Football’s First Defender

Chapter 928: Bad warm-up match

   Real Madrid’s lineup has actually been built for many years.

  Since the Mourinho era, Real Madrid's main lineup has basically been fixed.

   Although there are new players joining in the middle, some main players leave.

   But the overall framework of Real Madrid has remained very stable, and the entire central axis of the team has remained unchanged.

   And the most important thing is that Real Madrid has maintained the advantages of their respective eras from the era of Mourinho, the era of Ancelotti, to the era of Zidane.

   Among the coaches of the past few years, the tactician Benitez, because he is not good at managing the locker room, has not had time to leave his mark in Madrid, he was swept out.

In the second decade of the 21st century, Real Madrid has become a team in the Champions League, reaching the top four and winning the Champions League three consecutive years, precisely because in addition to the hard power of the team’s players, the ball The variability of team tactics allows Real Madrid to find a way of restraint in the face of any opponent.

But this season, Real Madrid may have encountered a very difficult problem, that is, with the loss of some players but no supplements, relying on the original lineup, whether the Real Madrid players still have enough motivation to go. Fight on all fronts.

  Yes, it was an ordinary game. For a normal game, Real Madrid can still try to play better defensively in the game.

   Compared with Atletico Madrid, where the main lineup is relatively fixed, Real Madrid's frequent rotation not only ensures the relative health of the players, but also ensures that the players have enough physical fitness and energy to cope with the end of the season.

This also makes the past few seasons almost defensive-focused games, but in this critical battle, Real Madrid is uncharacteristically. It can create threats continuously on the offensive end under the situation of suppression. Offense.

   And Lewand, through his own positioning adjustment, to actively find a personal offensive and defensive confrontation with Yang Feng, will further involve Yang Feng's defensive energy, to limit Yang Feng to various defenses, create offensive space for his teammates.

  In Real Madrid's defensive position area, Ramos and Yang Feng are actually guarding their own defensive areas, and Ramos' main task is to mark Lewandowski in the middle.

   But when Lewand took the initiative to look for Yang Feng's side to attack, for the stability of the defensive formation, Yang Feng and Ramos could not switch positions either.

   Recklessly shifting defenses is likely to cause some unexpected situations.

   Yang Feng can only take the opportunity to take the responsibility of defending Lewand. After all, it is a good defensive change to take Lewand from such a big threat and let him leave the more threatening mid lane.

   And Ramos was changed from the man-marking state to the blocking candidate for the team's back line of defense

  , in fact, this kind of defense ability is also possessed by Ramos.

You must know that in the past Real Madrid matches, before Yang Feng came to Real Madrid, in Real Madrid’s past defensive lineup, Pepe and Ramos’s classic central defender combination was Pepe who completed the grab, Ramos used himself Complete various supplementary defenses at a speed that poses a threat to the opponent. The full text of 噺⒏⑴The fastest んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

Although Ramos may be a little worse than Yang Feng in the selection and judgment of supplementary defenses, in terms of actual operation, Ramos can use his own defensive ability, his own enthusiasm, and his own speed. Come here very well and do most of the defense work, even if it seems a little reckless and unstable sometimes, the probability of successful defense is still very high.

Xavi Alonso organized the offense in the midfield. When the forward passing points were all defended by Real Madrid, Alonso himself took the ball and chose to break forward to further mobilize Real Madrid’s defense to find a pass. Ball chance.

   In the case of Alonso's own dribble, Real Madrid's midfield defense is indeed involved.

   After all, although Alonso's age is already old, his work is not weak at his feet. In the case of his dribbling forward, Real Madrid defensive players have to grab the ball and interfere with Alonso's further attack.

   While on the move, Alonso finally found the space for his teammates, but he passed the ball to Ribery who had withdrawn to the left.

After    Ribery received the ball, he did not have too much possession of the ball. Instead, he chose to pass the ball diagonally and directly found Lewandowski, who had just withdrawn from the penalty area.


   This time, Bayern’s offense played the role of Lewand’s fulcrum, using Lewand as the team’s lubricant to launch the team’s offense.

