Football’s First Defender

Chapter 587: Defensively wins

   Before the end of the game, due to the team's own mistakes, Messi seized the opportunity to score a goal. If you say you are not reconciled, Yang Feng is not reconciled than anyone.

   However, since the game is over, Yang Feng will encourage everyone's morale and let everyone look forward.

   After all, it’s just a game. Liverpool return to the home court and still have a chance to complete the reversal. It is far from the time when everyone should blame themselves and enter the stage of "dumping".

   After the game, Mignolet also apologized to Enrique for the discordant behavior on the field, and Enrique also expressed his regret for losing the ball to other teammates.

   At least so far, there is no real barrier within Liverpool. We still need to work together to make the final effort for the league championship and the Champions League semi-finals.

   Liverpool flew back to the British Isles non-stop after the first leg of the match with Barcelona. They will directly fix up in London and prepare for the weekend league.

   The 36th round of the Premier League, the most closely watched game, is naturally this one, the red and blue battle that may decide who can win the final.

   Chelsea, who played at home, are still two points behind Liverpool despite being in the standings.

But in this round of the match, Liverpool didn’t talk about the away game. They had just experienced a fierce battle with Barcelona. A few days later, there was a second round of drag. How much effort can they exert in the league between the two Champions Leagues? Whether it can withstand the attack of Chelsea, who also desires championship honor, is unknown.

   Stamford Bridge Stadium is also full of seats in this game.

   In this crucial battle that will determine whether Chelsea can win the championship, the Blues fans use their utmost enthusiasm to play the role of the twelfth man on the stadium at home.

   They will use their cheering and cheering voices to boost the morale of the home team and strive to be the last straw to crush Liverpool.

   For Liverpool, in this battle, whether it is offensive or defensive is the most important decision for Rogers.

   There are three rounds left in the league, two points ahead, if you can retreat in this away game, you can retain the three-point lead.

After   , Liverpool’s opponents in the two games are both mid and lower teams. For Liverpool, the chances of winning a winning streak are even greater.

  Although the physical fitness of Liverpool players is the most restrictive disadvantage, Chelsea’s main striker, Diego Costa, will be determined to miss the game because of a muscle injury. This is the biggest good news for Liverpool before the game.

   Although Costa did not have any advantage when facing Yang Feng this season, the lack of a Chelsea player who scored the most this season is great news for liberating Yang Feng’s defense.

   This game does not have to stick to the defense of Costa. Yang Feng can contribute more to Liverpool's overall defense.

   After getting some more information, Rogers finally chose to defend away.

   Although this is a Chelsea need to attack and strive to win the game, but at the beginning of the game, Mourinho's tactical arrangements are obviously safe.

   The standard Chelsea formation of 4231.

   The combination of Matic and Mikel's double defensive midfielder will be a huge barrier for Chelsea's central defense.

   The offense is completely handed over to the midfielder and two full-backs with excellent assists.

   Remy, who replaced Costa in the starting game, urgently needs to prove that he has the ability to gain a foothold in the giants.

   And the three midfielders composed of Hazard, William, and Fabregas need to use the pass, constantly advance, and dribble to try to tear Liverpool's defense.

   Ivanovic on the right, and Felipe on the left, will be Chelsea's weapon to pull the offensive space from the wing.

   However, due to the fact that there are too many players left in the midfield and the offensive strength is limited, at the beginning of the game, facing Liverpool's five-back formation again, Chelsea's offense directly fell into Liverpool's copper wall.

   For the sake of safety, Mourinho met Rogers, who wanted to be more safe. Both teams did a good job defensively to make himself invincible.

   However, if Chelsea can't win in this strong matchup, then the league championship this season may really pass by.

   Mourinho underestimated Liverpool's determination to grit their teeth and fight for the game.

   This set, the five-back lineup that had just started an offensive and defensive battle with Barcelona, ​​when they reappeared on the field three days later, there was no sense of exhaustion on the faces of the players.

  Liverpool players, with great mental perseverance, gritted their teeth, but also completed their defense in the game.

   Mourinho made a mistake. He really did not expect that Liverpool should not be so good defensively, and he could show extremely high-quality defensive strength in two consecutive games.

   Chelsea’s offense has stagnated from the beginning of the game.

   Relying on the small-scale pass of a few people in the frontcourt, the strategy of creating murder, was tightly defended by Liverpool, and did not give a trace of space.

   And Remy is not even worse than Costa. The "Facco Connection" that Chelsea relied on most this season will naturally be invalidated when Costa is away.

   As for Hazard’s impact, with interception in the front and Yang Feng's replenishment in the back, he cannot break the deadlock on his own.

   Mourinho paid the price for his conservative comeback in the formation, watching the team's offensive, there is no effect at all.

   In the 30th minute of the game, Mourinho made his first substitution adjustment.

   Replaced Mikel with Quadrado and continued to strengthen the team's wing attack.

   It's just that the addition of an offensive player seems to not change the situation of the game.

  Liverpool's defense is still so impenetrable and does not give Chelsea too many offensive opportunities.

   After all, Chelsea is not a team with enough offensive routines.

   Chelsea’s methods of attack are actually those, and more often they need to rely on counterattacks to score goals.

In the face of the recent defensive performance of Liverpool’s several common offensive methods have been targeted by Liverpool, making it impossible for Chelsea to produce even at home. A threatening offense.

   In this game, Liverpool are united, just to defend a draw.

   The frontcourt counterattack, in order not to affect Liverpool's overall defense and avoid being caught by Chelsea to counterattack, only Sterling is the only one who shows off his offensive talent in the frontcourt, and sees if he can ride alone.

   In the case of Liverpool, Chelsea is not given the least space, and without a conventional killer like Costa, Chelsea’s offense cannot penetrate Liverpool’s defense at all, nor can it create excellent shooting opportunities.

   Long shot!

   Long shot!

   still long shot!

   Try all the methods, even Chelsea’s backcourt showed a passing pass and wanted to lead the snake out of the hole, but Liverpool’s overall defense was shrunk in their own half, which was not fooled.

   In addition to long-range shots, Chelsea has no other way to create some threats in the game.

   It's just that, this time, Liverpool used an excellent defensive teaching, in the away game, in front of Chelsea who are also good at defensive, showing their growth in recent years.

   Defensive "winning"!

   Chelsea’s long-range shot was blocked by the Liverpool player, and Mignolet did not make a mistake in front of the goal, giving his opponent a chance.

   As the referee's whistle sounded, Liverpool used a very utilitarian 0-0 to defend the standings with a two-point advantage and continue to take the initiative to win the championship.