Football Winner

Chapter 264: Superiority

In fact, giving Cagliari a 2: 0 lead in the first half has made this game almost a suspense. During the intermission, Li Yi also reminded his disciples.

This reminder made Bologna even more desperate. Although Mazzoni made adjustments during the second half of the intermission, Mazzoni's adjustment did not change the disadvantage brought by Bologna's strength.

So Cagliari still took the initiative in the second half, and changed the score to 3: 0 in the 61st minute, and the last goal for Cagliari was Frenchman Ribery.

"3: 0 ~~~ Cagliari welcomes a perfect start" 3: 0 is also the final score of this game.

After Ribery scored the third goal, Li Yi began to adjust to let several veterans come up to feel the rhythm of the game, because this week there are also the first round of the Champions League group stage.

Cagliari's opponent is Dynamo Kyiv from Ukraine. Compared to Cagliari's Serie A dark horse last season, Dynamo Kyiv has always been a Ukrainian powerhouse. Now the Ukrainian nuclear warhead that plays for AC Milan is Come out from Dynamo Kyiv.

However, for Cagliari, the next game will be their first Champions League in nearly 30 years. Like the champion, Cagliari's last trip to the Champions League will go back more than 30 years ago. .

This is why Li Yi pressed several veterans on the bench. It is clear what Cagliari stands for in the Champions League, which is the highest stage in Europe and even one of the highest stages in the world football today.

Because of this, this stage has special significance for the players. Although Cagliari's young players are excellent, no one can guarantee that there will be any problems in the mentality in this stage. In this unknown situation Now, the role of veterans seems particularly rare.

So after the match with Bologna, Li Yi immediately turned his attention to Dynamo Kiev.

"The defenders of their team are very tall, all are more than 1.99 meters, this is where we can use." In the conference room, Li Yi is studying the Dynamo Kyiv game and player information.

"Also, their forwards need to pay attention. For the past few years, Shatzkirch has been the main striker of Dynamo Kyiv and has also scored in the Champions League." A forward can score goals in the Champions League against himself for several years It is a recognition of strength.

This is the first time Li Yi has played against a team outside Italy, so he needs to do more preparation, and compared to the opponents in the league, the opponents in the Champions League are undoubtedly more challenging.

In this case, Dynamo Kyiv led by coach Mikhailchenko to Sardinia and came to Cagliari.

Speaking of the Dynamo Kyiv coach has also played in Serie A, although it is only one season, in the 90-91 season, Mikhailichenko played for Sampdoria for one season.

Speaking of Mihalychenko, luck is also bad. Just this season he played, Sampdoria won the league championship, which means that he caught up with Sampdoria's most brilliant moment.

Since then Mikhailchenko left Italy and turned to Sogla giants Glasgow Rangers. In the five seasons of Glasgow Rangers, this goods won five league titles, that is, in the last six of his career In the year he has been winning the championship.

"I have very good memories in Italy, and I also believe that my team can return to Ukraine with good memories." When facing the media, Mikhailichenko showed the confidence of the Ukrainian giants.

"Mr. Mikhailichenko, maybe you left Italy for too long and didn't know Cagliari. They are Serie A champions. They were the strongest Serie A team last season." Although the Italians are very unhappy, Li Yi, even now Unwilling to acknowledge Li Yi's ability.

This can be known from the delay in selecting the best coach. The Italian Players Association wants to drag it until Cagliari's performance drops this season, so they have enough reasons not to award the best coach to Li Yi.

But unfortunately, from the first round of strength, Cagliari is still in the first echelon of Serie A this year, yes, this season Cagliari has been separated from the so-called dark horse, is a real strong team.

Of course, Cagliari's strength does not last long. With Cagliari's excellent record and player performance, Cagliari will not be able to meet the players' annual salary and ambitions in the future.

"Is this guy playing with me?" After seeing an interview with Mikhailichchenko, a strange smile appeared on Li Yi's face.

If you want to play any conspiracies or tactics, then the Chinese are definitely the ancestors of the Europeans. If China's technological level was surpassed by Europe and the United States in the Qing Dynasty, then China still has discarded Europe and America for hundreds of years.

"Mikhailychenko will definitely pay for what he said." Li Yi then stated in the media ~ ~ I want to give Mikhailyko a little color.

Seriously, seeing Li Yi's desperate look? The Italian media is really not used to it.

"No! There must be a problem." In the past year, the Italian media was almost played by Li Yi as a monkey.

As the so-called practice comes out, the more you play, the more you will slowly understand it, and even outsiders do n’t know. Some media specialize in studying Chinese history and culture in order to compete with Li Yi.

Li Yi can be said to have changed China's history and culture, because some research cannot be made, because China's thousands of years of history are too exciting.

Being a monkey is definitely not good, but if you are watching others as monkeys, it ’s two different things. At this moment, the Italian media choose to stand by Li Yi, because they are watching Li Yi unhappy, and Li Yi representatives are all Italian faces.

"I saw that guy a little bit for the first time," an Italian reporter said to his fellow colleagues.

"Haha ~~~ I feel the same way," another agrees.

At this moment, all Italian media suddenly developed a sense of superiority. This is a kind of superiority that I have seen through, but I just don't say it, waiting to be dropped.

Is this the so-called crush on IQ?

Italian media thought Li Yi didn't know, and he didn't want to know, his attention is now on tomorrow night's game.

And then Mikhailichenko's performance in an interview again proved that Li Yi's previous work has worked, then the Ukrainian must be told with the facts.

The next night, the stadium of St. Elias was as full as ever, and Cagliari fans burst into more enthusiasm than ever before.

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