Football’s First Defender

Chapter 416: Sorry to be out

   Yang Feng's header is a key goal to bring the game back to suspense, and it is a key goal for Liverpool to keep the suspense of the game.

   Gerrard made a direct corner kick and sent it to the center of the small penalty area. He grabbed the loopholes in Bayern's defense and quickly launched the attack.

After Rogers got the corner kick, he changed to Bolini's operation, which is the magic of this goal. This substitution disrupted the layout of Bayern's defense line, making Bayern in the original layout, there was a one-man mark. Empty.

   In the absence of too much time to rearrange, it is impossible for Bayern not to mark a forward who has a good header ability. They can only send Harvey Martinez, who is responsible for regional defense, to mark Borini.

   And Yang Feng caught the small gap left by Bayern in the defensive area after Martinez left.

   When Van Biteng, who followed Yang Feng, thought that Yang Shengeng went to the front point that was more suitable for him to play.

   Yang Feng, while pretending to run forward, suddenly stopped and changed direction and turned back to the middle.

   In today's game, in Liverpool's set-kick opportunities, Yang Feng and Scott were actually many changes, but in the previous game, they did not create too good opportunities.

   is because Bayern pays great attention to the defense of space.

Even if there are some loopholes in the man-marking aspect, the opponent takes the lead, but in front of the goal, the players in charge of the area defense will always make up the defense in time, forming a front and back attack with the man-marking players, destroying the opponent's Contend for the top.

In this defensive judgment, even if Van Bitten was in position, Yang Feng took advantage of an emergency stop and occupied a favorable position, but he still felt that there was no big problem, but forgot that Harvey Martinez was also watching People, there is no replenishment force that can arrive quickly in this area.

   Yang Feng’s rush to the top, after getting rid of Van Bitten’s defensive situation, he has not received much defensive interference anymore.

   Without sufficient defensive interference, Yang Feng can even pursue a better header shooting angle.

   Headed towards the far corner and Neuer's flying save was futile.

   Yang Feng once again scored a wonderful and crucial goal for Liverpool in a key game!

   2 to 2, tied!

   Thousands of Liverpool fans on the expedition to Germany have been a little frustrated in the previous game, but with Yang Feng's goal, their hopes have been reignited!

   The total score is 5 to 5! Although Liverpool is still on the verge of being eliminated due to the disadvantage of away goals, Liverpool now only needs to score another goal to eliminate Bayern with an away victory.

The song "You will never walk alone" resounded through the Allianz Arena again. Even if it was quickly suppressed by the cheering of Bayern fans, the Red Army fans, under the tenacious play of the team, used Do your best to cheer for the team.

   The game includes stoppage time and the final ten minutes.

   "No one thought that Bayern had a huge advantage of 2-0 in the first half, and it seemed that it had already locked up the spot for promotion, and unexpectedly changed in the second half."

   "Liverpool once again demonstrated its strong resilience in the game."

   "Even though this is different from the Liverpool that created the miracle of Istanbul back then, the players have changed, but the spirit of Liverpool's tenacious struggle has been circulating."

   "Even if the opponent is Bayern, even if it is a guest at the Allianz Arena, even if the cheering of tens of thousands of home team fans at the scene brought them psychological pressure, but the Liverpool players survived."

   "The current score is 2 to 2, and the total score is 5 to 5. Liverpool can perform miracles with only one goal..."

   Tension and anxiety began to fill the hearts of Bayern players.

   The advantage of a two-goal lead was evened when the game was about to end, and the team was only one goal away from being reversed.

   If Liverpool really completes the reversal, then it is absolutely unacceptable for Bayern. They may be engraved on the pillar of shame in the European war, and they will not be able to turn over for several seasons.

  On the field, sometimes fear and worry will affect the skills players are familiar with.

   Bayern, who re-started the ball, had not adjusted back from the negative attitude of losing the ball, and made a hasty pass error and returned the ball to Liverpool.

  Liverpool's quick counterattack penetrated Bayern's defensive hinterland.

   Coutinho's long shot hit the goal, slightly above the crossbar, and it was almost possible for Liverpool to overtake the score.

   Watching Coutinho's kick flew out of the bottom line, countless Bayern fans were also scared into a cold sweat.

   After a little bit of rejoicing, the fans shouted with greater cheering, hoping to wake up the team and defend the final game.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   Indeed, hold on. First release https://https://

   At this time, the fans no longer pursue a beautiful victory over Liverpool at home, and they are very satisfied to qualify for promotion.

   As the fans thought, in the last few minutes, Heynckes chose to be conservative.

   The defender Boateng, who has just returned from injury, came off the bench and Robben was replaced.

After    abandon the forward position, let Mueller return to the right, replacing the empty space left by Robben, all players retreated to their own half, Bayern, to use defense to guard the tie.

Liverpool's offensive is unabated. At this time, the 2 to 2 situation is for them. Only goals are important. Even if Bayern scores a goal, as long as Liverpool score a goal, it will be at most 3 to 3. Playoff.

   In the final moments of the game, without too much complicated tactics, Liverpool began to use long shots and forced flank breakthroughs to pass, constantly putting pressure on Bayern and squashing Bayern’s defense.

   The two full-backs also began to move forward continuously, posing a greater threat to the opponent's wing.

   pass! Relief!

   pass! Hit the door! But it missed!

   Long shot hit! But Neuer struggled to save...

   Bayern’s half-time, all of a sudden, Liverpool’s continuous offensive makes all those who follow this game nervous ~ ~ no one knows whether Liverpool can create a miracle.

   The broadcast footage swept over. Many Bayern fans who celebrated with joy when the team was leading before, put their hands together and put them in front of them, praying nervously and anxiously that the team can survive this period of time.

   The stoppage time of the game is 4 minutes. The Bayern players have never been in the game and feel that the stoppage time is so long.

   Liverpool’s offense has continued, but Bayern’s defense has also used all its strength to destroy the ball.

   One minute, two minutes, three minutes, the game time enters the last dozens of seconds.

   Coutinho's change of direction after receiving the ball caused a foul by Schweinsteiger.

   In stoppage time has reached the last minute, this may be Liverpool's last chance.

Goalkeeper Reina rushed into the Bayern penalty area at this time. The other Liverpool players, except Jose Enrique, who is responsible for the possible counterattack defense against opponents, and Coutinho, is responsible for serving, all squeezed into Bayern's penalty area. , Or formed an enclosure on the periphery.

   "Coutinho run-up!"


   "Within the restricted area!"

   "Yang Feng!"



"The game is over! Neuer's save! Calmly caught Yang Feng's header! Bayern Munich, after a hard fight, defended the home field, with a total score of 5 to 5, Bayern relied on the advantage of away goals , Enter the top 8..."
