Football Giants

Chapter 944: Also pretty hard

"Everyone, welcome to the country of Qatar!"

When Sun Yue, the chief executive officer of Miracle Media, stood in front of the podium and greeted all the guests present, there was a burst of enthusiastic applause in the venue.

"I believe everyone is already very clear why they came here."

Sun Yue raised his head and no longer looked at the manuscript, but looked at everyone present.

"Yes, we will officially launch a brand new national team event, that is, the World National Champions League!"

Following Sun Yue's words, the event logo was immediately displayed on the big screen behind.

This is an event logo after anthropomorphic design, very simple and easy to understand.

The spotlight suddenly flashed at the scene, and obviously those reporters did not expect that they would get into the subject so quickly.

"In the United States, a famous New York Times reporter once asked me during an interview. He said, why is the International Champions Cup able to achieve such an outstanding result? Why can it produce such an amazing effect?"

After a pause, Sun Yue smiled slightly and nodded: “I told him that because the whole world has a considerable demand for sports, especially football, and the International Champions Cup is only a small part of it. The demand is activated."

"At that time, I said that after the successful operation of the International Champions Cup, Miracle Media will not only continue to operate and expand the International Champions Cup, we will also open up a brand new field, that is the national team!"

Sun Yue talked freely on stage, and many of the guests below either listened thoughtfully, or didn't understand at all, or even didn't pay attention at all.

"Before the International Champions Cup, warm-up matches have been around for a long time. Warm-up matches in North America, Asia, and the Middle East are also expected to be common. There are even more warm-up matches in Europe, and there have even been many warm-up cups. , But why can the International Champions Cup quickly stand out in just a few years and grab a place in world football?"

"The answer is simple, demand!"

Sun Yue was very confident in his own question and answer, "On the one hand, we have met the needs of European giants. We have provided them with the most professional competition platform and provided them with the highest quality warm-up opponents. At the same time, we have also created a wealth for them. Income."

"But on the other hand, we meet the needs of fans all over the world for high-level events."

"As we all know, in July and August, European matches have generally not started, and there are no national team matches. This period is a blank period for football matches. Does that mean that there is no demand for fans during this period of time?"

Sun Yue shook his head, "No, they don't have no demand, but you... Football practitioners, there is no way to meet their needs in this area."

"So, we founded the International Champions Cup. In just a few years, we have become more and more prosperous, and we are gradually expanding the size of our participating teams and the influence of the tournament. We succeeded!"

Sun Yue spread his arms and looked like he was holding a winning ticket.

Sitting down the stage, Yang Huan looked at Sun Yue's performance on stage, and he was quite surprised.

This guy is Sun Yue, the flatterer who just came to flatter himself?

Looking at Dragon Five again, it is estimated that this guy is also very surprised.

This has changed too much, right?

It's like two different people, okay?

"This is the case for club matches, is it the same for national team matches?"

When Sun Yue said this, he smiled slightly and pointed behind him, and the ppt on the big screen suddenly refreshed.

"This is a survey conducted by a professional organization that we commissioned to show the current state of the warm-up matches of the national team."

"From this survey result, we can see that in the arrangement of the warm-up match, all national teams do not have a stable operating mechanism. The selection of opponents and the arrangement of the match are very random, which leads to the commercial value of the match. It is difficult to operate, the income of participating teams cannot be guaranteed, and even many times the training objectives are not achieved."

What Sun Yue said is not unusual, on the contrary, it is very common.

Even for those European teams, when arranging the warm-up match, although they have been contacted and arranged early, the chance of change is still very high, and the possibility of even death is not small.

This is true in the event arrangement, and it is even more obvious in the commercial operation. Even in the warm-up events of some top national teams, many of them have little commercial operation at all, and more are the arrangements of sponsors, but this is quite Passive.

Imagine that this is the case in Europe, where the professional operation is the most advanced and the business environment is the most complete, let alone other continents?

You know, the European professional leagues have the biggest opinion on the national team games, precisely outside Europe.

Not to mention the long-distance running back and forth, in order to ensure the commercial interests of the sponsor, the overworked stars must be used to death, and once an injury occurs, the national team immediately pats the butt, and nothing is done.

This is why the European teams complain about the national team games.

It can be said that as of today, anyone with a little bit of knowledge can see that the warm-up match of the national team is a huge waste of resources. This is true for small and medium teams, as are other top teams.

Under this circumstance, Miracle Media began to plan the World Champions League.

Sixteen teams were invited to participate in the first tournament, divided into four groups by drawing lots. After the group rankings were divided, the team first played against the second group to catch the fight, and then entered the knockout, semi-final and ranked games, and finally entered the finals. .

The cities where all the games will be held are determined in advance by Miracle Media, and the game time is arranged on the national team match day.

