的 The entrance to this tomb of the Emperor is inside the city's main palace.

Next, Yun Zhonghe continued to measure and calculate, and then accurately described that point.

"Where is this place?" Yun Zhonghe asked.

"I ... my father's room." Well Zhongyue said.

A cloud of cranes in the clouds.

Then, he and Jing Zhongyue came into the room of the master of the old city of Jinge.

At this time, the smell of the medicine in the room was very weak, because the old town owner had suffered a stroke for more than two years, and the medicine stone was very weak. He could only inject liquid food every day to survive.

One hundred percent vegetatives have no response to the outside world.

He Yunzhong and Jing Zhongyue stood in front of the bed, staring at the motionless, skinny old Lord Jinge.

Jinyun Zhonghe also wanted to save the Lord of Jing'e City, but found that it couldn't be saved.

Why did Ei Sukai suffer a stroke? This is a mystery until now. Was it a big win for the empire? Yun Zhonghe didn't know.

But the adult admits that because of repeated feelings of Jinge ’s hostility, the Great Win Empire did think about killing Jinge.

But according to the words of the popular annihilation of adults, those who framed Jinge's stroke may not win the empire.

究竟 Who is that? What conspiracy is there? It is completely unknown for the time being.

Seeing Jing Zhongyue getting there, Yun Zhonghe couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

Sakai Nakazuki said, "I just want to recall his spirited spirit, as if it was yesterday."

Then, she said, "If one day, I also become like this, you must kill me, I absolutely do not want to live like this walking dead."

Jinyun Zhonghe said, "Someday, I will become like this, will you kill me?"

Sukai Nakazuki thought for a while, then shook his head. Because sometimes, for the loved ones, as long as they are alive, they think.

What if one day can wake up?

"I will also support you, but I will not allow you to become ugly." Jing Zhongyue said: "And even if you do not know the personnel is not useless, you can talk to comfort."


The scalp of the crane was numb in the clouds.

What about the moon? Are you still the moon I know?

Your carriage is so fast that I can't keep up with my scum. Is it true that you, a pure and immaculate goddess, say such a thing?

Uh ...............

"If you haven't guessed wrong, the entrance to the tomb of the angry emperor is under this bed." Crane in the clouds.

Sukai Nakazuki nodded.

At this time, the bed in which Jinge City was sleeping was very special. It was not wood, but a jade bed, and it was also a warm jade bed.

The entire bed was carved from a large piece of jade.

No doubt this is a treasure, and it is a family treasure.

But it is not so precious as imagined, because it is not a jade in the traditional sense, it is not so white and transparent, it is more like a large stone, but it has a little warm color.

"This bed has a long history?" He Zhongyun said.

Kusaka Nakazuki nodded and said, "If you have the Jing family, you have this bed. The Jing masters have all slept in this bed."

Suddenly, He Yunzhong was caught in some reverie.

"No ..." Well Zhongyue said.

Jin Yunzhong crane yelled, "I didn't say anything."

Sakai Nakazuki said, "I don't want to be in this bed. We won't sleep in this bed in the future. It's too hard to be comfortable at all."

Jinyun Zhonghe said, "We are looking for the entrance to the tomb of Nu Di. We are not here to sleep. Please be serious."

Next, the owner of the old city of Jinge was carefully removed, and all the bedding on the bed was removed, leaving a huge naked bed.

Then the crane in the cloud discovered that this bed turned out to be rooted and completely integrated with the ground.

Although carved into the shape of a large bed, in the final analysis is a super megalith.

Where is the puppet authority?

哪里 Where is the entrance?

The crane in Jinyun searched carefully and wanted to find the lines above.

There must be a mechanism. Turn it around and the secret door will open up.

But after researching for half an hour, nothing happened.

Sui Zhongyue went out without saying a word, and when she came back, she had a big hammer in her hand, more than 200 pounds.

Raising the sledgehammer violently, he was about to hit the stone bed.

"Slow, slow, slow." Yunzhong Crane said: "Moon, don't be so violent, rely on wisdom, rely on wisdom. Give me another half an hour, I will crack it out, I will find the entrance. You have to believe me I ’m a wise and almost demon-like person, and I have a stone bed mechanism, so I do n’t care, how can I break it with brute force? ”

After half an hour!

Jinyun crane said: "Moon, hit me!"

Sukai Zhongyue stared at Yunzhong He for a while, then raised his sledgehammer and smashed it down.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang ..."

四 only four times.

This huge stone bed was smashed.

The uncle slammed again.

A hole appeared in front of two people, and it really was an entrance.

Television movies kill people, there is no organ at all.

Jinyun Zhonghe understood that the ancestors of the Jing family had entered the mausoleum, and the baby in the mausoleum rose to make a fortune and established the first generation of the foundation family.

In order to protect and hold this tomb of the Emperor for generations, he built his home directly on the entrance of the tomb.

And for safety reasons, he sealed the entrance directly with a boulder. In order to hide people's eyes, he carved this huge stone directly into a bed, and then all the Jing family owners slept on this bed.

This is so **** funny.

