Football’s First Defender

Chapter 121: Pre-match situation

The European Cup final of the 07/08 season will be held on the 15th of May at Manchester City Stadium, home of the English team Manchester City!

Although the Manchester City club at this time was not the wealthy team afterwards, its home stadium was built ahead of schedule because it wanted to host the 2000 Olympics. Although it failed to bid for the Olympics, it also hosted the 2002 Commonwealth Games. , So it is definitely a modern venue! Can accommodate up to 50,000 spectators to watch live!

This is definitely a luxurious stadium among ordinary English clubs with an average number of seats of only 20,000 to 30,000!

The turf of the venue is also extremely well maintained due to the progress of the Premier League, and even the home turf of Zenit and the Glasgow Rangers is of higher quality!

This is also the more and more attractive part of the Premier League game. In addition to the giants, other teams are at least not worse than the giants in the maintenance and maintenance of the stadium! Compared with other five major league teams, the mid-lower and lower-lower venues can be called vegetable fields, the British in the Premier League, and even most of the English championship teams, are definitely willing to spend money and willing to maintain!

Manchester City Stadium can hold more than 50,000 people. The two teams will each receive 20,000 tickets for public sale. The remaining tickets belong to other so-called neutral fans in the local and the world!

These fans who come to Manchester to watch the game from all over the world will greatly promote the development of Manchester's tourism industry, and even make the tourism industry of the whole UK temporarily popular!

Not to mention football, it is the hottest sport and the craziest sport in the entire UK! To be able to see a high-level European war final at home is also the biggest benefit and inspiration for fans!

In terms of economic returns, perhaps hosting the finals of competitions like the European Cup has made little income in previous years, and it is more to promote the host!

But this year's Manchester government is definitely making a lot of money. The reason is that there are Scottish giants who belong to the British team participating in the finals, which makes a large number of fans flood into Manchester!

According to statistics from the Manchester government and media before the game, there are about 150,000 Glasgow Rangers fans who will come to Manchester before the game and fight with their home team in Manchester! Among them, of course, only a small number of people are lucky with tickets. Most of them can only gather to watch the game in the bar and the square outside the stadium to cheer for the home team in the stadium!

But think about it, nearly 150,000 people cheering on and off the field are fused together. The Glasgow Rangers are not actually winning at home!

The hotels in Manchester are all full, and many people even rent out their houses at high prices and make a lot of extra money!

On the other hand, Zenit’s fans, although the expeditionary force does not have as many as the Rangers, the number of fans with or without tickets adds up to about 30,000. These 30,000 people make the Manchester police really come in. enemy. After all, Russia has always been known as a fighting nation. In the eyes of the corrupt people, it is their deepest impression of the Russians that they do not agree with each other!

In addition, the local football hooligans in England may come to the fun! The English football hooligans themselves are enough to make the police a headache. Now there are Russia's rough men, coupled with the large number of but tempered Scots, Manchester police will also be subjected to a major test near the match day.

A few days before the game, the Manchester Police had already sought help from other counties and transferred a large number of police officers. He even communicated with the military in advance to forcefully suppress crazy fans if necessary!

Anyway, there must be no bloodshed, no casualties, and all three parties, especially the Russians, must be in their hands. They must not cause trouble, let alone make them suffer! The ghost knows what kind of international disputes will be triggered if there is a Russian accident in Britain!

On the day of the game, there were patrolling police officers all over the street. Every few streets there was an emergency police team of dozens of people, which could be dispatched at any time. It can be said that the safety guarantee was achieved to the extreme!

Especially around the stadium, it is simply a combination of military and police that sent a large number of armed personnel and a large number of translators who are familiar with Russian to ensure that there will be no problems!

The fans on both sides, together with the local fans who are purely watching the excitement, let alone the conflict before the game. Under the watchful eyes of the staff of the British violent agencies, they quickly left, entered the stadium, or occupied the square to watch the game. position!

At this time, idiots will have disputes. If it really attracts a large number of police interventions, in case they delay watching the game, or point their backs, so many law enforcement officers’ guns, and whoever’s gun fires, then there is no place to reason!

It's all finals anyway! Both fans entered the stadium early this ready to enter the fighting state! It was too early for the game to leave the field, but the fans on both sides had already started to compete in songs!

From the team songs of the two sides to the respective countries, the classic songs of the nationalities are one after another!

In the neutral zone! More and more fans have begun to show their camp. Most of these people are diehard fans who buy high-priced tickets. Under the guidance of the staff in the venue, the fans on both sides of the neutral zone have changed seats. They are also in a group, each close to their home team fan area!

A large number of police officers are on standby in the neutral zone. After all, there have been too many accidents caused by riots in the neutral fan zone in the past. With the development of the times, this kind of injury should not appear on the football field again!

In the neutral area, there is actually a unique red scenery! The five-star red flag is fluttering in the wind. There are local students from the UK, fans from China who traveled far and wide, and even die-hard fans in Russia who have been following Yang Feng. About a hundred people gathered together. They are not crazy team fans. There is no racial tendency, just for the pride of your own nation, cheer for it!

After it was clear from the Zenit club that Yang Feng had entered the roster and had a great chance of appearing in the game! The media in Mainland China, whether it is a TV platform, a print media, or a new type of online media, this time has sent a luxurious reporting team!

CCTV even used overseas relations to forcibly get the live broadcast and commentary of the game!

You should know that in the past such tasteless matches, even the Champions League, the Chinese official media has never broadcast it live on a large scale! But this time with the participation of Chinese players, it is of course different! For a Chinese to stand on the final venue of a top European club, it is absolutely no less shocking to the public than the national football entering the World Cup!