Football’s First Defender

Chapter 415: Yang Fengligong

   Liverpool, who scored a goal, immediately took off.

  Although it is necessary to score at least two goals to have the hope of promotion, the two goals are really no longer untouchable like that when there is more than half an hour of game time.

   It is true that Liverpool's momentum came out, but Suarez's goal can be regarded as a direct wake-up of the somewhat slack Bayern player.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   The game is not over yet, and Liverpool has not given up the hope of the game. Then the Bayern players at home must use better performance to extinguish Liverpool's counterattack flames.

There is no longer the lead of the previous two goals, and there is no need to remind Heynckes on the sideline to remind that, as a team with rich experience in the game, the Bayern players know that at this time, the most important thing to do is to solve The team had a slightly lax defensive attitude before.

Ribery, Robben, and even Mandzukic at the forefront have begun to change their defensive attitudes, using a larger range of moves in the center and front court, as well as grabbing, advancing Liverpool's offense and creating greater interference .

   Then, for Liverpool's wing-based offensive, Bayern's defense also began to focus more on marking the key areas to further limit the source of Liverpool's offensive.

  Liverpool’s offense, although the ball possession rate started to increase little by little, but in terms of the development of the game format, there is no such outstanding data.

  Liverpool's offensive statistics have come up. Both the number of statistical attacks and the number of dangerous offenses are increasing. However, Bayern's defense is focused on defending Liverpool's final goal.

   reflected on the scene that although Liverpool can send the ball to the dangerous area of ​​Bayern’s defense, in fact, there is no chance to directly complete the goal.

   Bayern, began to use better defense to show their determination to win the game.

   The strengthening of the defensive end brings not only a blow to Liverpool's momentum, but more and better opportunities to counterattack will follow.

   However, the Liverpool defense still has enough defensive power, and Yang Feng also used his better defense performance to complete all threatening attacks by Bayern.

   Ribery and Robben, in the quick counterattack of the two wingers, they can indeed use their strong personal abilities to gain an advantage, and even have the opportunity to waded directly past Liverpool's full-backs to create a greater threat.

   But whenever they want to make a move, Yang Feng always seizes the best opportunity to appear suddenly, interfere with their route, or directly intercept the football under their feet.

   Liverpool’s offense did not improve much, but Bayern’s defensive counterattack did not create a greater threat.

   As the players from both sides devote themselves to the game, the game that was originally open and close turned somewhat flat.

   There is no more threatening offense. The scene is usually offensive, destroyed, attacked again, and destroyed.

   The increase in the number of shots by both sides is limited. Even if the ball is switched, the two teams have no chance to create an effective attack.

   Bayern’s first substitution was to replace Cross with Gustavo.

   The fierce fighting in the midfield of the two sides does not need a "literary" player like Tony Cross, but an engineer with attributes like Gustavo.

In this game, Bayern’s offensive system dominated by two wings will not affect too much offensive threats due to Cross’s end and the reduction in points, but Gustavo’s appearance is an increase visible to the naked eye. Bayern's not-so-weak central defense line.

   Liverpool's offensive is even more difficult.

   Especially Coutinho, young people used their own power to create opportunities on the wing before.

   Even in the face of Bayern’s help defense, you can still use your personal ability to pass the ball as much as possible to create opportunities for teammates.

However, with the appearance of Gustavo, his defensive awareness and the strength of his upswing, Coutinho's side was directly under more pressure. The football at Coutinho's feet is no longer the same as before. That way, you can stick to your own feet and start to risk being directly intercepted.

   This kind of sudden passive interception on offense has the most direct impact, which is Bayern's counterattack, which is more sudden and more threatening.

   Robben even passed Jose Enrique completely in this counterattack, dribbling the ball sideways and directly into the hinterland of Liverpool's penalty area.

   Fortunately, Yang Feng's defense position is extremely good. Although he can't completely limit Robben's shooting, Yang Feng still uses his personal excellent defensive options to block a certain shooting angle when Robben is hitting.

   And Reina, 100% believed in Yang Feng's defensive ability in the game, emptied a certain goal area, fully trusted Yang Feng's blocking angle to be successful, and chose the position after he chose to concentrate on defending another part of the area.

   Robben's shot, although the angle was tricky, but when Reina only needed to control a certain area, Reina was struggling to save it.

   The scene of the game began to become anxious. The morale of the Liverpool players was still very high, but this increase only allowed Liverpool and Bayern to play 55 open in the end. Starting

   But at this point in the score, at least two more goals must be scored. As time goes by, it is inevitable for Liverpool to get more and more pressure.

   And this is the Allianz Arena. Amidst the cheering of tens of thousands of Bayern fans on the scene, in the later stage, the strength of Bayern players should be stronger than that of Liverpool.

   Liverpool’s counterattack, is there still a chance?

   Heynckes replaced striker Mandzukic with Thomas Muller. On the one hand, he continued to maintain pressure on Liverpool's defense, and on the other hand, he also used Mueller's abundant physical strength to maintain sufficient interference with Liverpool's offensive advancement.

   70 minutes, 75 minutes, 80 minutes...

   Liverpool’s offense has been going on, but it just couldn’t create an excellent opportunity to rewrite the score.

   Over time, Liverpool began to try to increase the number of shots with more concise long shots, but in terms of long shots, it was too difficult to threaten Neuer's gate.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

   Liverpool’s offensive, while it has not achieved further results, has already begun to decline.

   "Gerard's long shot!"

   "There is still no threat. Bayern is in the penalty area and has assembled enough defensive forces. This long shot hit the goal, and it was eventually blocked by Harvey Martinez and flew directly out of the baseline. A corner kick!"

The opportunity to set the ball is also an important opportunity for Liverpool in this situation where the positional battle is delayed and As far as the overall high point players are concerned, although Liverpool is a Premier League team, However, Bayern is more at the high point and has a better advantage in the top spot.

  Before the corner kick was issued, Rogers made the last substitution adjustment, replacing Henderson and forward Bollini, continuing to strengthen the number of offenses and give up his life.

   Bolini’s sudden appearance was indeed an unexpected factor for Bayern’s set-piece marking.

   And Gerrard did not give Bayern a chance to rearrange the defense. After receiving the referee's kick-off signal, Gerrard immediately took a corner kick.

   The ball drew an arc and flew quickly into the small penalty area.

   During the melee in front of the door, you pushed me and I pushed you. The players on both sides refused to give way to each other. At this time, a figure suddenly jumped in from behind and jumped high.

   "Yang Feng!"


   "The ball is scored! The ball is scored!"

   "Yang Feng scored the equalizer goal for Liverpool!"

   "One goal short! One goal short, Liverpool can perform miracles away from home!"

   After scoring, Yang Feng did not celebrate too much, ran to the goal quickly, and even had a physical and verbal conflict with nearby Neuer.

   But Yang Feng didn't have too much meaningless entanglement with Neuer, and directly grabbed the football from Neuer's hands and quickly ran back to the midfield.

   There is still suspense in the game, far from over...
