Football’s First Defender

Chapter 519: Carragher

  The Premier League championship has always been a pain in the hearts of Liverpool fans.

  When the Premier League was just founded, no one would have thought that Liverpool, the dominant European team in the League of Legends era, would even be unable to win a championship in the Premier League era.

  The Premier League era was completely ruled by another red color represented by Ferguson.

   Once Liverpool fans were proud of the honor of the top league team with the most championships in history. They were wiped out by rivals Manchester United one by one until they overtake.

  The total number of FA Cup champions Liverpool was also surpassed by Ferguson's Manchester United.

  The total number of championships for the entire team was also surpassed by Manchester United.

  In the past 20 years, Liverpool fans have endured ridicule from rival fans, but they can only use the only English team left, the European champions to fight back, but they have been ridiculed by some fans as "ancient clay pot"...

  Liverpool has always been moving forward in the dark. The once miracle of Istanbul made them see the light. The Liverpool once under Benitez made them think that it is possible to break the breakthrough of 0 Premier League titles.

  But in the end, for more than 20 years, Liverpool still has no way to get involved in the Premier League championship trophy.

  The last top league title belonging to Liverpool was brought by Dalglish when he was in charge. When Dalglish returned to coach three years ago, many people expected the Liverpool "King" to save the team.

Although Liverpool had an excellent record at that time and got rid of the decline in the end of the Benitez era and the loss of players, it is undeniable that Liverpool can only be regarded as a top team at the time, and there is still no gap between the championship team. .

When Dalglish had a fairly stable record, he chose to "give up" Liverpool, which made many Red Army fans very puzzled, especially when he handed over the pointer to a "hairy man" who had only proven himself in the middle and lower reaches of the team. It also made Liverpool fans a bit "hate that iron is not steel" and suspect that Dalglish betrayed his responsibility.

   But looking back now, Dalglish's initiative to make a good man was so great.

   "It's so fragrant"!

  Young Marshal Rogers brought his own philosophy of passing and controlling and showed his outstanding vision of selecting players.

  Although Yang Feng, Suarez and other core players, Dalglish originally left him a "gift".

  But Coutinho, Sturridge, Flanagan and Sterling of the youth academy, these young people were all promoted and reused by Rogers’s wise eyes.

  Young people can also win the championship!

   Manchester United did it back then, but Liverpool is not doing bad now.

Look at the age composition of Liverpool’s midfielder. Apart from the team captain Gerrard, there are almost no players over 30 in Liverpool’s midfielder and even the entire team. Nearly half of them are 25 years old. With a future, Liverpool can support an era.

  Of course, that is Liverpool must be able to keep these players and keep them at Anfield.

  Don’t think about what’s going on right now. For Liverpool, celebrating at this moment is the theme.

   "The fall of a giant, after all, is accompanied by the rise of another giant."

   "Red Devils Manchester United, in the Premier League era, established a long-term dominance over the league championship. During this period, Arsenal launched an impact, Chelsea launched a challenge, and even Manchester United's city opponent, Manchester City, have won the league championship."

   "But no matter when, this season is undoubtedly the biggest blow to Manchester United fans."

  "The meritorious coach, Ferguson, the core figure who established the Manchester United dynasty, retired; his rival Liverpool won a Premier League trophy this year; the key is Manchester United itself, which has fallen into the quagmire this season and cannot extricate itself."

"Manchester United has lost the league title, but it has never been like this season. From the beginning of the season it was not competitive at all, and quickly withdrew from the championship group. In the end, even the Champions League qualification was lost... "

   "The rapid fall of Manchester United is in sharp contrast to the aggressive Liverpool."

  "Now young Liverpool, can it be like more than 20 years ago, stepping on the giants of the past, climbing to the clouds and becoming the new ruler?"

  When the Liverpool players stepped onto the podium, they were feeling emotional.

  When the broadcast energy re-transferred to the center of the venue, everyone had seen all Liverpool standing on the podium, and in the center of the stage was the Premier League championship trophy.

  The noisy Anfield before suddenly fell silent.

  Not to start the final celebration of the cup, but to listen to the official Premier League awards officers' speeches.

  The “lengthy speeches” of Premier League officials did not provoke people as usual

  Liverpool fans, very much like the "lengthy talk" of Premier League officials at this time. They are detailing the Premier League situation throughout the season, but the main focus is of course Liverpool, which won the first Premier League championship in team history.

  Liverpool’s strong offensive power, the excellent team atmosphere of the team, and the excellent defense led by Yang Feng have all become praised.

  The official words are over. Naturally, it is the moment when everyone is watching. Liverpool want the whole team to be surrounded by one person and raise their Premier League championship trophy.

   "Stephen, it's time for you to go up and raise the trophy!"

   Team Deputy Carragher, looking at Gerrard behind him, reminded him that his role as captain is also a privilege. At this time, the captain went up, stood in the C position of the whole team, and raised the championship trophy.

  Carragher also remembers that in Istanbul, Gerrard raised the Big Ear Cup, and behind him he was the second to raise the European highest honor trophy.

  This time, Gerrard came first, but the person who raised the trophy afterwards must “get it” himself.

   "It's not me, but you!"

   "Yes, team mate, we have discussed with the whole team before, and you are the first to raise the trophy."

   "You are going to retire, we are still young, we can continue to win the championship..."

  Carragher did not expect to be directly pushed out by Gerrard and Yang Feng, and pushed to the Premier League championship trophy.

   "She is here, I have chased her for 24 years, and now I can finally kiss Fangze..."

  Carragher looked at this gleaming silver trophy, recalled his career, and thought of many teammates who had fought alongside him.

All Liverpool’s goals are this championship trophy, but they have all failed in the past, and myself, after playing capriciously for another year, I can really touch her as a professional player. , How can you not be excited?

  When Carragher stood in front of the championship trophy, as if to complete some kind of ritual, he slowly bent over and grabbed the handle with both hands.

When    just grabbed, Carragher's hands trembled slightly.

  But he still grasped immediately.

  The scene was silent, and in the silence, Carragher suddenly raised the trophy with all his strength.

   A shout, resounding at Anfield.

"we are the champion!"

"we are the champion!"

  Even after many times, we are still champions!

  Football first defender ww.51098/