Football: The Hand that Covers the Sky

Chapter 142: Pounce

"Falcao~~~ is too high~~~ Unfortunately, it is a little bit too high." In the fourth minute after work, Turalan broke the ball under Munir's feet, Monaco launched a fast attack, and Obadi sent one in. Falcao rushed into the penalty area to complete the shot.

   In the 54th minute, Monaco scored again into Montpellier's penalty area. This time it was Rodriguez's personal performance. After receiving the pass, Rodriguez rushed into the penalty area through two people.

   Because Carrasco and Ocampos are both on the bench, Monaco's striker has a lack of breakthrough ability to hold the ball, and in terms of midfield, Rodriguez is undoubtedly the one with the best technique.

But Rodriguez did not do his best on the goal, the ball went above the crossbar again, and then Montpellier also completed a wave of offense, or a shot from Niang, a long shot from outside the penalty area, but Like Monaco's two-footed shot, Niang's long shot was also higher than the crossbar.

Offensive and defensive conversion, Li Shou kicked the goal kick, Rodriguez knocked back to Moutinho, who then passed to Obadi, Obadi took the ball into the hinterland of Montpellier to attract the attention of defenders After the force is divided on the left side of Kurzawa.

   In this game, Monaco didn't have many breakthroughs from the wing, so Montpellier was a little lax in the defense of the wing, until Kulzava rushed to the ribs to separate people to defend.

   hit the wall to cooperate, facing the defensive player, Kurzawa passed the ball to Rodriguez not far away, and then accelerated past the defensive player and rushed into the Montpellier penalty area.

At this moment, Rodríguez made a diagonal pass to send the ball into the penalty area and sent it to Kurzawa, because Falcao and Rivière both entered the penalty area, and Rodriguez could have himself After finishing the shot, Montpellier's defensive players did not defend Kulzava in the first time.

   "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOL~~~Kurzawa~~~ Monaco finally broke through Montpellier's goal, and the attack from the left back came in." Kulzava immediately pushed the far corner after receiving the pass.

   Most of Uldren’s attention was on Falcao, so when facing Korzava’s shot, he could only watch the ball fly in front of him and into the goal behind him.

   "Kurzak, this is Monaco's best discovery this season except for Lee." If it weren't for the birth of Li Shou, Kurzava would be the most surprising player in Monaco this season.

As far as Monaco’s starting lineup is concerned, Kulzava’s appearance rate is second only to Carvalho and Abidal, and Kulzava’s defense is not only quite good on the left, but also can be seen in offensive performance. Figure.

   After a brief celebration, the game restarted. Monaco reclaimed the lineup a bit after scoring. The Monaco player's idea is simple. If Montpellier wants to score points in this game, then it must be attacked next.

   However, what the Monegasques did not expect was that Montpellier was more calm than they thought. After the game restarted, Montpellier was not in a hurry to recover the score.

Montpellier, who owns the ball, wasted four minutes to complete this attack, and it was still a wave of attack that was not threatening. Although it entered the penalty area, the final shot was shot with an anti-aircraft gun, aiming to pull. Airplane over Monzon.

In the 63rd minute, Monaco threatened Montpellier’s goal again. Moutinho suddenly sent a long pass that spanned halftime in his own half, and Rivier used his speed to the extreme and rushed into Montpellier. restricted area.

  Rivier's performance in this offense is particularly obvious. His response and speed are very good, but the final kick is a bit horrible. The header went directly above the crossbar.

   If Riviere seizes this opportunity, there should be no suspense in this game, but it is a pity that Rivier did not grasp it, which will also add a bit of waves to the next game.

As the saying goes, if you don’t die in a catastrophe, you will have a blessing. The game came to the 66th minute. Montpellier scored again into the hinterland of Monaco. After receiving a pass from Stan Paoli, Cabella rushed into the Monaco penalty area and Abidal put The tackle put it down, and the referee decisively awarded a penalty kick.

   The Monaco captain has made a lot of turnovers recently. He scored an own goal in the nineteenth round and now he has tackled a penalty after the opposing player has entered the penalty area.

   "Penalty kick, this is Montpellier's opportunity. The Monaco captain brought Cabella down in the penalty area." In addition to the penalty kick, the Monaco captain also received a yellow card.

   Soon, everyone’s attention shifted from Adabil to Li Shou and Niang. Facing a penalty kick, Li Shou was Monaco’s only hope, while Montpellier had Niang taking the penalty.

   "Don't take it to heart, I can save this penalty." Although Li Shou faced a penalty for the first time, this guy was confident in himself. No, he took the time to comfort Abidal.

   To be honest, Abidal has indeed been in a bad state recently, but as far as Monaco is concerned, there is really no better central defender than Abidal.

   On the court, Li Shou was already standing in front of the goal. Niang also took the ball to the penalty spot. As for the other players, they all retreated outside the penalty area.

"If I remember correctly, this is the first time Li Shou has faced a penalty kick." Li Shou made many world-class saves. With these saves, he helped Monaco win the next game after another, but Li Shou never played. A penalty was saved in the game.

  Although he has no experience in punting penalty kicks in the game, Li Shou did not pounce less in training, and Li Shou's success rate of punting points is a bit scary.

   Under everyone's gaze, the whistle sounded, and then the genius Niang started and volleyed with his right foot and outside instep.

At the moment when Niang completed the shot, Li Shou, who was standing at the goalkeeper, took the lead to start and predict. After observing Niang's start and kicking movements, Li Shou made a prediction in advance, and the whole person vacated to the left. leap.

"Lee~~~ threw it out~~~ Lee threw out Niang’s shot and he prevented Montpellier’s penalty.” There was a bad feeling in his heart when Niang finished the shot. Li Shouzheng rushed in the direction where the ball flew after he had taken a shot because he had seen the flight.

   is on the right, that is, on the left of Li Shou, who stands opposite him.

   "Did it~~~ Lee did it~~~ Even a penalty kick can't break his goal." Barr's slightly trembling voice expresses his excitement at the moment, and Ramonson's stands have already heard huge cheers.

   At the same time, the Monaco players have rushed to the goal, Abidal who gave Montpellier a penalty kick rushed to the front, and then put his arm around Li Shou, repeating some words of thanks.

   In stark contrast to Monaco’s cheers is the silence of the Montpellier fans. Niang, who took the penalty kick, covered his face with his hands and dare not face the fact that he missed the penalty.