First Secret Agent in History

Chapter 185: Yunzhong Crane King Robe Plus! Proposa

To be honest, when Yun Zhonghe walked alone to the gate of Nanzhou City, his heart was flustered.

Because he doesn't have any golden fingers on him now.

How could it not? Isn't there Beethoven with mental patient number eight?

he's gone.

Now Yun Zhonghe understands that Beethoven is a very special one among many mental illnesses.

At the X mental hospital, he was the most dangerous mental patient. He often experimented with doctors and nurses and performed his death music experiment. The result of the experiment was that his brain burst and died.

He didn't know how many people had died in the X mental hospital these years.

It is for this reason that he is imprisoned in the underground prison all the time, and it is getting deeper and deeper, because his death music is so penetrating that he still feels uneasy in the end, and even binds his whole body. .

And every time in the dream lottery, Beethoven on the 8th is not there, always locked in the basement.

Because he was full of destruction and irresistible, and just gave him a musical instrument, he wanted to play the music of death.

On November 11, Yun Zhonghe was lying in a carriage at that time. When he was half asleep and half awake, he suddenly entered the dream and came to the small conference room of the X mental hospital.

At that time, the crane in the cloud was still very strange. Didn't he enter the dream every 6th of every month to change his upper body?

And if you encounter a great mental patient, you can continue to use it, such as Da Vinci, and Quantum Nine. Yunzhonghe often uses it for half a year.

This Beethoven is so awesome. He must use it for a long time. He doesn't want to change the mental patient.

But he did not expect to enter the dream, Beethoven was forcibly stripped from him, and then locked in the basement prison.

Suddenly the Crane in the Clouds looked at it?

Still ... can it still be so? This cycle is not over yet, so forcibly took Beethoven away?

He still wants to use Beethoven?

And you stripped Beethoven from me, and after being put in the basement, you should always change me for a mental patient.

Should we draw again?

But it was completely absent, and the dream was over.

This daddy! He took Beethoven away from him without giving him a new mental illness.

There is no mental patient nearby, really a little panicked.

So from November 11th to the sixth day of December, there is no golden finger for the crane in the clouds.

Today is only the first day of December, and there are still five full days before the time to draw again.

During these five days, no mental patient protected him and helped him. However, he is going to be in the rebel base camp. This is the real Longtan tiger cave, and he just entered the tiger's mouth a little carelessly.


"I'm Ao Yu, Ao Xin's son."

"Ao Cha, I am your brother Ao Yu."

The crane in the cloud still shouted while walking forward.

The Turkmen army on the Nanzhou city wall looked at each other, then looked at the crane in the clouds, revealing a complex look.

From this reaction alone, the crane in the clouds can see that although Ao Xin has left the southern border for many years, his prestige is still very high.

Countless natives still fear him, admire him, and miss him.

And this time, the slogan that Fu Zha shouted was to force the court to release Ao Xin.

After the gate is opened!

An army rushed out, wearing the elite armor of the Southern Zhou Empire, apparently disarmed from the Imperial Army.

The head of the group was riding a white horse, wearing a gold armor and a gold crown.

He was very heroic and valiant, but what should Nagato say?

It should be very strange!

First of all, he was very dark and his skeleton was surprisingly large, almost two meters high.

And his face is like a spatula!

Yes, it's a spatula, of course it's more like a wide hoe.

Have you seen the portrait of Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang? It was the super ugly pig waist face painted by Man Qing to ugly the Ming Dynasty.

The person in front of him really looks like this, the kind that his chin can be dumb.

Absolutely different, you can't forget it after a glance.

This person is the leader of the rebels, Vazha, the former son of Ao Xin, and now the self-proclaimed King of the Great South.

"Brother, are you? Brother Jade, are you?" The speeding-up horses of the Volkswagen Gongwei rushed over, then jumped down and hugged Yun Zhonghe directly, crying loudly: "My brother who is desperate, really Is it you? Really you, really you ... "

"My brother, you are so thin!"

"A few years ago, my brother once had a good time with you, and now I want to come as if it was yesterday."

"Brother, how is our father? How is our father? How is our mother?"

The self-proclaimed Great Southern King Fuzha turned out to be particularly affectionate, and after he hugged Yunzhonghe, he let go.

"Father and mother are fine, but they are still in prison." Yunzhong Crane said.

