First Secret Agent in History

Chapter 121: Shaking the Earth! Brilliant Peak!

Sukai Zhongyue looked at the thousands of horses and horses in the tomb, and suddenly said: "Are you saying that every horse and every person in this is true? Live?"

Jin Yunzhong could not help but startled.

My baby moon, you have to think this way, it's too cruel.

The Emperor Qin Shihuang was so powerful that there were less than tens of thousands of terracotta warriors. In the huge mausoleum in front of me, I'm afraid there are tens of thousands.

And the size of this tomb should also exceed the tomb of Qin Shihuang.

The heart of the crane in Jinyun is extremely unsettling.

Although the Great Salty Empire at that time was great, it was only a powerful country in the south. Although your territory and national strength may be beyond the ancient Qin Dynasty in China, on the contribution and influence on the entire world, you compare Qin Shihuang was far behind.

凭 Why did your angry emperor build such a large tomb?

Why do you get so many terracotta warriors? You are Dong Shi Xiao.

"Did you say that?" Jing Zhongyue asked.

He Zhongyun said: "The moon is definitely not. The emperor is not so crazy in this world. He is really buried with nearly 100,000 troops. These are fake, all terracotta warriors, burned out of mud . "

Sakai Nakazuki said, "I feel like a real person."

However, she jumped into the mausoleum without saying a word.

月亮 "Moon, be careful, this is poisonous."

Although the mercury lake in front of it is stable, it must be volatile. Mercury vapor is highly toxic.

But Jing Zhongyue is too fierce, and Yun Zhonghe's voice hasn't shouted yet, she has already jumped down.

Just a moment!

She returned, and returned with a huge terracotta warrior.

The scariest thing is that she jumped very fast, and when she came back with her terracotta warrior on, she was still so fast.

This is a cliff of dozens of meters. You carry hundreds of pounds of things and climb so fast?

The martial arts skills are amazing? It's amazing to study in Baiyun City.

But now the stored air is almost exhausted, and quickly return to the ground.


Back to the ground.

This huge terracotta warrior is lying in front of Crane He Yun and Jing Zhongyue.

Honestly, it is not as delicate as the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang, the carving is not lifelike, and the colors are degraded.

The crane found in Jinyun, the angry emperor of the Great Salty Empire was very exaggerated.

The Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the Qin Emperor were only one meter and seven or seven meters tall. How many of your terracotta warriors are two meters tall?

What about bragging? When haven't I read the historical records of the Great Salt Empire?

Although only a thousand years apart, there are not many records left by the Great Salty Empire, like a historical vacuum.

The history of other empires is very detailed.

After all, in the final analysis, this world is not actually an acknowledgement of the orthodoxy of the Great Salty Empire, and he feels that he is just a very abrupt empire.

For example, today, regardless of whether it is the emperor or the king, the ancestors of the ancestors have the blood of the royal family.

Everyone recognizes each other.

Although Nan Nanzhou and Daying killed each other, they can't wait to destroy each other immediately. However, both countries recognize the emperor's legitimacy and even each other's imperial examinations.

In other words, if you lift up in the Southern Zhou Empire, if you change jobs and come and win the Empire, you can also enjoy the treatment of people.

大 And the Daxian Empire did not have such treatment. There are not a lot of records about the Daxian Empire and even about the Emperor Nu, and Yunzhong Crane has finished reading it.

But after reading it, Yunzhong He found that the Great Salt Empire had made a great contribution to the world.

First of all, the south of the whole world was really deserted. After the Daxian Empire ruled this land, a lot of development was carried out to build the city, so that the entire south gradually became prosperous.

To cite an example, during the Qin and Han dynasties, our Guangdong, Fujian and other places were all very remote places, the barren poles were called exile places.

But in the Tang and Song dynasties, the entire South has developed tremendously. Especially in the Song Dynasty, the entire South has become the economic center of the Dynasty.

In a sense, the foundation of the Southern Zhou Empire and the Great Salt Empire were inseparable.

月亮 "Moon, what are you doing?" Yun Zhonghe asked.

Because he saw Jing Zhongyue holding an axe.

Sakai Nakazuki said, "Cleave it to see if there is a real person in it."

He was suddenly speechless in Jin Yun, you are really obsessed with it. At this point, there can be no real people. This terracotta warrior is more than two meters. Really there are so many Yao Mings in the Great Salty Empire?