   But even when Lewandowski withdrew to outside the penalty area, he was still under defensive pressure from Yang Feng. Yang Feng has been following Lewandowski.

   Ribery’s pass was very precise and there was no problem, but Yang Feng still caught Lewand’s adjustment time, suddenly chose to stretch his leg from the side to grab the defense and touched the football under Lewand’s feet.

   Although Lewand is trying his best to protect the ball, Yang Feng's tackle is very accurate.

   The ball at Lewan's feet was kicked directly by Yang Feng, and was controlled by Modric nearby.

   This is Yang Feng’s defensive ability, even Lewandone, if you want to have enough offensive space, it’s not so easy under Yang Feng’s defense.


  Under Real Madrid’s very effective defensive formation, Bayern also had to start to change some offensive thinking


   When Ribery and Alaba on the left had no effect, Bayern also chose to go on the right, looking for attacks on Robben and Ram.


   Flying on both wings is also one of Bayern's best tactics. Through the constant offensive on the two sides, Bayern is trying to find the weakness of Real Madrid’s line of defense.


   Peter Pan Robben began to develop his breakthrough ability on the right.

In fact, Real Madrid still has a strong defensive arrangement for Robben. Marcelo actually contributed more on the defensive end today. In addition to Marcelo, the name Tony Cross The former Bayern player was also dedicated to defending Bayern's offense from the right.

  Especially the first defensive block is Tony Cross's targeted defense. Tony Cross has better physical fitness than Robben, and he can use his physical confrontation to limit Robben's breakthrough to the greatest extent.

   Marcelo from the rear can also give Tony Cross a great help to defend Tony Cross, allowing Tony Cross to make some defensive moves with confidence


In response to Bayern’s right-wing attack, Real Madrid’s defense is actually very targeted, that is, it would rather give Lahm a certain chance to pass the ball in the rear, and would definitely not give Robben a chance to let him use his offensive ability. Space


   It is very difficult for Robben to launch an offense. Tony Cross's various constant physical confrontations are in front, and Marcelo actively defends after the impact.

   Whether he wants to make the bottom pass or he wants to hit the goal, he is subject to a lot of defensive interference.

   In such a situation, Robben can only be forced to choose to pass the ball to Ram to help him complete the attack.

  Although Ram’s passing ability is equally good, it’s not that easy to make a long-distance pass and pass to Real Madrid’s penalty area.


   After all, the two central defenders of Real Madrid are very good at headers, and both are world-class central defenders with super defensive capabilities.

   Yang Feng and Ramos controlled a very large space in the penalty area, and the only opponent they faced was Lewandowski.

   Especially after Lewand took the initiative to look for Yang Feng's defense.

   In the confrontation between Yang Feng and Lewand, although he may not have an absolute advantage against some forwards in the past, Lewand also has no advantage.

   The fierce entanglement between the two sides gave each other no good chance to get the absolute initiative in the header.

This time, Ram’s cross was very good, looking in Lewand’s direction, but when the two took off at the same time and then touched the ball at the same time, the ball was only lifted high. There is no way to form an effective attack


   Although it flew out of the ball outside the penalty area, Vidal took the lead and completed a volley.

   But the seemingly threatening gate is actually due to poor control, the ball is too difficult to hit and it goes straight to the bottom line above the crossbar. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   And Real Madrid, after completing many effective defenses, also began to play their due threats on the offensive end.


   Although the focus of Real Madrid's offensive focus is on the pass from the midfielder Modric and Tony Kroos, everyone knows that Real Madrid's real offensive explosive power is still in the offensive ability of the two full-backs.

   Marcelo and Carvajal are the real engines of Real Madrid's threatening attack.

   Especially Marcelo, his overall offensive ability on the left side can effectively help Real Madrid open the situation on the side.


   This time, Marcelo chose to rush to Ram.

   After passing the ball continuously through other Real Madrid teammates, the Bayern defense line was mobilized.

   Transferred the ball to Marcelo in Modric, giving Marcelo a chance to play against Ram one-on-one on the wing.

   Under Marcelo's normal play, in fact, it is definitely not an easy task for Ram to complete Marcelo's defense alone.

