First Secret Agent in History

Chapter 92: Mo family, push down the abyss!

Today's handover ceremony will take place next to the Baiyin salt field.

半年 After half a year of repairs, this huge silver salt field has barely resumed production.

The left bank military division came over half a month in advance, and arranged a huge venue next to the salt field.

This venue is open-air, and a wooden platform of more than three meters was built.

The next ceremony will be held on this high platform.

On the high platform, there are dozens of seats, all of which are prepared for the landless people.

Under the high platform, there are hundreds of seats for all guests.

Outside Gao Gao, there are thousands of troops.

In addition to the 1,000 people brought by Jing Zhongyue, the major figures in the Borderless Land also brought guards, which together amounted to thousands.

普 The sun is shining today, and the temperature should be over 367 degrees Celsius.

地面 And after the hot sun, the ground temperature may exceed 40 degrees.

It's a bit difficult.

But there is no way. Today is a big scene, a big event.

Accompanied by Yun Zhonghe and the left bank military division, Jing Zhongyue slowly stepped onto the high platform, with Mrs. Musk beside her.

The weather was so hot, but Jing Zhongyue did not sweat, and her body was still cold and exuding a charming aroma.

夫人 Mrs. Musk was sweating, her beautiful face turned red, but it was especially moving.

At this time, most of the guests in the audience have arrived.

When they saw Mrs. Musk, they couldn't help but twitch a little. What was she doing now?

I soon understood that this was for Mo Yewei.

Rather than saying that this is an alternative marriage, Mrs. Musk is a tribute, which indicates that the Windwind City's submission to the Mo family.

Suddenly everyone's gaze towards Jing Zhongyue was full of sympathy and a little bit of contempt.

不是 Isn't you Inoue tough and arrogant? Would n’t you rather be unyielding?

Why did you succumb now and did such a shameful thing?

He not only had to cede the silver salt field, but also had to send his relatives and aunts to Mo Ye's bed?

Women do not rule.

Fortunately, the owner of the old city of Jingjing E was unconscious, otherwise he was afraid to jump up.

The lords of the Sukai family were afraid that they would have to drill out of the coffin.

Uh ...............

After Manui Nakazuki arrived at the scene.

There was a trembling sound on the ground, and another army came over.

After a long while, the 2,000 troops of the Mo family entered the huge venue neatly.

The middle arch guarded a huge carriage.

The 2,000 Mo's army began to line up neatly, standing like a nail, opposite the Jing family.

The young master Mo Qiu dismounted, respectfully approached and opened the carriage door.

Ye Moye, the master of the city, stepped off the carriage majesticly, wearing a golden cloak.

主 Behind him is the master book Yan Ruoshan, also holding an iron box in his hand with a seal on it.

The three people stepped onto the high platform step by step and came to sit across from Jing Zhongyue.

After seeing the mature and gorgeous Mrs. Musk, the city owner narrowed his eyes and showed a proud look.

Horii Nakazuki sent musk, and it was a shame and shame in front of so many people.

This has shown an attitude of total surrender.

But when he set his eyes on the crane in the cloud, he flashed a rage again.

He had ordered Jing Zhongyue before. Today, I don't want to see Yun Aotian again. I want to drive him out of Rift Valley completely. Why does Yun Aotian still appear?

So, his face suddenly cooled down, and he glanced at Jing Zhongyue with awe and majesty.

Soon, he will let Jing Zhongyue know what is the wrath of the overlord.

At this time, another team arrived.

This is Daxi Academy as a third party to arbitration.

The carriage stopped, the dean Zhu Tian slowed down and slowly walked down. At this time, he was holding an exquisite iron box with a seal on it.

At this time, all three iron boxes with close appointments have arrived.

The eyes of all the people present were all staring at these three iron boxes.

The messengers of the Yantai family and the messengers of the Ning family were also present.

The Huantai family came with two people, Huantai duckweed, and a master.

The Ning family still came from Ning Lianhua, and also had a master book.

Dozens of the most distinguished people stepped onto the high platform and sat down in their respective positions.

At this point, everyone was here.

It is still the right long history of the vassal union conference that presides over the handover ceremony, Wei Gong.

