Football: The Hand that Covers the Sky

Chapter 41: Core of the second half

   "Dangerous" Monaco fans have a nervous look on their faces. Dulac's shooting angle is quite high, and he also used Kagmacha's body to cover himself and fired a low shot.

   The ball flew over from the left side of Cagmacha and flew towards Monaco's goal in the lower left corner.

   "Go out" Under the gaze of the fans, Li Shou in front of the goal reacted at the moment when his opponent took a shot.

   Although Dulac wanted to use Kagmacha to block Li Shou’s sight, Li Shou’s sight was not blocked, and with Li Shou’s reaction and explosive power, he could make a save instantly as long as he saw the ball.

   Seeing Li Shou struggling with his right foot, he flew to the left corner of the goal, extended his left arm, and finally punched the ball out of the baseline.

   "Perfect save" When the ball flew out of the baseline, all Monaco fans in the stands gave Li Feng cheers.

   But Li Shou didn't have time to enjoy the cheers of the fans. Niort soon took a corner kick, but Li Shou didn't give Niort another chance to attack. He rushed out and took the ball.

Niort’s first shot was officially over. This shot was also Niort’s most threatening shot in the first half. In the following time, Li Shou’s defense did not give Niort any more. Opportunity.

   Although Niort still has a few shots since then, none of these shots really threatened Li Shou’s goal, either directly confiscated by Li Shou or flying out of the baseline.

   Niort failed to continue to threaten Lee to guard the goal, Monaco also failed to seize the opportunity, although Niort did a good job defensively, but the biggest reason why Monaco failed to break the deadlock was himself.

   In the twenty-sixth minute, Germain missed an excellent almost. He actually missed the goal without defending in the penalty area.

   In the thirty-seventh minute, Ocampos’s long shot hit the goal post. In this game, the Argentine genius returned to the starting roster, and Toure took the bench.

   Even before the end of the first half, Monaco had another chance. Carrasco's breakthrough caused a mixed round in Niort's defense. Dilar took advantage of the situation and inserted into the penalty area from the side. Carrasco immediately passed the ball when he saw it.

   Carrasco's pass was quite accurate and Dilar was in a good position. However, Monaco seemed to have no luck with the goal today. Dilar's final shot hit the side net.

   At the end of the first half, the score was still 0:0. This also caused the Monaco coach's dissatisfaction. Ranieri, who returned to the locker room, did not hide his dissatisfaction even more.

"We have to win this game. Nantes has fallen behind 0:2. This is our best opportunity to expand our lead." Nantes and Guingamp started at the same time. Nantes is currently behind 0:2 and Guingamp. Like Monaco, the end of the first half was 0:0.

   "We concentrated behind Harris in the second half." The reason why Ranieri did not arrange for Toure to appear is because Niort's two main center-backs have a very good frontal confrontation ability, and their height is in a crushing side.

   Cateno is 193 tall and Harris is 198.

  Niort is the highest central defender combination in the French second. The frontal confrontation ability is extremely strong in the French second, but at the same time, the two are a bit slower in terms of speed, especially the Harris who is close to two meters.

   But because of Niort's tactics in this game, the weakness of the two was not captured by Monaco, so Monaco needs to change tactics in the second half.

   "Release the ball," Ranieri said.

   "Lee, are you okay?" Relinquished the ball on behalf of the increased difficulty of defense, so Ranieri looked at Li Shou again.

   "Of course, they didn't do it last time, and they won't be able to do it this time." Arrogance or self-confidence, different people have different opinions.

  "Very good" As far as the current situation is concerned, Ranieri can only choose Li Shou.

   Li Shou is still not in the heart of Subasiqi in Ranieri's heart, but one thing is for sure, Ranieri is full of expectations for Li Shou, otherwise he will not give Li Shou the promise to compete with Subasiqi.

   Taking advantage of the intermission time, distant Chinese fans are discussing Li Shou’s performance.

No, most of the discussions have little to do with Li Shou. There are not many opportunities for himself to perform, not to mention that Monaco has been taking the initiative throughout the first half. There is only one wonderful save, but it is such a save. A lot of fans who jumped over the wall were not able to see it, because the internet speed was too fast, which also caused the live broadcast to be blurry, so most people were complaining about the network problem.

   But even so, they still insist on watching, nothing else, just because they love football, love this country, Li Shou may be more that they love the house and the Uzbek.

   Fifteen minutes passed quickly. The two sides did not make any adjustments in the lineup, but after the start of the game, many people found that the situation on the court seemed a little different from the first half.

   The initiative that originally belonged to Monaco seems to be slowly transferred to Niort, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com completed the first shot in the first 17 minutes of the first half, but only five minutes into the second half forced Li Shou to make a save.

The veteran Gonzalez broke through Laghi from the wing and cooperated with Dulac who pulled the side. Jimmy Juan took advantage of the mid-range to intervene. Gonzalez crossed to Jimmy Juan after attracting the defense, and the latter shot from the penalty area line. Li Shou saved.

   The subsequent corner kick Niort's two central defenders rushed into the penalty area again. Compared with Niort's two big men of more than 1.9 meters, the height of Monaco's two central defenders is not enough.

   Captain Wolfe is only 182, Kagmacha is one centimeter taller than the captain, and the tallest right back in the entire defense line is Raj 184. Left back Chavilas is the same as Kagmacha.

So Monaco can only rely on Li Shou in defensive corner kicks. Although Li Shou's height is not as tall as Niort's two central defenders, he can use his hands, and in ricocheting and bursting, Li Shou exploded Cateno. And Harris.

   Li Shou once again took the ball off Harris' head, then Monaco counterattacked, but O Campos did not seize the opportunity and shot slightly higher.

   In the 53rd minute of the second half, Niort scored again into the Monaco penalty area and completed a shot, but the shot was confiscated by Li Shou again.

   With the passage of time, Niort's offensive became more and more vigorous, and the number of shots also increased, but Niort on the sidelines became more and more worried in the face of this situation.

   The coach Niort knew this was a Monaco conspiracy, but he could only step in because he knew that only in this way could he have a chance to really threaten Monaco's goal.

   But judging from the current situation, although Niort's offensive is getting more and more vigorous and the number of shots is increasing, the offense that really threatens Monaco's goal is not.