Football Should Be Played Like Me

Chapter 190: Kick is the sophistication

"Hello, viewers and friends, welcome to today's live news room. An urgent news is inserted here. Lu Yang, a famous Chinese player, was exposed to a broken left hand and missed this European Cup."

"According to the official statement of the Italian national team, Lu Yang was hit by the French international Kosciel in the first minute of the previous Europa League final."

"After that, Lu Yang's bandage treatment on the sidelines can also support this view. According to experts in sports medicine, the technique of bandaging Lu Yang by team doctors is very common for fractures and other situations, which can provide certain stability to the arm. ."

"But what is shocking is that under such a simple treatment, Lu Yang persisted in the game for 90 minutes. He also scored three goals and assisted once, and dominated the game."

"The current incident is still developing. Luo Cheng, what do you think about this matter?"

The host asked the special commentator of the sports channel next to him, Luo Cheng.

Luo Chengdao: "My friend Tang Yuqin, everyone knows her. She is in Italy, and she has a better understanding of the situation there. This incident was actually caused by Kosciel's failure to qualify for the French national team."

"French fans and friends think that the main problem with this incident is Lu Yang. It was Lu Yang who injured Koschel. They launched a public attack on Lu Yang."

"As for Lu Yang, everyone may know him better. He is a high-profile player on the court but low-key off the court. On the court, he has never counseled anyone. But outside the court, others are very good, except for protecting Sofia. Outside of that, I have hardly ever seen him blushing with anyone, and he has rarely caused trouble off the court. He is a very good and self-disciplined professional player."

"The bad thing is that the Sanremo players made inappropriate remarks about this issue at the gathering, which completely angered the French fans. Isn't Maurizi's sentence a broken bone, it is indeed a bit inappropriate."

"But now the situation has reversed. The Italian Football Federation said that Lu Yang also suffered a fracture in that game. This matter is complicated... Because if it is true, then it stands to reason that Kosciel has more to do than Lu Yang. Responsibility!"

Luo Cheng then explained his views.

There are two reasons.

The first is that the causes of injuries on both sides are actually different.

According to everyone's analysis, the time Lu Yang was injured was when Lu Yang and White were hit by Koschel during the confrontation.

Even if he didn't mean to hurt people intentionally, Koschel's intention to hit Lu Yang on purpose for defensive reasons was undeniable.

And it was Lu Yang one-on-two at that time.

According to the division of responsibilities, Koschel is basically fully responsible.

Even if it's not malicious.

But on the contrary, the time Koschel was injured was a reasonable one-on-one between him and Lu Yang in the penalty area.

There is no one-to-two situation.

It was Koschel who underestimated Lu Yang's confrontation ability and was not well prepared, so he was bounced off by Lu Yang and fell down.

Secondly, although Lu Yang was pressing on Koschel, Koschel did not have an extremely painful expression at that time. It shows that although Kosciel's hand was twisted and suppressed, the external force was not too great, so it did not cause him to fracture.

It was not until Arsenal goalkeeper Marduk rushed out to save Lu Yang and Kosciel that Kosciel screamed.

So... in this injury, Marduk's responsibility is far greater than that of Lu Yang.

Even Lu Yang didn't have as much responsibility as Koschel himself.

Out of humanitarian concern, 20% of Lu Yang, 30% of Koschel himself, and 50% of Marduk are a more reasonable division.

Therefore, if Lu Yang is really broken, there is no need to mention how heroic he was after the injury. The division of responsibility alone is enough for Italian fans to spray French fans to death.

Why did the French fans spray Lu Yang so badly before?

It's not because Koschel is indeed miserable. Most of the Italian domestic media and fans are normal people. It is indeed pitiful for Koschel, so there is no random counterattack.

But now... if the division is famous, would Italian fans be afraid of French fans?

The softest in Europe is France, which is the world consensus.

Daily milk method is not blowing.

The second, and more important point.

Kosciel is a good French international, even a starting central defender, but...he is not irreplaceable in the French team, nor is he the commander of the defense, nor the core of the defense, nor the soul of the team.

But Lu Yang is in the Italian national team... Don't look at him being selected only once and playing only one game, but that one game is enough to completely conquer all Italian fans.