The family master of the Jingjing family has held this treasure map for generations and dug the entire land without the owner. I don't know how many ancient tombs have been dug, but I can't find the so-called Tomb of the Emperor Nu.

However, he didn't know that the real tomb of the Emperor was lying under them.

His ancestors really made a huge joke to his descendants.

"I go to explore first." Jing Zhongyue said.

Jin Yunzhong He went along with his heart, but let's forget about his constitution first, so as not to drag down Jing Zhongyue.

If it is really as described in the treasure map, the entire tomb of the Emperor is filled with the tomb of Nu Emperor, then it will be closed for hundreds of years and there must be no air.

"Be careful." Crane in the clouds.

Sui Nakazuki stunned and floated in.

Then, Yunzhong He waited alone.

I waited for almost ten minutes.

Suzui Nakayuki came out with a stunned look again.

She started to pant heavily.

女人 This woman is so big-hearted that she can hold her breath for ten minutes.

"Moon, how?" Yunzhong He asked.

Sakai Nakazuki said: "It's too dark to see anything."

Jinyun Zhonghe said, "What then?"

Sakai Nakazuki said: "It's just too dark to see anything."

Huh, okay!

I still think of a way to explore it myself.

Uh ...............

Next, it's time for adventure.

First of all, you need a gas mask, which is easy to do, just use activated carbon.

But another thing is not easy, the oxygen tank. Because this underground mausoleum must not have enough oxygen, it will suffocate and die for more than a period of time.

Of course, Yun Zhonghe couldn't make it, because his laboratory had accumulated a lot of materials, and one of them was impossible to do, and that was gunpowder.

Before he entered the city's main mansion, Yunzhonghe had begun making black powder.

Of course, because there is no nitrate, you need to go to the latrine to scrape the nitrate, so the output has been very low, and it is still only in the laboratory.

In the past half year, although some black powder has also been accumulated, it is impossible to fight with this stuff.

杀 The lethality of this gadget is far less than imagined. And this amount is just a big fart, even a thousand people can't be killed.

But it is not difficult to produce oxygen by the decomposition of potassium nitrate.

But potassium nitrate needs to be heated to nearly 400 degrees Celsius to release oxygen. Although this container is not easy to find, but it can still be found, use a porcelain bottle. But the released oxygen needs to be purified and cooled to provide breathing.

And the **** is that heating to four baidus requires flames, and flames also need oxygen.

After a meal, the operation was fierce, and then he gave up gloriously.

Next, the crane in the cloud obediently used a big fish's airbag to pour a large amount of air into it, so that it can carry up to 200 liters of air, and it can be used for the most province and the most. It should be able to maintain more than an hour.

It is a pity that there is no flashlight in this world, it must be dark in the ground, and nothing can be seen.

点 And if you light a lantern, you need to consume air.


I prepared everything, Yun Zhonghe and Jing Zhongyue were carrying two huge airbag clusters and wearing gas masks.

"Let's go!"

Then the two went into the hole smashed by the jade bed.

Inside the cave are stone steps. Jing Zhongyue held the crane in the cloud and flew to lightning.

I rely on the slow speed of the crane in the clouds, I don't know if I have reached the year of the monkey.

秘密 This secret passage is too deep and deep.

Sukai Nakayuki ’s light power was so great, he ran for a few minutes, more than a few kilometers.

Then Inazuki stopped.

"Here it is." Jing Zhongyue pinched Yun Zhonghe's shoulders.

I did arrive, because there was no way ahead, there was nothing but nothingness.

Of course, this is just a feeling. You can't see five fingers here, and you can't see anything.

The crane in Jinyun can feel that there is an extremely huge space in front of it, and nothing can be seen.

And he should stand high up in this space.

Kusui Nakayuki pulled Yun Zhonghe to the wall to explore, and there were nine gears, and they seemed to be gears that could be turned.

This is an institution, it is definitely an institution.

Next, it's time to light the lantern and consume precious air.

Open a bladder, slowly inject air into the lantern, and then light the lantern.

Because it's too dark here, even a little light looks very bright.

Jin Yunzhong Crane clearly saw that there are indeed nine gears on this wall, and each gear has nine teeth, which are individually lettering, that is, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine!

Come on!

This is not only the authority, but also the password authority.

显然 Obviously you need to turn these nine gear mechanisms next, so that something can be activated.

But this is a nine-digit password.

I ca n’t try them one by one, but there are billions of possibilities. It takes one minute to complete the trial, and it takes two thousand years to complete it.

But Yun Zhonghe does not need to try one by one, because he already knows the password.

The treasure map is an irregular hexahedron. Each corner is connected to the center line to get nine triangles.

九 The nine angles in the middle add up to 360 degrees, and each angle has a specific degree.

For example, the first angle is thirty-five degrees.

So, the first gear turns 35 degrees clockwise.

Jin Yunzhong could not help but sigh, the first ancestor of the Jing family turned out to be a mathematical genius.

It is normal to think of it, because this person is likely to design the tomb for the Emperor, of course, a mathematical genius and a design genius.

Jin Yunzhong went forward to twist the first gear.

As a result, I found that I ca n’t move even after exhausting my milk.

