Football’s First Defender

Chapter 131: Parting preparation!

Wine is the best medium for communication between men! none of them!

Zenit, the generals, completely let go of the host of Yang Feng this evening, not only in eating and drinking, but the most important thing is the relaxation of inner emotions!

Everyone was drunk!

After informing some people with family members to come to "picking up corpses", for those golden bachelors living alone, Yang Feng naturally asked someone to carry them to a nearby hotel, one person, one room, and go to the room by himself!

After the hangover!

On the second day of the championship parade, there were some players who were still drunk and confused, but Yang Feng didn’t want to go back. The internal supply he had said before was not enough, but This group of people drank vodka directly afterwards without alcohol. If you drank too much, you could not blame him!

Fortunately, the big guy only needs to sit on the top of the double-decker bus, walk through the crowd, and show the trophy to the residents of the city. The soft-legged team members take the initiative to move to the side and lean against the railing without any major problems!

Of course, unlike the spontaneous parade that arrived in St. Petersburg late at night, today this is planned by the club and the city government. There are more fans and people. It is estimated that there are hundreds of thousands. Anyway, the streets are full of dark crowds!

As the bus taken by Zenit team passed by, the cheers from the crowd were deafening! This is the European champion. The long-lost Russian top league champion in the previous season has already made all the fans in St. Petersburg very happy!

Now, the team even gave them even greater surprises!

Especially those old fans who have experienced the glory of the Soviet era, the eyes are full of tears at this time! They did not expect that when they were approaching the grave, they would have the opportunity to witness their favorite team win the Russian Super League championship and win the European championship!

Perhaps the European Cup is not as high and dazzling as the Champions League, but for these, every time a team participates in the European War, every time a team participates in a European competition, it is like a New Year’s small club fans. This European Cup champion means nothing to them. Yayu's own national team won the World Cup!

The buses that the players took started from the club base and followed the pre-designed route. After going around the city for a week, it took almost a day to return to the club base!

The fans are so happy and so excited! Many times, happy and excited fans, in order to get closer to the championship trophy and closer to their heroes, they will rush out of the police blockade on the side of the street!

Fortunately, before, the club also thought of the plan that it might be overwhelmed by crazy fans. There are still many security and police on the first floor of the bus.

Of course, I also understand the excitement of the fans, these people persuaded the main, and no physical contact occurred!

And because the championship parade started early, even if accidents happen frequently, many Zenit players have enough time to return to the club base and prepare for the official cocktail party in the evening!

In fact, for many players, today’s cocktail party and yesterday’s gathering between the players, the atmosphere of the venue is simply incomparable. This Western-style cocktail party is more of a formality. Everyone is in suits and shoes. Talking about some topics that may not be too nutritious!

Anyway, after several high-level speeches of the club were completed, and the time was almost up, Zenit's team members were gone!

With the end of the banquet, Zenit players officially ushered in their holiday!

Especially like Yang Feng and Li Hao, non-European national team internationals, don't have to worry about the summer European Cup, have a sufficiently long and full vacation!

Some people even plan to take a flight overnight, go to a holiday destination, or return to their hometown to start the holiday mode!

And Yang Feng, because his girlfriend has to go through some suspension formalities at St. Petersburg State University, he still needs to wait a few more days, and then the two will fly directly back to China!

The reason why he wants his girlfriend to deal with school matters in such a hurry is also Yang Feng's own plans for the future!

When Yang Feng officially entered Zenit's first team, he also discussed with his girlfriend about the future!

Yang Feng will definitely not die in Zenit. Even if he has a contract, it is obvious that after Zenit won the championship, the personnel must undergo a huge change!

Like the expiration of Scott's contract, in fact, after the finals, he solemnly said goodbye to everyone in the locker room!

And other players such as Pogrebnyak, Arshavin, Tymoshchuk, Denisov, and of course Yang Feng, these outstanding players will naturally be favored by the top five European league teams!

Although Zenit himself is not bad at money, he keeps players and prevents them from playing on a higher platform. This is rare in modern football!

Moreover, Yang Feng understands Zenit’s future changes better than other players. The departure of many stars is inevitable, and although Zenit will play in the Champions League afterwards, due to the departure of many powerful players, even if he retains Arshavin half This season, but the results are doomed to be dismal!

In fact, think about it and know that although Zenit's strength is indeed excellent, it is based on the outstanding personal abilities of the players and the tacit cooperation between the players is also an indispensable factor!

And all this, after this summer, will disappear or greatly weaken!

This is also no way. Although the club may want to keep these players, but in today's European clubs, few teams actually do this!

Generally, when a player wants to leave the team, as long as the quotation is appropriate and the three parties conduct normal negotiations!

In fact, Yang Feng stayed for the past few days and happened to discuss with his newly-appointed agent about how to showdown with the team and seek the reality of the deal!

Although his head was hot before, Yang Feng agreed to let his girlfriend act as an agent, but the agent really has a lot of miscellaneous things to do, to deal with, and many more need more professional knowledge!

No way, after seeing his girlfriend's three-minute enthusiasm, Yang Feng finally chose the agent recommended by Arshavin. Although it costs a little money, he has a comfortable life anyway.

And my girlfriend, if I go to other countries, of course I will marry a chicken, a dog, a dog, and drift with myself!

As for studies! Anyway, in a decadent capitalist society, if you want to continue studying at university, you can just use the money to open the way and give you a chance to learn.