First Secret Agent in History

Chapter 317: The miracle of the crane in the cloud

"Madam, how can I discuss one thing with you?" Yun Zhonghe said softly.


Yun Zhonghe said: "The results I want to publish are too shocking and amazing, so I want to do it on New Year's Eve. I want to give the entire empire an unforgettable memory of the New Year. Once a year. In the New Great Flame Empire, I feel warm and comfortable. I want to spend a good year here and want to leave a good memory. "

Ji Qing said nothing.

Yun Zhonghe said: "Actually, my results can be released tomorrow, but ... I want to do it on New Year's Eve. But then, it will take more than a month. Is it good to discuss?"

Ji Qing said: "OK! Then on New Year's Day, we will divorce."

Then, Ji Qing left proudly.


At this time, Yun Zhonghe discovered another drawback of the new Great Flame Empire.

That is to emphasize practice over theory.

Of course, this is actually a huge advantage. Seeking truth from facts is correct no matter when and where.

But sometimes, whether it is science or country, it needs to be guided by a far-sighted theory.

The absolutely pragmatic worldview of the New Great Flame Empire enabled them to develop a certain field and develop it to the extreme.

Such as personal martial arts, material science, smelting and forging, etc.

In the New Great Flame Empire, there is no profound and profound martial arts, but a systematic and scientific practice of martial arts.

This makes the average martial standard of the entire empire extremely high, especially the imperial team, the force value is scary.

But on the upper limit of personal martial arts standards, it seems to be limited. At present, Yun Zhonghe has not seen the incredible martial arts masters like the big win emperor, the master of Baiyun City, and even the emperor Tianzuo.

Another point is that the New Great Flame Empire has developed for thousands of years and has developed productive forces, but at present there is no advanced theory born.

For example, Newton ’s laws, such as the laws of thermodynamics, and so on.

If these laws are put forward and a large number of practical demonstrations are carried out, then countless scientists conduct more in-depth research, especially when a few talented scientists appear to conduct research.

The New Great Flame Empire is no longer what it is now, and it is many times more advanced than it is now.

Because once these laws are discovered and demonstrated, it is really like the person who practiced martial arts was ordered to take the second pulse of Ren Du.

The current Xinyan Empire is still precisely based on Yan Xinzong's guidance to realize his ideological vision and maximize it.

Therefore, it is not easy for Yun Zhonghe to publish a scientific achievement to completely crush Ji Qing.

Even if he published the law of conservation of energy, gravitation, or the theory of relativity, it is totally useless.

The New Great Flame Empire only values ​​practical results, not theory.

The achievements of the Crane in the Cloud must be subversive, mysterious, practical, and thrilling.

So is there any achievement that can meet the above characteristics?

Of course there is!

Tesla coil.

Nikola Tesla is called the man closest to God.

Many of the post-mortem literature in the later generations, as well as the legends on the Internet, touched him to the altar. Said the Tunguska Big Bang is what he called the experiment, saying that he almost changed the world, but it was more suppressed than Edison and other interest giants.

And according to Tesla's theory, the entire earth can be wirelessly powered.

But in the eyes of some professionals, especially in the eyes of some doctors of physics, Tesla's achievements seem not so high.

Of course, whether Tesla is so amazing, so magical, for the time being.

But the magic of the Tesla coil really has a huge visual impact.

First of all, it is possible to light the bulb in a short distance.

This is terrifying. Without any wires, the light bulb is lit?

It's amazing.

Of course, only a short distance lighting, the experimental effect is much greater than the experimental effect.

In the short video of the Internet of later generations, many people successfully completed this experiment, lighting the light bulb in the air.

But what if Yun Zhonghe amplifies this experiment hundreds of times?

Hundreds and thousands of bulbs lit at once?

Tesla Coil has another more horrifying visual effect, which is to create lightning.

That's even more gorgeous.

Lightning occurs out of thin air, and it is really exactly the same as the lightning in the sky.

And the whole person can manipulate lightning, it looks like a magician.

Ji Qing built the airship, which is of course very remarkable and has great practicality. Especially the high-efficiency propulsion device she researched and built is really amazing.

But the degree of subversion, visual impact, should not be as good as the Tesla coil.

Thousands of light bulbs were suddenly lit up out of thin air.

Amazing lightning burst out of thin air and was manipulated.

Even if it is on the modern earth, this scene will be horrifying, let alone in the new Great Flame Empire?