Full moon scimitar, Lu's arc!

Who can forget that amazing kick?

A comeback lore worth 100 million euros!

Hat trick after coming off the bench!

Manello's praise, Drake's push, Candreva even willing to take the initiative to ask to end for him. After Ancarelli, who is as strong as the core of the Italian striker, was robbed of a free kick by Lu Yang, he also applauded and said that he did a great job!

For the Italian national team, Lu Yang is no longer an ordinary existence.

Now that the French team's Kosciel has just replaced Italy's Lu Yang, I feel that I am at a loss!

This is the same as Italy saying we don't bring Moric, and you are not allowed to bring Zizzo.

Good blood loss!

Therefore, as soon as the news of Lu Yang's injury came out, the Italian fans couldn't sit still. New and old hatred, grievances and anger broke out at the same time, Italian fans began to **** major forums and fought back violently in various public occasions.

French fans collapsed at the touch of a button, and most of the media were blasted by Italian fans overnight.

The melancholy blue pear rose up, and it was not something that French fans could bear.

After all, the current Serie A is still the No. 1 league in the world.

The Ligue 1 can only hover around fifth or even sixth.

Totally not enough!

"You have lost an ordinary international, but we have lost the hope of the whole Italian football!"

A word from the Italian fans made the French fans unable to refute.

With that said, the French fans should be happy instead?

After all... In this year's European Cup in France, the team that most hopes to win is the French team.

And they are also one of the most promising teams in this European Cup.

Although the Italian national team's performance has been poor in recent years, it is a football power after all, so it falls to the third-tier in Europe, but if you want to say when they really won the championship, no one will think it is outrageous.

Besides, Lu Yang is really an X factor in Italy.

Too Nima is evil!

So this wave, the cheap French fans settled down.

Italian fans began to blast around.

As for UEFA, Jefflin was going to impose a penalty on Lu Yang.

But the new development of things made him have to stop discussing and wait for further development.

If the punishment is imposed in advance, UEFA will be very embarrassed once it is slapped in the face by the subsequent development.

After all, before the dust settles, whoever has more content, who has a larger scale of public opinion, whose words seem more reasonable, and whose situation looks worse, is more reasonable.

At this stage, it is easy to reverse black and white.

Those who have experienced the chaos era of Weibo should feel deeply about this.

Reversals happen all the time!

But... when a matter comes to light, and all the causes, consequences, and secrets of the process have been sorted out and announced, then there can be a definite evaluation of what the matter is.

There is not much controversy about who is good, who is bad, or neither is good.

The matter of Koschel was originally very clear.

It's not necessarily Lu Yang's fault, but those who play the tragic card will definitely be able to cheat Lu Yang with Koschel.

However, when Lu Yang's arm was also fractured, the originally clear case changed.

Before sorting out these changes, it is best not to make random moves, at least not to reveal the trump card, otherwise it will be overturned in the end, and the scene will be extremely ugly.

Therefore, the "punishment" Jefflin prepared for Lu Yang and the Italian Football Association had to slow down.

He asked some "cooperative media" to deliberately spread gossip about "Lu Yang's fraudulent injury".

But the next day, Lu Yang really showed up in a plaster cast, and he had the hospital's surgery certificate, etc. It couldn't be faked.

Soon, another "attentive media" pointed out that Lu Yang was injured after the game, was he touching porcelain Koschel?

However, the team doctor at the Friendship Stadium in Solna, Sweden, proved that their stadium configuration is very advanced, and they are especially proud of the medical aspect. In the medical system of the team doctor, there are a variety of professional medical equipment, including but not limited to CT and other equipment.

This makes it easier for them to make injury judgments on players who are training and playing again, so as to decide whether to immediately treat them, and so on.

During the halftime of the Europa League final, Lu Yang used the CT equipment in the stadium to confirm the diagnosis.

Whether it is Sanremo or the stadium team doctor, there are corresponding records and films.

This cannot be faked.

It is reported that the team doctor at the stadium suggested that Lu Yang's injury could not continue the game, but Lu Yang insisted on playing.

