Football’s First Defender

Chapter 139: 0 family length

The current stage of China's social development actually means that Chinese football has not learned the true correspondence from many successful football powers in the world, and can match its own experience!

At least even in the era before Yang Feng crossed, the basic environment and foundation of Chinese football was in a situation where there were no neighbors! Comparing the top and the less than the bottom!

Whether it is a football powerhouse in Europe or South America, or even Asian football development models such as South Korea and Japan, China can learn from it. However, if you want to copy the model and apply, but there are some Handan learners, it may not be perfectly integrated into China's national conditions!

The football powers of Western Europe, their strong youth training system, and the full exploration of their own players are based on the high welfare of their society and high labor costs!

This is the wealth left by our ancestors to future generations, allowing future generations to enjoy at least decades of wealth, leading the world for decades!

In developed countries’ high-welfare societies and high-cost labor costs, it seems intuitively that no matter what work they do, their own people are destined to earn a considerable income!

Most developed countries are more inclined to the so-called elite education, quality education, and noble education for the education system! What they cultivate is the elite!

They can spend a lot of money to identify students when they are young, to train those young people who have shown their specialties in a certain aspect, and use the few elites they have cultivated to cooperate with the power of capital to continue to maintain the economic development of their country! Guarantee your status as a developed country!

As for ordinary people, although they may be eliminated by quality education, relying on high welfare compensation, these people can still enjoy a good quality of life!

For the sport of football, playing for a long time in the student days will naturally take up the so-called learning time, and this strenuous exercise will inevitably consume a lot of energy and make people feel tired after exercise!

Therefore, the time consumed by football for young people is not just pure exercise time, but also the time loss caused by physical exhaustion after exercise, or the reduction in time utilization efficiency!

This makes that in China, all people receive almost the same education, and most people rely on the college entrance examination to determine the future. Under the circumstances that determine their fate, the burden of schoolwork on students is obviously much more than that of quality education! Chinese teenagers who want to use long-term training will inevitably fall behind in the initial stages of learning, but it is easy to fall behind one step at a time!

However, the basic education in developed countries in Europe actually does not take up a lot of time, so for young people there will be more sufficient time to spend on football training!

This refers to the time for training without delaying cultural education! At this point, Chinese youth training has always been basically, the training time conflicts with the academic time and is irreconcilable.

Studies and sports are generally chosen one in China. You cannot have both fish and bear paws! There is really the kind of genius who can have both, so he can achieve better development in the academic field, except for his crazy love, how can he really keep going in the football field!

The high-welfare society in Western Europe also guarantees that even those who have received systematic youth training and a long career in youth training will eventually fall short and cannot become a professional player, as long as he can earnestly learn a skill. You can live a happy little life! This is very different from in China!

The level of social development and the possession of per capita wealth determine that at this stage, China, within at least 20 or 30 years, will inevitably be in a stage of continuous and upward development. It wants to reach the developed level of Europe and achieve high welfare social security. There is still a long way to go. After all, think about it, for China, the goal of the founding of the country in the past century is to achieve the economic level of the middle-developed countries, and the countries of Western Europe are not just the middle-developed countries, and there is a long way to go! This also means that in China, there are huge differences in the rewards and the quality of life you can enjoy for different types of jobs and different degrees of education!

Intellectual talents under higher education, the working environment and the income they can get, are obviously far better than those of the working people at the bottom. This makes academic and knowledge more important for young people in a short time without large-scale welfare subsidies The future development has a great impact!

Then this conversion problem is very simple. In the big Chinese football environment where only a few hundred people can play, the parents of ordinary families, who dare to let their children take the road of football! It’s easy to say that everything is successful. If you don’t succeed, there may never be a way out!

Some people say that in terms of academics, the college entrance examination is a single-plank bridge! But in the field of football, the single-plank bridge may become a wire! For professional football, to become the professional football player that stands out is no less than a group of people vying to walk a tightrope! There is an abyss at your feet. Not only do you have to be courageous, you also have to be able to squeeze others!

At least under the current education system, for any student who wants to change their own destiny and their family's destiny, studying with heart is definitely more rewarding than serious playing football, and the chances of success are higher. It's easier too!

In addition to the time advantage in youth academics, Western European football powers also have a developed league system, not only professional leagues, but also rich semi-professional and semi-amateur leagues, so that all registered players of the Football Association can play, have games, and more. There are hundreds of teams and even more, so as long as you want to play, you can play!

The low-level leagues in developed European countries, especially the semi-amateur and semi-professional competitions, have also allowed many outstanding players who are left in the private sector, or the youth players who are seen by the youth coaches, have many opportunities to prove themselves. Strength!

Just like Vardy, or Klose, who are familiar to Chinese fans, they have grown into excellent strikers in the low-level leagues of their countries, semi-professional and semi-amateur games, even in semi-amateur and semi-professional games. During the competition, I also did part-time jobs for a period of time to ensure my income!

This kind of behavior is hard to imagine in China. Most ordinary people may be restrained by the pressure of life. They need to support their families and are constantly on the move. How many people in ordinary jobs will play with the team every week. What about the game?

And what is even more chilling is whether Chinese football really has such a semi-professional and semi-amateur game?