"Bang!" Jing Zhongyue split an axe.

的 The shell of this terracotta warrior cracked directly.

Then ... He Zhongzhong was suddenly frightened and was really frightened.

Because, a real face suddenly appeared before him.

What a god!

里面 In this terracotta warrior, it turned out to be real.

怒 This angry emperor is crazy, he is absolutely crazy.

人 This man wants to become immortal, and wants to continue to rule the world after his death, so he actually burial with so many real soldiers.

Kusaka Nakayuki slashed with a knife and quickly peeled off the entire terracotta warrior shell.

Then a complete ancient warrior appeared in front of Yunzhong He.

He is a real warrior, fully armed, wearing real armor and holding a real sword.

And the face is still the expression of thousands of years ago, intoxicated and crazy.

But ...

After only a few seconds, the person's skin began to turn black and began to rot quickly.

过程 This process is very fast. In just a few minutes, the whole person has changed from lifelike to a carrion.

Jinyun Zhonghe knows the reason. All these sacrificed samurai took some medicine first, were intoxicated, were directly enclosed by the soil, carved into terracotta warriors, and baked and dehydrated.

In this way, even for a thousand years, the body will not rot.

After being peeled off the terracotta warrior, he quickly rotted when exposed to air and moisture.

The crane in Jinyun was really shocked.

怒 This angry emperor is afraid of being a lunatic, a complete lunatic.

How many Terracotta Warriors are in the Sunda Tomb? Tens of thousands, even more.

Are all samurai funeral funerals?

In other words, he spent 100,000 troops for funeral? No wonder after the Emperor Angry, the Great Salt Empire fell sharply and soon fell apart.

Such a crazy emperor, it is not surprising that the empire is not dead, this is no longer an ordinary tyrant.

However, Jing Zhongyue suddenly saw that this terracotta warrior is real?

My moon, you are not a normal person, you can see that your heart is cruel.

However, Yun Zhonghe was relieved soon, because Jing Zhongyue was indeed cruel.

Last time, how many people did she kill in Rift Valley and Qiushui City?

Assaulting the fallen leaves this time, she eventually chose to kill all the soldiers of the Mo family.

And after she killed thousands of people, she had no psychological burden at all, not to mention nightmares and the like, and she would return to that quiet and lonely state.

She is enthusiastic about war, likes killing, and doesn't have much sense of justice in her heart.

But she didn't hide it at all.

"Aotian, don't you like me like this?" Jing Zhongyue was very sensitive, raised his head and asked, "Should I not be so excited when I split this terracotta warrior? Does this seem to me abnormal?"

Jin Yunzhong crane shook his head and said, "I am a scum man, deceiving money and color, how much better than you? I am a scum man, you are a poison girl, and we both have dogs and men created for us."

Sukai Nakayuki lowered his axe, and stepped forward and caught Yunzhong's neck.

"In fact, I have never thought about marrying, because once I marry, I know everything about me will be exposed, my inner darkness, my cruelty, my extremeness, and my madness." Inoue said: "It was you who forced me to marry you, so you have to bear these negative things, and you must not let it go."

Jin Yunzhong could not help but kissed her petal-like lips again.

He finally understood why Jing Zhongyue was so beautiful, because she was vicious, the more poisonous the flowers, the more beautiful, the more poisonous mushrooms, the more beautiful.

The more poisonous a woman is, the more beautiful she is.

"I am a vicious woman, but I will definitely not hurt you. I will protect you. No matter when I reach the end of the earth, I will protect you." Jing Zhongyue looked at Yunzhonghe, almost swearing. .

Next, Yunzhong He began to study this sacrificial samurai.

After the shell of the terracotta warrior was peeled off, he even had about two meters. For ordinary people, he was a giant.

I am really abnormal. The average height of men in this world is only one meter and six meters. People with a height of two meters are not without, but they are extremely rare.

"How many terracotta warriors and horses are in the tomb of Nu Di?" Yun Zhonghe asked.

Sakai Nakazuki said: "These are all supported by the Emperor, almost tens of thousands."

Thousands? !!

The crane in Jinyun couldn't help taking a breath, which was even more abnormal.

Even if Emperor Wrath collected the whole country, it would be difficult to collect tens of thousands of two-meter-tall giants.