"I'm here, tell me how much to turn?" Jing Zhongyue said.

Yunzhong Crane took out the fluorescent stone and drew a precise line for each gear, and also a line on the stone wall. How many degrees should each gear rotate, the two lines can be joined together to form a straight line. .

"Turn each gear in turn so that the two wires join." Crane Road in the Clouds.

"I see." Jing Zhongyue started directly.

"Kacha Kacha ..."

Jin Yunzhonghe just couldn't move with all his strength, but Jing Zhongyue did it easily.

Is this manufacturing process so great? For at least a thousand years, this gear can still turn without rusting?

The first, the second, the third, the fourth ...

Soon, all nine gears are turned.


Why didn't I respond?

I should respond.

The rotation angle of the nine gears should be completely accurate. According to the TV show, it should have a huge response immediately.

Of course this is not TV.

He quickly felt the reaction in Yunzhonghe.

There was a roar of impact on the walls, and a huge sound of water flowing.

Obviously, he twisted nine gears and turned on something, causing a huge amount of liquid to pour down, and driven something with huge gravity and water current.

Lame for a while.

I finally heard a rumbling voice.

"Boom boom boom ..."

"Kaka Kaka ..."

异 There was a strange noise in the whole space.

Then the first light beam came on.

The second, third, fourth, fifth ...

Jin Yunzhong crane was completely stunned.

Because this light is not a lamp, but the direct sunlight from the outside, which is exactly reflected.

Dozens, hundreds, thousands of channels of sunlight were reflected in countless mirrors.

Originally a dark underground world, a moment of light.

Jin Yunzhong Crane, Jing Zhongyue completely watched!

This ... this is the tomb of Nudi?

Jin Yunzhong's previous feeling was right. At this time he was standing high in the underground world, so he could overlook the entire tomb.

This ... this is a gorgeous underground world.

too crazy!

This is a huge group of underground palaces.

Emperor Wrath even copied his Daxian Palace to the ground.

This ... this is going crazy.

Huge squares, dense palaces, and tall city walls.

And inside the palace, there are countless courtiers and countless eunuchs.

Outside the palace, there are really thousands of horses and horses, but they are all pottery figurines. It looks like terracotta warriors. Is the emperor's thinking the same?

In front of the Palace Square, there is another world.

Jain is a huge lake, it is really very, very huge.

And now the water is rippling?

This is too crazy, right?

The entire underground tomb is literally tens of miles long, and the largest area is the big lake in front of the palace.

And the reflection of that lake is particularly weird and very abnormal.

The crane in Jinyun saw clearly that the lake was not water, but mercury.

Although it is only a thin layer, it is too crazy. Where did the Emperor get so much mercury?

Such astronomical mercury is a supreme treasure to the crane in the clouds. Such a huge mausoleum should not only be these things, but there must be other treasures.

鹤 This crane in the cloud has seen the largest underground mausoleum ever, and there must be an amazing treasure hidden in it.

However, now is not the time to explore the treasure, but to think about how to rely on this tomb of the Emperor to win the next war and how to destroy the 100,000 army of Huantai and Mingming.


什么 What support is there for such a large underground world?

Countless huge stone pillars.

Otherwise, the land above would have collapsed.

Cranes counted in Jinyun, and the entire underground tomb was supported by thousands of huge stone pillars.

There are especially many stone pillars over the palace group. And that huge lake has fewer stone pillars.

The crane in Jinyun quickly calculated in his head.

对应 The ground corresponding to the lake in front of the underground tomb is the huge open space outside the south of the city.

In other words, when the 100,000 troops of the Huantai family came to attack Fischer City, they would definitely gather on that ground. There is no other choice, because there is only huge open space there, which can deploy 100,000 troops.

By that time, what would happen to the stone pillars that supported Mercury Lake?

In that area, a few square kilometers of ground would collapse.

的 The army of 100,000 above will be completely buried at once.

Kill 100,000 troops in an instant?

The thought was creepy when I thought of it.

In other words, you don't even need to fight this battle? Within minutes, you can kill the enemy army and bury it completely?

I am so awesome, so scary!

It was really at your fingertips.

Jain is a century-old accumulation of the Huantai family, but that is all his capital.

The Battle of the Shattered City, which could not have been won, can be won effortlessly.

So how do you break these hundreds of huge stone pillars?

very simple!

First cut off most of them with violence ~ ~ with only a little support left.

The ravioli was then blown off with black powder.

点燃 When the Huantai destroy Ming army came under the city and assembled the array, ignite the lead.

Detonated gunpowder, blasting all the supporting boulders on the mercury lake in the underground mausoleum.

Suddenly, a few square kilometers of ground collapsed.

Hundreds of thousands of troops were buried.

Suddenly, it must be earthshaking!

I must be so shivering.



Mingtai Mingming, you're done.

Your army of 100,000 is doomed.

We are going to win the Lord.

His Royal Highness Prince Twenty-four, we are going to win.


Note: I have been suffering from a lack of consciousness these days, and I have a bad headache. I lie down for a while and then write a chapter.

I also have brothers with monthly tickets. Give me a few, and bow to all of you.