Uh ...

The weather is getting hotter and hotter.

In this kind of weather, any white phosphorus also spontaneously ignites, and it spontaneously ignited earlier, and the spontaneous combustion did not occur until today.

Wei Gong, who presided over the ceremony, stood up and said slowly: "Today is divided into three agendas. The first is beheading. The second is public contract. The third is formal handover."

"Next, let's go to the first agenda."

众所周知 "It is well known that more than half a year ago, silver collars experienced sensational poisonous salt incidents, salt well landslide incidents, and nearly 3,000 casualties. It was really terrible and distressing."

"After half a year's investigation by the princely alliance investigation team, the truth has finally been revealed. The culprit is the rebel group led by former silver lord Li Jinzhong."

"Here I implore everyone to mourn the innocent victims of the silver tragedy."

Suddenly there were hundreds of guests in the audience, plus thousands of troops.

After about a minute.

Wei Weigong continued: "After the adoption of the vassal alliance meeting, Li Jinzhong and other rebel groups were formally sentenced to death!"

Suddenly, the former silver lord Li Jinzhong and others were pushed out, kneeling neatly on the ground, a total of 79 people.


With Wei Gong ordered.

"唰 唰 唰 唰 ..."

Dozens of executioners held up their big swords and chopped them down sharply.

Suddenly, the head of the silver lord Li Jinzhong and others rolled down, blood shot, and the ground was completely red.

Poor Li Jinzhong, in this plot, he is only a supporting role, the real mastermind of the Mo family.

At this moment, he was mercilessly betrayed by the Mo's family, and he could not yell.

Because his tongue was pulled out and he had been given medicine for a long time, the whole man was confused and lost his mind.

But this group of people is absolutely dead.

As a family member of the Valley of the Rift Winds, he colluded with foreign enemies and murdered the prince.

At this time, dozens of people were beheaded at once, and the whole scene suddenly became serious and killed.

However, this blood-splattered scene has aroused the desire of Mo Yecheng's power.

He deeply felt that these blood and heads were the best bedding.

Today, my Mo family is about to reach its peak of glory.

From tomorrow, my Mo family may be on an equal footing with your Yantai family.

Uh ...............

Wei Wei Gonglang said, "Next, enter the second agenda of today's ceremony, the contract is announced."

Many of the elders present at the scene couldn't help thinking of fifty years ago.

How similar it is.

井 In that year, the Jing family first signed a secret contract with the Mo family and leased the deciduous collar for fifty years in exchange for the Mo family's use of soldiers for peace.

I was also scorching in the sun.

He also publicized the contract in the presence of many princes in a land without a master, and then formally delivered it.

I was just at the deciduous collar, not the silver salt field.

Today, the Jing family has lost another pillar.

From now on, the Rift Valley Jing family has officially become a vassal of the Mo family, and its demise is just around the corner.

Wei Gong said, "Please ask the three parties to place the confidential box on the table."

Jin Yunzhonghe, the Mo family, Dean Zhu Tianfang, the three parties placed the iron box on the table.

Wei Gong said, "Please distinguished adults present, check whether the three iron boxes are consistent?"

Everyone checked, the three iron boxes were exactly the same.

Wei Gong said: "Please check with the three parties. Are the iron boxes of each other the same boxes when they signed the contract?"

Jin Yunzhonghe, Zhu Tianfang, and the Mo's family inspected carefully and nodded: "Yes, it was the box that was put into the contract that day."

Wei Gong also said, "Please adults, can there be any damage to the seals of these three boxes?"

几十 Dozens of big men presently inspected the seals of these three boxes without any damage.

Wei Gong also said: "Please ask the three parties to check, are the seals on each other's boxes the same day's seals?"

Jin Yunzhong crane, Zhu Tianfang, Mo's family stepped forward and examined carefully.

Compare the seal's lines, dark lines, and fit with each other.

The words of the Mo family are very detailed, and the inspection is particularly detailed.

At this time, Yun Zhonghe didn't worry that the seal he had forged would be seen through. If you can see through the works of Da Vinci, then you are a god.

