First Secret Agent in History

Chapter 376: The death of the Emperor Daxian!

   Seeing such a crane in the cloud, the face of Emperor Daxian Mo changed suddenly.

   For a while, he asked hoarsely, "Who are you?"

  Heavenly Crane said with a sneer: "Daxian Demon Emperor, do you think you have really completed the ultimate transformation? Do you think you have become a god?" Do you think there is a **** in this world?"

   Da Xian Mo Emperor said: "Of course, all my procedures are completed in accordance with the black scriptures."

  He said in the cloud: "Hei Jing? Who wrote the Hei Jing?"

   The big Xian Mo Huang coldly said: "What do you mean?"

Yun Zhonghe slowly said: "Emperor Daxian, you have been exploited by everyone, and everything you have made is a wedding dress for others. What the ultimate nirvana, what godlike power? All these are just your illusions. You are still the same as before, you have not become strong at all. It’s just that you feel that you are strong, everything is a good illusion."

  The Emperor Daxian said in anger: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. I obviously felt my strength. I obviously felt that the body was filled with endless power, as if I were going to feather the immortals."

  He said in the cloud: "What you said, everything is just a feeling. So your feeling of becoming an immortal can be achieved by taking some kind of psychoactive drug."

  The Emperor Daxian said: "You mean, this ultimate Nirvana program is wrong? Is everything described in the Black Book wrong?"

He said in the cloud: "No, this ultimate Nirvana is correct. It's just that the person who completed the ultimate Nirvana is not you, but someone else. I just said that you are just a victim, an exploited one. People are no different from other mutant warriors."

  The Emperor Daxian said: "Who is the person who completed the ultimate Nirvana? Will it not be your crane in the cloud?"

  Heavenly Crane smiled slightly and did not speak.

   Then he blinked his eyes.


   The entire space was completely darkened. Even the Emperor Daxian felt that he could not see his fingers with his hands, and could not see anything.

Everything around    turned into darkness and nothingness.

   "Whoosh swish swish..."

   Next, countless stars lit up in the surrounding space, as if one star after another fell.

   Dozens, hundreds, thousands...

   Thousands of mutant warriors appeared in the entire abyssal space, standing on this chain of spider webs like a dense chain.

   These people are the thousands of warriors of the Great Flame Empire brought by Yun Zhonghe.

  The big Emperor Xian found that he lost the spiritual power at home. Therefore, the master of the Great Flame Empire, which was originally like a headless fly, immediately recovered his mind and was summoned by the crane in the cloud.

   Of course, this kind of summoning did not appear out of thin air, but the crane in the cloud guided them with strong spiritual power, and the group of people jumped from the pyramid tomb above.

   Soon, thousands of great Yan Empire masters surrounded the Emperor Daxian Demon so that it could not be drained.

   "Kill him!" Yun Zhonghe ordered.


   An unprecedented scene appeared.

   This is not a normal fight at all.

  Thousands of great Yan Empire masters are attacking frantically towards the Great Emperor. It was really like countless stars, bombarded towards him.

   has no swordsmanship and no tricks.

   They just used their bodies as shells and bombarded the Great Emperor.

   This feeling is like the innumerable asteroids bombarding the earth.

  Successor, the moth puts out the fire.

   "Boom Boom Boom..."

   This effect is really like the detonation of countless bombs, making a loud noise.

   These warrior warriors of the Great Flame Empire, every bombardment, used up all their internal strength and all their true energy.

   One of the most gorgeous scenes.

   The whole abyssal space is shocked and radiant.

  Thousands of masters of the Great Flame Empire attacked the Emperor Daxian.

  Every moment, there are dozens of masters who use their bodies as star cannonballs and bombard the Great Emperor.

   Then...they fell into the abyss again.

  Because the Emperor Daxian is so powerful, despite their best efforts, they still collapse at the touch of a button.


   Just two minutes!

   The war is over!

  Thousands of masters of the Great Flame Empire, suicide bombing ended.

   They all fell into the abyss.

   And the Emperor Daxian at this time seemed to have sores on his body, and his waist was bent down.