Next, Yunzhong He began to study the armor and samurai of the sacrificed samurai.

Although there is no such thing as bright and clean, there is really no decay. Although the ropes of the tandem nails have decayed and broken, these nails are still intact and there is not even any rust.

In other words, as long as these pieces are re-connected with a leather rope, they can become a new armor.

There are war swords.

Sukai Nakazuki took out his home sword and hacked at each other.


The Sabre family's high-priced sword was cut off.

The crane in Jinyun was really stunned, this ... this is incredible.

Stored for thousands of years, despite being enclosed by mud maids to isolate the air, they are still so sharp and completely abnormal.

Emperor Angry was thousands of years ago, and his forging process is more than now?

Jin Yunzhong looked closely at these knives. The blade turned blue. Obviously, it had undergone the most severe hardening.

战 This sword is actually a hundred steelmaking.

千年 A thousand years ago in this world, there was steel? Yunzhong He also intends to use the steelmaking method as a strategic resource to develop it fiercely.

But in the tomb of Fury Emperor, there are even hundreds of steel-making swords?

too crazy.

现在 But now Yunzhong He has seen the swords of the Southern Zhou Empire and the most elite swords of the Borderless Kingdom. All of them are iron swords, no steel.

Is it true that the forging and smelting technology of the Emperor was lost?

It was ridiculous. At that time, in order to deceive Mingtai Mingming, Yunzhonghe forged several steel knives, and also used the power of nine cattle and two tigers to forge an alloy dagger. It was dug out of the tomb of Nu Di.

Of course, Yantai Miming was not deceived.

I did not expect that there is really a sword in this tomb of the Emperor.

For a long while, Yunzhong crane said: "The moon, we are developed, we are rich."

Sukai Nakazuki nodded.

Xi is indeed developed, because there are nearly 100,000 terracotta warriors and horses in the tomb of Nudi.

Although the anger guard with a height of more than two meters is only 10,000, and the rest are ordinary soldiers, but the armor and weapons are not much worse.

Nearly 100,000 armors and swords!

This is really an astronomical asset.

As for the gold and silver treasures in this mausoleum, it is completely unimportant. Not only Jing Zhongyue despise these things, but also cranes in the cloud.

It's a bit strange. Since there are so many treasures in this tomb of the Emperor, why didn't all the ancestors of the Jing family excavate them and use them to expand the foundation?

The treasure in it is enough to build a small powerful country.

Alas, Yun Zhonghe soon wanted to understand the reason. Even if these 100,000 armors and weapons are placed in front of him, can he transform into a 100,000 army?

I can't change it!

An army of 100,000 people needs at least three or four million people, 200,000 square kilometers of land, countless grains, and countless taxes to support them.

He did not mean that there were armies and weapons.

不管 However, Yunzhong He and Jing Zhongyue have developed.

"Baby, you're rich." He Zhongyun said.

Sakai Nakazuki said, "Correct it, we are rich."

Jinyun crane said: "Moon, I will take you to see something."

Then, Yun Zhonghe returned to his lab yard and picked up a pack of black powder. The two men joined hands and came to a wilderness hill outside the city.

"Moon, don't you like fire the most? This is an advanced form of fire, and you will definitely like it." He Yunzhong came to an abandoned stone house, put the gunpowder bag inside, and then pulled out the long Lead.

"Moon, come here." Yunzhong He handed the torch to Jing Zhongyue.

Sakurai Nakazuki's eyes are full of excitement, as if she were a little girl receiving a birthday gift.

Holding her breath, she lit the lead with a torch.

Then, Yunzhong He pulled Jing Zhongyue away and ran away, hiding behind a huge stone.

After a while!


There was a loud noise, deafening like a thunder.

Then, the abandoned stone house was crushed with bones and splashed everywhere.

In order to achieve a strong visual effect, Jinyun Zhonghe suddenly used dozens of pounds of gunpowder packets.

Sure enough!

Sukai Nakazuki was completely stunned, she was completely amazed.

She loves this thing, she likes it.

She is too destructive and too lethal, and fits perfectly with her inner urge to kill.

She led Yun Zhonghe directly to the explosion center, greedily smelling the smell of the powder after the explosion.

I was too fragrant and charming.