The stadium doctor can theoretically prevent Lu Yang from playing, as long as they inform UEFA of the situation and obtain the corresponding document ban from UEFA.

But it takes a long time, after all, everyone knows the efficiency of these agencies, three days or a week?

And why would the team doctor do such a thing?

Although they didn't respect it, they had to say that Lu Yang's behavior touched them deeply.

They saw a true warrior.

Many team doctors at Solna Stadium were shocked by Lu Yang's actions. This time, after the rumor about Lu Yang's injury came out, more than three medical staff on duty expressed their willingness to testify.

Two of the female staff members are nothing more than that, it is understandable that there is caution in their eyes.

But there was also a male doctor who was willing to testify for Lu Yang, which shocked people.

"Isn't this too fierce? I broke my hand in the first minute? I'm so... good guy!"

"Is this a story? Score three goals after a fracture? Is it possible?"

"It's impossible for others, but I Lu... At least I believe it!"

"I can't believe it, but after watching the replay, I did find something. I just said why Lu Yang didn't eat Oleshavin during the Europa League final, and was suddenly played by Oleshavin, so it was!"

"Damn it! I didn't think it was right at the time! Who knows how to use Lu Yang's defense. Not to mention freezing Olishavin, but he definitely won't lose his position easily, especially the stealing of the ball in the confrontation. powerful!"

"But in that game, it was always easy for Olishavin to break through Lu Yang, and he had a phenomenal performance."

"Here, here, and here, when Olishavin broke through, his hand often came into contact with Lu Yang's left hand. Every time he made contact, Lu Yang's state was not right, his expression was a little painful, and then he was relieved!"

"Arsenal's first goal, Oli Shavin's pass came like this!"


"I want Lu Yang's sliding shovel. See, Lu Yang didn't have a sliding shovel on the bottom of his left body because his left hand couldn't bear the weight!"

"And his running posture is obviously uncoordinated. The swing of his left hand is much smaller, and the speed is also much slower."

"I suddenly understood why Morich said it was nothing more than a fracture. I didn't mean to hurt Koschel, but in contrast, the fracture doesn't seem to have much impact on Lu Yang."

"It's hard or Lu Yang is hard! The same is true for the torn cruciate ligament before. He played when he was blocked. During the game, he couldn't see that he was seriously injured. I even thought he was taking doping!"

"I heard that the meniscus is also worn? But I see nothing wrong with his shooting?"

"Don't tell me, Lu Yang's speed has increased significantly after that injury!"

"It's too metaphysical! The arm is broken this time. I wonder what new features Lu Yang can develop?"

There are various indications that Lu Yang had really broken a bone in that game!

But that state also showed a supernatural performance, which made people doubt their own eyes.

Is the level of the Italian lower leagues so awesome now?

Such a fierce Lu Yang can only play Serie B?

Is Sanremo too strong or Arsenal too weak?

The speed with which the situation has reversed is astounding.

On the Premier League side, I was still watching Italian jokes just now, and it was related to this matter in a blink of an eye.

A netizen with an ID called "Half Box Great China" said that he was a PhD student in the Department of Physics. Through model calculations, he gave a series of data to show that Lu Yang did not fracture Koschel, which really caused this. All that is saved is a double goal between Arsenal and England - Marduk!

Xueba speaks with data, and most people have no chance to intervene at all.

Applause and say six, six, six is ​​fine.

The fire of war also burned to England.

There are even conspiracy theory fans jokingly saying that England is a good trick, and this trick kills two birds with one stone, which makes people applaud.

Not only did he abolish the main central defender of the European Cup rival France, but he also took out the man who can score the most in Italy. England has won this wave.

You say how embarrassing England fans are.

After eating melon for a long time, I finally found that it was my own.

This mess was supposed to be here, and it should almost be over.

But Jefflin still refused to give up.

Anyone who is smarter can see from the media reporting on this incident that he, Jefflin, wants to clean up Lu Yang and give Italian football some color.

You can force the palace.

But I can also give you small shoes.

You have won a European Championship, but you can't win the European Championship every year. I have a hundred ways to keep you from hanging out in this circle.

I, Jie Liangchen, cannot be humiliated!