Occupation is professional, and amateur is amateur. In domestic competitions, there is a natural gap between professional and amateur. The way for grassroots players to rise is extremely narrow! Without great perseverance and great opportunity, it is harder to want a carp to leap into the sky!

However, a large number of young players in China can only train in the team day after day, or play a very small number of competitions with other teams. These players do not have the strength to be transferred to the first team, so they can only hold the ball firmly. Team echelon places, but can't contact the real adult confrontation competition, to hone the rhythm and feeling of competition at a higher level!

In England, which has the most abundant semi-professional and semi-amateur leagues, its fourth to seventh level leagues maintain nearly half of the standards of amateur and professional players!

Of course, most of the professional players in the low-level leagues are the youth players of the English Championship and Premier League level teams!

Although most of these people are not the top talents of their own youth training teams, they are very similar to the fringe youth players in their own youth training systems.

However, these domestic players may only be squandered within the team's youth training system, training day after day, and then reaching the age limit and backpacking away! Maybe they have never played a real adult game in the end!

But in England, it is these young people who may not be able to perform the tasks of the adult team in the eyes of the youth coaches. After polishing in the low-level leagues, they may continue to improve their level in actual combat, even if most people may. I have been in the low-level leagues all my life, but there must be many inspirational stories, which happened to some diligent and hard-working players who are late bloomers!

In the high-level Premier League, there are always a few players full of inspirational stories from the low-level leagues each season, and such players are extremely competitive and the same level of the second-level championship. More in the game!

Football is a sport, because of the players' personal style and the team's tactics, sometimes it is really a feeling of moving the dead. Staying in an environment and receiving unchanging training may really delay the development of many young players!

The advanced and professional nature of the European League is due to its strong national economic strength and high per capita income. At this point, as a developing country, China blindly copy and copy may not be in line with the domestic reality!

At least in domestic, semi-amateur competitions, you let a mason, baker, cook and many other people who have no concept of weekend rest time to play a game every weekend and run away. This is simply unrealistic! A two-game match may be okay, Zhou Zhou comes like this, then in the old saying, these people are too heartless!

On the other hand, the player training system of some South American football powers may also be uncomfortable in China and unable to adapt to the Chinese environment!

The training of players in South America is very similar to the inspirational story of the African American area!

If we say that the player training system in developed countries in Western Europe is similar to that of white Americans, because of the high welfare and high-quality education, young people have plenty of time to develop in sports!

Then the growth experience of South American players is consistent with the goal of the players who walked out of the slums of black Americans, that is, to change the fate of their lives!

We don’t know whether for these young players, not only football, but for each sport, whether it is the love of the sport or the pure desire to change their destiny, so that they have to climb up desperately. ! Become the brightest star so that you can be discovered, so you can leave the deep and hot life you are in, and enjoy a better future!

This kind of training model is like raising Gu. Behind those famous players and famous players, there are many people who have the same background and hard work as them, but fell on the way.

Their success is based on the failures of countless people, and the possibility of a lifetime waste!

This is the most typical law of the weak and the strong, the winner takes all, and the loser has no place to turn back!

The narrow ascent for the poor and ordinary people in the country makes most young people only hope that this kind of pure physical fitness and talented sports can get the chance to change their destiny!

If you succeed, you will get out of the slums. If you fail, you may spend your entire life in the bottom of society!

This cruel training method has indeed created a lot of South American players we are familiar with, and there are countless South American players who work hard in all levels of the European league!

But in China, this kind of training method may not exist at all!

We cannot copy the training model of Western Europe because it requires too much social stage. We do not have that social environment and cannot reach that level! However, South America’s training model, as a thriving big country, at least has the fairest and most suitable ascending path for ordinary people in the college entrance examination, so that no one will go to football, except for fame and failure. the way!

Of course, some training methods may not be worth learning from but like some league initiatives, they are actually worth learning!

Just like Brazil, it is also a country with a large population and a large land area. Unlike many European countries because of their small land area, they can carry out large-scale national competitions at various levels. Brazil focuses on the so-called intra-state league!

The popularity of its intra-state leagues is extremely high, and even for some teams, national leagues are not as important as intra-state leagues. Some professional Brazilian domestic sports magazine media will simply publish different versions of the magazines to deal with different events in different states and regional sales!

This kind of football league, which is equivalent to running in the province in China, is extremely low for the team’s operating consumption. They don’t have to spend a lot of money on away transportation and accommodation, and the money saved can do more. jobs!

The most embarrassing aspect of China's domestic competitions may be that there are too few competitions in the province, and there are fewer systematic competitions, and more may be the self-entertainment of some amateur players!

And professional-level competitions are all run across the country. That's really a world apart! Fly from the far north to the far south in China, from the far east to the far west!

Therefore, the Chinese professional teams want to operate on a small scale, which is just a joke. Don't spend too much money every season!

Moreover, the climate difference between the north and the south is too great, and it will also have a bad impact on the performance of the players!

As far as the development path of Chinese youth training is concerned, in the final analysis, it is still necessary to take the youth training path with Chinese characteristics. It needs to integrate the strengths of a hundred families and combine the advantages of youth training in various countries! Take the essence and remove the dross!

But it is too difficult and too difficult to do so!

Reform may require great courage and great perseverance. This is the only way for Chinese football to flourish!