As we all know, the current national team chooses the warm-up match for two main purposes. One is to inspect the players and hone the lineup, and the other is that no one wants to admit it, but it is real, and that is to generate revenue.

This is not shameful either.

Just like the England national team, the European Cup and the World Cup are held every four years. Although there are qualifiers in between, these can get appearance fees, but it is far from enough to maintain an organization as large as the FA.

Therefore, the warm-up match is also one of the channels for the FA to generate revenue.

But in general, because it is not comparable to the club in terms of exposure, the national team has a considerable gap with the club in the field of commercial operations, and it is far from matching the national team's reputation and influence.

What Miracle Media wants is to organize a brand-new event to attract fans from all over the world through high-level dialogues between national teams and competitive league rankings using national team match days. .

Well, the training of the strong dialogue is of great significance, and it can test the team. Coupled with the league ranking and the high bonus, I am not afraid that the participating teams will not give their best.

Secondly, the appearance fee is high and the bonus is generous, meeting the income-generating needs of the football associations of all countries.

In addition, in the arrangement of the game venue, Miracle Media can reduce the impact of the national team's game time and the degree of players' back and forth to the minimum.

Finally, the addition of such a top-level event platform, which is completed every two years, will greatly increase the exposure of participating national teams, increase their influence, and drive their commercial income.

It is precisely because there are so many benefits, and at the same time, it does not conflict with the existing matches of the national team. It only squeezes the space for the warm-up match. So when Miracle Media proposed it and obtained the authorization of FIFA, the national teams of various countries Immediately rushed, and Miracle Media selected sixteen teams from it.

They are Germany, England, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands and Belgium in Europe.

The United States in North America, Australia in Oceania, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana in Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Colombia in South America.

When Sun Yue showed off the 16 teams participating in the first World Champions League on the main stage, there was an uproar on the scene, because these 16 teams are almost the strongest national team in the world. Up.

Of course, due to market operation considerations, teams are arranged on all continents to participate.

It is worth mentioning that in the Asian region, South Korea was originally considered, but in the end, South Korea declined the invitation because of its own problems, and Yang Huan and Sun Yue were unwilling to consider Japan, so the Asian region was empty.

But what shocked all the reporters present was that after Sun Yue announced the participating team, he immediately announced the main sponsor, and everyone was surprised to discover that Marvel Media secretly planned the two Years ago, everything was ready.

The title of the event is Qatar Airways, and the final venue is also arranged in Qatar.

This is why the press conference was held in Doha.

At that time, all participating teams will be picked up by Qatar Airways.

When many reporters on the scene heard this news, they couldn't help but think of it. Some media disclosed that Yang Huan's Southampton signed a chest advertising sponsorship with Qatar Airways as high as 50 million pounds.

Now, it is Qatar Airways that is naming this event again. It is not difficult to see that this local tyrant, Qatar, is also struggling to build momentum for the World Cup held in China.

Not only Qatar Airways, Al Jazeera, together with Sky TV and espn, successfully bought the broadcasting rights of the World Champions League. In other words, starting from the first edition, this event will be broadcast live all over the world.

Because of the previous experience in the operation of the International Champions Cup, Miracle Media has become familiar with it this time.

All sponsors are divided into three levels, and the highest level is undoubtedly Qatar Airways, the title sponsor.

Next is the event sponsors, which have lower authority than the title sponsor and can carry out global promotion. Currently, only five sponsors have been signed: Adidas, Heineken, Coca-Cola, McDonald's and Samsung, but there are still many brands in negotiation.

In addition to these two levels of sponsors, there are also regional sponsors.

Because at that time the venue will be arranged in a third country, and Miracle Media will also attract investment.

In addition to the third-level sponsors cannot conflict with the previous two levels of sponsors, the authority is also limited to a fixed area, such as the country where the competition is located.

Because this is only the first tournament, in terms of sponsorship fees and broadcast fees, the income is not too high, and it is far incomparable with the World Cup and European Cup competitions.

However, the appearance fee and the prize money offered by Miracle Media are higher than those of the World Cup and the European Cup.

Sun Yue promised on the spot that the organizer will bear the expenses of the player's injury insurance and other expenses, and in accordance with the standards of the European Cup and the World Cup, pay the competition fees to the club where the participating players belong.

It is precisely because of this series of measures, coupled with Miracle Media’s commitment to the venue arrangement, and Yang Huan’s contacts in world football, Miracle Media has also won the recognition of the club team.

All the reporters who came to the scene were surprised.

This time, Miracle Media is really nothing but a blockbuster!

If nothing else, just from the current situation, there is no reason why this World Champions League is not successful!

With so many big-name sponsors supported and backed by the wealthy Miracle Media, will it fail?