   Even if it is a long-established right back like Ram, who has excellent defensive ability, but facing Marcelo, there is still no way to completely limit Marcelo’s offense.


   is like being unable to defend Robben on the other side.

   A powerful attacker on the wing, you don’t know whether his dribbling break from the wing is accelerating to the bottom or whether he wants to cut in suddenly.

   With Marcelo's offensive ability, the threats of both are also not small.

   And this time, while Ram hesitated, Marcelo directly chose to make a breakthrough.

   and chose a volley pass, sweeping the ball directly to the goal


   Outstanding passing power makes this pass very fast.

   The two points in front of the door are Ronaldo and Benzema,

   However, Boateng's defensive position was very good. Before Ronaldo fell to the ground and blocked the pass from the bottom line, he did not give Marcelo and Ronaldo a direct connection.

   The defensive players of the two teams, the central defenders of the two teams have made great contributions to the team's defense in the game


   And Marcelo was also in the scene at this time with open arms and raised up to encourage the fans on the scene.

   Marcelo needs the support of the home fans to show up to improve the morale of the team.

   Tony Cross's cross went directly into the small penalty area.

   And Hummels, who had competed with Ramos in the middle, pushed the ball out again, without directly threatening Real Madrid's corner kick.

   However, Real Madrid still have the advantage of the ball.

   Real Madrid continued to organize the attack with patience on the periphery


   And with Marcelo's outstanding performance, Carvajal on the right is equally good.

   This time Carvajal also played continuous passes with his teammates from the side.


   After all, Real Madrid has a Benzema with the same excellent pivot role.

Benzema's simple offensive threat is not as great as Lewand’s, but Benzema’s ability to hold the ball under his feet and his passing ability allows him to serve as an excellent point of delivery to match Real Madrid’s many offensive players. Continuous transfer fit within a small range


Carvajal, Modric, Benzema, and even, coupled with the continuous passing between Isco on the side, and finally Benzema acted as a fulcrum, sweeping the ball directly to the depths of the right wing. Wajal moved forward quickly, and after getting rid of the defender, before the defender arrived, he sent a straight pass that seemed to pass and shoot.

   is similar to a shot, but also like a pass, anyway, football is going straight to the goal.

  Although there was no Real Madrid player on the path of the ball, and the football changed the line, but the pass within the range of the goal frame with this foot shot also scared Bayern goalkeeper Neuer into a cold sweat.

   Neuer faced the ball and chose to fall to the ground to complete the side throw.

   But although the ball was blocked, but the football was not directly controlled, it bounced the ball to the penalty spot within the penalty area.

   The ball was blocked near the penalty spot, and it was Tony Cross who followed.

   a kick shot directly to the bottom left corner of the goal


   Tony Cross’s iconic putter hits the door.

   This time the ball is controlled very Judging from the path of the ball, Tony Cross can definitely fly straight to the dead corner of the goal.

   But although Neuer hasn’t gotten up yet to complete the second save, when Neuer fell to the ground, Bayern’s defensive players have already begun to consciously retreat to the front to help Neuer complete the defense.


This time it was Boateng again. He hit the goal in front of Tonick Ross’ putter, fell directly to the ground to increase his defensive area, and completely blocked the lower left corner of the goal. The ball hit Boateng’s. Body, rebounded without flying into the goal.

   Boateng’s goal line rescued and helped Neuer keep a goal,

   It can only be said that this game is worthy of a direct confrontation between two super giants, so it has shown very strong strength on both ends of offense and defense.


   On the one hand, the offensive players of both teams are constantly trying to use their personal abilities and teamwork to create offensive opportunities.

   On the other hand, the members of the defensive team of the two teams are also showing their super defensive ability and constantly dissolving the threats created by their opponents.


   Throughout the first half of the game, if the two teams in the first half are constantly trying to find opportunities on the offensive end, and can also create a threatening offensive situation


Then in the second half of the game, as both players’ offensive routines were resolved by the members of the defensive team, and in addition to the physical conditions of Bayern’s players in the opening game, they had some physical conditions in the second half of the first half. , The two teams actually began to calm down, focusing on making no mistakes.