Many people in England, Spain and France were invited by Jefflin to have tea.

So the next day, many media in England, Spain, France and other places came forward to refute those arguments in favor of Lu Yang.

All kinds of nonsense.

Don't look at it as nonsense, but these statements have been reprinted by authoritative media. Avoid the important and ignore it, and even avoid talking about Lu Yang's injury, etc., which completely distorts the facts.

If we say that it was still a play on the topic at the beginning, then Koschel attacked Lu Yang and the Italian Football Association.

So now it's all about inverting black and white, calling a deer a horse, and telling right and wrong.

From now on, this is the real state of the European media public opinion war.

Only report the facts, conscience media.

But those who can distort and fabricate facts can only be mixed into well-known media in developed countries.

Everyone must be aware of this.

From this moment, UEFA really opened its slap, ready to slap Italian football in the face of the whole world.

Tell them, no matter whether you have reason or not, if I say you have no reason, you will not be reasonable, and if you have reason, you will not be reasonable!


"Ding! You got a gift from Leo Messi."

"Ding! You lead the team to win the Europa League championship and get rewards. You can choose an attribute to improve to the level of a superstar!"

"You were elected as the best player in the Europa League, the Golden Boot, and the best team in the Europa League, and received a reward of essence points*3!"

"Ding! There is an overflow of data, and you will get two points of essence points."

Speed ​​84-95

Tight ball possession 82-84

Long pass 83-84

radians 83-84

Jump 81-84

Underfoot Strength 83-84

Lu Yang added the essence point to the jump with one operation.

There is no other reason, because many of his stats have come to the limit of 84.

At the same time, he also gave the superstar-level single data opportunity to speed, so that his speed skyrocketed to 95!

This reward, one thing to say, is much stronger than two or three time cards.

After all, this is a permanent improvement, and the improvement is the basic ability!

In fact, there is one thing to say, if the profit is maximized, it should be given to those who have just 80 data, and a direct increase of 15 points.

But the speed attribute is too important for football.

This is an improvement that is visible to the naked eye and a very high ceiling.

Relying on various skills, Lu Yang's ability in all aspects is far stronger than the panel data at the critical moment.

For example, his dribbling and ball control seem to be at the level of ordinary stars in the five major leagues, but in good form Can.

However, the speed of this thing, is really slow is slow, fast is fast.

There is a speed called the forward speed between confrontations, which is the speed advantage obtained by physical confrontation. It is relative speed, which slows down the opponent, not absolute speed.

You can use this to overtake and drop your defender, but the other players can still catch up to both of you in the meantime.

Only true speed can surpass everyone once and for all.

And... Judging from the star barriers given by the system, there are barriers to these data. Even if there are no star barriers, when the data reaches a certain level, these hurdles are likely to be broken through with special requirements.

After all, the more players reach the peak, the fewer players there are. There may be a lot of players who are 90, and there may be often 95, but why is there only one champion for decades?

Get your speed up in advance and be prepared.

Don't now pursue that little bit of cost-effectiveness, and in the end, the agency was too smart to mistake Qingqing's life!

"This bunch of shit! They're totally talking nonsense with their eyes open!" Morridge slammed the TV remote.

"Watch less of this kind of entertainment news, and watch more serious international news." Lu Yang indicated that Morich doesn't need to worry too much about his own affairs.

In fact, Lu Yang has quite a few problems with UEFA this time.

He is not an ordinary little player, behind him is a giant of the Football Association like Maldivini.

If all of this is lost, it means that the opponent is really strong enough to cover the sky with one hand.

In this case, no one can do anything to get slapped in the face.

So Morich jumped to the international news channel angrily.

"This station reported that due to the persistence of conservatives, the current situation in Croatia is tense, and further conflicts may break out. I hope everyone will not go there in the near future..."

Morich was stunned.

He quickly made a phone call home.

Although he brought his parents and sister to Italy, many of his close relatives stayed in Croatia.

After a few minutes, Morich turned pale.

There may be another regional armed conflict in Croatia.

This Nima...I have to play every summer vacation, so why not let everyone play football?

Not to mention how many people have been displaced and the economy has declined due to the war, in terms of football, how could Croatia miss this European Cup without the impact of the war?

