Football’s First Defender

Chapter 684: Excellent counterattack

   Yang Feng took the ball and attacked directly, and Liverpool's counterattack began.

   Herrera stepped forward directly, trying to form a pressure on Yang Feng with Martial behind him.

   But Yang Feng is not, the kind of reckless guy who only knows to lower his head and dash forward on the court.

   Yang Feng is dribbling forward while observing the surrounding situation.

   Actually, Yang Feng's dribbling speed is not fast. After all, he is a central defender, not a winger.

   So after detecting Manchester United's press and observing the running of his front teammates, Yang Feng didn't delay too much time and sent a long pass directly to the front.

   "I believe Yang Feng will be able to pass it over. All I have to do is find an open space in the opponent's back line."

   After Yang Feng successfully completed the steal, Liverpool's frontcourt players went straight into Manchester United's defensive hinterland to find possible attack space.

Coutinho runs the fastest, faster than several strikers, almost pressing Manchester United's level position of the last defensive player Smolin, except for De Gea, and is ready to meet Yang Feng from the rear at any time Pass.

This kind of long-distance pass has been practiced many times in Liverpool’s private training. For several Liverpool offensive players, what they need to do is to use their running positions to directly create an offensive space. When they run out When there is a chance, Yang Feng in the rear will naturally find a way to pass the ball.

   And Coutinho at the front, almost pressing Smalling's defense at this time, rushed directly into the Manchester United penalty area.

   Yang Feng saw Coutinho running at the forefront, competing with Smalling for speed.

   With a long pass, Yang Feng used a lot of kicking power to ensure that the ball can pass to the position.

   did not hit too much arc, Yang Feng used a pass similar to a pick pass to kick the ball out of a high parabola and flew into Manchester United's penalty area.

   "It's beautiful."

   Coutinho should pay attention to Smalling's position while running to prevent being offside, while also having to glance at the rear to see if Yang Feng has completed the pass.

   After seeing the high-altitude ball flying from behind, Coutinho can also burst his speed to the extreme, rushing directly into Manchester United's penalty area.

   Yang Feng's passing technique was extremely good in controlling the lead of this long pass.

   The landing point is in front of Coutinho's running, a little bit before Manchester United's big penalty area.

   "Coutinho, under Smolin's follow-up defense, accelerated towards the ball's landing."

   "And Manchester United goalkeeper De Gea, this time also abandoned the door to attack."

   "But Yang Feng's pass fell between Coutinho and De Gea."

   Who will kill you? Who can get in touch with football first?

   Coutinho directly maintained a fast forward speed, and then before entering the big penalty area, he maintained the speed and directly took off and rushed forward. Even if it is a small player, it is not a problem to complete a diving.

   At this moment, watching Coutinho's movements, some Van Persie scored in the World Cup that shocked the shadow of the sky.

   However, although Manchester United is also the Spanish national gate, De Gea is not comparable to Cassie, who has already fallen in competitive form when the World Cup was in the first place.

   Higher height, longer wingspan, faster reaction speed, and a more decisive attitude when attacking.

   De Gea took the lead in completing the summit at Coutinho, before the landing.

Leap high while maintaining a forward state, and open arms to the limit in the air to ensure that the largest defensive area is formed. De Gea really blocked this wonderful attack with his right hand. .

   "De Gea! Excellent blocking, also blocked Coutinho's dive to the top."

   "But there are more!"

  Although De Gea blocked the ball, De Gea was only able to barely block the ball between the sparks, and could not make any remedial action immediately.

   was almost blocked in front of Coutinho.

   After Coutinho landed, he immediately climbed to his feet and got up. The first time, under the defense of Smalling, he controlled the football.

   When he was about to be surrounded and there was no room to hit the goal, Coutinho quickly stabbed the ball back and distributed it to Firmino who was following up on the side.

   Firmino greeted the ball and finished the shot directly, hitting the goal with a strong kick.

   De Gea is still forward on the penalty spot, and there is nothing he can do to leak the empty goal.

   In front of the door, only Damian, who had just returned to his defense, was able to resist extremely limited.

   "The ball is scored! The ball is scored!"

   "Firmino, followed up with a long shot from the outside, kicked into the empty goal, and opened the scoring for Liverpool!"

   Liverpool players celebrated with Coutinho and Firmino as the core, but De Gea's angry roar was in his ears.

For De Gea, his own attack has solved the first threat of Liverpool's counterattack, but Manchester United's retired players, with the huge number of 4 defenses and 2 advantages, even let Coutinho grab the first place. At the second point, Firmino completed a kick from outside the penalty area. This was a "crime" for himself by the entire back line.

Looking at the Liverpool players celebrating passionately not far away, and hearing the cheers and singing of the whole stadium, it was a big blow to De Perhaps, he forcibly left Manchester United at the beginning, Would it be a good choice to go to Real Madrid? "

   (Actually, De Gea was wrong about this point. Going to Real Madrid will definitely be more tiring as a goalkeeper. He will find that there is not even a defender next to him.)

   1 to 0 lead. For Liverpool, it means grasping the initiative on the field. This also forces Manchester United to pay more attention to offense and try to win back the score in the away game.

  'S lag in the score made Van Gaal on the sidelines also very upset.

   This lineup, let’s offense, the threat is not that big. The team can provide a limited number of offenses, and offensive talent is also limited. The offense will not be sufficiently threatening, but it still has to bear the threat of Liverpool’s counterattack.

  Don't attack. When the team is behind, you still make a defensive stance. Then you spend your time by yourself, which has a great impact on the morale of the team.

   And the most important thing is that the substitution must wait at least until the beginning of the second half. At this time, there are more than 20 minutes before the end of the first half. Van Gaal does not want to waste it like this.

Van Gaal, who can only strengthen his strength on the offensive end, chose to add a defensive player appropriately. After limiting the forward penetration of other players in the center and back, Fellaini was transferred to the forward line to act as a player. High center forward.

   Such an option is actually very common in the final stage of the Manchester United game, but at such an early time, the tactics of this kind of brainless wing pass were sacrificed. It can also be seen that Manchester United is lacking in offensive tactics today.