The war of abiding by science, that is, the war of science, Yun Zhonghe has always attached great importance to it, and is definitely the key battle to conquer the new Great Flame Empire.

So Yun Zhonghe started preparations a few months ago, and began large-scale manufacturing and experimentation.

It was originally intended to be revealed on New Year's Eve.

Now that Ji Qing has actively challenged him, then this result can be directly presented.

If it is in the Great Zhou Empire or the Great Xia Empire, it is still very difficult for Yun Zhonghe to make a large Tesla coil, because the productivity is not developed, and the materials are not enough. Even making a high-voltage electric shock rod makes Yun Zhonghe After a few months, tired and choking.

However, in the New Great Flame Empire, various materials are not only available, but also very advanced.

In the Great Zhou Empire, it was not easy for Yun Zhonghe to find a natural magnet, because there are two types of magnetic materials. The first type is the need to be magnetized, and the second type is natural permanent magnet.

In the New Dayan Empire, smelting and forging technology are extremely developed, and materials science and minerals are extremely advanced.

Yun Zhonghe can use the smelting technology and mining technology of the New Great Flame Empire to manufacture permanent magnets with high magnetic force.

In the Great Zhou Empire, if Yunhe Crane wanted to generate electricity, he still had to shake it by hand, and he could only make the simplest hand crank engine.

And here, the steam engine is extremely developed, and it is completely easy to transform into a steam engine.

There are also battery packs. It is not easy for cranes in the Great Zhou Empire Cloud to get strong acids and alkalis. They also need to go to the volcanic pond. But here are all kinds of concentrated acids and concentrated alkalis.

There are all kinds of metals and materials, and the purity is extremely high.

So there are as many different batteries as there are cranes in the cloud. He can't run out of his own money. Besides, there is the big rich man, Queen Dusha. The woman herself has mastered several large mines, several smelters, and several workshops.

Regardless of the money, the Tesla coil in Crane Crane can be made large enough.

The effect is absolutely amazing.

For absolute effect, Yun Zhonghe decided to continue the experiment on New Year's Eve.

Publish this result.

Of course, in order to be 100% successful, Yun Zhonghe has conducted several secret experiments in advance.

The effect was very shocking, at least Dusha went to the bathroom immediately.


On the first day of December, Yun Zhonghe announced that he was about to launch the fifth war against the new Great Flame Empire.

This time it's the battle of scruples!

On December 30, New Year's Eve, he will release his achievements in ethics.

His achievements are about to weep ghosts and gods and change the world directly.

If his achievements defeated Ji Qing's achievements, then in this battle of strict physical science, he won the New Great Flame Empire.

On the contrary, Yun Zhonghe confessed completely and stopped challenging other achievements of the New Great Flame Empire.

Furthermore, she promised to divorce Ji Qing and free her.

After this news came out, countless people across the empire once again waited.

And some are unbelievable, but full of infinite expectations.

The achievements of Vice President Ji Qing have been studied for more than ten years. There are dozens of professors, hundreds of imperial scholars and thousands of professionals.

Conquer the sky, making air flight and air transportation a reality.

This result is already very great. You only have one crane in the cloud, and you want to produce even more amazing results in such a short time? Is it really difficult to reach the sky?

Although we believe you are awesome, is this unlikely?

It should be known that the Imperial Patriarchate has now begun to demonstrate the feasibility of air transportation and has already planned to conduct a pilot.

According to Ji Qing's theory, then it can also increase the speed of the airship, at least double, and the capacity can also be increased.

If it exceeds fifty kilometers per hour, then the speed will exceed the horse-drawn carriage. Although the cost is higher, there are some things that cannot be considered.

Although it is difficult to believe that the Crane in the Cloud can produce more brilliant and great results, the entire empire remains to be seen.


Close to the year.

Yun Zhonghe is also busy, because he is now the top celebrity of the empire, not only a royal, but also a writer, an artist, etc., and also obtained an imperial bachelor in three disciplines.

Therefore, he will represent the royal family and the empire to give lectures to teachers and students of the basic schools.

I have to go to various workshops and mines to give condolences.

This scene felt a bit familiar, but he became the protagonist himself.

Ji Cheng has proposed many times to let Yun Zhonghe and Ji Qing appear together. These two people are definitely a pair of people. The golden boys and girls, who appear together, can reap the goodwill of everyone.

Yun Zhonghe understands the meaning of Ji Cheng. According to the current unspoken rules, only one person in Yun Zhonghe and Ji Qing can enter the Senate.

