Football’s First Defender

Chapter 644: deadlock

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For national football fans, in these years when facing Asian second-rate teams, especially in away games, the team has not shown such an excellent suppressive power for a long time.

The strength of the Chinese team has declined sharply in recent years.

Not only are the "second teams" facing the top Asian teams, Japan and South Korea, a little struggling, but when facing second-rate teams, such as Qatar, Uzbekistan also loses more and loses less.

For the Chinese team, it has not been suppressed in the game for a long time for the key battle with the second-tier Asian team.

In the past, even though it was a "strong matchup", the Chinese team was actually more of the side that was suppressed in the game. Everyone knows that the strength of the current national football team is already far behind.

However, today Yang Feng performed so well in his first show in the national team, which is definitely a surprise for the fans.

In the game, Yang Feng's outstanding personal defensive ability is actually familiar to everyone in the Premier League.

But I did not expect that in the national team, when facing the counterattack of the Middle East team that once caused the Chinese team to be a headache, Yang Feng's joining alone would make the Chinese team's defense line a comprehensive crush.

Throughout the first half, the national football team created a lot of opportunities on the offensive end and the number of offensive players, as well as the number of shots that made Qatar's goal turbulent.

But on the other hand, after the offense was not completed or destroyed, it gave Qatar multiple counterattacks after completing the defense.

However, Yang Feng's comprehensive defensive ability, even though Qatar had consciously selected a through ball in the late first half, it still could not pose a threat to the Chinese team's defense.

The open space in China's rear seems to be huge, but Qatar's pass just can't penetrate China's defense.

Yang Feng guarded the end of the team's defense, not only covering the huge Chinese team's defensive area, but also in the game, giving full play to his commanding talents.

As Yang Feng’s partner, Feng deputy team was originally an absolute defensive core player in Hengtai, but in front of Yang Feng, that is Yang Feng pointing east, absolutely not going west, proper “tool man”.

However, for Vice Team Feng, being a tool man is "so cool!"

Yang Feng's command in the game is always quite forward-looking. A general orientation can always be used in the game to save the Feng deputy team's thinking and judge time to move ahead.

With Yang Feng's command behind him, the deputy Feng team also performed quite well in the game in terms of interception efficiency and defense in place.

Deputy Feng felt the play was very easy, and the defensive effect was quite good. He somewhat voluntarily became Yang Feng's "tool man" to brush various defensive data.

Under Yang Feng's command and help, the deputy Feng team instantly became a strong barrier for the national football team in the backcourt.

Qatar has a rare opportunity to organize a ground counterattack, and there are not many ways to break through the two defensive barriers of the Chinese team.

During the intermission, for Yang Feng, the "airborne" captain, all the members of the Chinese team were convinced.

Defensive players in the midfield and backcourt are rarely so relaxed after finishing the defense in the game, and the players who undertake the offensive task are also delighted to be able to perform their best on the offensive end and be able to devote themselves to the offense.

Perrin was even more happy. The team’s performance in at least the first half completely suppressed the home team’s Qatar. It can be said that with the addition of Yang Feng, the national football team seems to have improved by half the level when facing Qatar. , And even have a psychological advantage.

For Perrin, the second half of the game is to strike while the iron is hot and use the frontcourt suppressing force of the team under Yang Feng's defense to try to score goals and win away games.

With an excellent defensive trump card like Yang Feng in his hand, Peilan thinks he has the capital to wave away in the away game.

Retreat in the away game, return to the home game and take advantage of the home advantage

That was an excuse for the weak. Now Perrin just wants to create an absolute threat in this game, and strive to win this away game.

In the second half, the offense of the Chinese team continued the offensive rhythm of the first half.

However, the Chinese team continued its offensive play, but Qatar, after many defensive counterattacks failed, unexpectedly chose to make substitution adjustments in the midfield, replacing a forward and a central defender. .

In response to Yang Feng's defense, the Chinese team's defense was built to be invaluable. Qatar chose to further strengthen its defensive strength in addition to retaining a certain counterattack threat.

"Since I can't break Yang Feng's defense, then I will be the main defense. Can you break through my gate to Qatar?"

Everyone knows that among the second-tier teams of Asian teams, the offensive ability of the Chinese team may be the worst in the race.

Since the players who entered the World Cup that year retired, the midfielders after that are really inferior to the next generation. There are reasons for tactical limitations, but the lack of real super strikers is also a fact.

Qatar began to prepare for the team's defense, using a fairly utilitarian way of playing, choose to defend the game, if both rounds can rely on defense to defend the draw, then Qatar still occupy the direct promotion Absolute initiative.

In the face of Qatar's sudden deployment of the iron barrel formation, China's frontcourt attack has been greatly affected.

Passing from the side in one pass, in the middle, only the Gao plane is considered to have excellent heading ability, the threat caused is very limited.

The martial arts king in the penalty area did not get a chance to grab the second spot at all, and he was marked to death.

Qatar's five-back tactic is to completely lock up its penalty area.

These middle and front field players of the Chinese team used to act as a "wingman" in club games. In the game, they played for those big-name offensive foreign players. When in the game, they need to exert their personal ability to make breakthroughs. Dense defenses to create offensive opportunities for the team.

In the face of Qatar's iron barrel formation, even though the Chinese team has invested a lot of offensive players, they just can no longer create too good shot opportunities in the game, like the first half.

Almost all the players in Qatar are concentrated in the penalty area or in front of the penalty area. They assume the posture of an iron barrel formation, vowing to carry out the defense to the end, and do not intend to give the Chinese team an easy opportunity to attack.

Under Qatar's defense, the game suddenly fell into a stalemate. The Chinese team attacked and Qatar defended, but no one could help each other.

The appearance of this stalemate made many fans very anxious.

Finally, the Chinese team played a **** away game. Knowing that it was a desperate attack, the opponent even put on a barrel formation, watching the team gain power and not score, which made everyone very angry.

However, the time of the second half of the game was still early. As far as Yang Feng was concerned, he didn't want his national team to make his debut, so he was messed up by Qatar...