Football: The Hand that Covers the Sky

Chapter 281: Two: zero

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The opening ball of the second half belonged to Arsenal, but the first shot in the second half belonged to Liverpool. Arsenal scored in the Liverpool half, Sanchez crossed the wing, Giroud and Skrtel fought for the top, the result was Giroud Failed to win this header.

Liverpool decisively launched a counterattack, and Lucas passed the ball to Coutinho, who found Sterling. With talent, Sterling faintly has the title of the second-generation British Emperor.

It is a pity that Wenger was pressed on the bench by Wenger in this game. I don't know if there is a chance to appear in the next time. Otherwise, it would be a good story for two generations of Emperor Stars to compete on the same field.

Sterling received a pass from Coutinho and immediately launched an impact on Arsenal's penalty area, but he failed to rush into the Arsenal penalty area. Debuich, who made a mistake in the first half, blocked Sterling in front of him.

Sterling, who failed to break into the penalty area, still kicked the shot. The result of the forced shot was that the ball was directly confiscated by Li Shou, and then the offense and defense were switched.

Li Shou threw the ball to Chambers, who again sent the ball to Cazorla's feet, Cazorla found Sanchez, and then the situation repeated at the end of the first half, but this time it was not Luca who fouled Sri Lanka, and the referee did not escape the yellow card.

But for everyone, this is not the point. The point is that Arsenal once again won a pretty good free kick, even very close to the position where Li Shou scored.

In the stands, Liverpool fans broke out dissatisfied boos, although after a 15-minute break, they still remembered the scene at the end of the first half.

On the sidelines, Rogers stared at Li Shou nervously. If Arsenal score another goal, then this game will almost declare Liverpool's defeat.

"Huh~~~" What Rogers didn't want to see most did not appear. Li Shou stood in the goalkeeper and did not move, which means that Li Shou will not take the free kick this time.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for Liverpool, and it also makes Rogers even more envy and eager, because what Li Shoushou showed is really rare.

On the other hand, Wenger is a little disappointed. Although Li Shou's decision is correct in Wenger's view, Wenger hopes that Li Shou can make another step to help the team completely seal the victory.

Since Li Shou did not take the penalty, the free kick belongs to Sanchez, and other Arsenal players have no objection to this. At present, Arsenal has no clear indicators except that Li Shou is set as the first penalty.

Liverpool set the crowd, Sanchez started decisively at the referee's whistle, and the ball flew to the Liverpool penalty area, but Sanchez did not shoot directly with this free kick.

Indirect free kicks cannot be shot. Direct free kicks can be shot or passed according to the player's own choice. This time Sanchez chose to pass, and the object of the pass was somewhat beyond the imagination of Liverpool players.

Flamini, the French defensive midfielder has the average header ability and is less than 1.8 meters tall, but because of this, the Liverpool people did not expect Sanchez to pass the ball to Flamini.

But Liverpool's defensive players had to react very quickly, and because of the rapid reaction of Liverpool's defensive players, Flamini's header did not have the strength and corner kick, and the ball eventually flew towards the bottom line.

"Liverpool's reaction was very quick, Arsenal failed to really threaten Liverpool's goal." Just when everyone thought the ball would fly out of the baseline, a yellow figure suddenly rushed to the side.

Arsenal played away in this game, so they wore an away yellow jersey.

"Who? Debich, when did he appear there?" No one found Debich had rushed up and rushed towards the ball.

"Feel it~~~ Debuich, tackles” Debuich finally arrived when the ball was about to fly out of the baseline.

"GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL~~~2:0~~~~Arsenal scored the second goal of the game~~~The second half of the game started less than three minutes."

"Debich~~~ Debich, who served as a central defender in this game, scored for the Arsenal. He slipped and shoveled to the ground and finally forced the ball to change direction before the ball flew out of the baseline.

"There is no response, Liverpool goalkeeper Jones still has no response to this shot." Jones failed to make a save when Arsenal scored the first goal. Now Jones still has not made a save in the face of Debuich.

"Mignolet did not perform well, but no matter how bad his performance is, he cannot deny that he is a pretty good goalkeeper." The media and fans began to think about Rogers' choice in the goalkeeper position.

"2:0~~~ A score that almost declared the game to lose suspense." Although the second half of the game only started within a few minutes, many people felt that there was no suspense in the game with such a strong performance of Li Shou.

And Liverpool's own state is not good. Indeed, Liverpool completely suppressed Arsenal from the beginning, but if this suppression can't be turned into a goal, everything is useless.

Football does not rely on superiority to win the game. In the end, football still depends on who scores more goals. Now Arsenal have scored two goals and Liverpool have not scored any goals.

"Ooh~~~~Liverpool hasn't given up yet, and singing rang from the stands at Anfield again." As the Arsenal celebrated, Liverpool fans motivated their players with the singing "You will never walk alone".

What is the role of the home court? What's the use of fans? At this moment Liverpool told everyone with facts.

Under the singing of "You will never walk alone" by Liverpool fans the originally low morale of Liverpool players gradually recovered, but after the game restarted, Liverpool continued its previous performance and firmly suppressed Arsenal.

In the 54th minute, Arsenal got the second yellow card of the game. In order to stop Liverpool's attack, Cazorla shoveled Markovic, and Oliver decisively handed out the card.

For Liverpool's positioning kick, Gerrard also chose to send the ball into the penalty area instead of shooting. Skrtel jumped high in the penalty area and forced Debuich header to be blocked by Li Shoufei.

Liverpool's corner kick, Henderson once again sent the ball into the penalty area, Koroture, the former Arsenal central defender completed his first goal against Arsenal in this game.

It was a header, but this time Li Shou did not block the bottom line, but directly confiscated the ball, because under the interference of the defensive players, Coloture's header was not good.

Although the ball was eventually confiscated by Li Shou and converted from offense to defense, Arsenal still failed to make a shot this time. With the encouragement of the fans, Liverpool really fought so hard that Arsenal was unable to score into the Liverpool penalty area and was eventually intercepted. There was a wave of counterattacks.

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