The demise of this generation of Croatian players also has a lot to do with their lack of big-game performance.

The strongest player among the current Croatian internationals, Manzhujovic, is barely regarded as a first-class center in the world, and his reputation is far lower than other players of the same level.

"Let's take them to play with us. I think they all liked our food last time." Lu Yang made a suggestion.

Morich nodded, and Lu Yang immediately called Tang Yuqin and asked her to help arrange it.

Otherwise, once the fight starts, it will not be so easy to want to leave.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'll invite you to dinner next time... I've got a call from here... Well, bye." Just after Lu Yang finished talking, a new call came in from there. Lu Yang I can only have two polite words with Tang Yuqin and then transfer.

"Hello..." Lu Yang said.

"Is it Lu Yang?" The other party's voice was very gentle, and he said, "I'm Yadez Zizzo."

The whole room was instantly silent.


One of Real Madrid's superstars!

Commander of the Galactic Battleship!

French football king!

Golden Globe Winner!

World Footballer of the Year winner!

How could he call?

"Hello, Qi Zuo, I'm Lu Yang." Lu Yang responded with the same.

"Is he here to ask for an explanation for Koschel?" Morich was a little nervous on the side.

Lu Yang shook his head.

Look at people with the ball.

Zizzo is a very smart kind of person. With Kosciel going to this point, who can't see that UEFA is beating Italy and Lu Yang through Kosciel?

Even Koschel is speechless now.

After all, not only Lu Yang, but also Koschel were roasted on the fire.

In contrast to Lu Yang's "absolute hardness", Koschel was originally a tough guy, but was compared to a soft egg.

He broke his hand, got a hat-trick and an assist.

He, Kosciel, broke his hand, roared and was taken away on a stretcher.

It's not a level at all.

Kosciel has no problem coming off the court, but the problem is the dishonesty of another broken hand.

This involution was so powerful that Koschel couldn't bear it.

"I came to see your situation. There are many external factors involved in this incident. Both you and Koschel are innocent." Zizzo expressed his attitude as soon as he came.

He didn't come looking for something.

Morich calmed down.

That's right, Zizzo is the captain of the French national team!

In this matter, his eldest brother is willing to go out, and Koschel can be considered to have a face.

"It is a pity that Kosciel missed this European Cup, but he is not too old, and he has at least one European Cup to participate in." Zizzo said, "Since things have already happened, we should look forward. Right? You shouldn't take what the media said to your heart."

Lu Yang's eyes narrowed slightly: "Indeed, I also think that Koschel and I are both victims of this matter. As long as Koschel can figure this out, I will definitely not take it to heart."

Zizzo said with a smile: "Koschel definitely understands this, don't worry."

"What do you mean?" Morich asked secretly from the side.

After Lu Yang turned on the loudspeaker, he typed into Morich: "Zizo helped us get Kosciel, and Kosciel is willing to take a stand in person, so as to completely turn this matter over."

Morich: "Why? He hasn't come forward before, which shows that he still has some resentment towards you. Why is he willing to come forward and reconcile with you now?"

Lu Yangdao: "I have to ask Qi Zuo. He helped us and Koschel."

Morich is not stupid: "You mean that Zizzo promised Kosciel some benefits? So that Kosciel is willing to stand up?"

In fact, this is the best result.

Lu Yang said: "It should be about the same."

Sure enough, Zizzo said later: "I have communicated with Mr. Winter before, and he also hopes that Koschel can look at this matter calmly and rationally, and not fall into the trap of others and become a gun in the hands of others. "

"Mr Winter should have reassured Kosciel, I heard he might promote Kosciel to become Arsenal's second captain next season!"

Morich's eyes are red!

What kind of popularity is this Nima!

Mr. Winter is also helping!

Kosciel is 26 years old and belongs to a rare Mesozoic generation in Arsenal's squad.

But he is not Arsenal's youth academy, but a half-way apprentice brought by Arsenal from Ligue 1.

By age, by seniority, he can not become team captain.

But Mr Winter was willing to make him Arsenal's second captain, which was obviously a decision made for Lu Yang's sake.

Of course, this is not bullshit.