"The faint prince, the faint faint prince." Fucha was furious. "My father worked hard and was a hero of Dazhou Empire and the savior of our Great Southerners. That faint king even treated his father this way. So we were frustrated and we went directly against You can rest assured that my brother, as a brother, will lead the army to the north, and he will rescue his father in Zhou Jingnei. When the time comes, our family will be reunited and happy. "

Damn, you are too affectionate.

People who don't know think you are my brother, not a righteous brother.

Next, Fuza lifted the crane in the clouds to his tall warhorse. The two rode a horse and ran towards the city.

"Ha ha ha, my brother Ao Yu is here, my brother Ao Yu is here!"

"Order the palace, host a banquet, and wash the dust for my brother!"

Fuzha shouted all the way, and then led hundreds of cavalry, rushing towards the former capital of the capital.

Of course, now this metropolitan government has become his Great Southern Palace.


That night, Fu Cha, the great king of the Great South, feasted the ministers and hosted the crane in the clouds.

Except for the generals on duty, most of the rebel generals came.

Yunzhong He met two other important figures.

Ao Qi!

This is the twin brother of Fu Cha, another righteous son of Ao Xin, who used to be the right leader of the Turkmen's Defense Forces.

However, compared to Fu Zha's affection, Ao Qi seemed very indifferent. He was taciturn on the banquet and just drunk.

At this time, Ao Qi was regarded as the second leader of the rebels.

Another important figure, of course, is the loyal Bo Li culture of the Da Zhou Empire.

The man who should have been the least rebellious, but rebelled, is really puzzling.

At this point, he was regarded as the third leader of the rebels.

And his attitude is a bit strange, say intimate, but his eyes are always ironic. Let's be cold, but smile.

There is also one of the most important people, Huang Tianjiao's great priest Yuan Tianxie Yunhe, who never saw him.

This talent is the most important role in this rebellion, and can even be called the culprit.

He didn't come to the party.

During the entire banquet, Fu Cha took Ao Yu, one by one to recognize the generals of the rebels, and said that the origin of these generals and Ao Xin.

The attitude of these rebel generals towards Ao Yu was also strange.

With contempt in affection.

Yun Zhonghe understands the reason for this, and one idiom can describe it: Tiger father and son.

First of all, these native rebels will be truly awed and loved Ao Xin.

Because these natives had a low status, Ao Xin personally promoted them. This defending army and even every centurion were selected by Ao Xin.

Ao Xin changed their destiny, and when Ao Xin was in office, it was also their best time, because the fate was changed, from the bottom to the rich and rich.

At that time, these Turkmen generals really regarded themselves as generals of the Da Zhou Empire.

Later, after Ao Xin was transferred from the south, Duke Zhou Long replaced Ao Xin and became the southern guardian.

Of course, Zhou Long still continued the policy of Ao Xin, but gradually marginalized the Turkmen's garrison and even continued to suppress it, and even became a servant of Da Zhou officials.

So the days of these generals are getting harder and harder.

After the fall of Ao Xin, these native generals of the garrison were even more fragile, lest one day they be chopped off their heads.

It was this fear that was exploited by Master Yuan Tianxie and eventually led to rebellion.

There was no belief in the natives.

But now they have faith, and that is Huang Tianhuo.

Today, the flags of the Great South Kingdom are covered with yellow flames.

In the past year, frequent earthquakes in the southern border, coupled with catastrophic and epidemic diseases, have claimed many lives.

In this turbulent environment, Yuan Tianxie's Huang Tianjiao has become the belief of countless people, and he has also become the great savior in the hearts of countless people.

Because Huang Tianjiao is the spokesperson for Huang Tiansheng.

He claimed that he was sent by gods to save sentient beings, and after drinking his rune water, it really worked wonders. Many people who were ill and stricken quickly jumped alive, this is simply a living god.

The supreme leader of this rebel is Fuza, who claims to be King of the Great South.

But Yuan Tianxie was not only a state teacher, but also a master of Fucha.

All the rebel generals present were also disciples and descendants of Yuan Tianxie.

Yun Zhonghe suddenly saw that Yuan Tianxie was going to replace Ao Xin in the shortest time and become a savior and killer in the hearts of countless natives.

Because Yuan Tianxie can not only save people, but also kill people.

The method of killing him was terrible. With a single finger, the man who violated the divine will ignite spontaneously all over his body, burning ragingly, and burning into coke in a short time.

Therefore, the natives in the southern region were respectful and afraid of Yuan Tianxie, and they did not dare to disobey his will.