But if the two people have been together before the people for a long time, causing a feeling that they are not out of focus, and Meng is not out of focus, then in the future, the two people can enter the senate.

Unfortunately, they were rejected by Ji Qing.

Moreover, Ji Qing himself is not willing to go to the show, unwilling to represent the Senate and the royal family on behalf of the royal family.

It's really arrogant, you were willing to go before. Now that she saw the cranes in the cloud frequently go to the show, she would not go.

Yun Zhonghe also found that as an ordinary citizen, the less contact with slaves, the better. Therefore, the inspector Lee Cod tried every means to find him other jobs, and in addition to be a butcher apprentice, he was not willing to let him go to the mine to supervise, because that would cause a lot of contact with slaves.

But when it came to the high-level, it could come into contact with the slaves.

For example, during this time, Yun Zhonghe represented the Imperial College of Art and the First Imperial College on several occasions to console the slaves on behalf of the royal family.

Of course, in the official name of the empire, there is absolutely no word for slaves, which is called Yiren.

Black people are called Hei Yi people, white people are Bai Yi people, and brown people are Brown Yi people.

How many citizens and slaves were there in the entire empire, and it was not until now that Yun Zhonghe knew the whole data.

There are 12 million citizens of the New Great Flame Empire, 60 million native Yi nationalities, and more than 100 million Yi colonies.

Yun Zhonghe really sighed.

The New Great Flame Empire was made up of exiled scholars from the old Great Flame Empire. When we found this new continent, there were only fewer than ten thousand people.

But now more than a thousand years have passed, and there are only 12 million people. This fertility is indeed average.

The more developed it is, the less willing to give birth. Just look at your side to know how many outstanding men and women are still married and have no children in their thirties. No wonder the population is not going up.

However, such a population ratio looks really dangerous.

Are these slaves rebellious?

Of course, according to the current situation, slaves will not rebel, and rebellion is useless.

Although the New Great Flame Empire had only 600,000 troops, the army was so strong that the slave rebellion was a dead end.

Even if you assemble a army of thousands of slaves, you can't beat a group of 100,000 emperors.

Moreover, Yun Zhonghe found that the slaves did not have much resentment or anger.

One by one was very docile, and it seemed ... more satisfied?

How did this happen?

However, many people in the colonies on earth were also very docile. For example, the Indian colonies were rebellious, but on the whole, they were docile and sheepish, and they were also very respectful and admirable to the British Empire.

This time Yun Zhonghe went to console a Yiren village.

The village is actually a giant dormitory. In the five large and square buildings, there are 30,000 Minyi people.

This Yiren village is newly built, and 30,000 Yi people are living in it with joy.

Only Yi people who work hard and make outstanding contributions can live in this kind of house on the ground, most of the slaves live in the basement.

Yun Zhonghe realized that there were ranks among the slaves.

At the bottom are slaves without any freedom and property, followed by middle-level slaves, then high-level free slaves.

High-level free slaves can live in houses on the ground and can get married and have children. Of course, giving birth also requires indicators. Without permission, you cannot give birth. But once a child is born, there is no need to raise it by himself. The Empire will provide subsidies to raise the child, at least to ensure nutrition and health.

The free slaves at the top are managers, who will help the empire manage these slaves.

Only these four strata are enough for countless slaves to struggle for a lifetime.

And slaves are not educated. The only thing they can learn is job skills, and there is only one job skill, and they will only do this job for a lifetime.

If the mind is castrated, the spirit will not resist. Divided into four levels, so that they also have the motivation to struggle.

They do not have to compare with imperial citizens, because most of them do not see imperial citizens, they live in their own world, they compare with each other, they can get a sense of superiority with each other.

So at least until now, the structure of these Yi people is also very stable.

And Yun Zhonghe also found that the intermarriage of these Yi people adopts a policy, mixed blood!

White people do not marry white people, but marry black people, or brown people.

In short, it is to dilute the bloodline, dilute the race, and breed a lot of mixed blood.

Outside every Yi village, there are tall walls and fortresses, and there will be a supervising team composed of veterans, who will be responsible for the management and security of the entire Yiren village, as well as laws and penalties.

After entering Yiren Village, it was found that the Empire Law was posted everywhere.

No one shall forcibly insult the woman, and the offender will die!

No one is allowed to bully women and children, old and weak, violators!

Even if these supervising teams are no exception, they cannot defile these unjust women, nor can they beat and bully the old and weak.

