Football King Bale

Chapter 501: Free kick

Alba's reaction speed is not unsatisfactory, but he is passive in the end. When Bell turned around and started, he reacted and wanted to turn around. At this time, he thought about reaching out and pulling down Bell directly, but he considered that he seemed to be the last defensive player of Spain except for goalkeeper Casillas, plus confidence in his speed, plus Not far away there is teammate Aveiroa, so he chose not to foul, but quickly caught up with Bell.

Bell's dribbling speed is very fast, every step is very large, and rushed to the goal of Spain at a very fast speed.

In the middle of Spain, Real Madrid right back Aveiroa also chased back all the way, trying to intercept Bell at the front of the penalty area.

As for the places farther away, Busquets, Ramos and Pique, etc., are also fighting hard to run back. Although they knew that the possibility of catching up with Bell before his goal was zero, the professionalism of professional players made them choose to chase back.

After Bell got rid of Alba, he chose to cut inwards and met Aveiroa at the position just past the mid-circle arc.

Bell with a high-speed ball sprint made Aveiroa very helpless. He could only follow Bell as much as possible and not let him completely break through.

Unexpectedly, Bell suddenly slowed down, which made Aveiroa mistakenly thought that he would directly kick the door and immediately followed the slowdown, but the next moment Averoya realized that he was fooled.

As Real Madrid's right back slowed down, Bell suddenly sped up again, suddenly throwing him away and rushing to the penalty area.

Aveiroa was trembling with trembling: When Bell got rid of him, it was a single-handed confrontation with his own goalkeeper. With Bell’s horror shooting, even if Casillas kept the goal, it was impossible to prevent Bell from scoring!

Aveiroa immediately made a decision: even if he was late for the red card, he would leave Bell!

This place is not far from the restricted area, and Aveiroa is not worried about the red dot package at all. Therefore, it is worthwhile to exchange a red card for a must-go goal!

So, at the moment when the two sides passed by, Aveiroa quickly reached out his hand, slammed Bell's jersey and dragged it to the ground.


There was a scream in the stands, both Welsh and Spanish fans.

Welsh fans were shocked by Aveiroa’s foul, which completely prevented a must-go goal for Wales!

Spanish fans felt that the situation was not good. Averoja’s foul was probably a red card, which meant that they had to play one less player in the next game. This is not good news for Spain.

Turkey’s referee Cargill’s whistle also sounded. The other players on both sides quickly surrounded Cargill. The Welsh player intended to pressure Cargill to demand a red card for Aveiroa, while the Spanish player was naturally To prevent the Welsh player's plan, plead for Aveiroa, and hope that referee Cargill will be merciful.

For a time, the players on both sides shoved around Cargill, the scene was very chaotic. Cargill quickly separated the two players, and issued a warning: I will play the cards again.

When the two players were separated, Cargill walked to Aveiroa, reached his hand into the pocket behind his butt, and pulled out...

A yellow card!


Cheers and exclamations rang again from the stands, followed by applause and insults.

The Welsh player stopped, and surrounded Cargill again, protesting against his penalty.

Faced with protests from Welsh players, Cargill looked indifferent, but only asked the Welsh players to yield.

But the Welsh players are naturally impossible to withdraw easily, even the Welsh players who are farther away from the scene of the incident have gathered around and excitedly complained about Cargill. Some impetuous players even have some impure words. stand up.

When Bell saw it, he was in a hurry and said goodbye to his opponent. His player was fined because he swears at the referee. He quickly got up and persuaded his emotional teammates away, let everyone give this matter to him to deal with, he will negotiate with the referee.


With Bell's persuasion, the Welsh player reluctantly retreated, and Bell went to Cargill to negotiate.

Although Bell was very upset, he tried to suppress his anger and asked as calmly as possible: "Mr. Referee, the other side has clearly fouled me, and he is the last non-goal defender. Why? Just a yellow card?"

For Mr. Bell, Mr. Golden Ball, the captain of Wales, or the client, Cargill is more polite and explained: "Sir, you are wrong, the opponent is not the last non-goal defender in Spain, so this is just A tactical foul! I gave him a yellow card and already took care of you!"