This kind of deity is very lethal to the ignorant Turks.

Jun did not see Zhang Jiao, a great mentor of the peace, at that time. Once he rebelled, one million yellow turban troops gathered under His Majesty.

Later in the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Red Lotus religion and the White Lotus religion also responded to each other, and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was also expanded using the Zong // religion.

The natives are ignorant, their heads are empty, and Yuan Tianxie is strong and capable, so they can easily occupy their spiritual world.

Fu Zha was brainwashed by Yuan Tianxie and felt that he could become the founding prince of Da Nan and the son of Heaven appointed by Vulcan.

Because Yuan Tianxie showed him miracles more than once.

To a certain extent, Yuan Tianxie is already the spiritual pillar of Fucha.

So this rebellion was more trouble than Yun Zhonghe imagined.

Originally, I felt that many natives were scattered with sand, but they were gathered by Yuan Tianxie. Although they were gathered by evil means, this was more lethal.

Originally, the rebellion of these Turkmen's garrison troops was rootless. Because they were the running dogs of the Da Zhou Empire, they were the most fierce to oppress the Turks at the bottom. Therefore, more than 20 million Turks have hated this Turkmen's defense force.

But Yuan Tianxie used the Huang Tianjiao to connect the Turks and the rebels.

Therefore, this rebel is no longer a rootless fire, because they stand together under the Huang Tianjiao and have a common belief.

Although this belief is entirely supported by fear.


After three rounds of wine and five flavors of dishes.

Everyone was drunk, and Fuchs, the rebel leader who professed to be King Nan, suddenly shouted, "Dear everyone, listen to me."

He speaks Chinese, not Turkish.

Because when they were in the garrison, they pretended to be seniors and absolutely did not speak Turkish.

Da Nan Wang Fucha said: "The most well-known is that everything we gave was given by the commander Ao Xin. Without the commander Ao Xin, there would be no southern border, no garrison, and no glory and wealth for all of us here. Ao Xin is handsome. "

Suddenly hundreds of generals in the presence raised their glasses and shouted, "Jing Aoxin is handsome."

At this time Yun Zhonghe noticed a detail, that is, Ao Qi's eye circles became red.

He is another son of his father and the twin brother of Fuchs.

Ao Cha and Ao Qi have completely different personalities.

Ao Zha is outgoing and Ao Qi is inward.

Most of the time, Ao Qi was silent, as if no one knew what he was thinking.

At this time, when everyone shouted to respect Ao Xin ’s commander, Ao Qi ’s eye circles turned red, which proved that he missed his righteous father in his heart. He really regarded Ao ’s heart as his father, even though he was only better My heart is less than ten years old.

Fuzha continued: "Our garrison was originally established by Marshal Ao Xin, so he is the master of this army, and now he is being held in prison by Da Zhouxun. I am just Marshal Ao Xin Yizi, now his real son is here, my brother Aoyu! "

Everyone's eyes were on the crane in the clouds.

"Come, my brother, my dear brother." Fu Zha gazed at Yun Zhonghe: "Although we are not biological brothers, you are exactly the same as my brother in my heart."

"Everyone listens, my brother Ao Yu is the only heir to Ao Xin, so ... this Danan throne should belong to my brother Ao Yu."

Fu Zha took off the golden crown on his head and directly put it on Yun Zhonghe's head, then took off his royal robe and put it on Yun Zhonghe directly.

I ... my day, what is this?

Is the robe up?

Then Fu Cha pushed Yun Zhonghe to his throne, and said loudly: "Look at everyone, from now on Ao Yu will be the new King of the Great South."

Everyone was completely stunned.

Fuchs roared, "What are you still doing? Don't you meet the new king?"

Not to mention the presence of everyone, even Yun Zhonghe himself was completely shocked.

Which one is playing this?

Maybe it was too sudden.

The original intimacy of your fucha still counts, but now you want to give me the throne?

what is this? Tao Qian's three let Xuzhou?

Not like it at all!

Because at first glance Fushi seemed drunk, but his eyes were sober and strange.

The eyes of all the rebel generals present were puzzled, even disdainful, and a little angry.

Although they worshiped Ao Xin and feared Ao Xin, they also knew that Ao Xin had a trash son and was regarded as the first waste in the world.

Even if he is the son of Marshal Ao Xin, he cannot be the new leader of the rebels.

Led by such waste, everyone still has hope?

And at this moment, a person stood out and bowed down and said, "I'm against it!"

