Football: The Hand that Covers the Sky

Chapter 303: Defending champion

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"Zhien, let's get together" But Li Zhien's singing fell, and Li Shou lost control again and hugged him.

Li Zhien did not answer Li Shou, but she told Li Shou her choice by action, stood on tiptoe, and kissed Li Shou.

On January 13, 2015, Li Shou and Li Zhien formally established a relationship between boy and girl friends.

In fact, Li Shou, who calmed down, regretted it a bit, because he still had Sun Yejin, Lin Yoona, and Li Sunmi in his heart, so he felt a little sorry for Li Zhien.

Although Li Shou and Son Yejin have broken up and they don't know what will happen to Lin Yoona, they are only one step away from Li Sunmi. If it weren't for Park Jinying to call Sunmi to go back, maybe the two have already dated.

But when facing Li Zhien, Li Shou found that he seemed to lose control halfway. Looking at Li Zhien's bright eyes and clean smile, Li Shou's heart began to beat frantically.

Perhaps this is love. When one person really falls in love with another, the heart is uncontrollable.

The two originally planned to go out to play today, but because they determined their relationship, the two gave up the original opportunity and stayed at home for a day.

Although some things will become natural after the relationship is established, Li Shou is not in a hurry, and Li Shou always feels guilty.

But no matter whether they go further, the two are already formal boy and girl friends, and the two who stay at home also have many things to do, and even if they are so tired of doing nothing, they will feel a sense of happiness in their hearts.

The hot-faced men and women will feel happy as long as they stay together, not to mention that Li Shou and Li Zhien have just established a relationship.

This day's time passed unconsciously. After the day, Li Shou seemed to have nothing to do, but the time passed extremely fast.

After the holiday, the team regrouped, and the second half of the season has just begun. Arsenal still has a long time to go, and Li Shou also knows that he must concentrate on training.

But the spring breeze smile couldn't be concealed. Like Li Shou, there was Li Zhien, and the face of happiness might even be invisible to the blind.

"Although it is still winter, we know that spring is past," Zheng Enyu couldn't help joking when seeing Li Zhien's happy face.

"Euny can find one if you think about spring." Li Zhien didn't need to cover up when facing the people close to him.

Even after returning to the room last night, Li Zhien told his good friends the news of his relationship, and Liu Renna was the first person to know the news.

In fact, Li Zhien has been in contact with Liu Renna these days, so she is also the person who knows the progress of the relationship between Li Shou and Li Zhien best, not even Zheng Hante and Zheng Eunyu.

Although Zheng Hante and Zheng Eunyu have a close relationship with Li Zhien, they have a work relationship, which is fundamentally different from the girlfriends.

At first, Liu Renna was not optimistic about Li Shou and Li Zhien. After all, the two met only once, and Li Zhien didn't have any channels to understand Li Shou.

Although Liu Renna thinks she knows Li Zhien very well, Li Zhien, who is not tall and cute, has a decisive, stubborn and strong personality, otherwise it would not be possible to reach her current position in the entertainment industry.

But when Li Zhien decided to come to London, Liu Renna was shocked, and the next thing made Liu Renna fall through and live directly in Li Shou's house.

At this time, Liu Renna knew that no one could persuade Li Zhien. Even during this time, Liu Renna had been worried about Li Zhien. After all, Li Zhien had just gone through a very difficult period. If he was hit again at this time, Liu Renna was really afraid that Li Zhien would not be able to bear it.

But now, Liu Renna knows that her worry is unnecessary, and Li Zhien's bravery, decisiveness and stubbornness have allowed her to harvest love.

By the way, there is a very interesting phenomenon. Except for Liu Renna, a much older sister, Li Zhien's remaining friends who are about the same age have all been exposed in love during the recent period.

In fact, Li Zhien not only shares with good friends, she is also ready to share with fans, even the whole world, but her sharing is not to take the initiative to tell everyone that she is in love, but through songs.

It was the song "Heart" sung to Li Shou before. This song Li Zhien will not be included in the new album. She decided to release it as a single.

On the following day, Li Zhien stayed in the studio to record the song until Li Shou finished training and came to pick her up. After the formal determination of the relationship, the boyfriend would naturally be responsible for picking up the girlfriend.

"What do you want to eat tonight?" Li Shou looked at Li Zhien and asked.

"I will eat whatever OPPA does. I'm not picky eaters" Li Zhien replied.

"Then let's get back the glutinous fish ordered the day before yesterday." On the day of the party dinner, Li Shou asked David George to save himself a glutinous fish. It was originally picked up yesterday, but the two of them never went out after the formal exchange.

"Okay" said the two went to the seafood market again.

This time, Li Shou didn't buy too much, because the car he drove was not allowed. Besides, the refrigerator at home used almost everything. If it weren't for the fish, the two could go home directly.

The two who came home were busy in the kitchen together. Although Li Zhien had also laid hands on Li Shou before, it felt completely different from before. This is the change brought about by the change in the relationship, which is a happy change.

With this happiness, time flies, and Arsenal is about to usher in the 22nd round of the league in a blink of an eye. This league is very important for Arsenal, because Arsenal will be a guest in Manchester. City challenged Manchester City, third in the league.

Arsenal have been staring at Chelsea before, but in fact Manchester City’s threat is not smaller than Chelsea. As defending champions Manchester City scored 46 points in the 21st round, 3 points behind Chelsea, and Arsenal also leads Chelsea by 3 points. .

6 points is not an unchasable point difference for Manchester City, especially in the most direct collision like this. If Manchester City can beat Arsenal, the points of the two teams can be reduced to 3 points.

What is the concept of 3 points? It only takes a game of victory or defeat to smooth the difference, and the ambitious Manchester City will never want to miss the opportunity to defend their title.

Since the establishment of the Premier League, only two teams have successfully defended their titles. The first is Manchester United, another Manchester United team. However, Manchester United is now degenerate, and Manchester United has only scored 34 points in the 21st round. Arsenal.

The other team is currently ranked second in the standings Chelsea, this season's Premier League champion should be between Arsenal, Chelsea and Manchester City, because the fourth-placed team has reached double-digit points difference with the top three.

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