Kosciel also has the potential to succeed old players such as White, and his age can also suppress the group of youth training. In addition, the previous captain of Arsenal was not very old, the support of this locker room can be said to be logical.

"Thank you, Qi Zuo!" Lu Yang thanked Qi Zuo.

The other party laughed without saying a word.

Morich also reacted at this time. Although Zizzo did not say how he managed Koschel, he must have done it in a similar way.

Promised that Kosciel will be able to be selected for the national team again after he recovers from injury, promised his internal status, took care of Kosciel in the national team and so on.

Don't think it's something any random player can do.

These promises are many national team coaches can not fulfill.

This is Zizzo!

A player who has a very different style of football from Lu Yang, but actually has a very similar development route off the field to Lu Yang.

While they are playing football, they continue to expand their influence in the football field from all aspects, especially at the top.

So, when people evaluate their status on the court, or even their status in the game, it may not be how high.

But their influence and energy locally, in their own country, in all walks of life, is not comparable to other players who only play football.

Qi Zuo is many times more terrifying to the French Football Association and French football than Lu Yang is to the Italian Football Association and football.

Because Qizzo has achieved great success on this road.

As for Lu Yang, he was just getting started.

It seems that there are also many people in France who do not want to directly fight with Italy. After all, they were once excluded from the so-called "four major leagues", and their status is worrying, and they will not think about pulling the Serie A.

They won't do any good if they are pulled down.

Contribute to England and Spain for nothing, why bother?

This is the general level.

But at the specific level, Qi Zuo must have his personal reasons for doing this.

"This wave of reports that reverses black and white will not have the effect Jefflin imagined. He has power and power, and he knows that he is attractive, but he... doesn't understand people's hearts." Qi Zuo provided Lu Yang with more "Although people in some associations are willing to cooperate with him, those football clubs will not do so, and neither the La Liga giants nor the Premier League giants will be involved in this matter."

"Oh? Why?" Lu Yang asked knowingly.

Qi Zuo laughed: "You are really interesting, do you have to tell me? Because you are good enough! All the giants are willing to leave a channel for you to join."

"You are well known for your strong personality, clear love and hate, and direct reporting of complaints. You will never join a team that hits you at this time."

"Gudiola wants to bring in players from Sanremo, and he won't let Barcelona speak."

"On the Real Madrid side, I also had a phone call with Lord Ferguson."

"Arsenal, under the command of Mr Winter, is even less likely to help."

"Manchester United, Manchester City, Chelsea, PSG and even Bayern Munich...the weight is not enough, and the words are not enough. The weight is enough, and it will not offend San Remo."

Zizzo stopped abruptly.

However, Lu Yang added for him: "Because everyone wants to share the cake of Sanremo, so you have to make a good impression, right?"

Yes, carve up Sanremo, this is the mind of all giants.

Jefflin knew how important the support of the association was, so he could use it to command the world.

But he doesn't know how important good players are to a club, so he can't predict that this time the order is destined to go unanswered.

As soon as Messi leaves, will Barcelona still have fans?

As soon as Cristiano Ronaldo is gone, who will watch the Juventus stay up late game?

As strong as the giants Manchester United, before Ronaldo joined, the number of viewers of a key game was less than one-third of the casual game after Ronaldo joined!

How many people didn't watch Paris games before to watch Neymar and Mbappe?

How many people watched Dortmund's game not to test Haaland?

Speaking of Serie A here, if Carlisle, the king of purple lily, transfers this summer, the sky in Florence will collapse.

If the Roman wolf king Perrotta is no longer one person and one city, Rome will not want to enter the European war within three or five years!

As soon as Gutierrez left, Inter Milan's performance seemed stable, but its collapse was already doomed.

If Izelet really leaves AC Milan, regardless of whether AC Milan can win the Champions League this year, Serie A will usher in a cliff-like decline!

That's the power of the player!

And every time a football miracle is born, it means that a group of such players has appeared.

At this time, don't hesitate, just dig it!

Hands are fast, hands are slow!

Sogel has been pre-booked by AC Milan.

Welsage is also said to have received a strong invitation from Viola.