Yun Zhonghe looked up and turned out to be Ao Qi, his father's other son.

"Although Ao Yu is the son of a handsome man, but he is not my Da Nan, he is a Da Zhou man, how could he be the king of Da Nan?" Ao Qi said: "And he is a famous waste. How can he lead everyone? How can he be King of all? "

Fuzha angered: "Ao Qi, do you want to eat inside and out? How can you have today without a righteous father? Where is the native guard without a righteous father? Where is our situation today? Where is the prosperity and wealth of everyone present? Ao Xin Even if Dashuai was originally the king of the South, now Aoyu inherits King Danan. What's wrong? "

Ao Qi said: "Danan is the Great Southern of the natives, not Great Southern of Dazhou. We are going to build the native of the natives, and the Great Southern King can only be natives."

Fuzha drew his sword sharply, and said sternly, "Don't you dare say anything, I will kill you."

Ao Qi said loudly: "In short, as long as I have a breath, Ao Yu cannot be the great king of the South."

This situation is completely puzzling.

Ao Qi did not change his surname. Obviously, he really missed Ao Xin, and really regarded Ao Xin as his father. When everyone just shouted to respect Ao Xin's commander, his eyes became red.

But now he is firmly opposed to Ao Yu becoming King of the South.

"I killed you. I killed your forgotten son of the forgotten father." Fucha's sword slashed at Ao Qi.

Ao Qi also drew his sword fiercely and fought fiercely with Fucha.

Their martial arts are really high.

More than two meters high is like a giant, with tremendous power.

When the two men fought, the sword was like a hurricane, and people couldn't open their eyes.

All the dishes and chopsticks at the banquet were blown out by the wind of the knife and shattered.

For a moment, the entire banquet hall was a mess, and even the hard floor was cut and bruised.

The battle between these two men was really like the two beasts slaughtering, and all the places they had passed were shattered.

No wonder then that Ao Xin would accept these two as righteous sons, because he was really a stranger by nature. He was simply a super genius in martial arts.

And it is especially suitable for fighting on the battlefield, with infinite power, just like a behemoth on the battlefield.

No wonder they can become the leader of the Turkmen's garrison, because this group of Turks are soft and scary, the most respectful of the strong, and the brothers are too powerful, so they can calm these Turkmen generals.

And Yun Zhonghe also found a strange thing, this Ao Qi always turned his back on him, and the giant body was blocked in front of Yun Zhonghe.

The two giant brothers killed hundreds of rounds and couldn't tell the difference.

"Ao Qi, are you trying to rebel?" Fuzha angered.

"I don't care, anyway, Ao Yu can't be the king of the Great South. He is not our Great South. I want to drive him away." Ao Qi said angrily: "I will drive him far away, and never enter our big In the south. Turks return to Turks, and Da Zhou returns to Da Zhou. I want him to become King of the South, unless he stepped on my body. "

However, there was a sound at this time.

This voice is full of deceit, full of majesty, but full of intimacy, all in all very complicated.

Just like the music played by Yun Zhonghe before, it is both a fairy sound and a magic sound.

"What kind of system is it?"

After hearing this voice, everyone in the audience was completely silent.

The two brothers, Fuzha and Aoqi, also hurriedly stopped fighting.

Immediately afterwards, all the people knelt down, including Great Southern King Fuza, who also lowered their sword and knelt on the ground.

Incomparable awe, admiration.

Hundreds of locals were sentenced to the generals, and they did not even dare to breathe loudly. They all stuck their foreheads to the ground, even more respectful than the minister when they saw the emperor.

Yunzhong He knows who is coming.

The Master of Huang Tianjiao, the faith of countless natives, the **** and man in the hearts of countless natives, Yuan Tianxie.

It is the culprit of this southern rebellion.

Then a Taoist with a fairy-tale bone walked slowly into the hall.

Good looks!

It really looks like a fairy.

Wearing a robe with gossip behind and flames on the front.

Hair must be completely white, but the skin on the face is like a baby.

Wherever he went, the air seemed to scorch.

His eyes were as clear as gods, as if he could casually glance through them, seeing people's hearts.

This is Yuan Tianxie!

The savior of the faith of millions of natives swept the entire southern border in less than a year.

After entering the hall, he slowly watched the audience.

Everyone instinctively knelt down where he glanced.

In the end, his gaze was looking at Yunzhonghe. I don't know why. The feeling of burning in Yunzhonghe's skin was like a flame licking far away.

