Football: The Hand that Covers the Sky

Chapter 253: Not score

"Li Shouxi's team seems to have a big advantage." In the stands, although the two women are not fans, they are completely assimilated when they are in the Emirates Stadium.

This is the charm of football. The best way to watch the game is to go to the scene, be among the fans and feel the fanaticism among the fans.

In fact, for more than fifteen minutes, Manchester United still had no chance to shoot in the next five minutes. In contrast, Arsenal got multiple opportunities and even almost broke Manchester United’s goal.

In the 17th minute, Blackett passed back to De Gea under Arsenal's pressure, but the return force was too small and the ball could not be passed to De Gea. Welbeck got another chance and still faced the goalkeeper.

"Missing ~~~ Welbeck's chance~~~ Arsenal are going to score." If Welbeck can score, then he will definitely become Arsenal's hero and the best counterattack against Van Gaal, but Welbeck can become Is this hero?

"Shooting~~~The goal was not scored~~~God~~~ Welbeck actually sent the ball directly to De Gea's arms. Does he still think he is a Manchester United player?" Welbeck's shot was completely stunned. All Arsenal.

"I know that in the next big move for Manchester United, they sold Welbeck to Arsenal like using Welbeck's ability to not score goals to bring down Arsenal." Some people think they are "the truth."

"Perhaps for Manchester United, Welbeck's role in joining a mortal enemy is even greater than staying in the team." Is this really the "truth".

On the sidelines, Wenger looked annoyed and even regretted making Welbeck a starter. In the face of this kind of opportunity, most people really can't do like Welbeck.

On the other hand, Van Gaal breathed a sigh of relief and sent Welbeck away at the last moment, but Van Gaal insisted that if Welbeck really kills the old master in this game and becomes the protagonist of the game, then Van Gaal will play in Manchester United. Days will be even more sad.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the goal. No one can guarantee that the success rate of facing the goalkeeper can reach 100%. What is really excessive is that Welbeck directly sent the ball into De Gea's arms.

"I bet that if Giroud or Podolski started this game, then Arsenal has now taken the lead," Andy Gray vomited.

But the world is nothing, let alone what happened on the game field, since what has happened, it cannot be changed. Arsenal can only bear the bitter fruit.

Welbeck withdrew from the penalty area with a gloomy look. The game restarted and De Gea passed the ball to Luke Shaw. The latter immediately started holding the ball and was forced by Arsenal defenders. Then Luke Shaw fell to the ground. .

Seeing Luke Shaw fell to the ground with pain, the pressing Wilshere said that he was panicked, because he hadn't made any extra moves at all, so Wilshere immediately explained to the referee.

Although McDean is the Premier League’s name misjudging the referee, to be honest, the FA’s refereeing arrangements in this game do not know what mentality is causing McDean to enforce the law.

Normally McDean has been misjudged constantly, and the focus of the game has made the whole of England fall through the eyes, especially the Chelsea game last season, the post-match storm is not too big.

But this time McDean did not make a misjudgment. Luke Shaw's fall has little to do with Wilshere, so McDean did not do anything to Wilshere, but signaled the Manchester United team doctor to come in.

"This is definitely not good news for Manchester United. They were forced to use up their first substitution quota when the game time was less than 20 minutes." Ashley Young replaced Luke Shaw.

With Ashley Young's debut, three of Manchester United's four Diablo Kings appeared on the court, Wei did not advance, Wabu shot and Yang failed, but Nabu Chuan was loaned to Sporting Lisbon by Van Gaal.

After the game restarted, Manchester United finally ushered in the second shot of the game. The game restarted, the ball came to Di Maria's feet, Ramsey dropped the Argentine, and Manchester United got a good free kick opportunity. , A free kick nearly 25 meters from the goal.

Rooney went to the penalty spot. Since Ronaldo left the Bernabeu, Rooney has become the core of Manchester United's tactics. However, the England chubby is not Ronaldo after all.

Rooney's free kick did not pose any threat to Li Shou. The ball went wide of the goal. Li Shou's second save still failed to come.

Manchester United's second shot not only did not change the score, but also did not change the disadvantage of Manchester United on the field. Li Shou opened the goal and Arteta scored Sanchez.

After the Chilean broke through the wing, he sent a cross, and Griezmann pressed the defensive player in the middle and made a header slightly wide.

In the 28th minute, Arsenal once again got a very good opportunity. Sanchez sent a diagonal pass. Wilshere rushed into the penalty area without any defensive players.

But in the end Wilshere’s shot was thrown out by De Gea. It has to be said that De Gea performed very well in this game. Wilby Hill’s shot angle is very good, but he still failed to break De Gea. The ten fingers of Asia.

Wilshere, who failed to score a goal, looked upset. He did not have Welbeck's good mentality, so in the next wave of offense, Wilshere almost had an accident.

In the thirty-first minute, Arsenal scored again into Manchester United's half. Wilshere received a pass from his teammate and wanted to take the ball to break through, but Fellaini was tackled. UU Reading

Wilshere jumped up and put his head against Fellaini's chest, with a bit of a burst of mentality. Fortunately, at this time, the referee walked over to separate the two.

McDean did not draw a card, but a warning is indispensable. It is said that the two sides in this game are not popular, so far the referee has not drawn a card.

Two minutes later, Manchester United ushered in the third shot of the game. Valencia broke through the wing and crossed to the center. Rooney scored another kick to Di Maria's feet. The latter shot immediately after rushing into the penalty area. .

Well, Li Shou still didn't make a save. Thirty-three minutes have passed since the start of the game. Li Shou only made one save, which was the opening attack.

After Di Maria's shot missed, Li Shou took the goal kick. Arsenal quickly attacked the front of Manchester United's penalty area. Ramsey wanted to take a long shot at the top of the arc. As a result, the Manchester United defender blocked the shooting route. Ramsey He also reacted quickly, and immediately changed his shot to a pass, and took the ball to Sanchez, who was rushing into the penalty area from the side.

"It is not the first time that Arsenal has encountered such a situation." Sanchez's shot was directly confiscated by De Gea, and Arsenal returned without success.