The leftover Serie A teams like Mathias and Camijon are even looting.

Kanyes, Areola, Bayzami, Fernandez, Naji and other wizards and the cornerstone of the team that are difficult to tap have been asked for prices repeatedly.

Ram and Kent, who just came, didn't even sit hot in Sanremo, how much money they paid, and now someone has doubled the amount of money they want to take them away.

Old bones like Latuidi, Palacios, and Jarrard seem to have not grown old in the past two years, and they can be easily sold at the price of two or three years ago.

Not to mention Morich and Lu Yang, the two core team building cores.

If San Remo is not financially strong enough, this summer will be their moment of disintegration.

Even if they can hold on this year, they will definitely let go of some of the players next year, otherwise don't think about it.

"You exalt me ​​too much." Lu Yang couldn't close his mouth with a smile, but soon, he changed the subject, "Actually, Zizzo, the arrival of Izerite will make Real Madrid stronger, he is definitely the best in this period. One of the best players in the world, you will be successful."

Qi Zuo, who had always been very relaxed on the other end of the phone, suddenly froze.

His breathing was noticeably heavier.

Obviously, he did not expect Lu Yang to say this.

This means that Lu Yang is actually clear about Qi Zuo's purpose.

The brain of this Italian number one tough guy is really not easy to use.

After a long while, Qi Zuo said: "But that was the success that Izerette led Real Madrid to achieve, and what I want is the success that Qi Zuo led Real Madrid to achieve!"

See you in the picture!

Zizzo really rejects the addition of Izelet.

"Me and Morich won't leave this year!" Lu Yang was very direct, revealing some internal top secrets to Qi Zuo.

In the eyes of many, this year is the best chance for Lu Yang and Moric to leave Sanremo.

Italian Super Cup, Serie B, Coppa Italia, Europa League!

This is an impossible success for Sanremo to replicate!

Next year's San Remo, there is a high probability of not even winning any championship.

At that time, the worth of Lu Yang and Morich will shrink.

And they also wasted a year and countless invisible conditions.

Going this year, the title of the king of the Europa League allows them to ask for core treatment.

Just like Sancho, 10 games with zero data can still start and participate in key matches.

Because the team has unlimited expectations of them.

But once it is delayed until next year, when the miracle of Sanremo falls, they will be no different from ordinary outstanding young players.

Without that halo, you have to play from the bench.

Don't look at the fact that most stars go to a team in the first game after coming off the bench.

But positioning is a substitute, and your positioning is the main force or even the core, that is completely different.

So Messi's coming off the bench at PSG is the same as Van de Beek's coming off the bench at Manchester United?

"I know!" Zizzo's answer was different from what Morich imagined. He thought he could continue to hear Zizzo's surprised voice. "If I were you, I would also take a gamble. Young people, you have the greatest capital to bet on your future."

"If you lose, you are still golden boy-level players, but if you will most likely enter the golden ball-level sequence ahead of time!"

Morich couldn't hold back.

What's so special, Qi Zuo said everything that Brother Lu told him!

Outstanding youth player?

Do not!

This is not what Lu Yang and Morich want to fight for, not some **** Golden Boy Award.

Rather...meaning the Ballon d'Or serial nominations for the top 30 footballers in a given calendar year!

A legend, or be obliterated by another legend.

Or... just draw the most brilliant exclamation mark!

That exclamation mark isn't a champion, it's something no one has ever done...a 19-year-old shortlisted for the Ballon d'Or!

Not only a champion, but also recognized by professionals in the football field.

After taking this step, you will truly reach the sky in one step.

In the future, even if he falls or hurts Zhongyong, he will at least be at the level of a first-class star.

If it develops well, becoming a superstar is just around the corner!

And now leaving Sanremo, the best thing in the short term may be to become a first-class star, the mid-range may become a well-known star, and it may even be possible to sit on the bench.

It's you how do you choose?

Is this still worth choosing?

Of course, to become a legend!

Qi Zuo also chose this way, so he did not mean Lu Yang's choice.

"Since you know this, then you should also know that Real Madrid, who has eaten Izelet, will not be able to eat top players in two or three years!" Lu Yang reminded Qizzo.