"Where is it?" Yuan Tianxie said slowly.

Ao Qi knelt on the ground and said, "Da Sheng Master, this Da Nan is our native Nan, and Ao Yu is a Zhou, how can you become the king of the Great Southern? How can you become the king of the native?

Yuan Tianxie said lightly: "Who said that Ao Yu could not become the king of the Great South? Of course he could!"

When this word came out, everyone was stunned, and Yun Zhonghe himself was even more stunned.


The pearl of the desert in the west, Yulan City!

On August 13th, after Jing Zhongyue gave birth, the battle of defending the city also won a great victory because of the support of the black dragon empire.

One hundred thousand horse bandits were killed and lost their helmets and fled.

Later, as if afraid of Jing Zhongyue's embarrassment, I don't know how to get along with him, and then the demise of the adult led the warrior of Heilongtai to leave.

From beginning to end, he didn't meet Inoue.

It seemed like a gesture.

After that, Jing Zhongyue's body recovered quickly.

Because of fighting and killing, and practicing martial arts, her figure quickly recovered.

No ... not recovery.

It became more devil and hotter.

Although Inokuetsu's body was good before, she was still a bit thinner. After she had a child, she became slightly plump.

This ... this is about to die.

Her figure was almost bursting.

This curve is almost intriguing. When you look at it, you have a feeling of explosion.

And after giving birth, she became even more glamorous.

The beautiful face is almost eye-catching.

Of course, this was not the cause of her distress.

She was distressed that it was expanding too fast.

After the victory of the guard in the city of Yulan, just like the domino effect, more and more people came to surrender her.

Imperceptibly, her horse bandits are increasing.

She came to the desert in the west, she just wanted to be an ordinary horse bandit.

She just wanted to give the Jing family warrior a way of life and a goal. She had no ambitions herself.

How inexplicably, Her Majesty has 100,000 bandits?

He even wondered, how many horse bandits, then who should be robbed?

Where did the desert in the west raise 100,000 horse bandits?

Indeed, despite the fact that the western desert is stuck on the Golden Trade Road, many caravans pass by every day, not only the three major empires, but also dozens of countries in the west.

But it can't support 100,000 horse bandits.

So these bandits not only robbed the caravan, but also robbed the country.

Grab the border of the big win empire, grab the border of the southern Zhou empire, and grab the herders of the Daliang Kingdom.

This is really a **** thing. The Daliang Kingdom itself is the ancestor of the robbers. They were looted by nature. As a result, their herders were also looted by the western desert horse bandits.

There is no way, the territory of the Great Liang Kingdom is too large, and the space is empty.

Although the iron ride of the Great Cool Kingdom is powerful, it can't control such a large place.

Even these horse bandits in the western desert were cavalry of the Daliang Kingdom before, but they were reduced to horse bandits for various reasons.

Now Zhong Zhongyue's headache is how to manage these 100,000 horse bandits.

But then she also figured it out, that is, leave it alone.

On this day, Jing Zhongyue is practicing martial arts.

Iron armor and a spear can not be approached in the whole yard.

Because within ten meters of her circle were all dead areas. Once approached, she was directly blown out by a gust of wind, vomiting blood in her mouth, losing her life in some cases, and breaking her bones in others.

"Master, there is a mysterious messenger asking for you," Leng Bi said outside.

"You take care of it yourself," Inakatsuki said.

"They said the whereabouts of your sister, I don't understand this." Leng Bi said.

Jing Zhongyue in the yard trembled slightly, she understood.

Who is her sister? It was the real Jing Zhongyue, who was replaced by her in Baiyun City.

"Prepare a place, don't let anyone approach, I want to see this messenger." Jing Zhongyue said.



A quarter of an hour later ~ ~ In Zhongyue saw this mysterious messenger, and there was no one in the tens of meters.

I'm not afraid that someone will go to the moon, because no one can beat her. At least until now, Inotsu has not met his opponent.

At this time, the ground was full of boxes full of gold and silver jewellery, satin silk, and worthless.

I didn't even look at these gold and silver jewellery wells, and said lightly, "Say, where is my sister?"

The mysterious messenger said: "Miss Inuki, I want to introduce you to a noble and perfect marriage, and I will formally propose to you for my Highness.


Note: I sent the second update, and finally finished writing. I was so tired that I was sitting on a chair. Today I still update 15 thousand.

Brothers, vote for a few monthly passes to inspire pastries! I really did my best.