   But... he stood up slowly again.

   From the physical point of view, Da Xian Mo Huang was not injured.

   However, in the special spiritual vision of Yun Zhonghe, Daxian Demon Emperor was not hurt lightly, and the original powerful Qi Qi body had been torn open numerous cracks, and the veins in his body were also damaged in countless places.

   But he still did not die.

   Because the battle was gorgeous, but it was too fast.

   So it seems not spectacular, not shocked.

   seemed to want the kind of sky-thunder and earth fire, earth-moving mountains shaking, and the battle of heaven and earth falling apart was shocked.

   This is not the case. The stronger the battle, the more direct and faster.

Thousands of Dayan Empire's top masters brought by Yun Zhonghe, including Wu Zheng and others, Guanghe Daxian Moguo Prince-level strongmen, there are four or five people, and Duke-level strongmen have dozens, although the number There are only a few thousand, but it is indeed the sum of all the martial art forces he can come up with.

   Thousands of people, but no one can beat.

   The martial arts of the Great Emperor Xian has already reached a level that is unimaginable.

   can no longer be described by any words.

  It can be said that at this time, whether it is Zhou Heiwang, Bai Gu, or the enchanting prince and so on, they are no match for the half of the mobile phone finger of the Emperor Da Xian Mo.

   Yun Zhonghe asked: "Your Majesty, your strength is really amazing for me."

The Emperor Daxian slowly reached out and looked at it for a while, saying: "You... yes, I have not completed the ultimate Nirvana. Although I have defeated your thousands, but... I am still the original me It’s just a little stronger. This is not the power of the deity. It has swallowed hundreds of thousands of mutant warriors. It shouldn’t be like this.”

   Then, he lowered his head and said: "Strength will not be created out of thin air, nor will it disappear from thin air. Where did the soul and power of the hundreds of thousands of mutant warriors go? Where did they go?"

   Then, Emperor Daxian looked at the crane in the cloud and said, "Is it on you?"

  He Yunzhong spread his hands.

   Da Xian Mo Emperor said: "No, not on you."

  The crane in the cloud slowly came out of the darkness, and his face recovered inch by inch.

"I have prepared for decades, and sacrificed hundreds of thousands of people, in exchange for this result?" Da Xian Mo Huang said hoarsely: "And this giant formation can only be used once. Even if I can cultivate a few more Hundreds of thousands of mutant warriors, can't complete the ultimate Nirvana transformation?"

   Yun Zhonghe shrugged again.

   "It's really frustrating..." Emperor Daxian said: "Why do I obviously feel a very strong sense of burst, a feeling of becoming stronger?"

  He said in the cloud: "Perhaps those forces need to pass through your body."

  The Emperor Daxian said: "Even if I haven't completed the ultimate Nirvana transformation, but... still defeating all your masters, are you still the power of the unrestrained chicken?"

  He said in the cloud: "Yes, I thought those thousands of people could kill you, but I didn't think it wouldn't work."

   Daxian Demon Emperor said: "Well, no matter what happens next, I will kill you first!"

   Then, he walked slowly towards the Yunzhong Crane, raised his palm, and immediately took the Yunzhong Crane to the ground with his palm.



  The next second, Da Xian Mo Huang disappeared.

   A behemoth lightning generally descended from the sky, directly engulfing the Big Xian Mohuang.

  Mother of Sandworm.

   It's body shape is more amazing and more terrifying.

   Because not long ago, it just swallowed countless radiation graphite, and its whole body exudes strange light.

  The entire body of the Great Xian Mo Huang was swallowed by her into her stomach.

   was chewed madly by the teeth of his mouthparts, squeezed and shocked by his extremely powerful force.

  After devouring the Great Emperor Daxian, the mother of the sandworm is wrapped around these huge chains, and her eyes are looking at the crane in the cloud.

  Heavenly Crane slowly extended his hand and said: "You are willing to come, I am very grateful because you don't owe me anything."

   The gaze of the super-monster, the desert overlord and the mother of the sand worm became mild.

   He leaned his head down and wanted to let the cloud crane touch it.


