Football: The Hand that Covers the Sky

Chapter 299: get along

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Li Zhien really slept until he woke up naturally, so when she woke up, Li Shou was no longer at home, but this did not affect Li Zhien’s good mood, because she saw the note left by Li Shou and the breakfast prepared for her .

Today’s breakfast is beef porridge. Although Koreans recognize that they only eat porridge when they are sick, this does not affect Li Zhien’s enjoyment of the breakfast that Li Shou prepared for her. In addition, Li Zhien has ranked first in his life for more than 20 years. There was a man preparing breakfast this time.

Li Zhien was very busy eating, even porridge, so when Li Zhien finished breakfast, the assistant had arrived at the villa, and the agent went to Arsenal for training and continued to look for Li Shou.

The driver’s license issue needs to be resolved. Otherwise, Li Zhien’s travel will be very inconvenient. Although the most intensive schedule has passed, the league is still going on. It is impossible for Li Shou to have time to pick up Sun Yizhen.

It will be easy to have money and a lot of time at this time, so when Li Shou's training day is over, Hante has already obtained his driver's license.

"You have to watch the game the day after tomorrow." Arsenal will play at home in the FA Cup tomorrow.

"Go~~Go~~ But Li Shouxi will start tomorrow" The assistant Zheng Enyu was speaking, and Zheng Enyu's words also proved that she was really watching the game.

"Tomorrow I will not start" goalkeepers rarely rotate, not to mention that Arsenal can't do without Li Shou at all, so the cup still has to give a substitute opportunity, and now Arsenal are eligible to ignore the cup.

"OPPA~~~You are so amazing." From the moment Li Shou entered the kitchen after training, Li Zhien's eyes were full of little stars.

It's easy to see whether a person can cook. Although Li Zhien has eaten Li Shou's breakfast, he hasn't really watched Li Shou's cooking.

"Okay, take this out, let's eat." Li Shoujiang gave Li Zhien the last steamed fish, and he went to serve it himself.

"This hot girl, drink more, it has nourishing and nourishing effect" Li Shou refrigerator has many tonic materials for women, which Li Shou prepared for Sun Yezhen before.

"Li Shouxi often cooks by himself" The fact that Li Shou will cook surprised Li Zhien's agent and assistants.

In the eyes of Koreans, apart from chefs, it is a surprise that most men can cook, let alone people like Li Shou.

"OPPA is great, and the beef porridge made in the morning is delicious" Li Zhien said immediately.

Seeing the appearance of their own artist as a little fan, the two can only silently complain in their hearts.

But at the same time they are also very happy, because they all hope that Li Shou is only a good man, although Li Shou and Li Zhien are only friends at present.

At the end of the dinner, Li Zhien rushed to wash the dishes. Li Shou did not refuse this. Although he likes to cook, he does not like to wash the dishes. Usually there is no way by himself. If Li Jiajia and Samari are there, the bowls will be two people. wash.

After dinner, Zheng Hante and Zheng Eunyu did not leave immediately, but stayed in the villa for a while to play, while Li Zhizhi went to the gym and then went to the swimming pool after two hours.

Regarding Li Shou, the two are very relieved. Although the two called Li Zhien for a long time last night, they didn’t even sleep well all night. After all, it is very dangerous for Li Zhien to live under the same roof with a stranger they don’t know. Things.

So the two went to Li Shou very early in the morning, but they were not very good at showing it, so they hesitated and dragged them until Li Zhien woke up.

When Zheng Hante and Zheng Eunyu were about to leave, Li Shou just came out of the pool, and Li Shou's good figure was seen by several people.

Li Shou himself has no habit of taking off his clothes to celebrate, not to mention that he is still a goalkeeper. The only time Li Shou took off his clothes on the court was when he changed his shirt with Ibrahimovic.

"Wow~~~ Li Shouxi's figure is really invincible" Zheng Enyu looked at Li Shou with bright eyes.

"Actually, you can stay here to sleep. The rooms upstairs are empty." Although Li Shou doesn't show his figure very often, he won't be shy after being looked at.

"No~~~No need" the two immediately refused. They all knew the reason why Li Zhien came to London this time. Coupled with the verification of Li Shou's character, naturally they would not be left to provoke their celebrities. People have decided to reduce coming to Li Shou in the future and let them be alone as much as possible.

Li Shou went back to the room to take a bath and sleep, and Li Zhien went back to the room, but instead of sleeping, she took out the guitar. The new album Li Zhien had to make it all by herself, and she wanted to show her true self to all fans who liked her.

Without a word for a night, Li Zhien's arrival seemed to have not changed Li Shou's life, because Li Shou would also prepare breakfast for them when Samariel and Li Jiajia were there, and Li Xuanmei did the same before Li Zhien.

Li Shou has already known from Li Sunmi that Wirls has formally reorganized, but the members need to be negotiated. Captain Min Xianyi is already married and even has children. In this case, it is not so difficult for her to return together.

Then there is An So-hee. The relative of Lee Sun-mi's same age seems to have begun to consider the matter of transformation. Although An So-hee is not very young, she also made her debut early. In Korea, Idol’s life span is there, and she wants to continue mixing in the entertainment industry. That transformation is inevitable.

Even Li Shou received a phone call from Park Jinying, but it was not because of Lee Sunmi, because Park Zhenying did not know about Lee Shou and Lee Sunmi. Besides, the two did not have a real relationship, but the relationship was rather ambiguous.

Park Zhenying called for Li Shou’s help. UU Reading Although Li Shou’s influence is not big in Korea, he is famous. Now Li Shou is a hot player in world football. So, if there is Li Shou’s participation , It can definitely increase a certain degree of appeal and topicality.

JYP is not in a good situation now. The launch of the men's team last year was not considered a success. The Korean market was basically launched earlier, and MISSA was only supported by a Xiuzhi.

Originally, JYP was planning to launch a women’s team last year, but because some people got stuck in it, they ended up unscathed. Many economic offensives in South Korea focused on the so-called three major clubs.

However, Park Zhenying obviously won't give up on this, so he prepared to come back after a few months. This time, Park Zhenying called Li Shou just to give the impression of the upcoming new female group.

Naturally, Li Shou would not refuse this, not to mention that the concerns of the other two lay there, and the girl from Japan that Li Shou knew in JYP, not surprisingly, this new girl group should also have her.

However, there should be some time before the new women's group, and there is no need for Li Shou to go to the scene. When the women's group actually starts preparing, Park Zhenying will send someone over.

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