Football’s First Defender

Chapter 611: Sterling runs away

Yang Feng really didn't expect that the first one to leave in Liverpool's main lineup would turn out to be his best relationship brother, Sterling!

During this period of time, Yang Feng didn't want to hear the ringing of the private mobile phone used in the UK, because in summer, every ringing of the ring could be a farewell call to an acquaintance in the past season.

The reservedness and kindness of the Easterners allowed Yang Feng to get along well with every player in addition to being the deputy captain of the team.

Even in the past few seasons, with the addition of Yang Feng, the number of team building of the entire Liverpool team has gradually increased.

But professional football is sometimes so cruel, with hard-hitting camps and running soldiers.

The transfer of players is always inevitable in the summer.

Listening to the little brother's reluctance on the phone, Yang Feng can only persuade him to let Sterlingsi perform well in Manchester City this season.

No way, this is professional football, not based on the player's personal will.

And compared to the contract extension offered by Liverpool, it is clear that Sterling can get a better deal in Manchester City.

The financial resources of the rich man in the Middle East are really too strong. In terms of transfer fees, he spends a lot of money. In the salary of the players, he also spends the British pound as Japanese yen.

Of course, Yang Feng also knows that as a non-Liverpool, Sterling is more reluctant to teammates like himself, rather than having too many deep feelings for the team.

After all, Sterling himself is aware of the wage price raised by his agent. Compared with salary and loyalty, Sterling himself is obviously more inclined to the former.

However, because of salary issues, the absolute core player on the offensive frontline last season, Sterling, who was still so young, was sold. Yang Feng can also see that the Liverpool management is absolutely financial for the team building plan. Safety first, as long as the team's strength is not affected too much.

Of course, to buy a core frontcourt player at the Champions League level, Manchester City is also ready to be slaughtered.

Liverpool has no internal resistance to selling people. For many professional managers from the United States, at the moment when they have just won the Triple Crown, they can maximize their profits by selling people.

As for Manchester City, they are worried about their intraday meat and being cut by other teams. In terms of price, they are extremely satisfied with Liverpool.

For Sterling, who performed very well last season and is young enough, Manchester City is bound to win.

Same as the original history.

Not satisfied with becoming the Premier League giants, Manchester City has been unable to make breakthroughs in the Champions League for years, which has made Mansour lose confidence in coach Pellegrini.

Looking at Europe, the coach who has won the Champions League and can bring more pleasing offensive football to Manchester City may only be the current Bayern coach Pep Guardiola more suitable.

With only one season left in the contract between Guardiola and Bayern, the two parties have not yet renewed their contract. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Bayern, who has always "saving", neither wants to renew the contract nor intends to pay the penalty. , Guarana and Bayern are no accident, and will definitely "break up peacefully" a year later.

Guardiola, who has become a free man, will definitely become a sweet pastry in the free market at that time.

Manchester City's competitive pressure is actually not small. After all, a high probability to bring victory to the team and a coach who looks better at offensive football is itself a scarce item in football.

Speaking of not bad money, Paris is not bad money, Guashuai’s old club Barcelona is not bad money, what Manchester City can do now is to madly accumulate stars suitable for Guardiola’s tactical system, and then rely on the ball next summer. The team's lineup, to attract Guardiola.

After all, now UEFA’s fiscal fairness bill is becoming more and more stringent. Every season is an embarrassment that the family has money and cannot spend it. Only Manchester City knows.

For a team that needs reform, it is still difficult to complete the substitutions in all aspects in one season, but it is much easier to reserve and clean up personnel in two seasons.

This year, although Manchester City still has no contact with Guardiola, they are ready to impress the next summer with superstar players suitable for the Guashuai tactical system.

There is no need to discuss with Pellegrini, the next year's "acting coach", that Manchester City's summer buyers are more of an investment in the future.

Rather than sell a large number of powerful players in their hands, Manchester City will also buy at least two young superstars who can adapt to the pass control system this summer.

Sterling, the core striker of the Liverpool Triple Crown is one of Manchester City's cards to impress Guashuai.

"Official announcement: Manchester City offer 70 million pounds to officially buy Liverpool's frontcourt core Sterling!"

When news about Sterling’s transfer was revealed a day ago, fans were discussing the authenticity of the transfer while "climbing".

After all, Sterling's sudden emergence last season is definitely the core figure in Liverpool's triple crown last season.

Liverpool, who has just been full of honor, just let go of the core offensive players in the frontcourt. It is indeed false news.

More senior fans judged that this was just because Sterling used media pressure to "touch porcelain" Manchester City in order to raise his salary.

After all, the media that broke the gossip is one of the "toilet paper" media that does not have so many reputations. There are real news, but there are more false news rumors.

However, with the announcement of the official announcement the next day, everyone was stunned "on the tree". On the one hand, they were surprised that the tree fell so fast this time, and on the other hand, they were also surprised that Liverpool really sold Sterling. Up!

"Liverpool, who can't help, sells offensive core in this way, how can we defend the Champions League next season!"

"Distressed Yang just full of honor, Liverpool will return to the world next season."

"Do you know the ball? Liverpool has made a lot of money. Well, 70 million pounds is enough for Liverpool to buy a few strong players, and hasn't it bought a striker before? Benteke's performance was good enough last season."

"Upstairs, use Benteke and Sterlingby? Isn't the lesson of Tottenham being a big king trading a bunch of small cards enough?"

"That is, last season, Liverpool used a'big king' Suarez to trade a bunch of small cards, and the start was an avalanche. If it weren't for the sudden awakening of the'buttock', Liverpool would collapse last season.

For Liverpool fans, Sterling's departure is definitely not willing.

Although Sterling completed the outbreak in this season, everyone has gradually fallen in love with the young man who was given the nickname "Hip".

Familiar with his preparatory action that seemed to make people laugh before breaking through. However, next season, Liverpool's lineup is destined to not have such a "pistachio".

Last season, Suarez left at a high price, and then Sterling stepped forward.

And this season Sterling is gone, can Liverpool still have players to stand up and carry the flag of the team's offense?

Football's first defender

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