Even next year and the year after, I am afraid that I will not have the chance to join Real Madrid.

Not because he didn't deserve it, but because Real Madrid couldn't afford it at that time!

"I can wait!" Qi Zuo said.

In four words, there is a little bit of majesty in it.

That quote pretty much encapsulates Zizzo's choices for the next few years of his career.

When Izelet arrives, Zizzo will back down, forbear, and even work with Izelet to bring glory to Real Madrid. Among them, Qi Zuo's position has to be receded, and even a lot of benches have to be made.

But Zizzo was not afraid.

He knew that the galactic battleship of Real Madrid was in its twilight years, and it would disintegrate this year without Izerite. Even if Izerite joins, the battleship can only last for three more years at most.

Three or four years later, the battleship disintegrated, but if the results are not as good as expected, it is impossible for Izerite to continue to stay in Real Madrid.

Because Real Madrid will not leave defeated heroes, they only want winners, and even the winners dare not!

At that time, the only people who could stay were Qi Zuo, who was famous and strong, but not too high-profile. Just like Ronaldo who left and Modric who stayed!

At that time, Qi Zuo would invite Lu Yang, a new-generation superstar who had completed his leveling, to join him and bring glory to Real Madrid together with Lu Yang.

With Lu Yang's support, Qi Zuo's position is as stable as Mount Tai.

With Qi Zuo's assistance and later abdication, Lu Yang's future at Real Madrid is within reach.

This is an epic collaboration, the most perfect story in football!

An epic of rebirth and inheritance.

And the two people in the story will become the inescapable kings in the history of Real Madrid!

"Are you coming or not!" Qi Zuo said, every word was a thousand pounds!

Morich tried to speak several times on the side, but found that he did not have the courage.

Because even if there are still three or four years, who dares to say that he will have the strength to come to the Bernabeu after three or four years? Conquer Real Madrid? Become the emperor in countless Meilinger mouths?

Just ask who dares!

"Jian come, oh no... I'll come!" Lu Yang responded.

This moment, no matter how history changes, no matter what happens tomorrow.

As long as Qi Zuo can still run, and as long as Lu Yang is still playing football, the two of them will definitely succeed in their alliance!


late at night.

Morich tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

It is very likely that he will go to Barcelona in the future, but Lu Yang will definitely join Real Madrid?


Morich was in a daze in the living room.

dong dong dong!

The door was knocked open.

It was Lu Yang.

"Why are you here? Didn't you go back? It's past one o'clock in the morning." Morich was a little surprised.

Lu Yang pushed open the door of Moricy's house with the hand without the plaster cast and said, "I guess you probably won't be able to sleep tonight, so I'm here to enlighten you."

Morich closed the door and brought slippers to Lu Yang: "So you will definitely go to Real Madrid?"

Lu Yang said: "Not necessarily."

Morich sighed, and sure enough, after all, they had to... wait!

"Not necessarily?" Morich was dumbfounded. "But didn't you promise Qi Zuo during the day, did you come..."

Lu Yang looked at Morich with the eyes of a fool: "Do you think Qi Zuo only said such a thing to me?"

Morich's eyes were about to pop out: "You mean?"

"You're playing football. But what Qi Zuo is playing... is sophistication!" Lu Yang said while turning on the lights and TV in the living room, "There are countless heroes in football, and he's not the only one who chose me, so I also agreed. It's not necessarily just him."

"It's like James, Wade, and Bosh are at their peak. Do you think James is only looking for them? Rose or even Gun Luo and Anthony are possible!"

"Brother Do you think we are a couple for life?"

"I'm sorry, in fact, it was just you who caught the sea king!"

Morich stayed where he was, feeling the complexity of society.

"Brother Lu Yang, so soon?" Emma came down in her pajamas holding the PS.

"Didn't you say that you have the latest fifa game here? I really can't stand the idiot's agent for the live broadcast. Hurry up, let's start a game first!" Lu Yang rushed over to connect to the PS, and he couldn't see that he was even disconnected. up a hand.

Morich frowned.

This is not the case.

You agreed to come see me at midnight?

Co-author, why were you caught by me and secretly came to my house to play games with my sister...?