   Next second!


   Its body exploded violently.

   The huge body was directly blown into two sections.

  The Great Xian Mo Huang rises to the sky.

   After the mother of the extremely powerful sand worm broke into two pieces, the strange green blood spattered wildly, then it roared and fell into the abyss.

   The Emperor Daxian was really scared at this time, his body was corroded very badly, and he looked especially strange and scary.

  He slowly fell.

   stood ten meters in front of Yun Zhonghe.

  Really...really suffocating.

  Can a person really be strong to this point?

   It's against the sky!

  In two minutes, one person defeated thousands of top players.

   Then, defeated such a powerful mother of sand bugs.

   This kind of power is beyond recognition.

   To this, Yun Zhonghe can only say one thing: lying trough.

  The Emperor Daxian walked slowly towards the crane in the cloud, and once again raised his palm to shoot him to death.

   This time, there was no one to block Da Xian Mo Huang.

   He came to Yun Zhonghe, put his palm on top of Yun Zhonghe, and slowly said: "Do you have any last words?"

  Heyun Zhonghe shook his head and said, "No, I have no last words. But I want to ask you, do you have any last words?"

   Da Xian Mo Huang frowned, and then snapped a shot towards the top of the crane head in the cloud.

  No words can describe how amazing the power of the Emperor Daxian Mo is.

  Even if one hundred, one thousand cranes in the cloud, they are directly crushed.


   "Bang..." There was a loud noise.

  The palm of Daxian Mohuang has not yet been hit, and the entire right arm was directly burst and shattered.

   turned into a haze of blood and disappeared.

  Rely, rely, rely, what happened?

  The Emperor Daxian lost his right arm, and then he raised his left arm and slammed it down towards the cloud crane.

   "Boom..." His left arm shattered and burst directly, turning into a blood mist.



   Immediately afterwards, the legs of Daxian Demon Emperor burst into pieces.

   He also turned into a human stick, lost his limbs, and left only his torso, which was even more terrible than Gongsun Yang.

   Yun Zhonghe squatted down in front of him, and said, "Daxian Demon Emperor, do you have any last words?"

  Dark Emperor's eyes were extremely angry, extremely unwilling, extremely humiliating, and extremely painful.

   He looked at the crane in the cloud for a long time, and finally condensed into a sentence: "Is he really unfair!"

   Then, he still wants to kill Yun Zhonghe.

  Puffed up his mouth, and he would spit out the crane in the cloud.

   Of course he can do it. The breath he exhales can be more powerful than a bullet. And the crane in the cloud is still the power of unrestrained chicken.

   No, the Emperor Daxian's breath can be as powerful as a shell.

  He condensed a strong true energy and spit out suddenly towards the crane in the cloud.


   exploded loudly.

   The big Xianmo Emperor's breath didn't spit out, the whole mouth was directly exploded.

   Half of my face was gone.

   is too weird, terrible.

   The part below his nose was gone, and he saw the throat directly.

   Now, Daxian Mohuang really can't kill Yun Zhonghe.

   He could have sprayed his nose to kill Yun Zhonghe, but...the whole mouth was blown up, and his nose was out of breath.

   But... he still has to do everything he can to kill Yun Zhonghe.

   He used his nose to desperately breathe.


  The next second, his nose also broke.

   The whole face, only one pair of eyes, and two ears.

   His heroic, majestic, mysterious, dreadful face completely disappeared.

   This is the most terrifying and strange face that Yun Zhonghe has ever seen.

   He looked at Yun Zhonghe and wanted to speak.

   But he couldn't tell.

  If he can speak, Daxian Mohuang must want to say something, and my mouth hurts.

   Unfortunately, he has no mouth.

   He wanted to gasp desperately, but he also had no mouth, so his throat trachea twitched desperately and inhaled.

  Why is this happening?

  Because there is a very powerful person, not far away.

   This person didn't show up, didn't make a shot, he turned Da Xian Mo Huang into this way.

   Hands, legs burst, mouth burst, nose burst.