Also, it made her emotional.

Suddenly, she threw the crane in the cloud again.

月亮 "Moon, this ... this wilderness, it's not good."


After half an hour!

Sakai Nakayuki's beautiful face smashed red: "Aotian, we have won this battle."

Jin Yunzhong craned his breath and nodded.

In the middle of the road: "The 100,000 army of Huantai Extermination Ming gathered on the open space outside our city wall, which corresponds to the mercury lake of the tomb of Nu Di. We will blow up all the huge stone pillars, and then the ground will be vertical and horizontal. All collapsed, and all the 100,000 troops that destroyed Mingtai were buried. "

Jinyun Zhonghe said, "Yes, you and I coincide."

Sukai Nakayuki's greasy skin turned out to be goosebumps, obviously very excited.

"I can't wait to wait for that day."

Then Inakatsu asked: "What was the name of the thing that just exploded?"

Jinyun Zhonghe said, "This is a gift I gave you. The name is Moonfire."

"It's too romantic, I like it so much, I love you." Jing Zhongyue turned into a fiery fire again, and flew over.

Cranes burst into wailing in Jinyun.

When Yun Zhonghe proposed his marriage that day, he prepared such a large gem ring, but Jing Zhongyue did not like it very much.

I gave her gunpowder now, and she was so excited.

I send gunpowder to you, do you say it's romantic?

You are too violent in your bones.


Another half an hour later.

"Moon fire, moon fire, this name is so beautiful." Jing Zhongyue's eyes were gentle as water.

"He Yunzhong, this is a unique gift you gave me, and I will never forget this day."

"Autumn, I swear, no matter where I go to the end of the earth, I will protect you, I will not hurt you a hair, I will not let others hurt you a hair, please believe me."

Jinyun Zhonghe gasped, "The moon, I am very touched. But it is strange that you say what the end of the earth is to protect me. Are not all men protecting women?"

Sakurai Zhongyue put his hand in front of Yun Zhonghe and shook it into a powder fist, and said, "What is this?"

"Fist!" Crane Road in the clouds.

"Yes, fist," Inakatsu said, "a fist as big as a sandbag."

He Yun in Jinyun is silent, your sandbag is too small, and how can there be such a crystal clear sandbag?

The next second, Jing Zhongyue smashed the powder fist.

"Bang!" A loud noise.

A tree next to I was interrupted directly by her pink punch.

A tree, a thick bowl, was interrupted by her little tender fist.

The crane in Jinyun almost didn't breathe for a while.

I looked at Jing Zhongyue's pink boxing again, without even a trace of scars.

She breathed softly at Fanquan, and said, "Do you still feel weird?"

Crane in Jinyun shook his head.

Sakai Nakazuki said, "Is it you who protect me, or am I who protects you."

"It is you who protect me, woman." He Zhongyun said, and then a word appeared in his mind.

People use small fists to hit your chest.

Hitting his chest in the clouds, if he was caught in the small fist in front of him, it would not be a matter of life or death, but it would become meat.

"He Yunzhong, I love you, I want to protect you forever."


Although it sounds strange, I'm still very moved.

"Crane in the clouds, let's make the moon fire, the more the better, the more the better, it is best to fill the entire city main house." Jing Zhongyue Road.

Jinyun crane said: "Then you use the fire a little to make the whole city's main body completely broken into pieces?"

Sakai Nakazuki yelled: "I didn't think so, but when you say it now, I especially want to do that, and I'm shaking with excitement."


Moon, I was wrong! As the director of a mental hospital, I should not lead patients to extremes.

Our x mental hospital, there is an empty bed, would you like to consider admission?

From now on, the two of us will fly in the psychiatric hospital.

At this time, Jing Zhongyue suddenly said: "He in the clouds, I want to change my name."

change name? why?

Jin Yunzhonghe found that although his brain circuit was very clear, sometimes he still couldn't follow Jing Zhongyue's thinking.

At least at this time, he really didn't know why Jing Zhongyue said this.

Two lying down quietly, less than an inch apart from each other, observing the opposite faces.

"Yunzhong crane, your face is so beautiful, it doesn't seem to be real." Jing Zhongyue said.

Jin Yunzhong crane said: "Your face doesn't seem to be real, it is perfect to the extreme, as if carved out by heaven."