Bell listened to Cargill's words and almost sprayed him a ZGNM on the spot. The God's perspective of Lao Tzu is very clear. Aveiroa is Spain's last defensive player in addition to goalkeeper Casillas. As for Alba, To be half a position behind Aveiroa, this is a red card foul!

However, Bell knows that if he really scolds like that, I am afraid he will be the red card, so he can only be patient and say: "Sir, I suggest you discuss with your assistant and make a final decision. !"

Cargill shook his head and said, "No, this is my judgment. I'm not wrong. Sir, this is the case. You still arrange to serve a free kick!"

Bell is very helpless, but also knows that on the football field, the judge in black has the highest power. They are determined to punish in this way, and there will be no turning point. If you can’t control your emotions, you must be the one who ultimately suffers. .


The Welsh fans in the stands were very emotional, boos and scolding, and they almost gave Cargill the most vicious words they could think of.

However, all this has no effect. The dust settled. Wales only got a free kick 35 meters away from the goal. Spain only paid a yellow card from Aveiroa, the right back, and prevented a single pole in Wales. ball.

Television broadcasts began to play slow motion, so all but the Spanish broadcasters around the world came to the conclusion that Aveiroa’s foul was definitely a yellow card, and Wales suffered an unfair penalty.

As for the British media, including the BBC and Sky Sports commentators, they accused Cargill of the black whistle, saying that UEFA is determined to do away with Wales and will not allow the British to win the European Cup.

However, Wales received nothing but a wave of sympathy.

The Spanish narrator is looking for reasons for their and the referee’s penalty, saying that the misjudgement on the football field is also part of the game. There are even Spanish narrators who open their eyes and say that the referee’s penalty is very good. Aveiro Asia's foul is not a red card, and even the yellow card is a heavy penalty, because Aveiroa is not the last defender except the goalkeeper.


The game continued and the Spanish players began to line up, but they weren’t honest, and the procrastinators didn’t want to retreat to a sufficient distance. After the Welsh players complained repeatedly, they retreated at the request of Cargill. .

However, when Cargill turned around, they moved forward twice in small steps, moving forward half a meter.

Bell sneered at these small moves of the Spanish players. This is an obvious Barcelona-style little move, and it is also the reason why Spain and Barcelona have been criticized despite their good results.

Cargill shook his head and said, "No, this is my judgment. I'm not wrong. Sir, this is the case. You still arrange to serve a free kick!"

Bell is very helpless, but also knows that on the football field, the judge in black has the highest power. They are determined to punish in this way, and there will be no turning point. If you can’t control your emotions, you must be the one who ultimately suffers. .


The Welsh fans in the stands were very emotional, boos and scolding, and they almost gave Cargill the most vicious words they could think of.

However, all this has no effect. The dust settled. Wales only got a free kick 35 meters away from the goal. Spain only paid a yellow card from Aveiroa, the right back, and prevented a single pole in Wales. ball.

The television broadcast began to play slow-motion So, except for the Spanish broadcast agencies all over the world, they have come to a conclusion: Aveiroa's foul is definitely a yellow card, and Wales suffered an unfair penalty.

As for the British media, including the BBC and Sky Sports commentators, they accused Cargill of the black whistle, saying that UEFA is determined to do away with Wales and will not allow the British to win the European Cup.

However, Wales received nothing but a wave of sympathy.

The Spanish narrator is looking for reasons for them and the referee’s penalty, saying that the misjudgement on the football field is also part of the game. There are even Spanish narrators who say that the blind referee said that the referee’s penalty is very good. Aveiro Asia's foul is not a red card, even the yellow card is heavily penalized, because Aveiroa is not the last defender except the goalkeeper.


The game continued and the Spanish players began to line up, but they were not honest, and the procrastinators refused to retreat beyond a sufficient distance. After repeated complaints from Welsh players, they retreated at the request of Cargill. .

List of chapters of high-speed text player playing Big Saint Bell