Football’s First Defender

Chapter 766: Defensive ability

The main reason for Real Madrid's outstanding performance in the Champions League these seasons is actually the stability of the team's lineup.

Although the team has always had personnel outflow and purchase.

But there has never been a large-scale change.

Every tactical change, one or two players change, will not make the team's overall tactics, there will be too many changes.

Moreover, the Real Madrid team itself, due to its outstanding players, thorough tactical implementation ability, and the ability to respond to occasions on the court, is really relying on the All-Star lineup to play the most suitable game style on the court.

Developed to the era of Zidane, today this Real Madrid not only retains the fast defensive counterattack ability that Real Madrid is good at in the Mourinho era, but also has the understanding of the control of the ball in the era of Ancelotti. .

Coupled with Zidane's own tactical understanding and arrangement, Real Madrid's current tactical choices in the game are quite autonomous.

And this year, in order to defend the title again, Real Madrid faced huge salary pressure and did not let the first team players flow out. The two players purchased, whether it is Morata or Yang Feng, can be very fast in Zidane's view. Integrated into the team's tactics.

After all, Morata originally left Juventus from Real Madrid, so he has a certain understanding and familiarity with Real Madrid's tactics in the past few seasons. After some training, it is not too much to integrate into the team's tactical system. difficult.

As a central defender, Yang Feng's responsibilities on the defensive end do not actually depend on the team's defensive tactics.

As long as Yang Feng can display his own defensive strength, that is enough.

For Zidane, even he has thought that if Yang Feng's defensive strength can overwhelm other central defenders, then like in the late Chelsea or Liverpool era, the defensive command will be directly transferred to Yang Feng's hands and Yang Feng will be fully responsible. , Then Real Madrid's defense is stable enough.

It's just that if you want to help Yang Feng take the lead, you need to look at Yang Feng's own performance.

After several days of restorative training for the team, Zidane specially arranged a training match.

Originally, Zidane wanted to play a training match between the first-team players directly, but due to injuries and illnesses of several players, including Ronaldo, they were unable to recover. The imaginary first-team All-Star match. , But still unable to form.

Zidane can only choose to select a few young players from Castilla to conduct this training match.

Zidane needs to see if Yang Feng's strength can create enough defensive pressure on other players now.

And Yang Feng is also eager to try, after all, and Real Madrid can only play against in the Champions League game, the number of matches is still too few.

Now as a member of the Real Madrid team, facing the strongest offensive firepower of the entire football, Yang Feng also wants to see how he can perform.

Because of the physical fitness of the players themselves, as well as the player’s game status, this training game is only positioned as a small training game of 20 minutes each in the second half. Rata also has two new aids from Yang Feng.

Zidane also emphasized that the blue team's offense should try to find Morata and see how quickly Morata can adapt to the district team's tactics.

The White team is mainly looking for troubles on Yang Feng's defense to test Yang Feng's defensive strength.

See the truth in the game.

Although it was only a training game, everyone's attitude towards the game was very correct.

The first training game after the start of the new season is also an excellent opportunity to leave a good impression on the team coach Zidane.

You know, in addition to certain specific positions, the competitive pressure of players in other positions is still great.

Even to an extreme point, except for Marcelo, Ronaldo, players in other positions, there is no problem in rotation.

Even if it is Bell, Ronaldo, Modric or Cross, it is possible to be rotated.

Today's Real Madrid lineup is so rich.

Cristiano Ronaldo is the symbol of the Real Madrid football team. It is still Real Madrid’s strongest offensive point. Marcelo is due to lack of substitute strength and his own offensive ability is too strong. Although he is a left back, But Marcelo's help for Real Madrid's left attack far exceeds that of a world-class left midfielder.

Cristiano Ronaldo is the end point of Real Madrid in front of the goal, and Marcelo is the engine of Real Madrid's left attack.

Other players have replaced players with similar styles. This is why Zidane forced to retain all players, leaving enough personnel for himself, implementing rotation tactics, ensuring the players’ game state, and controlling their fatigue. Prevent the team from causing injuries.

But even if the rotation tactics are implemented, everyone is a strong player. Which player does not want to wear Real Madrid's shirt and play more time in the game.

Everyone wants to be a safflower, not a green leaf, and the decision is in Zidane’s hands. It also makes everyone understand that when the competition becomes more intense, they can only rely on a better training attitude, and Use your strength to gain Zidane's approval and get the opportunity to play.

Everyone is eager to try, even if it is a warm-up match within the team, but this kind of training match can better allow the players to show their all-round ability in confrontation with each other.

However, in the 40-minute training match, Yang Feng performed the most.

Yang Feng played very well against the offensive line composed of Bell, Benzema, Isco, Modric, Cross and Ronaldo.

Whether it was Bell's counterattack threat or Isco's breakthrough ability, Yang Feng used his excellent personal defensive judgment to completely choke to death in the game.

You know, in the midfield, Modric and Cross played the ball. In the counterattack, Bell was stared at by Yang Feng. Either people rushed over and the ball didn't pass, or In the competition with Yang Feng, he was completely restricted by Yang Feng, unable to complete the competition.

In the game, Bell didn't have much room to play offensively. Yang Feng's choice of defensive positions prevented Bell from showing his own characteristics.

And Yang Feng's team, with "Fat Tiger" Casemiro's excellent interception ability in front, also caused great interference to the opponent's breakthrough.

Among the masters' tricks, sometimes what needs to be seen is the outcome of a move.

But like Isco can beat Casemiro's defense in this move, but there is no spare capacity to make changes in the first time.

And Yang Feng can always appear suddenly when Isco wants to adjust, and play his defensive role to undermine Isco's offense.

Yang Feng used his active running and excellent defensive reading ability to fully understand the opponent's offensive routines and constantly exert pressure on the opponent.

In the end, relying on Yang Feng's defensive performance, Yang Feng's team defeated the opponent 1-0. At least Yang Feng's defensive ability was banned by Linlin.

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