Football Giants

Chapter 950: The Bundesliga has changed!

"Hello, Dietmar!"

"Hello, Carl!"

In a private club in Munich, Germany, Dietmar Baiersdorf, the technical director of the Hamburg club, met with Bayern Munich's chairman Rummenigge.

As the helm of the two strongest Bundesliga teams last season, the two are no strangers to each other.

After a few greetings, they sat down.

"Ditma, although I don't know what you asked me to meet today, I think, should you explain to the media reports in the last few days?" Rummenigge sat down as soon as hehehe. Asked with a smile.

His tone was very light, and it sounded very kind, but it was somewhat tough.

In recent days, the German media disclosed that Hamburg’s technical director Beiersdorf met with the famous German agent, Volker Strus, and the player lineup of this German agent predator is very strong. Including Southampton's popular midfielder Tony Kroos, Tottenham Hotspur winger Royce, and Bayern Munich midfielder Gotze.

At this time, rumors of Gotze’s departure from Bayern Munich were endless. After meeting with Beiersdorf, Volker Strouss turned his head and said in an interview with the media that there are many Bundesliga teams. Interested in Gotze.

Ever since, many media naturally think of Hamburg.

Gradually, Hamburg wanted to introduce the news of Gotze, and suddenly disappeared.

"Carl, you know, there is no agreement between us and Volker Strouss. He is also the agent of our team players. We met with him just to talk about a contract extension."

After a pause, Beiersdorf smiled slightly, "Of course, he also mentioned Gotze, hinting to us that Gotze was not happy at Bayern Munich."

What this means is actually very clear.

After Gotze became popular in Dortmund, Bayern Munich was poached over at a record worth.

However, this talented midfielder, who was originally high hopes in German football, fell into a quagmire in Bayern Munich.

In the past few years, Gotze has not only failed to play at Bayern Munich, but his status in the team has also deteriorated day by day. This has also made many German football professionals have called for Gotze to leave Bayern Munich as soon as possible.

As Gotze's agent, Volker Strouss made several public statements, saying that Bayern Munich did not support Gotze enough and should continue to give Gotze more support.

But Bayern Munich obviously has no plans to make concessions in this regard. Both Summerer and Rummenigge have publicly stated many times that if Gotze wants to gain a foothold in Bayern Munich, he must show a better performance.

Even, Summer said that Gotze's contract is only two years left, and the team's patience for Gotze is gradually losing.

All signs indicate that Gotze's position in Bayern Munich has been greatly reduced, and has even reached the brink of leaving the team.

Everyone knows that Bayern Munich’s current problem lies on the sidelines.

Selling Gotz, taking part of the cash, and strengthening side signings are also in line with Bayern Munich's strategy.

However, in any case, it is not a good thing to contact players and agents in private. Even if they only meet in private, it is impossible for Beiersdorf to admit such things.

"OK!" Rummenigge obviously accepted Beiersdorf's explanation.

"So, Dietmar, you are going south today, but you want to talk to me about Douglas Costa's transfer?"

After speaking, the Bayern Munich chairman asked expectantly.

Last season, Hamburg seemed to be born out of nowhere. Under the leadership of Tuchel, from a Bundesliga relegation team, it jumped into the league's championship team, and even occupied the position of the league leader. The biggest surprise of the Bundesliga season.

Although, in the end, the Bundesliga North King failed to stage the legend of the beginning of the season to the end, but he still won the league runner-up.

This is quite successful for Hamburg.

But Rummenigge was even more surprised that Hamburg has steadily realized the transition of power in the past year.

Today, Hamburg has full control in Yang Huan's hands.

So, what will this team do next?

Rummenigge is curious, everyone in the Bundesliga is looking forward to it.

"Carl, don't waste time, you should aim your energy at others, such as Firmino in Hoffenheim, that is more realistic, isn't it?" Beiersdorf chuckled.

Rummenigge smirked, a little helpless, Hamburg has now climbed onto the branch of Yang Huan, and indeed no longer needs to sell his star to live.

"Then the purpose of your coming today..."

Rummenigge is a little curious. You didn't send me to dig a corner, so what are you doing?

Unexpectedly, Beiersdorf smiled and stared at Rummenigge, "Carl, I'm here to poach you!"

"What?" Rummenigge was taken aback.

This...what's a joke?

In the Bundesliga, we Bayern Munich have always been the only ones who are poaching others. When is it the turn of others to poach ourselves?

Look at the past, from Gotze to Lewandowski, but which player Bayern Munich can't find?

But now, not only did Hamburg refuse to poach his own corner, he actually wanted to poach his own player?

What a day!

Do you want to rebel?

Rummenigge was really panicked, because he felt that the Bundesliga had changed!




"Please come in!"

A thin Italian youth stepped into the office of the editor-in-chief of the famous Italian media Torino Sport.

"Hi, Romeo, what's the matter?"

"Editor-in-chief, I have received news that Inter Milan's De Bruyne has been set."