Sakai Nakazuki said: "I have read a very weird book saying that there is a monster that can peel off human skin and split it on yourself. I think you are this monster."

Jin Yunzhong crane said: "Then I will peel off your skin and put it on myself."

Sakai Nakazuki said, "And then every night, do you feel sleepy?"

The scalp of the crane was numb in the clouds.

Moon, you are not a drag racing, you are Chang'e One, fly slowly, I ca n’t keep up with my husband.


The next month!

The entire land of utterlessness is boiling, and it can even be said that the wind and the wind are rising.

Huantai Mingming sent the first wave of messengers to Rifeng City in the name of the vassal alliance.

There is only one content: surrender Lao Qian, the secret agent of the Southern Zhou empire, that is, the crane in the cloud, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk.

Sukai Zhongyue ignored it, and directly slashed the messenger of the vassal alliance, then expelled from the city of fissure.

Next, Hutai Miming sent another wave of messengers.

The content is still: surrender the Southern Zhou Empire undercover cloud crane, otherwise the vassal alliance will take military sanctions.

Kusaka Nakazuki cut off the messenger's hands this time, and then expelled the city of the fissure.

At this point, the entire vassal alliance was completely enraged.

You Jingzhongyue died and Bao Yunzhonghe's little white face was just fine. The two countries did not fight to fight, and you even cut off the hands of the messenger.

Huandai Mingming sent a third wave of messengers and sent an ultimatum.

Please Jing Zhongyue surrender Yunzhong Crane immediately, otherwise, the Jing family will die out.

This time, Tsutsui Nakayuki directly and personally cut off the heads of the ambassadors of the vassal alliance, a full nine heads.

She had such a tough response, but was completely shocked by the vassal alliance.

Is this ... so crazy?

In the previous silver tragedy, you Zhongzhongyue repeatedly compromised, and tried again and again.

Now, tough to the point of insanity.

He is a madman, he is a fool.

You know that Mingtai Mingming is looking for the name of a war, are n’t you handing it over now?

You are not irritated by 澹台 明明, you are the princes who have angered the entire land.

的 These messengers you killed are not just the 澹台 Family?

Is the Horii clan so impatient?

With such a tough and cruel response from Zhong Zhongyue, the vassal alliance was completely angered.

Almost all the princes chanted with their enemies.

Then, in the name of the lords of the vassals, Yantai Mingming issued a crusade against him.

The contents of the scriptures listed 19 major crimes for Jing Zhongyue.

Cruel and murderous, collusion with the Southern Zhou Empire, this is the most basic crime.

In short, in this essay, Jing Zhongyue and Yun Zhonghe, a pair of dogs and men, are extremely sinful.

This scripture was transmitted to every prince's house in the Land of No Ownership.

In addition to Jing Zhongyue's act of killing the messenger, the entire land without a master was completely ignited.

Huantai Mingming is a clever hero. What he excels at is to build momentum.

I never expected that Jing Zhongyue would cooperate so well, so the result was more perfect than he imagined.

他 Under his frenzy, all the princes had to stand in line.

The cleft wind valley well clan became infamous and became a public enemy of the landless. At this time, let alone sympathize with the crack wind valley, even if you do not crumble the crack wind valley well Zhongyue, they will be regarded as sinners.

For a whole month and a half.

The sound of the moon in the entire landless land, like a blazing flame, burns more and more fiercely, and burns higher.

Every prince sent a crusade to declare the clan of the Valley of Winds.

Every day, there are hundreds of articles, madly cursing Yun Zhonghe and Jing Zhongyue, they cursed to the 18th ancestor of the ancestors with extreme shame and trample.

I especially the crane in the cloud, all the scandals have been exposed, it is just a man who is humble, indecent, insignificant, and extremely greedy.

A man like this is so **** that he is worse than the maggots in the pit.

Thousands and thousands of crumbling scriptures, like snow flakes, floated over the entire land without land.

The big win empire looked stunned, and the Southern Zhou empire looked stunned.

I am ... my day.

What's going on?

This is the stage of the decisive battle between our two empires. Why haven't we fought yet, and you have become so fierce that you have no land? It is a crazy decisive battle?

After the snoring reached the extreme!

Under the order of Huantai Mingming, all the princes of the Borderless Land set up a coalition to defeat the Valley of Winds and completely wipe out the Jing family from this world.