This gives these Yi people a sense of security.

When Yun Zhonghe entered condolences in Yiren Village, he experienced unprecedented fanaticism.

These Yi people do not know his reputation, but they know that his surname is Ji and he is a member of the royal family.

Every Yiren desperately reached out to touch him, and every mother raised the child high.

Countless people are kneeling down on the ground.

Imperial citizens do not need to kneel, unless there is a special time, they have to kneel when facing the ruling king, and they kneel on one knee. For most of the rest, civilians of the empire did not need to kneel even if they met the royal family or the consul.

However, the slave's kneel ceremony was not abolished.

Yun Zhonghe stepped forward to hug two dolls and walked among the crowd.

Then, I spoke to tens of thousands of Yiren and had lunch with a Yihu couple.

"Long live the Empire!"

"Long live the Empire!"

These tens of thousands of people shouted desperately, very fanatical.

This scene made Yun Zhonghe sigh with emotion. Does the senior free slave of the empire support the empire so much? Don't forget that you are slaves?

But in the eyes of these free slaves, the empire gave them housing, good food, and children.

Although their treatment is far inferior to that of imperial citizens, they are much better than most slaves, and they are better than the savages in the colony.

Many slaves grew up in the most savage primitive tribes and lived the life of drinking Mao Ru blood.

Now the days have made them like heaven.

So life is about comparison.

Moreover, the strong civilization gap will have a huge siphon effect. In the face of a more powerful and advanced civilization, backward civilizations will be in awe and admiration.


Time is like water, time is like a shuttle, this year is coming to an end, and New Year's Eve is coming.

In the past few days, Yun Zhonghe was busy flying up.

First to accompany the teachers and students of the Imperial College of Art for the New Year, and then to accompany the teachers and students of the Imperial College of the New Year.

To accompany Queen Dusha during the New Year, the two ruling kings and the senate of the empire will also call on the empire to make outstanding contributions to a reception banquet.

On the afternoon of the New Year ’s Eve, the Imperial Royal Family will also have a feast in which all members of the royal family will participate.

"Smelly girls, can't you avoid this time? You should sit with me." Yun Zhonghe sneered with pride.

This is because in the previous banquets, Ji Qing either did not attend, or was far away from him, as if he was not a couple at all.

And this time the royal family banquet was attended by families.

Facing Yun Zhonghe's words, Ji Qing sitting next to him said coldly: "Forbearance will pass, anyway, tomorrow will be divorced."

Yun Zhonghe picked up a piece of chicken and delivered it to Ji Qing's mouth: "Come on, ma'am, I'll feed you chicken."

Ji Qing was about to explode, and chopsticks poke gently.

Suddenly, Yun Zhonghe's entire arm became numb and lost consciousness.

At this time, Ji Zhan, the leader of the Royal Patriarchal Association, said: "Ji Xia, this evening is your big day, can you be nervous?"

Yun Zhonghe said: "Uncle, don't be nervous."

Ji Zhandao said: "Ji Qing's airship is very good and a great achievement, leading the empire to the sky. Not only the pride of the empire, but also the pride of our royal family. Ji Xia, I hope you will learn from your wife for the empire Fight for glory, win glory for the royal family. Only when your husband and wife progress, can the empire be more brilliant and powerful. "

He said in the cloud: "Yes, Uncle."

Next, the normal banquet is talking about two people.

One is Ji Yan, she is the supreme interest of the imperial royal family, and the future ruling king is not present at this time, because he led troops to suppress the colonial rebellion.

The domestication of slaves requires a process. The slaves in the empire are very docile, but the new colonies rebelled one after another.

This time it was a rebellion in a new colony in the west. Over one million giant slaves rebelled against the rule of the empire. Ji Yan led the Fourth Army to suppress it.

The supporting character in question is Ji Qing.

These two women are indeed peerless and arrogant, and are the two best young people of the royal family.

But when Ji Qing heard everyone's talk, she was not happy at all, because she was very proud and conceited. Why should everyone put her behind Ji Yan?

Why Ji Yan was designated as the next generation king? And she is just a member of the Presbyterian Association?

She just didn't get upset.

And when Ji Yan is under the pressure of public opinion, why should she sacrifice the happiness of her Ji Qing, take the initiative to share the pressure of public opinion, and let Ji Yan get away and return to her original position?

Yun Zhonghe reached out and took Ji Qing's small hand, whispering: "Ma'am, I will avenge you later."