   This person, without background, did not move half of his fingers, so that Daxian Mohuang could not survive, not death.

  The powerful Emperor Daxian Mo, just saw Yun Zhonghe clearly.

   defeated thousands of people in one minute, and tore the mother sandworm in half a minute.

   But in front of this mysterious man, he had no room for a little bit of resistance, like ants.

  Who is this mysterious man?


   The Emperor Xian Xian looked at Yun Zhonghe's eyes and gradually softened.

   is no longer so hateful, so angry, so extreme.

   Then, his eyes began to be full of self-deprecation and sorrow.

  In his life, he regarded others as playthings.

   For example, God of God Zuo, is his plaything, suffered humiliation, and eventually lost all his ambitions, just want to see a result.

   Moreover, the Great Emperor Xian also regarded King Bai Gu as a plaything.

   Of course, he even regarded Yun Zhonghe as a plaything.

  In other words, Yun Zhonghe was the one he was most fooled by. He used to devote countless efforts to win the foundation of the Empire.

   And now... he has become a plaything of others.

   He has struggled all his life, and all his achievements are just making wedding dresses for others.

   He is the most tragic plaything.

   His eyes are very complicated, as if there are thousands of words.

   He desperately wanted to make a sound.

   "You appeared, you used me all my life, and fooled me all my life, you appeared..." Although he lost his mouth and could not speak, the Emperor Daxian made a sound with breath resonance, shouting towards the mysterious man.

   But...the abyss is silent, nothing happens.

   "Anger Emperor, you appear, come to see me!"

   "Nudi, Nudi, Nudi..."

  The big Xian Mo Huang shouted wildly.

  However, the other party did not respond and ignored him completely.

   Da Xian Mo Huang burst into tears.

"Anger Emperor, I have been used by you for a lifetime. I have paid everything to complete the eternal life and the ultimate Nirvana transformation. Are you stingy even when you come to see me? Are you so ignoring me?" Crazy screamed, screamed with breath.

   The other party still has no response.

  The big Xian Mo Huang bleeds, and finally looks at Yun Zhonghe.

   "Yunzhonghe, do you know this scene will appear in advance?" Da Xian Mo Huang asked.

  He said in the cloud: "Probably."

   Daxian Demon Emperor said: "Yun Zhonghe, you are still better than me, you are still better than me, my life is a complete tragedy."

  The crane in the cloud was silent.

  The Emperor Daxian said: "I...I'm not a **** Emperor, I...I'm still the big win emperor. No, I should be the former winning prince of the Great Flame Empire..."

   "My life is really shameful."

   Great Xian Mo Huang, no, the Emperor Winner kept talking to himself with his breath.

Then, he tried his best to look up at the crane in the cloud: "Your Majesty, no matter who your final opponent is, whether it is an angry emperor, or... terrible people. Kill him, kill him, kill him... …"

  The **** tears of the Emperor Daxian continued to shed, and said hoarsely: "Why? Why play with our destiny in this way? Why? Why? Your Majesty Crane in the cloud, kill them, kill them..."

  Heaven in the cloud: "OK."

The Emperor Daxian calmed said slowly: "Your Majesty, I am the biggest traitor of the Great Flame Empire. As the Great Flame Emperor, you should execute the criminal. Even if you die, you must be punished. Justified."

  Hedao in the cloud: "OK!"

  Big Xian Mo Huang bent down his neck and led his neck to kill.

  He said in the cloud: "Winning King, are you ready?"

  The other party closed their eyes and said they were ready.

  The dagger of the crane in the cloud, aimed at the neck of the Great Xian Demon Emperor, and cut it violently.

   Blood spray.

   The broken head of Daxian Mohuang was cut off directly.

   "I'm sorry..." He resonated with his voice and said the last three words.

   Then, he died completely.

   This was the most powerful and terrifying person in the world.

   That's it... tragic death.

   But before he died, he finally reconciled with Yun Zhonghe and returned to his identity as the prince of the Great Flame Empire.

  I don't know if he is squinting, but at least his eyes are squinting.


   Note: The death of this big win Devil Emperor has been conceived for a long time.


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