Suddenly, on the ground of 500,000 square kilometers, the land of no-owner was shaking.

Dozens of soldiers and horses began to gather.

In accordance with the plan of Yantai Mingming, Sui had all the princes and soldiers gather in four places, and then attacked Rift Valley from all directions.

However, I did not expect this success to be so successful.

The popularity of Sunda Mingming Ming rose to the extreme, and all the princes of the entire land without a wave immediately looked forward, a sway of the wind and rain from the dragon.

Now that the grand opera has been performed here, it is only incidental to destroy the Jing family and occupy the city of Fengfeng.

What's more important is to show it to the two empires. How powerful and sublime I am to destroy Mingtai, is the Lord of the Land without Masters. With a wave of hands, I can call 100,000 troops.

虽然 Although your two empires are powerful, we have more than thirty lords in the entire borderless land, and there are also 200,000 troops.

These 200,000 troops are in the hands of my Mingtai Mingming.

So this next big situation, I am also a chess player in Taiwan Ming Ming, I just want to crack the soil to seal the king.

With my 200,000 troops in the hands of Tai Ming Ming, I can control the victory and defeat of your two empires and even change your destiny.

In order to perform this big show.

Huantai Mingming has postponed the date of the attack on the city of the wind more than half a month, just for a grand oath of oath.

I said it was an oath division meeting, which was simply a soldier on the battlefield.

The entire army of 100,000 was assembled on the huge open space outside the city of Huantai.

The soldiers passed 10,000, boundless. The soldiers passed 100,000, and then the sky was clear.

The hundred thousand troops spread out on the ground. It was really dark and endless.

Prior to that, Mingtai Mingtai felt that it was difficult for him to convene a real army of 100,000, surpassing about 60,000 to 70,000, and then claiming to be 100,000.

I did not expect that the crazy Inakachi completed him, and the act of beheading the messenger completely angered the other princes.

So this 100,000 army has become a real 100,000 army.

Yantai Mingming was on the high platform, and read aloud the last essay.

This text is impassioned and very high level.

It seems as if the clan of Fengchengjing clan is not to be defeated for my sake, but for the entire landless land, and for the whole world.

This scripture is only a thousand words, but every word is precious.

After reading it!

Huantai Miming handed the flag to Huantai Mirror.

Since then, the family son of the Yantai family has been the head coach of the 100,000 coalition forces. The second prince Ning's son, Ning Wuji is the deputy commander of the 100,000 coalition forces.

"For the future of the Lordless Land, for the sake of justice in the world, I have waited to completely destroy the Jing family."

The generals heard it, bowed down and shouted, "I swear, this battle will completely wipe out the Jing family from this world. The couple of men and women, Jing Zhongyue and Yun Zhonghe, will have their skins cramped and Ling Chi Execute! "

"Kill everything!"

"Kill everything!"

With a hundred thousand troops, they shouted in unison, ringing through the clouds and shaking.

Huantai Mingming looked at the 100,000 troops, listening to the roar of thunder, and was full of blood, feeling that life had reached a new subversion.

I faced this situation, and just wrote a poem.

Huantai Mingming wears a linen robe, like a scholar.

He often said that UU reads, he is able to endure small ambitions, has even smaller ambitions, has no ambition to dominate the king, only wants to go to life in troubled times, and is called the elderly lonely mountain. Just reading.

Therefore, for a moment, the poem says:

Ming 笳 cutting out of the ring platform, with the Fengfeng City Wanqi obedience.

I haven't forgotten about Xiancheng every meal, and now I have been full of angry emperors.

Specialized in external strategies, returning to the predecessor.

The scholar Mo Dao had no sword art, and the frost in the middle spit hibiscus.

The 100,000 troops in the audience were silent, listening to the poems of Mingtai Ming Ming.

Although I didn't understand, I felt very aggressive and soaring.

I have finished reading the poem!

Huantai Mingming drew his sword sharply and shouted out loud: "The army set off, destroy the city of fissure!"

Suddenly, the army of 100,000 was imposing.

The tide is mediocre, rushing in the direction of the Rift Valley.

Kill time!

The end of the cleft wind valley well family seems to come.


Note: Today is still updated 15,000. Do you have a monthly ticket for me? The pastry did its best!