First Secret Agent in History

Chapter 4: Absolute scum scum (New League leader

(Thank you for the reward of 100,000 yuan in Melbourne)

Hearing the words of Yunzhong He, the hawk-eyed man paused for a moment, his eyes condensed into one point, and asked, "Are you afraid of death?"

Jin Yunzhong crane said: "Fear of death."

I yelled at each other and said, "Why is it so crazy?"

The crane in Jinyun couldn't help but hesitated, and felt a little strange. He obviously wanted to live, but what he said just now was obviously a death.

You can clearly see that this man with eyes like a hawk in front of him is a real killer and does not blink. There are countless people who died in his hands. Killing a crane in the cloud at this time is almost like crushing an ant.

At this moment of life and death, he should have been trembling, but he couldn't help but want to be humorous. This is not like he is a crane in the clouds. Although he is the director of a mental hospital, he is not mentally ill. A little nervous.

Suddenly, Yun Zhonghe shrugged his shoulders and said, "I am so humorous."

The other side said, "In the daytime, thirty-nine people were beheaded. You will definitely die. Do you know why you survived?"

Jin Yunzhonghe thought for a while and said, "Because I look handsome?"

The other party took a mirror and put it directly on the table, so that Yunzhonghe could see his face clearly.

I really didn't say anything wrong. He was really handsome and almost exactly the crane in the cloud on earth. It looks more beautiful because of long hair in period costume.

But it is slightly different, the color of the eye pupil is different, and the face shape is also a bit different.

鹤 The crane in the cloud in this world is not easy to describe, how to describe it? It looks handsome and beautiful, but at first glance, it doesn't look like a good person. The 360-degree prostitution / thief look is a villain in any movie or TV series. It is too evil and too demon.

逻辑 What logic is this, why does the crane in this world look the same as the name on earth?

"Do you know who I am?" The other asked again.

Jinyun Zhonghe said: "Jin Yiwei? East plant?"

The other said: "Black Dragon Terrace!"

Jinyun Zhonghe found that he didn't have much memory of this world. Who is the owner of this body, what is his name, and why did he become a death row? And so everything is unknowable.

Heilongtai, the most powerful spy organization in the history of the big win empire, the powerful hawk under the supreme emperor's emperor, Heilongtai was launched, and the world was rumbling.

There are rumors that an official made a complaint in his bed at home and his wife. Less than an hour later, the complaint was written as a secret report and submitted to the palace.

In this world, there are no things that Heilongtai cannot do, and there are no people that Heilongtai cannot kill. Once he was spotted by Heilongtai, even running to the ends of the earth would be useless, and he would die.

The other side said, "We are the Emperor's Eagle Dog, the most powerful force in the world. As long as the party leader moves his finger, a person from thousands of miles will fall. He moves his finger again, somewhere from thousands of miles away. The national crown will be subverted. "

I heard here, Yun Zhonghe felt that this was no longer comparable to Jin Yiwei or Dongchang. Heilongtai was much more professional and should be equivalent to the CIA's Gakko.

The other side slowly said, "You should have killed the head. The reason why you survived was because I saw you and wanted to recruit you into Heilongtai and become an agent of the empire."

密 The spy on Heilongtai? Empire Agent 007 with a killing license? Or Big Insider Detective 008?

"You're right. I fancy you because you are handsome, jealous, and even want to be disfigured." Heilongtai master said: "I just have an undercover task on hand, I need A super beautiful man. "

Jin Yunzhong crane said: "No problem, I'll go! Whose seduce?"

Heilongtai master said: "A demon head who kills and does not blink, beautiful and unrecognizable, martial arts high strength, huge force, calling for wind and rain in that area."

Jinyun Zhonghe said: "Your Black Dragon Terrace, as the most powerful spy organization in the history of the empire, is completely a master, such as a cloud. Isn't it easy to kill a female demon?"

Heilongtai master said: "Not to kill, but to take her down, and then her entire power, for the empire."

Jin Yunzhong crane said: "What is her power?"

"Crack Wind City!" Heilongtai master.

Cleft Wind City? !! Where? What forces?

怜 Poor Yunzhong He has almost no memory of this physical deity, and is completely unknown about this world.

Naturally, I don't know exactly where the city is.

"The rift valley's sphere of influence is 13,000 square kilometers, and it has nine collars and a main city with a population of 400,000. This sphere of influence is very important to the interests of the empire." Heilongtai master said: "It is the empire in the absence of sovereignty. The important layout of the land is even related to the future battle between the North and the South, as well as the ownership of the mountains and rivers south of the Tianjiang River. "

Jinyun Zhonghe desperately searched for the body's original memory, with a vague impression.

As the saying goes, long time must be together, and long time must be divided. And this world is in the world of the most magnificent competition.

The six nations compete for hegemony and compete for the title of world communist. Whoever can dominate the world can end the millennium of chaos, become an eternal Lord, and become the true emperor of these tens of thousands of miles.

The big-winning empire in which Jinyun Zhonghe lives is rapidly expanding. In just a hundred years, it has changed from a small third-rate country into a first-class powerhouse, just like the rising sun, shining brightly.

The land of no-ownership, as the name implies, does not belong to any country, is at the junction of the three major powers, and has been a strategic buffer for hundreds of years.

Many strategists have said a word: whoever can win the land without the master will win the next war and get a ticket for the decisive battle in the world.

So the three great powers, whether it is the Great Win Empire, the Southern Zhou Empire, or the Great Cool Kingdom, are coveted by the landless, but they are also jealous, and cannot directly send troops to occupy, and the Big Win Empire is no exception.

So we need to find an agent, enter the land of no one, and prepare for the future war.

The entire land without borders is more than 2,000 miles long, 500,000 square kilometers, and has a population of 10 million. There are more than a dozen princes of all sizes.

裂 This fissure city is one of the princes, and it is also a very high ranking prince.

The Kusui family has ruled the Rift Valley for about two hundred years, and lost this foundation in the middle. UU read the book but took it back decades ago.

Zhongyue, the main well of the current Rift City, is also the only female prince in the land of no-owner.

Big win Empire Black Dragon Terrace wants to conquer this female city master, and then get the city of fissures. The crane in the clouds is a beautiful man, so he was watched by Heilongtai and performed this arduous secret task.

Heilongtai master said: "He Yunzhong, what is your ideal?"

Yunzhonghe could not help but hesitated. In this world, his name is also Yunzhonghe? What is the logic?

"I have no ideals, I only have goals." He Zhongyun said.

Heilongtai master said: "Talk about it."

Jinyun Zhonghe said: "Power, money, beauty."

The master of Heilongtai sneered: "Vulgar, vulgar! But ... I like it. Under the leadership of His Majesty and Emperor Wuyi, my big win empire is expanding rapidly, and it will become the hegemon of this continent within 20 years. And our Black Dragon Terrace will become the most powerful force in the world. By then, our Black Dragon Terrace will cover the sky and tens of thousands of miles. Everywhere we pass, we all bow our heads. Power, money, and beauty are at your fingertips. "

Jin Yunzhong crane said: "I'll talk about the future and at least want to survive. If I didn't guess wrong, this undercover mission of the Rift Wind City should be dead for a lifetime."

"Wrong ..." Heilongtai master said: "It was a lifetime of ninety-nine! But Yunzhonghe, you are a scum, you were an orphan, raised by a hooligan beggar. Selling color, specializing in serving rich women, and then going to the streets to select pure innocent girls to deceive them, it is even cheaper than the sewer bugs. "

Uh ...

Note: Ye Gong, ask for votes, collect, and support.