Lying trough ...

It's broken, it's broken.

Ji Qing directly grabbed Yun Zhonghe's wrist at the wrist, and broke back directly, painless.

"We are divorced people, you should be respectful." Ji Qing whispered coldly.

Yun Zhonghe said: "Are you going away? Tonight, I'm going to release the results of the terrifying weeping ghost and goddess, and I promise to kill your airship in a second, and I promise to destroy you a hundred times.

Ji Qing disdain, let go of Yun Zhonghe's wrist and turned his face.


As night fell, New Year's Eve came.

The snow finally stopped.

The whole didu, a piece of white, beautiful.

Tonight is New Year's Eve, the whole didu is brightly lit and the family is reunited.

But in the eyes of many people, there is a bigger thing today.

Yun Zhonghe is about to release his achievements in science.

Can he beat his wife Ji Qing? Is this achievement shocking enough, subversive enough, can it change the empire?

If he wins, Yun Zhonghe will continue to conquer the war of the New Great Flame Empire.

Lost, so far, Yun Zhonghe has since been a celebrity in the New Great Flame Empire, and by the way divorced Ji Qing.

In the afternoon, the Second Army of the Empire had already dispatched 20,000 troops to the Empire Square to maintain order.

Before it was dark, some people came to Empire Square one after another.

Imperial scholars, doctors of ethics, professors in several Imperial colleges, and many other students came.

In short, this is a serious war.

Representing the dignity of the imperial academy, everyone must come to witness this war.

Then, all the people of the Imperial Patriarchate came.

Finally, the two ruling kings also came. However, they were very low-key and did not make any speeches, just to watch.

When night fell, tens of thousands of people were all present.

Waiting for Yun Zhonghe to release his achievements!

Queen Dusha, Vice President Ji Qing also came long ago.

Thousands of people have seats, leaving tens of thousands of people standing.

The place where Yun Zhonghe released his achievements was on a high platform temporarily built in Empire Square.

In anticipation of all, Yun Zhonghe walked to the high platform.

"His Majesty the two ruling kings, good evening."

The two ruling kings stood up to pay their respects.

"Good night, the consul of the Senate, the elders of the royal family, and the adults of the elders."

The tycoons of the Senate, and the tycoons of the Royal Patriarchate, all stood up to pay tribute to the people.

"Queen Tussah, good evening."

Queen Dusha's face was red, and she stood up to salute.

She is no longer a queen, and it is very presumptuous for Yun Zhonghe to call her name, which is tantamount to making the **** / affair public.

"Mother, good evening and good New Year." Yun Zhonghe finally said.

Ji Qing's face was pale, but she had to stand up. She could be proud and rude to Yun Zhonghe, but not to everyone.

"As everyone knows, I once announced on the playground of the Third Academy that I want to wage war against the new Great Flame Empire, I want to defeat the entire empire by myself, I want to conquer the empire, and I want to become the king of the empire." Yun Zhonghe said: "Now that the two ruling kings are there, I said in a word that it is not good to seize the throne. In the Eastern world, my head has been cut off 800 times."

When the words came out, everyone laughed, and the two ruling kings shook their heads helplessly.

"There is a word called love and kill each other." Yun Zhonghe said: "Now I really have fallen in love with this kingdom, it is my empire. But the conquest that I launched against the empire will not end! This evening It is the fifth war I waged against the empire, and it is also a very important one.

"As we all know, my fragrant, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, and proud wife released a stunning and great achievement last month, and from this empire went to the sky and opened a new era. "Heavenly Crane said loudly:" Madam, I am proud of you! Even if you are going to divorce me tomorrow. "

As soon as these words came out, tens of thousands of people burst into laughter.

Ji Qing's complexion turned from pale to red.

Unexpectedly, a man can be shameless to this point. Didn't expect him to be so shameless, it even made people feel itchy?

"Tonight I will also publish an ethical achievement!" Yun Zhonghe said: "This achievement is not only the fifth war I waged against the empire, but also the battle between Ji Qing and my husband. If we win, we To give birth to a baby, if we lose, we will divorce. "

Ji Qing gritted his teeth even more. This shameless man, such a baby, even said it in front of tens of thousands of people, shameless.

He said in the cloud: "The development history of the entire civilization is actually the history of the use of energy. The backward empire still uses the most primitive manpower, uses oil and candle lights, and uses sails as the power of sailing. The new Dayan Empire has already Using a steam engine, or even developing an internal combustion engine, and using biogas lighting, or even natural gas lighting, this is advanced, this is great. "

"And today, I want to offer you a more advanced energy, an epoch-making energy!"