Even the thousand-year-old famous painting "Shang Jing Zhong Yuan Yuan" has no flaws, let alone seals.

Sure enough, after inspection by Yan Ruoshan and Zhu Tianfang, the seals forged by Yunzhong He were not seen to have any flaws.

Wei Gong said: "The three parties determined that this seal was the seal of the day?"

The three parties neatly said yes.

Wei Gong said, "The box is the box of the day, and the seal is the seal of the day.

"Yes," said Inakatsuki.

"Yes," Mo Yecheng said.

"Yes." Zhu Tianfang said.

Wei Gong said, "Who are the three parties, who is the initiator of this contract?"

Zhu Zhu Tianfang and Mo Yecheng looked to Jing Zhongyue.

"It's our Jing family." Jing Zhongyue said.

Wei Gong said, "Then please ask the Jing family to open the seal, take out the contract, and read it in public."

Jin Yunzhong took out his knife, raised it high, and cut the seal in front of everyone.

Then took out a key and unlocked the lock on the iron box.

Raised the delicate iron box high, and the whole person turned 360 degrees to let everyone see.

Finally, he opened the box, took out the contract inside, and still held it high, displaying it at 360 degrees.

Wei Gong said: "The contract was formally read by the party of Rift Valley."

Jin Yunzhong Crane slowly began the contract.

Everyone raised his ears, and Mo Yecheng closed his eyes beautifully.

Although he did not drink, he was a little intoxicated at this time.

念 After reading this contract, the fallen leaves collar was permanently ceded to the Mo family, and Yanchang also belonged to the Mo family.

五十 500,000 dollars a year.

The rich and rich Mo's family is about to complete the hegemony.

The ancestors of the Mo family, did you see it in the spirit of heaven? Today, my Mo family is about to reach its peak.

I'm going to be the greatest lord of the Mo family for hundreds of years.

Mo Qiu my son, you are amazing, amazing. He planned this shocking conspiracy of the silver tragedy, and even obtained such great benefits for the family. He put the century-old rival Jing's family to death.

From today, the Jing family is my vassal, ha ha ha ha ha!

And Mo Qiu closed his eyes and ears. I don't know why, his eyelids kept beating.

But he is still full of intoxication and pleasure, although the Mo family has offended many people and offended the Yantai family.

But after all, it is the benefit of Tianda. It is precisely the so-called irrelevance of heaven and the blame;

Everyone raised his ears and felt a sense of history.

The Rifting Wind Valley Jing family is overthrown today.

Yun Zhonghe wobbled and shook his contracted hand ~ ~ said slowly: "The 50-year term for the Mo family to lease the deciduous collar to the Jing family has officially expired. One hundred square kilometers is returned to the Jing family, this is the proof! "

The words came out.

Everyone was completely stunned.

Yeah shit!

Hey, what is going on here?

Shouldn't this contract be a contract for the Mo family to permanently occupy the deciduous collar and seize the silver salt field?

How did you become the Mo family who returned the fallen leaves?

Mo Yecheng, Mo Qiu, Zhu Tianfang, Dean Wei Gong, and others were completely shocked.

After a long while, Mo Yecheng shouted, "Yun Aotian, at this moment, you still dare to read the contract, looking for death? Come, take down this shameless person and beat him to death."

"Slow!" Jing Zhongyue stood sharply in front of Yunzhong He, and said coldly, "Who dares?"

He Zhongyun said: "Masters, this contract is clearly written. The fifty-year lease period for the fallen leaves collar has expired. The Mo family has officially returned. The contract was signed by the owner of Mo Ye on the same day. Why? Don't you recognize me again? "

"Let's all come and see if this contract is written by President Zhu Tianfang, is it the signature of the Lord Mo Ye, or is it the seal of the Lord Mo Ye? Is it half a fake?" Yun Zhonghe yelled: "Everyone come and see, come and see."

Auntie eggs!

Cranes in Jinyun are so vicious.

He not only used white phosphorous to make the real contract spontaneously ignite.

I also forged a contract, a fake contract with no dead ends and no flaws.


Note: Do n’t stop, recommended tickets, Gonggong! The confidence that the cake has finally recovered, let it go out! So admiring you