"It's fixed?" The editor-in-chief sitting behind the desk couldn't help but raised his head in surprise, and looked at the subordinates in front of him, very surprised.

"Who? Southampton? Bayern Munich? Real Madrid? Barcelona? Manchester United? Or Tottenham Hotspur?"

He felt a little surprised when he read the names one by one.

With the past season, leading Inter Milan's outstanding performance in Serie A and the Europa League, De Bruyne is connected with almost all the top clubs in Europe.

This makes Turin Sports News, who is the mouthpiece of Juventus and has a close relationship with the old woman, feels envy and hatred.

The last time such a star appeared in Serie A, when was it?

By the way, it's Kaka!

A superstar far away now!

"It's Manchester City!" Romeo said excitedly.

This is the news he has unearthed from inside Manchester City through his reporter friends in Manchester, England.

"He went to Manchester City?"

"Yes, Manchester City has offered De Bruyne a very high price, which is said to reach 80 million euros."

"80 million?" The editor-in-chief jumped directly from his seat.

That's 80 million euros!

After the departure of Kaka and Ibrahimovic, there has never been such a high-value transfer in Serie A.

Unexpectedly, it actually appeared now, and it was still on the body of rival Inter Milan.

As long as it is a veteran who has been immersed in Serie A for many years, it is easy to think of what an astonishing wave of purchases Inter Milan will set off in Serie A after receiving this transfer fee.

"Not only that, I also received news that Inter Milan has even sold Blind!"

"real or fake?"

"It's true!" Romeo said very confidently.

"And I can guarantee that Chelsea, Manchester United, Liverpool, Arsenal, Tottenham Hotspur, Bayern Munich and Barcelona are all poaching Inter Milan players, including Handanovic, DeVry, Damian, Khedira, Dybala, Felipe Anderson and Aubameyang."

Speaking of this, Romeo chuckled a little gloatingly: "As I see it, Inter Milan is going to be hollowed out this time, but I want to see what they can do to compete in Serie A in the new season!"

Indeed, in the face of such turbulent digging, it is difficult for any team to guarantee that players will not be lost and the strength of the team will not be affected. Therefore, the decline of Inter Milan's strength is almost a foregone conclusion.

As long as Inter Milan collapses, then Serie A will become Juventus's world again.

Juventus continued to remain strong, as the mouthpiece of the Torino Sport newspaper naturally followed suit.

"Good, good, very good!"

The editor-in-chief couldn't help but laughed loudly, "Romeo, you go to prepare immediately, publish these few news immediately, and contact several other newspapers at the same time, I want to form a topic in a short time, understand?"

"Understood!" Romeo also became excited.

This is also a rare opportunity for him.



As the Torino Sport newspaper took the lead in breaking the news, Inter Milan will sell the news of the fan favorite star De Bruyne in the team at a high price of 80 million euros. Several other Italian media have also followed the report. An overwhelming momentum soon formed.

But this did not cause panic among Inter Milan fans, they are more concerned about it.

After all, if there is really a team willing to pay a high price of 80 million euros for De Bruyne, then it is understandable for Inter Milan to sell the Belgian midfielder.

Just ask, looking at Serie A, who can resist this temptation?

I am afraid that even Juventus does not have such confidence?

But after that, it was the Torino Sport newspaper that revealed that Inter Milan has reached an agreement with Tottenham Hotspur to sell the team's main defender Blind to the Premier League. The specific transfer fee is ominous.

This moment made Inter Milan fans feel worried, but still able to restrain.

But then, many Italian media also broke the news.

Today is Barcelona to dig for Dybala, tomorrow is Real Madrid intends to introduce Felipe Anderson, the day after tomorrow Bayern Munich wants to introduce Aubameyang, Manchester United and Chelsea are competing for Hedira.

As the media reported this day by day, Inter Milan fans gradually couldn't bear it.

If it is really sold like this, Inter Milan will not be hollowed out?

If at this time, the fans can still remain calm and sensible, then a report by the Torino Sport newspaper completely ignited the panic of Inter Milan fans.

That is the report of the Torino Sport newspaper that the acquisition of the mysterious Chinese capital of Inter Milan is more for arbitrage, and is not interested in long-term operation. Therefore, after Inter Milan’s surprising results last season, they decided on the players When the value is at a high level, it is sold for cash, and at the same time it is also seeking to sell Inter Milan's shares.

In order to increase the authenticity of the report, the Torino Sports News and even the link Panxia have dug up, that is, the local tyrants in the Middle East This immediately alarmed the entire Italian and European football circles.

Sell ​​Inter Milan?

Is this possible?

The answer is, absolutely possible!

If the other party is indeed snobbery, the capital of chasing interests.

Especially after seeing Inter Milan sell off players one after another, even sane fans can't help but start to believe a little, and even they feel that at this time, as the most hard-core Inter Milan fans in the country, they should do it for the team. What to order.

Can't, let the snobbery capital manipulate their beloved team like this?

As a result, Inter Milan fans began to act.

But this time, they no longer occupy the Dulini Avenue, but shifted the target!