"Yes, that's the divine power of heaven, lightning!"

"Who can make lightning in this world? That is the god!"

"Because you learn to use fire, the monkey changes. When you learn to use electricity, the man will be closer to the status of God."

"Electricity will completely change the history of the empire and the civilization of the empire."

"Now, I will show you the power of electricity."

Then, Yun Zhonghe clapped his hands and suddenly a hundred people took out thousands of light bulbs and placed them one by one on the snow.

Everyone was a little surprised, what is this? A little bit of biogas, or natural gas lights.

No light bulb can be made in the Eastern world, but it is a breeze here, whether it is metal tungsten or vacuuming.

A thousand bulbs are placed on a thousand square meters of ground.

On this thousand square meters of snow, there are several large Tesla coils.

"five four three two one!"

Yun Zhonghe's countdown ended, he snapped a finger, and then turned on the switch.


All the thousand bulbs on the snow lit up.

The whole ground is instantly bright as day. Each bulb is much brighter than a biogas lamp.

Everyone was completely surprised.

Although they didn't really understand it, they still felt scalp numb and creepy.

But most materialists can fully understand the meaning.

Especially Ji Qing, she knows too well, she really has goose bumps all over her body.

Most people just watch a lively, do not know the great inside.

But Ji Qing understands that Yun Zhonghe is opening a new door to physical science and a new door to energy.

Ji Qing's airship just stood on the shoulders of his predecessors.

And Yun Zhonghe did create a new world.

Yun Zhonghe said to Ji Qing: "Ma'am, can I invite you over?"

Ji Qing hesitated for half a second, then stood up and walked over with money.

She came to the center of the snow, stood among these bright light bulbs, stood under a bright light, and even more beautiful and moving.

Like a fairy in the limelight, she couldn't help but tremble.

No woman can resist shining in the spotlight.

Yun Zhonghe said: "Ma'am, you can pick up these light bulbs casually.

Ji Qing picked up the light bulbs from the ground and found that the light bulbs were still bright even in her hands, and they could not touch the glass part, which was very hot.

Because of the cold weather, she wore gloves.

Suddenly, she was even more shocked.

The skull is so horrified that it must be lifted off, which means that some kind of powerful energy can be spread through the air.

The light bulb will light in her hands.

This ... this is incredible.

Ordinary people can't understand it, but she understands in her heart, how great and amazing is this achievement?

Yun Zhonghe has now conquered the scientists represented by Ji Qing, but has not yet conquered tens of thousands of viewers.

He said loudly, "The next is the moment to witness the miracle. Are you citizens of the empire, ready? Are you ready for the miracle?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked towards him.

Yun Zhonghe continued to shout: "Are you ready for the miracle?"

"Ready? Then the miracle is on!"

Then ~ ~ He came to the center of the platform.

There is a more special Tesla coil, and there are several kinds of devices.

Yun Zhonghe wears special clothes.

"The miracle, turn on!"

With the roar of the crane in the cloud.

There was a loud noise on the platform.

Then ... an amazing lightning burst out of nowhere.

One lightning, two lightnings, three lightnings.

There are several lightnings, and they are lightnings of different colors, white, blue, and red.

These lightnings fought frantically.

Some lightning directly hit the crane in the cloud.

The crane in the cloud raised his hands, and manipulated the lightning like a god.

"Pappappap ..." Wherever he pointed, lightning struck.

Countless lightnings struck him all over the body, shining brightly and flashing electro-optically.

Countless lightnings shattered the night.

Surrounded by electricity and light, the crane in the cloud descended like a fairy!

At this scene, everyone was completely shocked and couldn't believe their eyes.

I ca n’t believe it even in my dreams. Someone can really manipulate lightning.

Is this really the realm of God? Although Xinxin does not believe in God in the Great Flame Empire, they believe in God.

Yun Zhonghe roared loudly: "Is this a miracle?"

"Ji Qing, is this a miracle? Did my achievement exceed you?"

"The physicists of the empire, can my achievements change the empire and history?"

"Ji Qing, university students of the Empire, have I won this battle?"

"Did I win?"


Note: The next chapter will be completed at two o'clock in the morning. If it is not completed, I will slap myself.

I want to enter the top six of the monthly ticket classification, and there is a difference of 400 votes. Thank you