Football: The Hand that Covers the Sky

Chapter 116: Hero of victory

"GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL~~~ The goal is scored~~~ The goal is scored again~~~ This is not a replay, this is a real goal. It has only been more than four minutes since the last goal." The score on the field has become 2:0 .

   "God, this is too cruel to Sochaux, they fell twice in a pit" Carrasco scored, and the pattern of goals was almost the same.

In the twenty-ninth minute, Sochau again penetrated into the hinterland of Monaco, and even entered the Monaco penalty area, but the result was not good. Li Shou strangled Sochau's penalty area again, and the pass was shot out by Li Shou with a punch. Four minutes Head the ball before, this time with the fist.

   But what happened next was the same as it was done four minutes ago. The ball came to Moutinho's feet again, the Portuguese sent a long pass again, and Carrasco once again singled out.

"This is not a replay. Carrasco scored twice and Monaco leads 2-0." At the moment Carrasco scored, the fans of Sochaux longed for it to be a replay, even in the Borna stand. Sochaux fans are not willing to believe it.

   In the first twenty minutes of the game, the Sochaux felt that they might have a chance because they were the dominant side, but in less than five minutes, the team had fallen behind by two goals, which made the Sochaux fans not desperate.

   "Lee ~~~ Lee created the opportunity again." Although Moutinho, who sent the assist, scored Carrasco, the person who created these two opportunities was the goalkeeper Li Shou.

   "Where did Monaco get the freak?" On the sidelines, Sochaux head coach Leonard looked desperately at Li Shou, who stood in front of Monaco and applauded his teammates.

   Although Li Shou's attacks are frequent, and even the number of counterattacks created by him is quite a lot, Leonard never dreamed that this game would be like this.

   "I heard that this goalkeeper was discovered by a Monaco scout from an amateur football match in Paris," the assistant coach said.

   "Uh~~~ Why don't we have this kind of luck for him," Leonard scolded viciously.

   "I heard that Paris wanted to buy this goalkeeper, but was rejected" the assistant coach said again.

   "Suddenly feel a lot more comfortable," Leonard said in bitter joy.

   Sochau’s current record is very poor. He only scored 5 points in the nine rounds of the league. Only 2 points behind Valenciennes ranked second in the standings, and Leonard may be fired at any time.

I thought this game would be an opportunity because most of Monaco's players were in poor condition on the international match day, but with this advantage, because the goalkeeper created two counterattacks and lost two goals in a row, and it was within five minutes. It is conceivable that the loss of the ball continuously, this blow to morale, the victory or defeat of this game may also lose suspense.

But after the game restarted, Leonard seemed to have regained a trace of confidence, because Monaco, who led by two goals, still did not perform well. Although the two goals were a heavy blow to Sochaux, they did not stimulate the Monaco players. status.

   On the scene, Monaco still has no advantage, and as the game progresses, Sochaux’s players seem to have discovered this situation, and morale has slightly recovered.

   But because of Li Shou’s two counterattacks, Sochaux’s offense has become very cautious. He dared not easily enter Monaco’s penalty area, and his passing became even more cautious.

   But even so, Sochaux completed a three-legged shot in the next time. Of course, all these three-legged shots were blocked by Li Shou.

   "I know there's something wrong there," Polank shouted suddenly when the referee Toul blew the end of the first half whistle.

   "What's wrong?" Barr asked cooperatively.

   "Man, didn't you find that Sochaux shot more in the first half than his previous opponents?" Polank reminded.

   "Huh? It seems a bit too much to hear you say this," Barr recalled.

   "This is the problem. In the past, Monaco rarely shot more than ten feet in the entire game against other opponents, but in this game Sochaux had nine shots in the half," Polank said.

Barr is a passionate commentator, and he follows the on-court commentary more, Polank is more calm and observant. The two partners can form an effective complement, but they have a lot in common when they can partner for so long. In this regard, the two people really make Monaco fans love and hate.

   "Why is this?" Barr asked all the fans in front of the TV at the moment want to ask.

   "Let's advance to an ad and come back and talk," Pollenk said in a humble tone.

   Monaco bar cursed endlessly for a while, but the cursing returned to curse, and everyone did not use any vicious language.

  In the away locker room, Ranieri is announcing his second half tactics: "Defense, we will retreat in the second half."

   The first half of the game has proved that the Monaco players are indeed not in good shape. The situation of scoring two goals in five minutes is still at a disadvantage on the scene. One can imagine the state of the Monaco players.

   What's more, the team is still leading 2:0. As an Italian coach, let alone the current situation That is, 1:0 will choose defense.

   "Li, focus on the second half" Ranieri finally looked at Li Shou.

   "I won't let Sochow score a goal" Today, there is a girlfriend in the stands, and Li Shou naturally has to do his best to keep his goal.

   What's more, in addition to his girlfriend and friend Lin Yoona, although the two shook hands temporarily because of Son Yejin's relationship, this does not mean that the two can really get along with each other in harmony.

  If you lose the ball, Lin Yuner will definitely not let go of this opportunity, even Li Shou can imagine Lin Yuner's face.

   With the 15-minute break of the midfield, the players of both sides returned to the court. In Monaco, all the fans who have not yet been waiting for Pollenk’s answer.

   "Command, Li Shou seems to rarely command his teammates in this game" Polank did not continue to sell off.

   "It seems like this. In past games, I could see Li constantly directing his teammates to defend, but today I seem to rarely see this situation," Barr recalled.

   "Why did Lee reduce his command?" Barr asked immediately.

   "Maybe only Li himself or the team coach Mr. Ranieri can answer you this question," Polank said, spreading his hands.

  Polank’s behavior of killing and burying once again angered Monaco fans. At the same time, the media on the sidelines gradually discovered this change.

   Because the number of shots from Sochaux in the second half was not less than that in the first half, the total number of shots in the normal game actually reached 17 shots. This is a situation that Monaco has never encountered this season.

   However, these 17-foot shots have never been able to break Monaco's goal. Li Shou is like a wall standing in front of Monaco's goal, shutting out all of Sochaux's shots.