Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 1099

In short, after her life is exposed, he wants to be a good person who has just learned about it and wants to spend a lifetime with her.

"What a pity?" Morcia stared at his regretful expression.

"I can't agree." Mu Yufeng reluctantly spread his hand. "It must be three months before I can let your daughter see you."

"Why the hell!" Morsia was very angry.

Mu Yufeng's helpless expression was very sour. "You are not asking me this question for the first time. I have a bitter feeling and it is inconvenient to answer!"

"Sorrows and pains!" Morsia excitedly patted the coffee table, and the cups in several cases jumped up and down again. "You have a lot of troubles, I will solve it for you!"

"You can't help me." Because of that difficulty, she wanted to marry Cheng Yingxuan's heart and asked her to marry him.

"You are like this, I am not afraid that I will let Han Ming directly vote for Yan Song?" Morcia was very upset.

"You won't." Mu Yufeng determined.

"Why not?"

"Unless you don't want to see your biological daughter in your life."

Moorea was so angry that "you are threatening me! No one has ever dared to threaten Moorea!"

"With the status of Commander Cheng and the power of your Moore family, indeed, no one dared to treat you this way." Mu Yufeng knew that this was the future mother-in-law, and it was inconvenient to completely offend, and she could only pay a smile, "I am for you Daughter is good. By the time, you will understand me."

To kick Yan Shiting out of the game and change himself into a good son-in-law is of course good for her.

"You are not threatening me yet!" Morcia's silver teeth almost bite off, but Mu Yufeng still had a smile with a graceful expression.

He ignored her anger and smiled and said, "Madam, the presidential election, Commander Cheng's vote, and follow-up vote, you have to vote for my father Mu Nian. The reason is that you understand, in order to see your biological future Daughter. Annoyed me, but the net was broken."

Obviously his face was dazzlingly handsome, and Morsia smashed his face with truth, bored, and said nothing.

No way, the soft underbelly was dragged in his hand.

With her character, it is impossible to be threatened by others.

Fortunately, she is just a mother who has been looking forward to more than 20 years and desperately wants to see her own daughter!

For her, not to mention the ballot, as long as she can see her biological daughter, even if she is allowed to change her life, she is willing!

Mu Yufeng didn't want to make her anxious anymore, and brought the tea to her again, "Ma's breathing."

"I can't swallow this breath!"

Mu Yufeng answered unanswered, "After I called my wife, it seemed that the wife came out of Cheng Yingxuan's house late."

She flicked her fierce eye knife angrily, "You guys still send someone to follow me!" Affirmative tone.

"It's just that I happened to live opposite Cheng Yingxuan's house, and the corridor and the elevator were monitored again." The tea cup was stuffed in her hand, and she slowly said, "Did you return from the elevator to the empty space of Cheng Yingxuan's house? Monthly appointment?"

Morcia jumped under her heart, and she felt that Ying Xuan was really like a god, Mu Yufeng really doubted it!

"What do you mean by that? Doubt my character!" She was so displeased on the surface. "Since I promised you, I will not tell anyone who knows my daughter's whereabouts within three months. Naturally anyone Don’t say it! I turned back to make up in the restroom of her house before.