Football’s First Defender

Chapter 302: The hostility of Ferguson

In the 10/11 Premier League season, Manchester United is still dominating the situation. Mobile terminal   https://m.

   Manchester United completed the five-year four-time Premier League championship with 80 points. Sir Alex Ferguson’s red empire is still the most dazzling and successful club in the Premier League era.

Although Manchester City is the team that invested the most in the transfer window in the summer of 10 years, but the crazy investment for several consecutive years still failed to bring the most desired Premier League championship to Petroleum Capital. It is far away from the big brother Manchester United who is also in Manchester. There is a certain distance.

   However, Manchester City's huge investment this season has paid off, that is, finally using money to smash themselves into the Champions League.

   Manchester City's record of 21 wins, 8 draws and 9 losses throughout the season is exactly the same as the average Chelsea record in the later period. It is 9 points behind the champion Manchester United and ranked second or third in the standings.

   Another Champions League seat was won by Arsenal, which showed the trend of "Fighting Four Devils" in recent seasons.

After all, qualifying for the Champions League means a large amount of revenue from the broadcast of the team. For Professor Wenger, who spends a penny in two, he has no strength to fight for the Premier League championship, but the top four must be kept by himself. .

   Tottenham, who performed well last season, was obviously affected by the Champions League double-line competition. The team's weak foundation, Tottenham, lost to Arsenal and ranked fifth in the final four.

   And Yang Feng’s new team, Liverpool, showed a weak posture after successive injuries to Gerrard and Carroll late in the league, losing points in a row, completely losing the team’s hope of competing for the top four.

   Liverpool ended up in sixth place, all four of this season, but under the leadership of "King" Dalglish, Liverpool fans are full of hope for the next season.

Sir Alex Ferguson, who once again led his team to win the league championship, although he won the highest honor of the Premier League season, after the celebration banquet, for the old man, he must prepare for the new season. In the office, the old man will In a season, the most important imaginary enemy, from Chelsea, which has not changed over the years, has been replaced by the team logo of Liverpool, which he hates most.

   Will the former Liverpool Red Empire come back to life when he is still coaching? Sir Alex Ferguson looks forward to Liverpool's performance in the new season.

   In Sir Alex Ferguson's eyes, Liverpool’s threat is definitely not Dalglish, who is now in charge of the coach. Perhaps Dalglish is definitely a legendary superstar of Liverpool in the player era. He was also a great success when he coached Liverpool.

But now is an era of rapid reform of football tactics. Ferguson has also been studying Liverpool’s tactics in the second half. Dalglish’s tactics are still the old style of the year, which may be possible for a while, but it too tests the players’ willpower. Ferguson doesn't think that these players today can really endure the huge physical consumption caused by the continuous running of a whole season.

   Different times are different.

   But the reason why Liverpool is currently listed as a threat is that the entire central axis of Liverpool has been updated.

   Yang Feng in the backcourt is actually a central defender that Ferguson has admired very much in the past two years. However, in view of Manchester United's strength, Manchester United does not think Chelsea dare to let Yang Feng come to Manchester United, so he didn't even bother to quote.

After all, no one is the Bundesliga teams, unlimited supply to Bayern's outstanding players, Premier League giants, want to directly transfer between stars, in fact, it is not that simple, one change may be easy to operate, simply smash Buying people with money is definitely not an easy task.

The central defender is protected by Yang Feng, and the midfielder is Gerrard. This Liverpool's absolute loyal player, as the core player of the England midfielder, even if he grows older day by day, he is passionate about the game and is Liverpool's obsession to win the first Premier League title, Ferguson believes that he will continue to burn himself in Liverpool and do his best.

   In the frontcourt, unlike everyone who is optimistic about Carroll coming back from injury next season, Ferguson sees Liverpool’s most threatening striker as the Uruguayan striker Suarez.

South American players’ delicate footwork, numerous small movements, and various psychology of taking advantage of rules. Although Suarez is not physically strong, he can always use his speed and agility to get a shot in various situations. Space, coupled with his excellent shooting skills, will definitely be the most threatening attack point for Liverpool's striker.

   With these three players as the central axis, and adding other players of good strength, as long as Liverpool can be combined into a whole in the summer, then the new season must not be underestimated.

  Looking at the Liverpool team logo, Ferguson smiled again. He remembered the crazy words he had said back then, "The greatest achievement of my life is to kick Liverpool off the **** throne."

   "Yes, since I have been off the throne for so many years, at the end of my coaching career, of course, I won't let you have the opportunity to touch the throne again"!

   Ferguson, after drinking the red wine in the glass, walked out of the office, starting tomorrow, it is the preparation for the new season, and Liverpool, never think that it can rise easily.

   In the summer of 2011, the Premier League heroes, who had been silent for a long time, finally began to show their strong capital reserves and set off a **** storm in the transfer market.

   regained the Premier League title, aspiring to defend the Premier League, and re-attack the Champions League, Ferguson, in the transfer market, carried out targeted reinforcement.

   With Van der Sar’s retirement, Manchester United desperately needs an excellent starting goalkeeper to guard the goal.

   Ferguson fell in love with Atletico Madrid's young goalkeeper De Gea. In the end, he brought De Gea to Old Trafford with an offer of 20 million euros.

   And then, 19 million euros bought Blackburn defender Phil Jones to replace O'Shea who left because of his age.

Finally, at a price of 18 million euros, Villa’s absolute main winger Ashley Young was bought from Aston Villa. After the three major players joined, Manchester United, which has no main players to lose, has a stronger lineup. Ferguson’s new season The goal is to continue to create a new round of the Red Devil dynasty.

   The champion of last season is still recruiting, and other teams eager for the championship will naturally not be satisfied with the existing lineup.

Dalglish received extensive support from the entire Liverpool team during the offseason. Even with a net investment of nearly 50 million pounds in the winter window, Liverpool still gave Dalglish enough transfer fees in the summer to carry the team. Upgrade of the lineup.

   Dalglish first cleaned up some of the redundant players in the team who could not play the ball, and got about 30 million euros in transfer funds. After that, he made offers to many powerful players in the transfer market.

It’s been too long for Liverpool to wait for its first Premier League It is eager to rebuild the team, strengthen the team’s strength, re-improve Liverpool’s team image, and attract more fans. Pay attention, and get better honor.

   However, Dalglish, who was waving his checkbook, found that his journey of buying people was not as easy as he thought.

  Purchasing players, to put it bluntly, first is to rely on enough money, and second, to rely on the so-called football contacts.

   Dalglish, who wants to reinforce multiple positions, naturally cannot spend unlimited money like Manchester City. After all, Liverpool’s transfer funds are not bottomless like oil capital.

   But the normal player quotes, in many Premier League teams, have fallen into the blue.

   As far as the results of player transactions are concerned, even a few of Liverpool’s players were transferred to other teams at a price similar to Liverpool’s offer instead of being sold to Liverpool by the players’ teams.

   It can only be said that the establishment of a dynasty has always been all-round from on the court to off the court. Now Liverpool, as a challenger, has encountered all aspects of the king's target.

   The struggle started from the transfer period, and several of Liverpool's signing targets were interfered by off-field factors.

   In the end, although Dalglish had reinforcements, according to his own expectations, it was still much worse.

   But there are only so many capable players, and Liverpool did not have the financial support to smash the liquidated damages to force people, so although there are not many reinforcements, Dalglish can only recognize it.

  Football first defender 

   Football first defender