Football: The Hand that Covers the Sky

Chapter 50: Holiday start

   The Monegasques have reason to celebrate and excitement, because they have returned to the top league, and the team that won seven Ligue 1 titles returned to where he should have been.

   When the game ended, Monaco’s past merits expressed their blessings to the team, and the Monaco players also ushered in a three-day celebration.

   The first day was celebrated with the fans, the second day was a celebration party organized by the boss, and the third day was a celebration party organized by Prince Albert. The whole Monaco was spent in celebration for three consecutive days.

  Indulge, the players who have endured for a season can finally indulge for a good time. There is no game, no need to worry about winning or losing, no need to get up the next day to train, let go of everything and enjoy.

   Enjoying success is a very pleasant thing. Li Shou ushered in the three most relaxing days. Once he had to work hard to survive. When he got the pair of broken gloves, he was worried about losing and being discovered.

   Coming to Europe is even more brutal. If it weren't for Li Qi, I don't know what will happen in the future. Joining Monaco is not easy, but now, through his own efforts, Li Shou can relax and enjoy a little bit.

   "This is not the end, this is just the beginning." At the same time, Li Shou did not forget to warn himself silently in his heart.


   "Guys, have you received the bonus?" After the three-day celebration, the team assembled again.

  "Received" You can hear everyone's satisfaction with the bonus from the answer.

   Two hundred thousand euros. This is Li Shou’s bonus. If Li Shou’s current salary is used, the four-year contract must be fulfilled.

   This is Monaco's bonus for Li Shou, and it also expresses Monaco and Ranieri's recognition of Li Shou's importance and several starting performances. This bonus is also the third highest in the team, even higher than Subasić.

   "Guys, have a nice holiday." For many players, this side may be the last time to meet as a teammate.

   It's no accident. After today, many clubs will be notified that this is football, and those with insufficient strength are destined to be eliminated.

   So, when Ranieri left, these players of Monaco made a good way. After all, everyone worked together for a season.

   "I hope we can fight together next season" This is what Li Shou told Raj and Medjani.

   Raj is the absolute main force on the right back of Monaco this season, so the new season should not be a big problem, but Medjani is not necessarily the case. Medjani has been rotating with Wolff in the season that just ended.

   "Hope it" Medjani is also worried about his own stay or stay.

  If possible, Medjani is actually unwilling to leave Monaco, but football is like this. Monaco who returns to Ligue 1 will definitely increase its strength, and the club owner is a master who does not lack money.

   It was unattractive in Ligue 2 Monaco before, but it is different to rise to Ligue 1. Coupled with the generosity of the boss, it can still attract a group of outstanding players.

   After saying goodbye to Raj and Medjani, Li Shou went to Pelizzaro again. Li Shou could make such a big improvement and he had already started with Subaziqi when he was injured.

"Relax a little" Li Shou's efforts, Pelizzaro is in sight, so he is not at all worried that Li Shou will be crazy on vacation, and what Europeans pursue is to work hard while working, and be sure to do well when resting. rest.

   Saying goodbye to Pelizzaro when he was about to leave the club, he just met Catalano, who came back. This old scout basically stayed outside for a season.

   "Lee~~~ Have a nice holiday" Catalano has always been concerned about the situation of Li Shou in the team, and the club will also ask this old scout for many decisions.

   "Sir, have a nice holiday." In fact, Catalano is also investigating players even during the holidays, which seems to have been integrated into his life and become a part of his life.

   This is Catalano’s return and he is obviously going to recommend a player he has observed for Ranieri, and the old gentleman has already been instructed by Ranieri.

   The new season does not start until the end of the season. Many teams have already drawn up a list of signings, and even some player contracts have been negotiated and waited for the end of the season to be announced.

   After returning home from the club, Samari was lying dead on the sofa. Because of the arrival of summer, Sharina was wearing it as a cool person, and she did not treat Li Shou as a man.

   This is also thanks to Li Shou's habit and strong restraint ability, otherwise I really don't know what will happen.

   "Let's go" Li Shou did not have any extra nonsense when he returned home. After taking a shower, he went to Samaritan.

   "You really want to leave me alone in Monaco" Shamari looked at Li Shou sadly.

   "You can go back to Portugal" Li Shou went back to chase his sister this time, how could he bring a tow bottle.

   And with Samaritan's messy character, it is very likely that he will be tricked into messing things up.

   "By the way, I'm going to the bank first" Li Shou needed to exchange currency first.

   Li Shou is easy to go out, wearing a baseball cap, a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, a backpack behind UU reading, and a change of clothes except for the necessary things.

   If you have money, you can be so willful. Li Shou, who has just received a huge bonus, has completely escaped poverty.

   "You decide to go there." Actually, Li Shou didn't really care about Samaritan. This can be known from the stack of money handed to Samaritan from the bank.

   "Twenty thousand? Say, how much bonus did you get?" In fact, Samari wanted to ask this question for a long time.

  Since living under the same roof, the two have quickly deepened their understanding of each other, and now they have basically no scruples in talking between them.

   "200,000" Li Shoudown did not hide it.

   "So much?" In fact, it's not that Shamari is so amazing, even the top league team may not have so many bonuses.

   "That's right, your boss has money." But Samarial soon calmed down. After all, the boss of Monaco is now an oligarch from Russia, and he is a local tyrant on the Forbes list.

   "I think you should take advantage of this holiday to look for players." It is said that Shamari is now a player under Li Shou.

   "I said, I won't sign until I see it," Samari said with a proud face.

   "You are good at others, but they may not be good at you" Li Shou decisively attacked.

   "So I'm waiting for you. When you become a superstar, everyone knows that I am your agent. Then it will be much easier for me to sign players." Samari directly dumped the pot to Li Shou.

   Afterwards, the two had a heated discussion on this issue until Li Shou arrived at the airport, which was not a normal airport but a heliport. Li Shou needed to leave Monaco before returning to Asia, because Monaco had no passenger airport.