Football’s First Defender

Chapter 541: Defensively wins

Perhaps at the beginning, Chelsea did know that this game at Anfield was not easy.

But what Chelsea did not expect was that a few days ago, Liverpool, who was still in a very downturn against Real Madrid on the away scene, made adjustments so quickly and found the feeling of the game.

Mourinho considered himself a team before the game. At Anfield, even if Liverpool have a momentum bonus, there is no big problem and they can easily retreat.

Even Mourinho has arranged many offensive tactics for Liverpool Gerrard’s midfield position, just to be a breakthrough from Gerrard’s side. If the offense is excellent, he can even take a victory directly from Anfield. .

The veteran should have the consciousness of the veteran.

Mourinho also likes veterans sometimes. Didn't he see that last year, did he also bring Chelsea to Chelsea?

This year, Mourinho also brought Drogba back to Stamford Bridge.

Mourinho needs the experience of these veterans. In some games, he can play his residual heat. They need them to lead the young people of the team to grow quickly.

However, Mourinho will never give the veteran the main position promise.

Last year's Eto'o, this year's Drogba, and even the veterans of the Mu's first period, Cech and Lampard, after Mourinho returned to Chelsea, he constantly purged the veterans from the main lineup and replaced them. Young and Mesozoic players.

Mourinho knows that many superstar players, as they grow older, if they still stick to the main position, they will definitely decline in a precipitous state.

The research done on Liverpool before the game, the two weaknesses of Gerrard and Moreno, in the sports battle, the main defensive area of ​​Gerrard, exhausted Gerrard's physical fitness.

In set-kick tactics, focus on the pass from Moreno's side to maximize the height advantage of the opponents with Moreno.

However, what Mourinho did not expect is that Liverpool's starting lineup before the game has changed so much.

Gerrard appeared directly on the bench, and Flanagan, who returned from injury, didn't have much adaptation and went straight to the start.

This is also the reason why Chelsea was somewhat weak on the offensive end in the first half.

One is that Liverpool's frontcourt press makes Chelsea players a little uncomfortable, and the other is Chelsea's own offensive tactics. Without goals, they can only use the players' personal strength. Naturally, they cannot easily cross Liverpool's defense line and create opportunities.

In the second half of the game, after the rearrangement of Mourinho's midfielder, Chelsea began to show off the strength of the Premier League leader on the offensive end.

It's not that Chelsea lacks offensive strength, but Mourinho is more than offensive, to get a big victory, prefer the feeling of winning the game by defense after leading.

When Chelsea began to show offensively, it still posed a huge threat to Liverpool's defense.

Ivanovic and Azpilicueta’s large-scale advancement made Chelsea’s offense immediately begin to have a sense of hierarchy.

The two full-backs intervened in the attack, allowing Liverpool's frontcourt to press, and it began to fail to form a sufficient impact.

The main thing is that Chelsea does not lack excellent dribblers.

Oscar and Hazard are both weapons to break this kind of pressing. Their personal strong combination of ball ability and breakthrough ability allow them to be almost invincible in 1v1.

As long as the teammates can provide support, so that they do not fall into the siege, then the two can strive to break through Liverpool's defense.

With Chelsea's offensive in full swing, Liverpool players can only retreat to the half and organize their defense in their own half.

Although there is no frontcourt press, the running of the Liverpool players has not been reduced. With unlimited running, the team's half-court defense has become more indestructible.

In front of Liverpool's united defense, Chelsea had no other good offensive methods except for passing from the side.

However, the only sure point to receive the ball in the middle, Diego Costa was stared at by Yang Feng.

The ball was passed from the wing and Costa topped the pass, but in the end it was only under Yang Feng's restriction that he topped the ball extremely high without any threat.

Chelsea formed some suppressing power on the scene, but there was no good way to further threaten Liverpool's dangerous area.

However, Mourinho is not too anxious on the sidelines, and it is not the time for the decisive battle.

60 minutes, or even 70 minutes later, is the final decisive moment. At that time, whether the Liverpool players who have been running so desperately on the field can withstand Chelsea's final offensive impact is the decisive point of the game.

Nowadays, Chelsea players only need to constantly put pressure on offense, not only physically, but also mentally, so that Liverpool players will have more consumption.

In the game time, entering 65 minutes, even though Liverpool are mostly young people, but there are still some problems in physical fitness, the state began to decline, and Chelsea, under the leadership of Hazard and Oscar, further strengthened the attacking rhythm .

Oscar's lateral pull, suddenly divided the ball to Hazard who came over from the left.

After Hazard received the ball, in front of the penalty zone line, facing Glen Johnson's defense, a fake action, forced Glen Johnson to retreat and prevent Hazard's breakthrough impact.

However, Hazard did not make any major adjustments, he directly swung his legs in a small range and quickly completed a kick.

Suddenly hitting the goal tested Mignole's defensive ability. Although he blocked it, he couldn't hold him.

Fortunately, Yang Feng can react quickly, and before Costa makes a supplementary shot, he fell to the ground and kicked the ball out of the baseline.

After the corner kick, Fabregas sent a floating ball.

The ball was sent directly outside the penalty area.

Ivanovic headed the ball to the front of the goal.

Costa dived to the top, finally got rid of Yang Feng's defense this time, and completed a header that hit the goal frame.

However, Mignolet reacted again, blocking the football with a single palm.

The football that fell in front of the goal, Cahill wanted to hit the ball into the goal for the first time.

However, Yang Feng first blocked the shooting route with his body.

After that, Yang Feng took the ball and cleared it out of the penalty area.

Chelsea's offensive began to get more and more fierce.

But Liverpool was really struggling with the three services at this time. In order to keep the score of 1-0, they did their best on the defensive end.

Gerrard, Lovren, appeared one after another, replaced by offensive players like Sturridge and Coutinho.

Rogers is going to keep the score of 1 to 0.

And Chelsea deployed troops and even replaced Drogba, ready to smash Liverpool's goal.

In the 85th minute of the game, Chelsea once again created an Ivanovic played on the left flank, playing to his superiority, the wing suddenly started to speed, and then relying on the body to fight against the advantage, forcibly created Half as an advantage, run over Glen Johnson's defense.

After entering the penalty area, there was a certain chaos in the Liverpool defense.

Ivan directly inverted the triangle and forced the ball to the back point.

Drogba, who followed up, pushed directly.

Flanagan's block did not stop the football, Mignolet jumped sideways with all his strength, seeking a save.

But it seems to be slow.

But someone was faster than him, Yang Feng abandoned Costa in front of the door and made up his defense earlier. Before the goal line, Yang Feng directly took off and stretched his legs, accurately blocking Drogba's kick.

Once again rejected a possible goal from Chelsea.

1 to 0!

Liverpool eventually defended this half and won the final game.

Rogers' changes, at least for now, although there are still certain problems, but they have achieved a very good record.

Football's first defender

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